
Proof 01-08.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Wed, 03 Apr 2013 20:58:01 -0400 (2013-04-04)
parents d63fcc747071
children 436f8ce22479
branches/tags (none)
files acknowledgements.markdown chapters/01.markdown chapters/02.markdown chapters/03.markdown chapters/04.markdown chapters/05.markdown chapters/06.markdown chapters/07.markdown chapters/08.markdown style.txt


--- a/acknowledgements.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:20:08 2013 -0400
+++ b/acknowledgements.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:58:01 2013 -0400
@@ -15,3 +15,4 @@
 * [manojkumarm](https://github.com/manojkumarm)
 * [dmedvinsky](https://github.com/dmedvinsky)
 * [flatcap](https://github.com/flatcap)
--- a/chapters/01.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:20:08 2013 -0400
+++ b/chapters/01.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:58:01 2013 -0400
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     :echo "Hello, world!"
-You should see "Hello, world!" appear at the bottom of the window.
+You should see `Hello, world!` appear at the bottom of the window.
 Persistent Echoing
@@ -22,15 +22,15 @@
     :echom "Hello again, world!"
-You should see "Hello again, world!" appear at the bottom of the window.
+You should see `Hello again, world!` appear at the bottom of the window.
 To see the difference between these two commands, run the following:
-You should see a list of messages.  "Hello, world!" will *not* be in this list,
-but "Hello again, world!" *will* be in it.
+You should see a list of messages.  `Hello, world!` will *not* be in this list,
+but `Hello again, world!` *will* be in it.
 When you're writing more complicated Vimscript later in this book you may find
 yourself wanting to "print some output" to help you debug problems.  Plain old
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
-Before moving, let's look at how to add comments.  When you write Vimscript code
-(in your `~/.vimrc` file or any other one) you can add comments with the `"`
-character, like this:
+Before moving on, let's look at how to add comments.  When you write Vimscript
+code (in your `~/.vimrc` file or any other one) you can add comments with the
+`"` character, like this:
     " Make space more useful
--- a/chapters/02.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:20:08 2013 -0400
+++ b/chapters/02.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:58:01 2013 -0400
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
     :set nonumber
     :set number?
-Notice how the first `:set number?` command displayed "number" while the second
-displayed "nonumber".
+Notice how the first `:set number?` command displayed `number` while the second
+displayed `nonumber`.
 Options with Values
--- a/chapters/03.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:20:08 2013 -0400
+++ b/chapters/03.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:58:01 2013 -0400
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
     :map <space> viw " Select word
-If you try pressing `<space>` now, something horrible will almost certainly
-happen.  Why?
+If you try pressing space now, something horrible will almost certainly happen.
 When you press the space bar now, Vim thinks you want it to do what
 `viw<space>"<space>Select<space>word` would do.  Obviously this isn't what we
--- a/chapters/04.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:20:08 2013 -0400
+++ b/chapters/04.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:58:01 2013 -0400
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 us out of insert mode.
 Now try the mapping.  It works, but notice how you're now back in normal mode.
-This makes sense, because we told Vim that `<c-d>` should exit insert mode and
+This makes sense because we told Vim that `<c-d>` should exit insert mode and
 delete a line, but we never told it to go back into insert mode.
 Run one more command to fix the mapping once and for all:
@@ -93,14 +93,15 @@
 Set up a mapping so that you can press `<c-u>` to convert the current word to
 uppercase when you're in insert mode.  Remember that `U` in visual mode will
 uppercase the selection.  I find this mapping extremely useful when I'm writing
-out the name of a long constant -- I type out the constant in lower case and
-then uppercase it.
+out the name of a long constant like `MAX_CONNECTIONS_ALLOWED`.  I type out the
+constant in lower case and then uppercase it with the mapping instead of holding
+shift the entire time.
 Add that mapping to your `~/.vimrc` file.
 Set up a mapping so that you can uppercase the current word with `<c-u>` when in
 *normal* mode.  This will be slightly different than the previous mapping
-because you don't need to enter normal mode and you should end up back in normal
-mode instead of in insert mode.
+because you don't need to enter normal mode.  You should end up back in normal
+mode at the end instead of in insert mode as well.
-Add that mapping to your `~/.vimrc` file as well.
+Add that mapping to your `~/.vimrc` file.
--- a/chapters/05.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:20:08 2013 -0400
+++ b/chapters/05.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:58:01 2013 -0400
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@
 their behavior can change if you install a plugin that maps keys they depend on.
 When you install a new Vim plugin there's a good chance that you won't use and
-memorize every mapping it uses.  Even if you do, you'd have to go back and look
-through your `~/.vimrc` file to make sure none of your custom mappings use a key
-that the plugin has mapped.
+memorize every mapping it creates.  Even if you do, you'd have to go back and
+look through your `~/.vimrc` file to make sure none of your custom mappings use
+a key that the plugin has mapped.
 This would make installing plugins tedious and error-prone.  There must be
 a better way.
--- a/chapters/06.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:20:08 2013 -0400
+++ b/chapters/06.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:58:01 2013 -0400
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
-Vim calls this "prefix" key "leader".  You can set your leader key to whatever
-you like.  Run this command:
+Vim calls this "prefix" key the "leader".  You can set your leader key to
+whatever you like.  Run this command:
     :let mapleader = "-"
@@ -65,17 +65,17 @@
 on down the road.  Defining it in one place makes it easy to change later.
 Second, when someone else is looking at your `~/.vimrc` file they'll immediately
-know what you mean when you say `<leader>`, and they can simply copy your
-mapping into their own `~/.vimrc` if they like it even if they use a different
+know what you mean when you say `<leader>`.  They can simply copy your mapping
+into their own `~/.vimrc` if they like it even if they use a different leader.
