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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 18 Oct 2011 13:14:10 -0400 (2011-10-18)
parents 4d919ca7401b
children 8a5c406b39b8
branches/tags (none)
files chapters/17.markdown chapters/26.markdown chapters/27.markdown outline.org


--- a/chapters/17.markdown	Fri Oct 14 00:34:25 2011 -0400
+++ b/chapters/17.markdown	Tue Oct 18 13:14:10 2011 -0400
@@ -119,13 +119,13 @@
 code that can be very useful immediately.  Run the following commands:
     :set statusline=%f         " Path to the file
-    :set statusline+=%-        " Switch to the right side
+    :set statusline+=%=        " Switch to the right side
     :set statusline+=%l        " Current line
     :set statusline+=/         " Separator
     :set statusline+=%L        " Total lines
 Now the status line will contain the path to the file on the left side, and the
-current/total lines on the right side.  The `%-` code tells Vim that everything
+current/total lines on the right side.  The `%=` code tells Vim that everything
 coming after that should be aligned (as a whole) to the right instead of the
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/chapters/26.markdown	Tue Oct 18 13:14:10 2011 -0400
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+The next type of variable we'll look at is the String.  Since Vim is all about
+manipulating text you'll be using this one quite a bit.
+Run the following command:
+    :echom "Hello"
+Vim will echo "Hello".  So far, so good.
+One of the most common things you'll want to do with strings is adding them
+together.  Run this command:
+    :echom "Hello, " + "world"
+What happened?  Vim displayed "0" for some reason!
+Here's the issue: Vim's `+` operator is *only* for Numbers.  When you pass
+a string to `+` Vim will try to coerce it to a Number before performing the
+addition.  Run the following command:
+    :echom "3 mice" + "2 cats"
+This time Vim displays "5", because the strings are coerced to the numbers "3"
+and "2" respectively.
+When I said "Number" I really *meant* Number.  Vim will *not* coerce strings to
+Floats!  Try this command to see prove this:
+    :echom 10 + "10.10"
+Vim displays "20" because it dropped everything after the decimal point when
+coercing "10.10" to a Number.
+To combine strings you need to use the concatenation operator.  Run the
+following command:
+    :echom "Hello, " . "world"
+This time Vim displays "Hello, world".  `.` is the "concatenate strings"
+operator in Vim, which lets you combine strings.  It doesn't add whitespace or
+anything else in between.
+Coercion works both ways.  Kind of.  Try this command:
+    :echom 10 . "foo"
+Vim will display "10foo".  First it coerces `10` to a String, then it
+concatenates it with the string on the right hand side.  Things get a bit
+stickier when we're working with Floats, though.  Run this command:
+    :echom 10.1 . "foo"
+This time Vim throws an error, saying we're using a Float as a String.  Vim will
+happily let you use a String as a Float when performing addition, but *won't*
+let you use a Float as a String when concatenating.
+The moral of this story is that Vim is a lot like Javascript: it allows you to
+play fast and loose with types sometimes, but it's a really bad idea to do so
+because it will come back to bite you at some point.
+When writing Vimscript, make sure you know what the type of each of your
+variables is.  If you need to change that type you should use a function to
+explicitly change it, even if it's not strictly necessary at the moment.  Don't
+rely on Vim's coercion because at some point you *will* regret it.
+Special Characters
+Like most programming languages, Vimscript lets you use escape sequences in
+strings to represent hard-to-type characters.  Run the following command:
+    :echom "foo \"bar\""
+The `\"` in the string is replaced with a double quote character, as you would
+probably expect.  Escape sequences work mostly as you would expect.  Run the
+following command:
+    :echom "foo\\bar"
+Vim displays "foo\bar", because `\\` is the escape sequence for a literal
+backslash, just like in most programming languages.  Now run the following
+command (note that it's an `echo` and *not* an `echom`):
+    :echo "foo\nbar"
+This time Vim will display two lines, "foo" and "bar", because the `\n` is
+replaced with a newline.  Now try running this command:
+    :echom "foo\nbar"
+Vim will display something like "foo^@bar".  When you use `echom` with a String
+instead of `echo` Vim will echo the exact characters of the string, which
+sometimes means that it will show a different representation than plain old
+`echo`.  `^@` is Vim's way of saying "newline character".
