
Another chapter and some tweaks.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Thu, 13 Oct 2011 00:01:07 -0400 (2011-10-13)
parents 310f014b7beb
children 055027714e9b
branches/tags (none)
files chapters/00.markdown chapters/19.markdown chapters/23.markdown introduction.markdown outline.org preface.markdown


--- a/chapters/00.markdown	Mon Oct 10 00:47:18 2011 -0400
+++ b/chapters/00.markdown	Thu Oct 13 00:01:07 2011 -0400
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 To use this book you should have the latest version of Vim installed, which is
 version 7.3 at the time of this writing.  New versions of Vim are almost always
 backwards-compatible, so everything in this book should work just fine with
-newer versions.
+anything after 7.3 too.
-You should be comfortable editing files in Vim.  You should know basic Vim
-terminology like "buffer", "window", "normal mode", "insert mode" and "text
+You should be comfortable editing files in Vim.
+You should know basic Vim terminology like "buffer", "window", "normal mode",
+"insert mode" and "text object".
 If you're not at that point yet go through the `vimtutor` program, use Vim
 exclusively for a month or two, and come back when you've got Vim burned into
 your fingers.
 You should have some programming experience.  If you've never programmed before
-check out [Learn Python the Hard Way](http://learnpythonthehardway.org/) first.
+check out [Learn Python the Hard Way](http://learnpythonthehardway.org/) first
+and come back to this book when you're done.
 Creating a Vimrc File
--- a/chapters/19.markdown	Mon Oct 10 00:47:18 2011 -0400
+++ b/chapters/19.markdown	Thu Oct 13 00:01:07 2011 -0400
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     :echo foo
 Vim will display "42", because we've reassigned `bar` to the integer "42".  From
-this we can see that Vimscript is dynamically typed.
+this it may seem that Vimscript is dynamically typed.  That's not the case, but
+we'll talk more about that later.
 Options as Variables
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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+Like most programming languages, Vimscript has functions.  Let's take a look at
+how to create them, and then talk about some of their quirks.
+Run the following commands:
+    :function meow()
+You might think this would start defining a functione named `Meow`.
+Unfortunately this is not the case, and we've already run into one of
+Vimscript's quirks.
+**Vimscript functions *must* start with a capital letter if they are unscoped!**
+Even if you *do* add a scope to a function (we'll talk about that in a bit) you
+may as well capitalize the first letter of function names anyway.  Most
+Vimscript coders seem to do it, so don't break the convention.
+Okay, let's define a function for real this time.  Run the following commands:
+    :function Meow()
+    :  echom "Meow!"
+    :endfunction
+This time Vim will happily define the function.  Let's try running it:
+    :call Meow()
+Vim will display "Meow!" as expected.
+Let's try returning a value.  Run the following commands:
+    :function GetMeow()
+    :  return "Meow String!"
+    :endfunction
+Now try it out by running this command:
+    :echom GetMeow()
+Vim will call the function and give the result to `echom`, which will display
+"Meow String!".
+Calling Functions
+We can already see that there are two different ways of calling functions in
+When you want to call a function directly you use the `call` command.  Run the
+following commands:
+    :call Meow()
+    :call GetMeow()
+The first will display "Meow!" but the second doesn't display anything. The
+return value is thrown away when you use `call`, so this is only useful when the
+function has side effects.
+The second way to call functions is in expressions.  You don't need to use
+`call` in this case, you can just name the function.  Run the following command:
+    :echom GetMeow()
+As we saw before, this calls `GetMeow` and passes the return value to `echom`.
+Implicit Returning
+Run the following command:
+    :echom Meow()
+This will display two lines: "Meow!" and "0".  The first obviously comes from
+the `echom` inside of `Meow`.  The second shows us that if a Vimscript function
+doesn't return a value, it implicitly return `0`.  Let's use this to our
+advantage.  Run the following commands:
+    :function TextwidthIsTooWide()
+    :  if &l:numberwidth ># 80
+    :    return 1
+    :  endif
+    :endfunction
+This function uses a lot of important concepts we've seen before:
+* `if` statements
+* Treating options as variables
+* Localizing those option variables
+* Case-sensitive comparisons
+If any of those sound unfamiliar you should go back a few chapters and read
+about them.
+We've now defined a function that will tell us if the `textwidth` setting is
+"too wide" in the current buffer (because 80 characters is, of course, the
+correct width for anything but HTML).
