acknowledgements.markdown @ 14c4df8de4f0

author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 03 Apr 2013 23:07:34 -0400
parents d83b305ad75f
children 4d881a6b4d15

First I'd like to thank [Zed Shaw][] for writing [Learn Python the Hard Way][]
and making it freely available.  This book's format and writing style is
directly inspired by it.

[Zed Shaw]:
[Learn Python the Hard Way]:

I'd also like to thank the following GitHub and Bitbucket users who sent pull
requests, pointed out typos, raised issues, and otherwise contributed:

* [aperiodic](
* [chiphogg](
* [ciwchris](
* [dmedvinsky](
* [flatcap](
* [manojkumarm](
* [markscholtz](
* [marlun](
* [hoelzro](
* [NagatoPain](
* [Psycojoker](
* [tapichu](
* [ZyX-I](
* [nvie](
* [riceissa](
* [mrgrubb](
* [Mr-Happy](
* [jrib](
* [sedm0784](
* [lheiskan](
* [nathanaelkane](
* [lightningdb](
* [sherrillmix](
* [cwarden](
* [manojkumarm](
* [nielsbom](
* [rramsden](
* [billturner](
* [mattsacks](
* [helixbass](

I apologize to anyone I've forgotten.