src/robots/rpg-shopkeeper.lisp @ 0d7c61117f41

author Steve Losh <>
date Thu, 19 Jan 2017 23:48:34 +0000
parents 5ac0bb8b19b5
children 059f10f16431
(in-package :magitek.robots.rpg-shopkeeper)
(named-readtables:in-readtable :chancery)

;;;; Utils --------------------------------------------------------------------
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (defun muffenize (str)
    (symb '* (string-upcase (substitute #\- #\space str)) '*)))

(defmacro maybe (expr &optional (chance 0.5))
  `(when (randomp ,chance)

;;;; General ------------------------------------------------------------------
(define-rule (bonus :distribution (:zipf :exponent 1.8))
  1 2 3 4 5)

;;;; Monsters -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* monster ()
  (singular multiplier plural adjective))

(defun make-monster (singular multiplier plural adjective)
  (make-instance 'monster
    :singular singular
    :multiplier multiplier
    :plural plural
    :adjective adjective))

(defmethod print-object ((o monster) s)
  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t)
    (princ (monster-singular o) s)))

(defmacro define-monster (singular multiplier plural adjective)
  `(defparameter ,(muffenize singular)

(define-monster "goblin"   1.00 "goblins"   "goblin")
(define-monster "kobold"   1.00 "kobolds"   "kobold")
(define-monster "elf"      1.00 "elves"     "elven")
(define-monster "dwarf"    1.00 "dwarves"   "dwarven")
(define-monster "halfling" 1.00 "halflings" "halfling")
(define-monster "gnome"    1.00 "gnomes"    "gnomish")
(define-monster "gnoll"    1.10 "gnolls"    "gnollish")
(define-monster "ogre"     1.20 "ogres"     "ogre")
(define-monster "troll"    1.60 "trolls"    "troll")
(define-monster "vampire"  5.00 "vampires"  "vampire")
(define-monster "dragon"   9.00 "dragons"   "dragon")

(define-rule (monster :distribution :weighted)
  (1.00 !*goblin*)
  (1.00 !*kobold*)
  (1.00 !*elf*)
  (1.00 !*dwarf*)
  (1.00 !*halfling*)
  (1.00 !*gnome*)
  (1.00 !*ogre*)
  (1.00 !*troll*)
  (1.00 !*gnoll*)
  (0.10 !*vampire*)
  (0.01 !*dragon*))

;;;; Materials ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* material ()
  (kind name multiplier))

(defun make-material (kind name multiplier)
  (make-instance 'material :kind kind :name name :multiplier multiplier))

(defmethod print-object ((o material) s)
  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t)
    (princ (material-name o) s)))

(defmacro define-material (kind name multiplier)
  `(defparameter ,(muffenize name)
     (make-material ,kind ,name ,multiplier)))

(define-material :metal "iron" 1.0)
(define-material :metal "steel" 1.5)
(define-material :metal "silver" 5.0)
(define-material :metal "meteoric iron" 10.0)
(define-material :metal "mithril" 50.0)
(define-material :metal "adamantine" 60.0)
(define-material :textile "cloth" 1.0)
(define-material :textile "leather" 1.5)
(define-material :textile "silk" 2.0)
(define-material :textile "spider silk" 6.0)
(define-material :wood "pine" 1.0) ;
(define-material :wood "poplar" 1.2)
(define-material :wood "walnut" 1.3)
(define-material :wood "maple" 2.0)
(define-material :wood "oak" 3.0)
(define-material :wood "yew" 5.0)
(define-material :wood "rosewood" 10.0)
(define-material :skin "leather" 1.0)

(define-rule (metal :distribution :zipf)

(define-rule (textile :distribution :weighted)
  (1.00 !*cloth*)
  (1.00 !*leather*)
  (0.80 !*silk*)
  (0.01 !*spider-silk*))

(define-rule (wood :distribution (:zipf :exponent 0.8))

(define-rule (skin :distribution :weighted)
  (3 !*leather*)
  (1 !(let ((monster (monster)))
        (make-material :skin
                       $(!(monster-singular monster) :. "skin")
                       (1+ (monster-multiplier monster))))))

(define-string material-picture-wood
  "carved with images of"
  "covered in carvings of"
  "painted with pictures of")

(define-string material-picture-metal
  "engraved with an image of"
  "etched with a picture of"
  "painted with images of")

(define-string material-picture-textile
  "sewn with pictures of"
  "embroidered with images of")

(define-string material-picture-skin
  "dyed with images of"
  "sewn with pictures of"
  "embossed with drawings of")

(defun material-picture (material)
  (ecase (material-kind material)
    (:metal (material-picture-metal))
    (:wood (material-picture-wood))
    (:textile (material-picture-textile))
    (:skin (material-picture-skin))))

