
Just go ahead and start the shopkeeper

We'll work on making it better when I'm less drunk.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Wed, 18 Jan 2017 00:32:30 +0000 (2017-01-18)
parents 6c0ee26dbcbd
children d5c110b938cb
branches/tags (none)
files Makefile magitek.asd package.lisp src/main.lisp src/robots/hacker-booze.lisp src/robots/rpg-shopkeeper.lisp vendor/make-quickutils.lisp vendor/quickutils.lisp


--- a/Makefile	Tue Jan 17 11:08:42 2017 +0000
+++ b/Makefile	Wed Jan 18 00:32:30 2017 +0000
@@ -15,11 +15,9 @@
 	hg -R /home/sjl/chancery -v pull -u
+	hg -R /home/sjl/cl-losh -v pull -u
-/opt/antipodes/antipodes: update-deps build/antipodes
-	rm -f /opt/antipodes/antipodes
-	cp build/antipodes /opt/antipodes/antipodes
-deploy: build/magitek
+deploy: build/magitek update-deps
 	rsync --exclude=build/magitek --exclude=.hg --exclude=database.sqlite --exclude=corpora -avz . silt:/home/sjl/magitek
+	ssh silt make -C /home/sjl/magitek update-deps
 	ssh silt make -C /home/sjl/magitek build/magitek
--- a/magitek.asd	Tue Jan 17 11:08:42 2017 +0000
+++ b/magitek.asd	Wed Jan 18 00:32:30 2017 +0000
@@ -37,5 +37,6 @@
                              (:file "markov")
                              (:module "robots"
                               :components ((:file "git-commands")
-                                           (:file "hacker-booze")))
+                                           (:file "hacker-booze")
+                                           (:file "rpg-shopkeeper")))
                              (:file "main")))))
--- a/package.lisp	Tue Jan 17 11:08:42 2017 +0000
+++ b/package.lisp	Wed Jan 18 00:32:30 2017 +0000
@@ -46,6 +46,16 @@
   (:export :random-string))
+(defpackage :magitek.robots.rpg-shopkeeper
+  (:use
+    :cl
+    :iterate
+    :cl-arrows
+    :losh
+    :chancery
+    :magitek.quickutils)
+  (:export :random-string))
 (defpackage :magitek.robots.hacker-booze
--- a/src/main.lisp	Tue Jan 17 11:08:42 2017 +0000
+++ b/src/main.lisp	Wed Jan 18 00:32:30 2017 +0000
@@ -28,4 +28,6 @@
   (run-bot :git-commands #'magitek.robots.git-commands:random-string
+           :hours 12)
+  (run-bot :rpg-shopkeeper #'magitek.robots.rpg-shopkeeper:random-string
            :hours 12))
--- a/src/robots/hacker-booze.lisp	Tue Jan 17 11:08:42 2017 +0000
+++ b/src/robots/hacker-booze.lisp	Wed Jan 18 00:32:30 2017 +0000
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 ;;;; Hacker News --------------------------------------------------------------
 (defparameter *errors* 0)
-(defparameter *stories-per-corpus* 20)
-(defparameter *max-comments-per-story* 100)
+(defparameter *stories-per-corpus* 30)
+(defparameter *max-comments-per-story* 200)
 (defparameter *hn-corpus-path* "corpora/hacker-news.txt")
 (defun firebase-get (url)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/robots/rpg-shopkeeper.lisp	Wed Jan 18 00:32:30 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+(in-package :magitek.robots.rpg-shopkeeper)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :chancery)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  ;;; please just end my life
+  (defmacro ea (&body body)
+    `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+       ,@body)))
+;;;; General ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(define-rule (bonus :distribution (:zipf :exponent 1.8))
+  1 2 3 4 5)
+(ea (defun str (symbol)
+      (string-downcase (symbol-name symbol))))
+;;;; Materials ----------------------------------------------------------------
+(defclass* material ()
+  (name multiplier))
+(defun make-material (name multiplier)
+  (make-instance 'material :name name :multiplier multiplier))
