--- a/chapters/19.markdown Sun Oct 09 22:38:43 2011 -0400
+++ b/chapters/19.markdown Sun Oct 09 22:49:44 2011 -0400
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
:set textwidth?
This time Vim displays "textwidth=110". When you set an option using `set` you
-can only set it to a single, literal value. When you use `let` and set it as
+can only set it to a single literal value. When you use `let` and set it as
a variable you can use the full power of Vimscript to determine the value.
Local Options
@@ -83,6 +83,37 @@
Notice that the first window has line numbers and the second does not.
+Registers as Variables
+You can also read and set *registers* as variables. Run the following command:
+ :let @a = "hello!"
+Now put your cursor somewhere in your text and type `"ap`. This command tells
+Vim to "paste the contents of register `a` here". We just set the contents of
+that register, so Vim pastes "hello!" into your text.
+Registers can also be read. Run the following command:
+ :echo @a
+Vim will echo "hello!".
+Select a word in your file and yank it with `y`, then run this command:
+ :echo @"
+Vim will echo the word you just yanked. The `"` register is the "unnamed"
+register, which is where text you yank without specifying a destination will go.
+Perform a search in your file with `/someword`, then run the following command:
+ :echo @/
+Vim will echo the search pattern you just used. This lets you programmatically
+read and modify the current search pattern, which can be very useful at times.