 Finally, many Vim plugins create mappings that start with `<leader>`.  If you've
-already got it set up they'll work properly and will feel familiar.
+already got it set up they'll work properly and will feel familiar right out of
+the box.
 Local Leader
-Vim has a second "leader" key called "localleader".  This is meant to be
+Vim has a second "leader" key called "local leader".  This is meant to be
 a prefix for mappings that only take effect for certain types of files, like
 Python files or HTML files.
@@ -86,10 +86,10 @@
     :let maplocalleader = "\\"
 Notice that we have to use `\\` and not just `\` because `\` is the escape
-character in strings.  You'll learn more about this later.
+character in Vimscript strings.  You'll learn more about this later.
 Now you can use `<localleader>` in mappings and it will work just like
-`<leader>` does, except for resolving to a different key.
+`<leader>` does (except for resolving to a different key, of course).
 Feel free to change this key to something else if you don't like backslash.
--- a/chapters/07.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:20:08 2013 -0400
+++ b/chapters/07.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:58:01 2013 -0400
@@ -4,17 +4,18 @@
 Before we move on to learning more Vimscript, let's find a way to make it easier
 to add new mappings to our `~/.vimrc` file.
-When you're coding away furiously at a problem and realize a new mapping would
-make your life easier, you should add it to your `~/.vimrc` file right then and
-there to make sure you don't forget, but you *don't* want to lose your
+Sometimes you're coding away furiously at a problem and realize a new mapping
+would make your editing easier.  You should add it to your `~/.vimrc` file right
+then and there to make sure you don't forget, but you *don't* want to lose your
-The idea is that you want to make it easier to make it easier to edit text.
+The idea of this chapter is that you want to make it easier to make it easier to
+edit text.
 That's not a typo.  Read it again.
-The idea is that you want to (make it easier to (make it easier to (edit
+The idea of this chapter is that you want to (make it easier to (make it easier
+to (edit text))).
 Editing Mapping
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@
 I like to think of this command as "**e**dit my **v**imrc file".
 `$MYVIMRC` is a special Vim variable that points to your `~/.vimrc` file.  Don't
-worry about that for right now, just trust me that that variable works.
+worry about that for right now, just trust me that it works.
 `:vsplit` opens a new vertical split.  If you'd prefer a horizontal split you
 can replace it with `:split`.
@@ -44,45 +45,6 @@
 When you're in the middle of coding and come up with a new mapping that would
 save you time it's now trivial to add it to your `~/.vimrc` file.
-Meta Efficiency
-This is important because part of becoming more efficient is making it *easier*
-for yourself to become more efficient!
-Think of it this way: suppose you're trying to become a better digital
-photographer.  When you're practicing taking photos and want to see how they
-came out, you:
-* Take a photo.
-* Upload it to your computer.
-* Open it and see how it looks.
-That process probably takes a minute.  What if you could improve that?
-Let's say you invest $50 and buy an [Eye-Fi](http://www.eye.fi/).  The Eye-Fi is
-a memory card for your camera that has a built-in wifi card, so as soon as you
-snap a photo it gets transferred to your computer.
-I know, we're definitely living in the future.  Isn't it awesome?
-Now you spend an hour and write a little script to automatically open the photos
-that get transferred to your computer by the Eye-Fi.
-You've spent $50 and one hour, but now instead of taking a full minute to check
-your work, it takes ten seconds.
-Assuming you charge $100 per hour for freelance work, you've got to make up one
-and a half hours of time for this investment to be worthwhile.  If you're saving
-50 seconds per photo, you need to take about 109 photos for project to pay for
-109 photos is *nothing*.  You'd blow past that number in a day's practice
-without even noticing!
-The same goes for our new mapping.  It saves us only a few seconds each time we
-use it, but it pays for itself if we use it often enough.
 Sourcing Mapping
@@ -105,12 +67,12 @@
 * Use `<leader>ev` to open the file.
 * Add the mapping.
-* Use `ZZ` to write the file and close the split, bringing us back to where we
-  were.
+* Use `:wq<cr>` (or `ZZ`) to write the file and close the split, bringing you
+  back to where you were.
 * Use `<leader>sv` to source the file and make our changes take effect.
 That's eight keystrokes plus whatever it takes to define the mapping.  It's very
-little overhead, which reduces the chance that we break our concentration.
+little overhead, which reduces the chance of breaking focus.
@@ -121,3 +83,4 @@
 Try them out a few times, adding dummy mappings each time.
 Read `:help myvimrc`.
--- a/chapters/08.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:20:08 2013 -0400
+++ b/chapters/08.markdown	Wed Apr 03 20:58:01 2013 -0400
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
     One adn two.
-As soon as you hit space after typing the "adn" Vim will replace it with "and".
+As soon as you hit space after typing the `adn` Vim will replace it with `and`.
 Correcting typos like this is a great use for abbreviations.  Run these
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 If you want to read the *full* description of this option's format you can check
 out `:help isfname`, but I'll warn you that you'd better have a beer at the
-ready if you don't want to start crying while reading.
+ready for this one.
 For our purposes you can simply remember that abbreviations will be expanded
 when you type anything that's not a letter, number, or underscore.
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
     :iabbrev @@    steve@stevelosh.com
-    :iabbrev ccopy Copyright 2011 Steve Losh, all rights reserved.
+    :iabbrev ccopy Copyright 2013 Steve Losh, all rights reserved.
 Feel free to replace my name and email address with your own, then enter insert
 mode and try them out.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/style.txt	Wed Apr 03 20:58:01 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Output should be enclosed in backticks.  So:
+    If you type `:echom "Hello!"` Vim will output `Hello`.
+Key mappings should be lowercase.
+    nnoremap <esc> ...
+Keep code within 70 or so cols.
+Prefix code blocks with :::vim or :::text.