+(defmethod print-object ((o material) s)
+  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t)
+    (princ (material-name o) s)))
+(defmacro define-material (name multiplier)
+  `(defparameter ,(symb '* name '*)
+     (make-material ,(string-downcase (substitute #\space #\- (symbol-name name)))
+                    ,multiplier)))
+(define-material iron 1.0)
+(define-material steel 1.5)
+(define-material silver 2.0)
+(define-material meteoric-iron 4.0)
+(define-material mithril 10.0)
+(define-material adamantine 11.0)
+(define-material cloth 1.0)
+(define-material leather 1.5)
+(define-material silk 2.0)
+(define-material spider-silk 6.0)
+(define-material pine 1.0) ; http://www.wood-database.com/wood-articles/bow-woods/
+(define-material poplar 1.2)
+(define-material walnut 1.3)
+(define-material maple 2.0)
+(define-material oak 3.0)
+(define-material yew 5.0)
+(define-material rosewood 10.0)
+(define-rule (metal :distribution :zipf)
+  *iron*
+  *steel*
+  *silver*
+  *meteoric-iron*
+  *mithril*
+  *adamantine*)
+(define-rule (textile :distribution :weighted)
+  (1.00 *cloth*)
+  (1.00 *leather*)
+  (0.80 *silk*)
+  (0.01 *spider-silk*))
+(define-rule (wood :distribution (:zipf :exponent 0.8))
+  *pine*
+  *poplar*
+  *walnut*
+  *maple*
+  *oak*
+  *yew*
+  *rosewood*)
+;;;; Monsters -----------------------------------------------------------------
+(defclass* monster ()
+  (singular multiplier plural adjective))
+(defun make-monster (singular multiplier plural adjective)
+  (make-instance 'monster
+    :singular singular
+    :multiplier multiplier
+    :plural plural
+    :adjective adjective))
+(defmethod print-object ((o monster) s)
+  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t)
+    (princ (monster-singular o) s)))
+(defmacro define-monster (singular multiplier plural adjective)
+  `(defparameter ,(symb '* singular '*)
+     (make-monster
+       ,(str singular)
+       ,multiplier
+       ,(str plural)
+       ,(str adjective))))
+(define-monster goblin   1.00 goblins   goblin)
+(define-monster kobold   1.00 kobolds   kobold)
+(define-monster elf      1.00 elves     elven)
+(define-monster dwarf    1.00 dwarves   dwarven)
+(define-monster halfling 1.00 halflings halfling)
+(define-monster gnome    1.00 gnomes    gnomish)
+(define-monster gnoll    1.10 gnolls    gnollish)
+(define-monster ogre     1.20 ogres     ogre)
+(define-monster troll    1.60 trolls    troll)
+(define-monster vampire  5.00 vampires  vampire)
+(define-monster dragon   9.00 dragons   dragon)
+(define-rule (monster :distribution :weighted)
+  (1.00 *goblin*)
+  (1.00 *kobold*)
+  (1.00 *elf*)
+  (1.00 *dwarf*)
+  (1.00 *halfling*)
+  (1.00 *gnome*)
+  (1.00 *ogre*)
+  (1.00 *troll*)
+  (1.00 *gnoll*)
+  (0.10 *vampire*)
+  (0.01 *dragon*))
+;;;; Roles --------------------------------------------------------------------
+(define-rule role
+  "cleric"
+  "warrior"
+  "wizard"
+  "rogue")
+;;;; Elements -----------------------------------------------------------------
+(define-rule element
+  ("ice"         "icy")
+  ("fire"        "flaming")
+  ("electricity" "electrified")
+  ("poison"      "venomous"))
+;;;; Armor --------------------------------------------------------------------
+(define-rule armor-piece
+  "scale mail"
+  "ring mail"
+  "chain mail"
+  "plate mail")
+(define-rule clothing-piece
+  "robe"
+  "shirt"
+  "pants"
+  "dress"
+  "skirt")
+(define-rule armor-enchantment
+  (:protection-from monster)
+  (:resistance element)
+  (:bonus bonus))
+(define-rule vanilla-armor
+  (metal armor-piece)
+  (textile clothing-piece))
+(define-rule (armor :distribution :weighted)
+  (2 (vanilla-armor nil))
