chapters/10.markdown @ 1fa5641ff104

Commit the two new chapters.
author Steve Losh <>
date Tue, 18 Oct 2011 13:14:10 -0400
parents f719623ed1c7
children e66e6a4e104d
Training Your Fingers

In this chapter we're going to talk about how to learn Vim more effectively, but
we need to do a bit of preparation first.

Let's set up one more mapping that will save more wear on your left hand than
any other mapping you ever create.  Run the following command:

    :inoremap jk <esc>

Now enter insert mode and type `jk`.  Vim will act as if you pressed the escape
key and return you to normal mode.

There are a number of ways to exit insert mode in Vim:

* The escape key
* `<c-c>`
* `<c-[>`

Each of those requires you to stretch your fingers uncomfortably.  Using `jk` is
great, because the keys are right under two of your strongest fingers and you
don't have to perform a chord.

Some people prefer using `jj` instead of `jk`, but I prefer `jk` for two

* It's typed with two separate keys, so you can "roll" your fingers instead of
  using the same one twice.
* Pressing `jk` in normal mode out of habit will move down and then up, leaving
  you exactly where you started.  Using `jj` in normal mode will move you to
  a different place in your file.

Learning the Map

Now that you've got a great new mapping, how can you learn to use it?  Chances
are you've already got the escape key in your muscle memory, so in the heat of
coding you'll hit it without even thinking.

The trick to relearning a mapping is to *force* yourself to use it by
*disabling* the old key(s).  Run the following command:

    :inoremap <esc> <nop>

This effectively disables the escape key in insert mode by telling Vim to
perform `<nop>` (no operation) instead.

Now you *have* to use your `jk` mapping to exit insert mode.  At first you'll
forget, type escape and start trying to do something in normal mode and you'll
wind up with stray characters in your text.

It will be frustrating, but if you stick with it you'll be surprised at how fast
your mind and fingers absorb the new mapping.  Within an hour or two you won't
be accidentally hitting escape any more.

This idea applies to any new mapping you create to replace an old one, and even
to life in general.  When you want to change a habit, make it harder or
impossible to do!

If you want to start cooking meals instead of microwaving TV dinners, don't buy
any TV dinners when you go shopping.  You'll cook some real food when you get
hungry enough.

If you want to quit smoking, always leave your cigarettes in your car's trunk.
When you get the urge to have a casual cigarette you'll think of what a pain in
the ass it will be to walk out to the car and are less likely to bother doing


If you still find yourself using the arrow keys to navigate around Vim in normal
mode, map them to `<nop>` to make yourself stop.

If you still use the arrow keys in insert mode, map them to `<nop>` there too.
The right way to use Vim is to get out of insert mode as soon as you can and use
normal mode to move around.