src/generation.lisp @ cf49d1035bcd

Add comments to generation algorithms, clean up `active` code
author Steve Losh <>
date Sun, 26 Jun 2016 17:52:37 +0000
parents 5e5e186a7747
children e897732c9b71
(in-package #:mazes.generation)

(defmacro with-cell-active (cell-place &body body)
     (setf (cell-active ,cell-place) t)
     (progn ,@body)
     (setf (cell-active ,cell-place) nil)))

;;;; Binary Tree
;;; The Binary Tree generation algorithm works by looping through each cell,
;;; choosing either the north or east neighbor at random, and carving out the
;;; wall to it.
;;; For the north and east edges of the map the only viable neighbor is always
;;; picked, which results in signature long corridors on those edges.

(defgenerator binary-tree-generator (grid)
  (grid-loop-cells cell grid
    (with-cell-active cell
      (let ((other (random-elt (full-list (cell-north cell)
                                          (cell-east cell)))))
        (when other
          (cell-link cell other)))

(defun binary-tree (grid)
  (do-generator (_ (binary-tree-generator grid)))

;;;; Sidewinder
;;; The Sidewinder algorithm works by looping over each row.
;;; For each row it loops over the cells to form "runs" of consecutive
;;; horizontal neighbors, randomly deciding when to end a particular run.  Once
;;; a run is ended ("closed") it picks a random cell in the run and carves out
;;; a passage north.
;;; For the top row of the map we never want to carve out to the north wall, so
;;; we never allow the top row to close -- it'll always be a single run.  This
;;; results in a signature long corridor along the top of the maze.

(defgenerator sidewinder-generator (grid)
  (grid-loop-rows row grid
    (loop :with run = nil
          :for cell :across row
          :for at-east-bound = (null (cell-east cell))
          :for at-north-bound = (null (cell-north cell))
          :for should-close = (or at-east-bound
                                  (and (not at-north-bound)
          (with-cell-active cell
            (setf (cell-active-group cell) t)
            (push cell run)
            (if should-close
              (let* ((member (random-elt run))
                     (member-north (cell-north member)))
                (when member-north
                  (setf (cell-active member) t)
                  (cell-link member member-north))
                (setf (cell-active member) nil)
                (loop :for c :in run :do (setf (cell-active-group c) nil))
                (setf run nil))
                (cell-link cell (cell-east cell))

(defun sidewinder (grid)
  (do-generator (_ (sidewinder-generator grid)))

;;;; Aldous-Broder
;;; The Aldous-Broder algorithm picks a random cell and walks to a random
;;; neighbor at each step.  If that neighbor has not been visited yet it carves
;;; out the wall back to the previous cell.
;;; This produces really nice, unbiased mazes but is *really* slow.

(defgenerator aldous-broder-generator (grid)
  (let ((cell (grid-random-cell grid))
        (unvisited (1- (grid-size grid))))
    (while (plusp unvisited)
      (setf (cell-active-group cell) t)
      (let ((neighbor (random-elt (cell-neighbors cell))))
        (with-cell-active cell
          (when (null (cell-links neighbor))
            (cell-link cell neighbor)
            (decf unvisited))
        (setf cell neighbor))))
  (grid-clear-active grid))

(defun aldous-broder (grid)
  (do-generator (_ (aldous-broder-generator grid)))