+  (1 (vanilla-armor armor-enchantment)))
+(defgeneric enchanted-armor-description
+  (base enchantment-type enchantment-arguments))
+(defmethod enchanted-armor-description
+    (base (e (eql :protection-from)) enchantment-args)
+  (destructuring-bind (monster) enchantment-args
+    (format nil "~A of protection from ~A" base (monster-plural monster))))
+(defmethod enchanted-armor-description
+    (base (e (eql :resistance)) enchantment-args)
+  (destructuring-bind ((noun adjective)) enchantment-args
+    (declare (ignore adjective))
+    (format nil "~A of ~A resistance" base noun)))
+(defmethod enchanted-armor-description
+    (base (e (eql :bonus)) enchantment-args)
+  (destructuring-bind (val) enchantment-args
+    (format nil "+~D ~A" val base)))
+(defun vanilla-armor-description (vanilla-armor)
+  (destructuring-bind (material piece) vanilla-weapon
+    (format nil "~A ~A" (material-name material) piece)))
+(defun armor-description (armor)
+  (destructuring-bind (vanilla enchant) armor
+    (let ((vanilla-description (vanilla-armor-description vanilla)))
+      (if enchant
+        (enchanted-armor-description vanilla-description
+                                     (first enchant)
+                                     (rest enchant))
+        vanilla-description))))
+;;;; Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(define-rule melee-weapon
+  "dagger"
+  "longsword"
+  "short sword"
+  "hand axe"
+  "battleaxe"
+  "spear"
+  "halberd"
+  "scythe"
+  "scimitar"
+  "lance"
+  "hammer"
+  "staff"
+  "mace"
+  "flail")
+(define-rule (bow-weapon :distribution :weighted)
+  (2 "shortbow")
+  (2 "longbow")
+  (1 "crossbow")
+  (1 "compound bow"))
+(define-rule weapon-enchantment
+  (:slaying monster)
+  (:element element)
+  (:bonus bonus))
+(define-rule vanilla-weapon
+  (metal melee-weapon)
+  (wood bow-weapon))
+(define-rule (weapon :distribution :weighted)
+  (1 (vanilla-weapon nil))
+  (1 (vanilla-weapon weapon-enchantment)))
+(defgeneric enchanted-weapon-description
+  (base enchantment-type enchantment-arguments))
+(defmethod enchanted-weapon-description
+    (base (e (eql :slaying)) enchantment-args)
+  (destructuring-bind (monster) enchantment-args
+    (format nil "~A of ~A-slaying" base (monster-singular monster))))
+(defmethod enchanted-weapon-description
+    (base (e (eql :element)) enchantment-args)
+  (destructuring-bind (element) enchantment-args
+    (format nil "~A ~A" (second element) base)))
+(defmethod enchanted-weapon-description
+    (base (e (eql :bonus)) enchantment-args)
+  (destructuring-bind (val) enchantment-args
+    (format nil "+~D ~A" val base)))
+(defun vanilla-weapon-description (vanilla-weapon)
+  (destructuring-bind (material piece) vanilla-weapon
+    (format nil "~A ~A" (material-name material) piece)))
+(defun weapon-description (weapon)
+  (destructuring-bind (vanilla enchant) weapon
+    (let ((vanilla-description (vanilla-weapon-description vanilla)))
+      (if enchant
+        (enchanted-weapon-description vanilla-description
+                                      (first enchant)
+                                      (rest enchant))
+        vanilla-description))))
+;;;; Flavor -------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defparameter *monster* nil)
+(define-string sales-pitch
+  "Only used once!"
+  "Brand new!"
+  ("I bought it from" [(eval (monster-adjective (monster))) a] role :. ".")
+  "This is gonna go fast!")
+;;;; Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+(define-rule item
+  (eval (weapon-description (weapon)))
+  (eval (armor-description (armor))))
+(define-string offer
+  ("FOR SALE:" #\newline :.
+   [item cap] #\newline :.
