chapters/37.markdown @ b5fbfe6dc879

author Steve Losh <>
date Sun, 20 Nov 2016 11:35:05 +0000
parents 5868e6263612
children (none)

The last type of Vimscript variable we'll talk about is the dictionary.
Vimscript dictionaries are similar to Python's dicts, Ruby's hashes, and
Javascript's objects.

Dictionaries are created using curly brackets.  Values are heterogeneous, but
*keys are always coerced to strings*.  You didn't think things were going to be
*completely* sane, did you?

Run this command:

    :echo {'a': 1, 100: 'foo'}

Vim displays `{'a': 1, '100': 'foo'}`, which shows that Vimscript does indeed
coerce keys to strings while leaving values alone.

Vimscript avoids the stupidity of the Javascript standard and lets you use
a comma after the last element in a dictionary.  Run the following command:

    :echo {'a': 1, 100: 'foo',}

Once again Vim displays `{'a': 1, '100': 'foo'}`.  You should *always* use the
trailing comma in your dictionaries, *especially* when they're defined on
multiple lines, because it will make adding new entries less error-prone.


To look up a key in a dictionary you use the same syntax as most languages.  Run
this command:

    :echo {'a': 1, 100: 'foo',}['a']

Vim displays `1`.  Try it with a non-string index:

    :echo {'a': 1, 100: 'foo',}[100]

Vim coerces the index to a string before performing the lookup, which makes
sense since keys can only ever be strings.

Vimscript also supports the Javascript-style "dot" lookup when the key is
a string consisting only of letters, digits and/or underscores.  Try the
following commands:

    :echo {'a': 1, 100: 'foo',}.a
    :echo {'a': 1, 100: 'foo',}.100

Vim displays the correct element in both cases.  How you choose to index your
dictionaries is a matter of taste and style.

Assigning and Adding

Adding entries to dictionaries is done by simply assigning them like variables.
Run this command:

    :let foo = {'a': 1}
    :let foo.a = 100
    :let foo.b = 200
    :echo foo

Vim displays `{'a': 100, 'b': 200}`, which shows that assigning and adding
entries both work the same way.

Removing Entries

There are two ways to remove entries from a dictionary.  Run the following

    :let test = remove(foo, 'a')
    :unlet foo.b
    :echo foo
    :echo test

Vim displays `{}` and `100`.  The `remove` function will remove the entry with
the given key from the given dictionary and return the removed value.  The
`unlet` command also removes dictionary entries, but you can't use the value.

You cannot remove nonexistent entries from a dictionary.  Try running this

    :unlet foo["asdf"]

Vim throws an error.

The choice of `remove` or `unlet` is mostly a matter of personal taste.  If
pressed I'd recommend using `remove` everywhere because it's more flexible than
`unlet`.  `remove` can do anything `unlet` can do but the reverse isn't true, so
you can always be consistent if you use `remove`.

Dictionary Functions

Like lists, Vim has a number of built-in functions for working with
dictionaries.  Run the following command:

    :echom get({'a': 100}, 'a', 'default')
    :echom get({'a': 100}, 'b', 'default')

Vim displays `100` and `default`, just like the `get` function for lists.

You can also check if a given key is present in a given dictionary.  Run this

    :echom has_key({'a': 100}, 'a')
    :echom has_key({'a': 100}, 'b')

Vim displays `1` and `0`.  Remember that Vimscript treats `0` as falsy and any
other number as truthy.

You can pull the key-value pairs out of a dictionary with `items`.  Run this

    :echo items({'a': 100, 'b': 200})

Vim will display a nested list that looks something like `[['a', 100], ['b',
200]]`.  As far as I can tell Vimscript dictionaries are *not* guaranteed to be
ordered, so don't expect that the items you get out of an `items` call will be
in a specific order!

You can get just the keys or just the values with the `keys` and `values`
functions.  They work as expected -- look them up.


Read `:help Dictionary`.  All of it.  Notice the capital `D`.

Read `:help get()`.

Read `:help has_key()`.

Read `:help items()`.

Read `:help keys()`.

Read `:help values()`.