Commit Log

commit description author date
b8a38e34e840 Add JIRA test Steve Losh 2020-08-12
52f9e9c8aa31 Add tests with actual data Steve Losh 2020-08-12
88008e9aeac3 Work around an ECL/ABCL bug Steve Losh 2020-08-12
6823350d3792 Use unicode characters CCL is happy with Steve Losh 2020-08-11
4c59ba2362d8 Add basic tests Steve Losh 2020-08-11
9e6018aa6c5d Add TODOs Steve Losh 2020-07-29
3eda0a6022fc Remove old file Steve Losh 2020-07-29
b35951eca1b2 Add TODO list Steve Losh 2020-07-29
3dbd9b45cf55 Convert symbols to snake case instead of just downcasing Steve Losh 2020-07-29
5a32a34392a2 Refactor a couple of things Steve Losh 2020-07-29
e3c35d5a9681 Sketch out the new implementation Steve Losh 2020-07-23
30f068e02285 Scratch commit for historical purposes Steve Losh 2020-07-18
a2712b3d3b16 Initial commit Steve Losh 2020-07-14
No more entries