--- a/chapters/09.markdown Fri Oct 07 21:47:47 2011 -0400
+++ b/chapters/09.markdown Fri Oct 07 22:48:24 2011 -0400
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+More Mappings
+I know we've talked a lot about mappings so far, but we're going to practice
+them again now. Mappings are one of the easiest, fastest ways to make your Vim
+editing more productive, so it's good to focus on them quite a bit.
+One concept that has showed up in several examples but that we haven't
+explicitly talked about is mapping a sequence of multiple keys.
+Run the following command:
+ :nnoremap jk dd
+Now make sure you're in normal mode and press `j` followed quickly by `k`. Vim
+will delete the current line.
+Now try pressing only `j` and waiting for a bit. If you don't press `k` quickly
+after the `j`, Vim decides that you don't want to active the mapping and instead
+runs the normal `j` functionality (moving down a line).
+This mapping will make it painful to move around our file, so lets remove it.
+Run the following command:
+ :nunmap jk
+Now typing `jk` in normal mode will move down and then up a line as usual.
+A More Complicated Mapping
+You've seen a bunch of simple mappings so far, so it's time to look at something
+with a bit more meat to it. Run the following command:
+ :nnoremap <leader>" viw<esc>a"<esc>hviwo<esc>i"<esc>lel
+Now *that's* an interesting mapping! First, go ahead and try it out. Enter
+normal mode, put your cursor over a word in your text and type `<leader>"`. Vim
+will surround the word in double quotes!
+How does this work? Let's split it apart into pieces and think of what each one
+ viw<esc>a"<esc>hviwo<esc>i"<esc>lel
+* `viw`: visually select the current word
+* `<esc>`: exit visual mode, which leaves the cursor on the last character of
+ the word
+* `a`: enter insert mode *after* the current character
+* `"`: insert a `"` into the text, because we're in insert mode
+* `<esc>`: return to normal mode
+* `h`: move left one character
+* `viw`: visually select the word once again
+* `o`: move the cursor to the opposite side of the visual selection
+* `<esc>`: exit visual mode, which leaves the cursor on the *first* character of
+ the word this time
+* `i`: enter insert mode *before* the current character
+* `"`: insert a `"` into the text again
+* `<esc>`: return to normal mode
+* `l`: move right, which puts our cursor on the first character of the word
+* `e`: move to the end of the word
+* `l`: move right, which puts our cursor over the ending quote
+Remember: because we used `nnoremap` instead of `nmap` it doesn't matter if
+we've mapped any of the keys in this sequence to something else. Vim will use
+the default functionality for everything in the sequence.
+Hopefully you can see how much potential Vim's mappings have, as well as how
+unreadable they can become.
+Create a mapping similar to the one we just looked at, but for single quotes
+instead of double quotes.
+Try using `vnoremap` to add a mapping that will wrap whatever text you have
+*visually selected* in quotes. You'll probably need the `gv` command for this,
+so read up on it with `:help gv`.
+Map `H` in normal mode to go to the beginning of the current line. Since `h`
+moves left you can think of `H` as a "stronger" `h`.
+Map `L` in normal mode to go to the end of the current line. Since `l`
+moves right you can think of `L` as a "stronger" `l`.
+Find out what commands you just overwrote by reading `:help H` and `:help L`.
+Decide whether you care about them (you probably won't).
+Add all of these mappings to your `~/.vimrc` file, making sure to use your "edit
+`~/.vimrc`" and "source `~/.vimrc`" mappings to do so.
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+Training Your Fingers
+In this chapter we're going to talk about how to learn Vim more effectively, but
+we need to do a bit of preparation first.
+Let's set up one more mapping that will save more wear on your left hand than
+any other mapping you ever create. Run the following command:
+ :inoremap jk <esc>
+Now enter insert mode and type `jk`. Vim will act as if you pressed the escape
+key and return you to normal mode.
+There are a number of ways to exit insert mode in Vim:
+* The escape key
+* `<c-c>`
+* `<c-[>`
+Each of those requires you to stretch your fingers uncomfortably. Using `jk` is
+great, because the keys are right under two of your strongest fingers and you
+don't have to perform a chord.
+Some people prefer using `jj` instead of `jk`, but I prefer `jk` for two
+* It's typed with two separate keys, so you can "roll" your fingers instead of
+ using the same one twice.
+* Pressing `jk` in normal mode out of habit will move down and then up, leaving
+ you exactly where you started. Using `jj` in normal mode will move you to
+ a different place in your file.
+Learning the Map
+Now that you've got a great new mapping, how can you learn to use it? Chances
+are you've already got the escape key in your muscle memory, so in the heat of
+coding you'll hit it without even thinking.
+The trick to relearning a mapping is to *force* yourself to use it by
+*disabling* the old key(s). Run the following command:
+ :inoremap <esc> <nop>
+This effectively disables the escape key in insert mode by telling Vim to
+perform `<nop>` (no operation) instead.
+Now you *have* to use your `jk` mapping to exit insert mode. At first you'll
+forget, type escape and start trying to do something in normal mode and you'll
+wind up with stray characters in your text.
+It will be frustrating, but if you stick with it you'll be surprised at how fast
+your mind and fingers absorb the new mapping. Within an hour or two you won't
+be accidentally hitting escape any more.
+This idea applies to any new mapping you create to replace an old one, and even
+to life in general. When you want to change a habit, make it harder or
+impossible to do!
+If you want to start cooking meals instead of microwaving TV dinners, don't buy
+any TV dinners when you go shopping. You'll cook some real food when you get
+hungry enough.
+If you want to quit smoking, always leave your cigarettes in your car's trunk.
+When you get the urge to have a casual cigarette you'll think of what a pain in
+the ass it will be to walk out to the car and are less likely to bother doing
+If you still find yourself using the arrow keys to navigate around Vim in normal
+mode, map them to `<nop>` to make yourself stop.
+If you still use the arrow keys in insert mode, map them to `<nop>` there too.
+The right way to use Vim is to get out of insert mode as soon as you can and use
+normal mode to move around.
--- a/outline.org Fri Oct 07 21:47:47 2011 -0400
+++ b/outline.org Fri Oct 07 22:48:24 2011 -0400
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
** leaders
** editing .vimrc faster
** abbreviations
-** eating characters
** more about mappings
+** training with <nop>
** autocommands
** augroups
** buffer-specific abbreviations
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
**** map
**** verbose map
** operator-pending maps
-** training with <nop>
** status lines?
** a word on shortened command names
* part 2 - programming in vimscript