;;;; Roles --------------------------------------------------------------------
(define-rule role

;;;; Elements -----------------------------------------------------------------
(define-rule element
  ("good"      "holy")
  ("evil"      "unholy")
  ("ice"       "icy")
  ("fire"      "flaming")
  ("lightning" "electrified")
  ("poison"    "venomous"))

;;;; Pieces -------------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* piece ()
  (name base-value))

(defmethod print-object ((o piece) stream)
  (print-unreadable-object (o stream :type t)
    (princ (piece-name o) stream)))

(defmacro define-piece (name base-value)
  `(defparameter ,(muffenize name)
     (make-instance 'piece
       :name ,name
       :base-value ,base-value)))

;;;; Ornaments ----------------------------------------------------------------
(define-string ornament-scene
  "a strange land"
  ([monster monster-plural] "fighting" [monster monster-plural])
  ("a famous" [monster monster-singular] role))

(define-string word-adjective

(define-string word-noun

(define-string ornament-words
  ("covered in" word-adjective word-noun))

(define-rule (ornament :arguments (material))
  !$(!(material-picture material) ornament-scene)

;;;; Enchantments -------------------------------------------------------------
(define-rule enchant-armor
  (:protection monster)
  (:resistance element)
  (:bonus bonus))

(define-rule enchant-weapon
  (:slaying monster)
  (:element element)
  (:bonus bonus))

(defun enchantment-multiplier (enchantment)
  (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
  (ecase (first enchantment)
    ((nil) 1.0)
    ((:protection :slaying) (+ 2.0 (monster-multiplier (second enchantment))))
    ((:resistance :element) 5.0)
    (:bonus (expt 2.0 (second enchantment)))))

(defgeneric enchanted-armor-description
  (base enchantment-type enchantment-arguments))

(defmethod enchanted-armor-description
    (base (e (eql :protection)) enchantment-args)
  (destructuring-bind (monster) enchantment-args
    (format nil "~A of protection from ~A" base (monster-plural monster))))

(defmethod enchanted-armor-description
    (base (e (eql :resistance)) enchantment-args)
  (destructuring-bind ((noun adjective)) enchantment-args
    (declare (ignore adjective))
    (format nil "~A of ~A resistance" base noun)))

(defmethod enchanted-armor-description
    (base (e (eql :bonus)) enchantment-args)
  (destructuring-bind (val) enchantment-args
    (format nil "+~D ~A" val base)))

(defgeneric enchanted-weapon-description
  (base enchantment-type enchantment-arguments))

(defmethod enchanted-weapon-description
    (base (e (eql :slaying)) enchantment-args)
  (destructuring-bind (monster) enchantment-args
    (format nil "~A of ~A-slaying" base (monster-singular monster))))

(defmethod enchanted-weapon-description
    (base (e (eql :element)) enchantment-args)
  (destructuring-bind (element) enchantment-args
    (format nil "~A ~A" (second element) base)))

(defmethod enchanted-weapon-description
    (base (e (eql :bonus)) enchantment-args)
  (destructuring-bind (val) enchantment-args
    (format nil "+~D ~A" val base)))

;;;; Armor --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* armor ()
  (material piece enchantment ornament))

(define-with-macro armor
  material piece enchantment ornament)

(define-piece "scale mail" 50)
(define-piece "ring mail" 50)
(define-piece "chain mail" 150)
(define-piece "breastplate" 200)
(define-piece "plate mail" 350)

(define-rule (piece-armor :distribution (:zipf :exponent 0.6))

(define-piece "robe" 10)
(define-piece "shirt" 5)
(define-piece "pants" 5)
(define-piece "dress" 9)
(define-piece "skirt" 5)

(define-rule piece-clothing

(define-rule (vanilla-armor :distribution :weighted)
  (1 (metal piece-armor))
  (1 (textile piece-clothing))
  (0.2 (skin piece-clothing)))

(define-rule (armor% :distribution :weighted)
  (2 (vanilla-armor nil))
  (1 (vanilla-armor enchant-armor)))

(defun armor ()
  (destructuring-bind ((material piece) enchantment)
    (make-instance 'armor
      :material material
      :piece piece
      :enchantment enchantment
      :ornament (ornament material))))

(defun armor-value (armor)
  (with-armor (armor)
    (* (+ (* (-> piece piece-base-value)
             (-> material material-multiplier))
          (if enchantment 100 0)
          (if ornament 10 0))
       (enchantment-multiplier enchantment)
       (if ornament 1.5 1.0))))

(defun vanilla-armor-description (vanilla-armor)
  (format nil "~A ~A"
          (-> vanilla-armor armor-material material-name)
          (-> vanilla-armor armor-piece piece-name)))