+Let's try using it.  Run the following commands:
+    :set textwidth=80
+    :if TextwidthIsTooWide()
+    :  echom "WARNING: Wide text!"
+    :endif
+What did we do here?
+* First we set the `textwidth` globally to `80`.
+* The we ran an if statement that checked if `TextwidthIsTooWide()` was truthy.
+* This wound up not being the case, so the `if`'s body wasn't executed.
+Because we never explicitly returned a value, Vim returned `0` from the
+function, which is falsy.  Let's try changing that.  Run the following commands:
+    :setlocal textwidth=100
+    :if TextwidthIsTooWide()
+    :  echom "WARNING: Wide text!"
+    :endif
+This time the `if` statement in the function executes its body, returns `1`, and
+so the `if` we manually typed in executes *its* body.
+Read `:help call`.  Ignore anything about "ranges" for now.  How many arguments
+can you pass to a function?  Is this surprising?
+Read the first paragraph of `:help E124` and find out what characters you're
+allowed to use in function names.  Are underscores okay?  Dashes?  Accented
+characters?  Unicode characters?  If it's not clear from the documentation just
+try them out.
+Read `:help return`.  What's the "short form" of that command (which I told you
+to never use)?  Is it what you expected?  If not, why not?
--- a/introduction.markdown	Mon Oct 10 00:47:18 2011 -0400
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 Before reading this book you should be comfortable using Vim and know what terms
 like "buffer", "window" and "insert mode" mean.
-The book is divided into three sections:
+LVSTHW is divided into three sections:
 * The first covers basic Vim commands that you can use in your `~/.vimrc` file
   to customize Vim quickly and easily.
@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@
 * The third walks through the creation of a sample plugin intended for
   distribution to other Vim users.
+Currently the book is a work in progress.  Once it's finished you'll be able to
+buy ebook and possibly hard copy versions.  If you want to get on the mailing
+list to know when it's officially completed you can sign up at [Learn Vimscript
+the Hard Way on Leanpub][leanpub].
 The book is [copyright][license] 2011 by Steve Losh, all rights reserved.  You
 can redistribute it as long as you don't make any changes and don't charge for
@@ -26,3 +31,4 @@
 [hg]: http://bitbucket.org/sjl/learnvimscriptthehardway/
 [git]: http://github.com/sjl/learnvimscriptthehardway/
 [license]: /license.html
+[leanpub]: http://leanpub.com/learnvimscriptthehardway
--- a/outline.org	Mon Oct 10 00:47:18 2011 -0400
+++ b/outline.org	Thu Oct 13 00:01:07 2011 -0400
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 ** DONE variable scopes
 ** DONE conditionals
 ** DONE comparisons
-** TODO functions
+** DONE functions
+** TODO function scoping
 ** TODO function varargs
 ** TODO functions (more)
 ** TODO strings
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
 ** TODO looping
 ** TODO dictionaries
 ** TODO paths
+** TODO exceptions
 ** TODO command!
 * part 3 - creating a full plugin
 ** TODO intro and plugin layout
--- a/preface.markdown	Mon Oct 10 00:47:18 2011 -0400
+++ b/preface.markdown	Thu Oct 13 00:01:07 2011 -0400
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 understanding it straight away.  If so: it doesn't matter.  Learning Vim and
 Vimscript is a different experience from learning a normal programming language.
-**Type.  In.  The.  Exercises.**
+**Type in *all* the commands.**
+**Do *all* the exercises.**
-First, Vimscript is old and has a lot of dusty corners and twisty hallways.  One
-configuration option can change how the entire language works.  By typing
-*every* command in *every* exercise you'll discover problems with your Vim build
-or configuration on the simpler commands, which will be easier to diagnose and
+Vimscript is old and has a lot of dusty corners and twisty hallways.  One
+configuration option can change how the entire language works.
+By typing *every* command in *every* lesson exercise and doing *every* exercise
+you'll discover problems with your Vim build or configuration on the simpler
+commands, which will be easier to diagnose and fix.
 Second, Vimscript *is* Vim.  To save a file in Vim, you type `:write` (or `:w`
 for short) and press return.  To save a file in a Vimscript, you use `write`.
 Mastering a text editor means developing muscle memory, which you simply can't
 get from just reading.
+I hope you'll find this book useful.  It's *not* meant to be a comprehensive
+guide to Vimscript.  It's meant to get you comfortable enough with the language
+to read other people's code (with regular side-trips to `:help`) and recognize
+some common pitfalls.