
Changed hbi to bi, removed mentiond of using "h".  With "h" in "hbi", I dont see single character "words" get properly surrounded by double quotes.
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author Mark Koopman <markmontymark@yahoo.com>
date Mon, 30 Jun 2014 09:37:56 -0700 (2014-06-30)
parents 56683eb09ecc
children 72f09a8646a6
branches/tags (none)
files chapters/09.markdown


--- a/chapters/09.markdown	Thu Apr 04 01:38:14 2013 -0400
+++ b/chapters/09.markdown	Mon Jun 30 09:37:56 2014 -0700
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 with a bit more meat to it.  Run the following command:
-    :nnoremap <leader>" viw<esc>a"<esc>hbi"<esc>lel
+    :nnoremap <leader>" viw<esc>a"<esc>bi"<esc>lel
 Now *that's* an interesting mapping!  First, go ahead and try it out.  Enter
 normal mode, put your cursor over a word in your text and type `<leader>"`.  Vim
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@
 * `a`: enter insert mode *after* the current character
 * `"`: insert a `"` into the text, because we're in insert mode
 * `<esc>`: return to normal mode
-* `h`: move left one character
 * `b`: move back to the beginning of the word
 * `i`: enter insert mode *before* the current character
 * `"`: insert a `"` into the text again