(defun armor-description (armor)
  (let ((vanilla-description (vanilla-armor-description armor))
        (enchantment (armor-enchantment armor))
        (ornament (armor-ornament armor)))
    (concatenate 'string
                 (if enchantment
                   (enchanted-armor-description vanilla-description
                                                (first enchantment)
                                                (rest enchantment))
                 (if ornament
                   (format nil ", ~A" ornament)

; ;;;; Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* weapon ()
  (material piece enchantment ornament))

(define-with-macro weapon
  material piece enchantment ornament)

(define-piece "dagger" 5)
(define-piece "longsword" 50)
(define-piece "short sword" 20)
(define-piece "hand axe" 30)
(define-piece "battleaxe" 80)
(define-piece "spear" 20)
(define-piece "halberd" 80)
(define-piece "scythe" 50)
(define-piece "scimitar" 50)
(define-piece "lance" 70)
(define-piece "warhammer" 80)
(define-piece "staff" 5)
(define-piece "mace" 25)
(define-piece "flail" 45)
(define-piece "sling" 5)

(define-rule piece-melee

(define-piece "shortbow" 35)
(define-piece "longbow" 60)
(define-piece "crossbow" 80)
(define-piece "compound bow" 80)

(define-rule (piece-bow :distribution :weighted)
  (2 !*shortbow*)
  (2 !*longbow*)
  (1 !*crossbow*)
  (1 !*compound-bow*))

(define-rule piece-sling

(define-rule (vanilla-weapon :distribution :weighted)
  (2 (metal piece-melee))
  (1 (wood piece-bow))
  (0.5 (skin piece-sling)))

(define-rule (weapon% :distribution :weighted)
  (2 (vanilla-weapon nil))
  (1 (vanilla-weapon enchant-weapon)))

(defun weapon ()
  (destructuring-bind ((material piece) enchantment)
    (make-instance 'weapon
      :material material
      :piece piece
      :enchantment enchantment
      :ornament (ornament material))))

(defun weapon-value (weapon)
  (with-weapon (weapon)
    (* (+ (* (-> piece piece-base-value)
             (-> material material-multiplier))
          (if enchantment 100 0)
          (if ornament 10 0))
       (enchantment-multiplier enchantment)
       (if ornament 1.5 1.0))))

(defun vanilla-weapon-description (vanilla-weapon)
  (with-weapon (vanilla-weapon)
    (format nil "~A ~A"
            (-> material material-name)
            (-> piece piece-name))))

(defun weapon-description (weapon)
  (let ((vanilla-description (vanilla-weapon-description weapon))
        (enchantment (weapon-enchantment weapon))
        (ornament (weapon-ornament weapon)))
    (concatenate 'string
                 (if enchantment
                   (enchanted-weapon-description vanilla-description
                                                 (first enchantment)
                                                 (rest enchantment))
                 (if ornament
                   (format nil ", ~A" ornament)

;;;; Flavor -------------------------------------------------------------------
(define-string fluid

(define-string sales-pitch
  "Only used once!"
  "Brand new!"
  ("That" fluid "will wash right off...")
  "You won't find a better deal!"
  "This could save your life!"
  "It breaks my heart to part with it..."
  "Its last owner... doesn't need it anymore."
  ("I bought it from" [monster monster-adjective a] role :. ".")
  "Look at the workmanship!"
  "This is gonna go fast!")

;;;; Prices -------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun round-to (n sigfigs)
  (let* ((digits (ceiling (log n 10)))
         (div (expt 10 (max 0 (- digits sigfigs)))))
    (-<> n
      (round <> div)
      (* <> div))))

(defun sanitize-price (price)
  (let ((price (round-to price 3)))
      ((< price 50) price)
      ((in-range-p 50 price 100) (* 5 (round price 5)))
      ((in-range-p 100 price 1000) (* 10 (round price 10)))
      (t price))))

(defun item-value (item)
  (-<> (etypecase item
         (armor (armor-value item))
         (weapon (weapon-value item)))
    (sanitize-price <>)
    (format nil "~:D" <>)))

(define-string for-the-low-price
  "yours for the low, low price of"
  "for you, only"
  "on clearance for just"
  "a steal at"
  "on sale for")

;;;; Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(define-rule item

(defun item-description (item)
  (etypecase item
    (armor (armor-description item))
    (weapon (weapon-description item))))

(defun offer ()
  (let ((item (item)))
    $("FOR SALE:" [!item item-description cap] :. "."
      [for-the-low-price cap] [!item item-value] "GP."
      :. #\newline #\newline :.

(defun dump ()
  (loop :repeat 10 :do
        (print '-------------------------------)
        (princ (offer))))

;;;; API ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun random-string ()