Add simple fuzz tests against Yason
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Wed, 12 Aug 2020 23:09:58 -0400 (2020-08-13) |
parents |
children |
branches/tags |
(none) |
files |
.TODO.done TODO jarl.asd test/tests.lisp |
--- a/.TODO.done Wed Aug 12 00:38:21 2020 -0400
+++ b/.TODO.done Wed Aug 12 23:09:58 2020 -0400
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
Optimize discarding | id:93105ef9d21d33bfb10c67fcac36bc60434d3fb4
+Add fuzz tests against other implementations | id:cd53968480f72453ee820d65a180efe6da0fef71
Add basic unit tests | id:ed372a368fce619ce8230043635de5258212f607
--- a/TODO Wed Aug 12 00:38:21 2020 -0400
+++ b/TODO Wed Aug 12 23:09:58 2020 -0400
@@ -3,5 +3,4 @@
Add after-read and before-print functions | id:9f982ca45b68d644159e0c64f0dc1b185f72a2f8
Add opaque-json type | id:a1a380eb9782d088693dfb75402b99c2b30cf039
Add dynamic extent wrapper definition | id:a937f1179ff1fac77ca501ce7c70449464411f58
-Add fuzz tests against other implementations | id:cd53968480f72453ee820d65a180efe6da0fef71
Add extra key preservation | id:cfb63b37d87893083fc98477ec3d488fb909a984
--- a/jarl.asd Wed Aug 12 00:38:21 2020 -0400
+++ b/jarl.asd Wed Aug 12 23:09:58 2020 -0400
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
:author "Steve Losh <>"
:license "MIT"
- :depends-on (:jarl :1am :alexandria)
+ :depends-on (:jarl :1am :alexandria :yason :chancery)
:serial t
:components ((:module "test"
--- a/test/tests.lisp Wed Aug 12 00:38:21 2020 -0400
+++ b/test/tests.lisp Wed Aug 12 23:09:58 2020 -0400
@@ -13,23 +13,29 @@
;; This makes it less miserable to write JSON strings in Lisp.
(substitute #\" #\' string))
+(defun obj= (a b &key (test #'equal))
+ (and (= (hash-table-count a)
+ (hash-table-count b))
+ (not (maphash (lambda (ak av)
+ (multiple-value-bind (bv found) (gethash ak b)
+ (when (or (not found) (not (funcall test av bv)))
+ (return-from obj= nil))))
+ a))))
+(defun vec= (a b &key (test #'equal))
+ (and (= (length a) (length b))
+ (every test a b)))
(defgeneric same (a b))
(defmethod same (a b)
(equal a b))
(defmethod same ((a vector) (b vector))
- (and (= (length a) (length b))
- (every #'same a b)))
+ (vec= a b :test #'same))
(defmethod same ((a hash-table) (b hash-table))
- (and (= (hash-table-count a)
- (hash-table-count b))
- (not (maphash (lambda (ak av)
- (multiple-value-bind (bv found) (gethash ak b)
- (when (or (not found) (not (same av bv)))
- (return-from same nil))))
- a))))
+ (obj= a b :test #'same))
(defun h (&rest keys-and-values)
(alexandria:plist-hash-table keys-and-values :test #'equal))
@@ -273,3 +279,110 @@
(1 1 "00")
(1 1 "00.0"))
+;;;; Fuzz Tests ---------------------------------------------------------------
+(defparameter *basic-chars*
+ " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_,'[]{}+=")
+(defparameter *gen-depth* 0)
+(defparameter *max-gen-depth* 5)
+(chancery:define-rule gen/keyword
+ :true
+ :false)
+(chancery:define-rule gen/null
+ nil)
+(chancery:define-rule (random-char :distribution :weighted)
+ (50 (chancery:eval (string (alexandria:random-elt *basic-chars*))))
+ (1 "\\\\")
+ (1 "\\\"")
+ (1 "\\n")
+ (1 "\\b")
+ (1 "\\f")
+ (1 "\\t")
+ ;; todo more unicode
+ (1 (chancery:eval (format nil "\\u~4,'0X" (char-code (alexandria:random-elt *basic-chars*))))))
+(defun random-string ()
+ (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (dotimes (i (random 20))
+ (write-string (random-char) s))))
+(chancery:define-rule (gen/string :distribution :weighted)
+ (1 "")
+ (5 random-string))
+(chancery:define-rule gen/float
+ 0.0d0
+ (chancery:eval (- (random 1d12) 0.5d12)))
+(defun gen/integer ()
+ (- (random 100000) 50000))
+(chancery:define-rule gen/number
+ 0
+ 0d0
+ gen/integer
+ gen/float)
+(defun gen/vector ()
+ (if (> *gen-depth* *max-gen-depth*)
+ (vector)
+ (let ((result (make-array (random 20)))
+ (*gen-depth* (1+ *gen-depth*)))
+ (dotimes (i (length result))
+ (setf (aref result i) (gen/any)))
+ result)))
+(defun gen/object ()
+ (if (> *gen-depth* *max-gen-depth*)
+ (h)
+ (let* ((result (h))
+ (*gen-depth* (1+ *gen-depth*))
+ (keys (remove-duplicates (loop :repeat (random 10)
+ :collect (gen/string))
+ :test #'equal)))
+ (dolist (k keys)
+ (setf (gethash k result) (gen/any)))
+ result)))
+(chancery:define-rule gen/any
+ gen/keyword
+ gen/null
+ gen/string
+ gen/number
+ gen/vector
+ gen/object)
+(defun yason/read (string)
+ (let ((yason:*parse-json-arrays-as-vectors* t)
+ (yason:*parse-json-booleans-as-symbols* t)
+ (*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
+ (yason:parse string)))
+(defgeneric yason= (a b))
+(defmethod yason= (a b)
+ (equal a b))
+(defmethod yason= ((a symbol) (b symbol))
+ ;; Yason uses yason:true and yason:false instead of :true and :false.
+ (string= a b))
+(defmethod yason= ((a vector) (b vector))
+ (vec= a b :test #'yason=))
+(defmethod yason= ((a hash-table) (b hash-table))
+ (obj= a b :test #'yason=))
+(define-test fuzz-against-yason
+ (dotimes (i 1000)
+ (let ((s (jarl:print (gen/any) nil)))
+ ;; (format t "~&Fuzzing ~S" s)
+ (is (yason= (jarl:read t s)
+ (yason/read s))))))