
Fill in location of plugin directory in Windows
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author Richard Cheng <rcheng@neuratron.com>
date Tue, 17 Apr 2012 16:37:41 +0100 (2012-04-17)
parents b00b5355c40f
children ee45fef4cd6b
branches/tags (none)
files chapters/33.markdown


--- a/chapters/33.markdown	Tue Apr 17 15:51:29 2012 +0100
+++ b/chapters/33.markdown	Tue Apr 17 16:37:41 2012 +0100
@@ -22,8 +22,9 @@
 enough to warrant a file of its own.
 First, find your Vim `plugin` directory.  On Linux or OS X this will be at
-`~/.vim/plugin`.  If you're on Windows it will be at TODO.  If this directory
-doesn't exist, create it.
+`~/.vim/plugin`.  If you're on Windows it will be inside the `vimfiles`
+directory in your home directory. (Use the command: `:echo $HOME` in Vim if
+you're not sure where this is). If this directory doesn't exist, create it.
 Inside `plugin/` create a file named `grep-operator.vim`.  This is where you'll
 place the code for this new operator.  When you're editing the file you can run