+Literal Strings
+Vim also lets you use "literal strings" to avoid excessive use of escape
+sequences.  Run the following command:
+    :echom '\n\\'
+Vim displays `\n\\`.  Using single quotes tells Vim that you want the string
+*exactly* as-in, with no escape sequences.  The one exception is that two single
+quotes in a row will produce a single single quote.  Try this command:
+    :echom 'That''s enough.'
+Vim will display "That's enough."  Two single quotes is the *only* sequence that
+has special meaning in a literal string.
+You might be wondering how Vim treats strings when used in an `if` statement.
+Run the following command:
+    :if "foo"
+    :  echo "yes"
+    :else
+    :  echo "no"
+    :endif
+Vim will display "no".  If you're wondering why this happens you should reread
+the chapter on conditionals, because we talked about it there.
+Read `:help expr-quote`.  Review the list of escape sequences you can use in
+a normal Vim string.  Find out how to insert a tab character.
+Try to figure out a way to insert a tab character into a string *without* using
+an escape sequence.  Read `:help i_CTRL-V` for a hint.
+Read `:help literal-string`.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/chapters/27.markdown	Tue Oct 18 13:14:10 2011 -0400
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+String Functions
+Vim has many built-in functions to manipulate strings.  In this chapter we'll
+look at a few of the most important ones.
+The first function we'll look at is `strlen`.  Run the following command:
+    :echom strlen("foo")
+Vim displays "3", which is the length of the string "foo".  Now try the
+following command:
+    :echom len("foo")
+Vim once again displays "3".  When used with Strings `len` and `strlen` have
+identical effects.  We'll come back to `len` later in the book.
+Run the following command (note that it's an `echo` and not an `echom`):
+    :echo split("one two three")
+Vim displays "['one', 'two', 'three']".  The `split` function splits a String
+into a List.  We'll talk about Lists shortly, but for now don't worry too much
+about them.
+You can also tell Vim to use a separator other than "whitespace" for splitting.
+Run the following command:
+    :echo split("one,two,three", ",")
+Vim will once again display "['one', 'two', 'three']", because the second
+argument to `split` tells it to split the string on the comma character instead
+of on whitespace.
+Not only can you split strings, you can also join them.  Run the following
+    :echo join(["foo", "bar"], "...")
+Vim will display "foo...bar".  Don't worry about the list syntax for now.
+`split` and `join` can be paired to great effect.  Run the following command:
+    :echo join(split("foo bar"), ";")
+Vim displays "foo;bar".  First we split the string "foo bar" into a list, then
+we joined that list together using a semicolon as the separator.
+Lower and Upper Case
+Vim has two functions to change the case of Strings.  Run the following
+    :echom tolower("Foo")
+    :echom toupper("Foo")
+Vim displays "foo" and "FOO".  This should be pretty easy to understand.
+In many languages (like Python) a common idiom is to force strings to lowercase
+before comparing them to perform a case-insensitive comparison.  In Vimscript
+this isn't necessary because we have the case-insensitive comparison operators.
+Reread the chapter on comparisons if you don't remember those.
+It's up to you to decide whether to use `tolower` and `==#`, or just `==?` to
+perform case-sensitive comparisons.  There doesn't seem to be any strong
+preference in the Vimscript community.  Pick one and stick to it for all of your
+Read `:help functions` and skim the list of built-in functions for ones that
+mention the word "String".  Use the `/` command to make it easier (remember,
+Vim's help files can be navigated like any other kind of file).  There are
+a *lot* of functions here, so don't feel like you need to read the documentation
+for every single one.  Just try to get an idea of what's available if you need
+it in the future.
--- a/outline.org	Fri Oct 14 00:34:25 2011 -0400
+++ b/outline.org	Tue Oct 18 13:14:10 2011 -0400
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
 ** DONE functions
 ** DONE function arguments
 ** DONE numbers
-** TODO strings
-** TODO string functions
+** DONE strings
+** DONE string functions
 ** TODO regexes
 ** TODO normal!
 ** TODO execute