Merge.2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Fixes path error2012-07-06, by Martin Lundberg
Clarifies what happends when the user opens vim after change2012-07-06, by Martin Lundberg
Tweak wording.2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Merge.2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Update chapters/35.markdown2012-08-19, by ZyX-I
Merge.2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Error in variable name2012-07-23, by Eduardo Lopez Biagi
Call the correct function2012-07-21, by Eduardo Lopez Biagi
Fix broken formatting2012-07-18, by Eduardo Lopez Biagi
Merge.2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Escape backticks2012-08-22, by Mark Scholtz
Merge.2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Use `autocmd` instead of `au`2012-08-27, by Chip Hogg
Fix typo2012-08-26, by Chip Hogg
Add .ffignore file.2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Fix wording about the let command to be less confusing.2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Yeah let's face it, it's not short any more.2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Tweak build process and update outline.2012-09-23, by Steve Losh
fixes2012-09-23, by Julian Rosse