+   sales-pitch))
+;;;; API ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun random-string ()
+  (offer))
--- a/vendor/make-quickutils.lisp	Tue Jan 17 11:08:42 2017 +0000
+++ b/vendor/make-quickutils.lisp	Wed Jan 18 00:32:30 2017 +0000
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
   :utilities '(
+               :compose
@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
+               :symb
--- a/vendor/quickutils.lisp	Tue Jan 17 11:08:42 2017 +0000
+++ b/vendor/quickutils.lisp	Wed Jan 18 00:32:30 2017 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ;;;; See http://quickutil.org for details.
 ;;;; To regenerate:
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (unless (find-package "MAGITEK.QUICKUTILS")
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
 (when (boundp '*utilities*)
   (setf *utilities* (union *utilities* '(:MAKE-GENSYM-LIST :ENSURE-FUNCTION
-                                         :CURRY :ENSURE-BOOLEAN :ENSURE-GETHASH
-                                         :ENSURE-LIST :TAKE :N-GRAMS :ONCE-ONLY
-                                         :RCURRY :WITH-OPEN-FILE*
-                                         :WITH-INPUT-FROM-FILE
-                                         :READ-FILE-INTO-STRING
+                                         :COMPOSE :CURRY :ENSURE-BOOLEAN
+                                         :ENSURE-GETHASH :ENSURE-LIST :TAKE
+                                         :N-GRAMS :ONCE-ONLY :RCURRY
+                                         :WITH-OPEN-FILE* :WITH-INPUT-FROM-FILE
+                                         :READ-FILE-INTO-STRING :MKSTR :SYMB
                                          :STRING-DESIGNATOR :WITH-GENSYMS
@@ -46,6 +46,35 @@
         (fdefinition function-designator)))
   )                                        ; eval-when
+  (defun compose (function &rest more-functions)
+    "Returns a function composed of `function` and `more-functions` that applies its ;
+arguments to to each in turn, starting from the rightmost of `more-functions`,
+and then calling the next one with the primary value of the last."
+    (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
+    (reduce (lambda (f g)
+              (let ((f (ensure-function f))
+                    (g (ensure-function g)))
+                (lambda (&rest arguments)
+                  (declare (dynamic-extent arguments))
+                  (funcall f (apply g arguments)))))
+            more-functions
+            :initial-value function))
+  (define-compiler-macro compose (function &rest more-functions)
+    (labels ((compose-1 (funs)
+               (if (cdr funs)
+                   `(funcall ,(car funs) ,(compose-1 (cdr funs)))
+                   `(apply ,(car funs) arguments))))
+      (let* ((args (cons function more-functions))
+             (funs (make-gensym-list (length args) "COMPOSE")))
+        `(let ,(loop for f in funs for arg in args
+                     collect `(,f (ensure-function ,arg)))
+           (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
+           (lambda (&rest arguments)
+             (declare (dynamic-extent arguments))
+             ,(compose-1 funs))))))
   (defun curry (function &rest arguments)
     "Returns a function that applies `arguments` and the arguments
 it is called with to `function`."
@@ -210,6 +239,23 @@
               :while (= bytes-read buffer-size)))))))
+  (defun mkstr (&rest args)
+    "Receives any number of objects (string, symbol, keyword, char, number), extracts all printed representations, and concatenates them all into one string.
+Extracted from _On Lisp_, chapter 4."
+    (with-output-to-string (s)
+      (dolist (a args) (princ a s))))
+  (defun symb (&rest args)
+    "Receives any number of objects, concatenates all into one string with `#'mkstr` and converts them to symbol.
+Extracted from _On Lisp_, chapter 4.
+See also: `symbolicate`"
+    (values (intern (apply #'mkstr args))))
   (deftype string-designator ()
     "A string designator type. A string designator is either a string, a symbol,
 or a character."
@@ -281,8 +327,8 @@
       (write-sequence string file-stream)))
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-  (export '(curry ensure-boolean ensure-gethash ensure-list n-grams once-only
-            rcurry read-file-into-string with-gensyms with-unique-names
-            write-string-into-file)))
+  (export '(compose curry ensure-boolean ensure-gethash ensure-list n-grams
+            once-only rcurry read-file-into-string symb with-gensyms
+            with-unique-names write-string-into-file)))
 ;;;; END OF quickutils.lisp ;;;;