chapters/48.markdown @ b0e538f6533d

author Steve Losh <>
date Thu, 15 Dec 2011 18:31:41 -0500
parents (none)
children 121fb4ea289b
Basic Folding

If you've never used code folding in Vim, you don't know what you're missing.
Read `:help usr_28` and spend some time playing around with it in your normal
work.  Come back to this chapter once you've got it in your fingers.

Types of Folding

Vim supports six different ways of defining how your text should be folded.

### Manual

You create the folds by hand and they're stored in RAM by Vim.  When you close
Vim they go away and you have to recreate them the next time you edit the file.

This method can be handy if you combine it with some custom mappings to make it
easy to create folds.  We won't do that in this book, but keep it in the back
of your mind in case you run across a case where it could be handy.

### Marker

Vim folds your code based on characters in the actual text.

Usually these characters are put in comments (like `// {{{`), but in some
languages you can get away with using something in the language's syntax itself,
like `{` and `}` in Javascript files.

It may seem ugly to clutter up your code with comments that are purely for your
text editor, but the advantage is that it lets you hand-craft folds for
a specific file.  This can be really nice if you're working with a large file
that you want to organize in a very specific way.

### Diff

A special folding mode used when diff'ing files.  We won't talk about this one
at all because Vim automatically handles it.

### Expr

This lets you use a custom piece of Vimscript to define where folds occur.  It's
the most powerful method, but also requires the most work.  We'll talk about
this in the next chapter.

### Indent

Vim uses your code's indentation to determine folds.  Lines at the same
indentation level fold together, and lines with only whitespace (and blank
lines) are simply folded with their neighbors.

This is essentially free to use because your code is already indented; all you
have to do is turn it on.  This will be our first method of adding folding to
Potion files.

Potion Folding

Let's take a look at our sample Potion file once again:

    factorial = (n):
        total = 1
        n to 1 (i):
            total *= i.

    10 times (i):
        i string print
        '! is: ' print
        factorial (i) string print
        "\n" print.

The bodies of the function and loop are both indented.  This means we can get
some basic folding with very little effort by using indent folding.

Create an `ftplugin` folder in your Potion plugin's repository, and create
a `potion.vim` file inside of it.

Remember that Vim will run the code in this file whenever it sets a buffer's
`filetype` to `potion` (because it's named `potion.vim`).

Add the following line to this file:

    setlocal foldmethod=indent

Close Vim and open the `` file again.  It may or may not be folded
immediately, but go ahead and try folding and unfolding the indented blocks.

One line of Vimscript gave us some useful folding!  That's pretty cool!

Let's add one more line to the `ftplugin/potion.vim` file to make Vim
automatically fold everything whenever we open a Potion file:

    setlocal foldlevel=0

Close and reopen your example file and now the folds will all be closed (if they
weren't already).


Read `:help foldmethod`.

Read `:help fold-manual`.

Read `:help fold-marker` and `:help foldmarker`.

Read `:help fold-indent`.

Read `:help fdl` and `:help foldlevelstart`.

Read `:help foldminlines`.

Add a line to `ftplugin/potion.vim` that uses `foldminlines` to allow
single-line blocks to be "folded", for consistency.  Make sure it works on the
`total *= i.` line of the example file.

Some people might not want to automatically fold everything when they open
a Potion file.  We want our plugin to be useful to everyone, so remove the
`foldlevel` line from `ftplugin/potion.vim`.

Add a `Filetype` autocommand to your `~/.vimrc` file that sets `foldlevel` to
0 to replace the line we removed from the plugin.