
Test reading objects with an explicit class designator, not just t
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sat, 29 Aug 2020 19:42:57 -0400 (2020-08-29)
parents 2a95e54cdcac
children a7ad406182d8
branches/tags (none)
files .TODO.done TODO test/tests.lisp


--- a/.TODO.done	Sat Aug 29 19:30:37 2020 -0400
+++ b/.TODO.done	Sat Aug 29 19:42:57 2020 -0400
@@ -7,5 +7,6 @@
 Add size and depth limits | id:ab9b49ec993f1e46c34b9d627549f41cad80609d
 Add fuzz tests against other implementations | id:cd53968480f72453ee820d65a180efe6da0fef71
 Add extra key preservation | id:cfb63b37d87893083fc98477ec3d488fb909a984
+Test reading explicit types, not just t. | id:d2def699c46f12c02d49c01c869fc9b927bda72d
 Fix `Undefined function (SETF CCL:SLOT-DEFINITION-INITARGS)` in CCL | id:e834dd6749849e10669a643019337533e87f5cdd
 Add basic unit tests | id:ed372a368fce619ce8230043635de5258212f607
--- a/TODO	Sat Aug 29 19:30:37 2020 -0400
+++ b/TODO	Sat Aug 29 19:42:57 2020 -0400
@@ -2,6 +2,5 @@
 Clean up error hierarchy | id:3d3efa4af649474151661a9d294080ab24e22ff7
 Input wrapping. | id:7bc7f71a7dd85e13efde40b5ea2a5b6bfe13cf58
 Fuzz against other JSON implementations | id:ccfe488e219c9454228a0510c61f8c59946e5875
-Test reading explicit types, not just t. | id:d2def699c46f12c02d49c01c869fc9b927bda72d
 Ensure slots are coalesced properly. | id:d800e6516a5bf5f8ce843f442956078e7a1b672e
 Add more MOP-based tests (including errors). | id:df727baeb41bad02c7d79b92f98c24c8a28ca772
--- a/test/tests.lisp	Sat Aug 29 19:30:37 2020 -0400
+++ b/test/tests.lisp	Sat Aug 29 19:42:57 2020 -0400
@@ -93,88 +93,95 @@
 ;;;; Basic Tests --------------------------------------------------------------
 (defmacro define-basic-tests (name &rest clauses)
   `(define-test ,name
-     ,@(loop :for (object string) :in clauses :collect
+     ,@(loop :for (object class-designator string) :in clauses :collect
              (alexandria:once-only (object string)
                `(let ((,string (json ,string)))
-                  ; Check that the entire string deserializes to the expected form.
+                  ;; Check that the entire string deserializes to the expected form.
                   (check-reads-one-object ,object ,string)
-                  ; Check that we can roundtrip the form reliably.
+                  ;; Check that we can roundtrip the form reliably.
                   (check-roundtrips ,object)
-                  ; Check that we can discard it safely.
-                  (check-discards-one-object ,string))))))
+                  ;; Check that we can discard it safely.
+                  (check-discards-one-object ,string)
+                  ;; Check that we can read it with an explicit class designator, not just t.
+                  (is (same ,object (jarl:read ',class-designator ,string)))
+                  ;; Check that reading it with a wrong class designator signals an error.
+                  ,@(loop :for wrong-class
+                          :in (remove class-designator '(null keyword string vector hash-table number))
+                          :collect `(signals error (jarl:read ',wrong-class ,string))))))))
 (define-basic-tests null
-  (nil "null"))
+  (nil null "null"))
 (define-basic-tests keywords
-  (:true "true")
-  (:false "false"))
+  (:true keyword "true")
+  (:false keyword "false"))
 (define-basic-tests integers
-  (0 "0")
-  (0 "-0")
-  (1 "1")
-  (-1 "-1")
-  (10 "10")
-  (-10 "-10")
-  (123456789123456789123456789 "123456789123456789123456789")
-  (-123456789123456789123456789 "-123456789123456789123456789"))
+  (0 number "0")
+  (0 number "-0")
+  (1 number "1")
+  (-1 number "-1")
+  (10 number "10")
+  (-10 number "-10")
+  (123456789123456789123456789 number "123456789123456789123456789")
+  (-123456789123456789123456789 number "-123456789123456789123456789"))
 (define-basic-tests floats
-  (0.0d0 "0e0")
-  (0.0d0 "0.0e0")
-  (-0.0d0 "-0.0e0")
-  (1.0d0 "1e0")
-  (1.0d0 "1e+0")
-  (1.0d0 "1e-0")
-  (1.2d0 "1.2e0")
-  (1.2d0 "1.2e+0")
-  (1.2d0 "1.2e-0")
-  (100.0d0 "1e2")
-  (100.0d0 "1e+2")
-  (123.4d0 "0.01234e+4")
-  (0.1234d0 "1.234e-1")
-  (1.234d-10 "1.234e-10"))
+  (0.0d0 number "0e0")
+  (0.0d0 number "0.0e0")
+  (-0.0d0 number "-0.0e0")
+  (1.0d0 number "1e0")
+  (1.0d0 number "1e+0")
+  (1.0d0 number "1e-0")
+  (1.2d0 number "1.2e0")
+  (1.2d0 number "1.2e+0")
+  (1.2d0 number "1.2e-0")
+  (100.0d0 number "1e2")
+  (100.0d0 number "1e+2")
+  (123.4d0 number "0.01234e+4")
+  (0.1234d0 number "1.234e-1")
+  (1.234d-10 number "1.234e-10"))
 (define-basic-tests strings
-  ("" "''")
-  (" " "' '")
-  (" " "     ' '      ")
-  ("foo" "'foo'")
-  ("\"foo" "'\\'foo'")
-  ("f\\oo" "'f\\\\oo'")
-  ((format nil "foo~%bar") "'foo\\nbar'")
-  ((format nil "foo~Abar" #\tab) "'foo\\tbar'")
-  ((format nil "u: ~A" (code-char #x1234)) "'u: \\u1234'")
-  ((format nil "(~A)" (code-char #xCAFE)) "'(\\uCaFe)'")
-  ((format nil "~A~A" (code-char #xABCD) (code-char #xBEEF)) "'\\uABCD\\ubeef'"))
+  ("" string "''")
+  (" " string "' '")
+  (" " string "     ' '      ")
+  ("foo" string "'foo'")
+  ("\"foo" string "'\\'foo'")
+  ("f\\oo" string "'f\\\\oo'")
+  ((format nil "foo~%bar") string "'foo\\nbar'")
+  ((format nil "foo~Abar" #\tab) string "'foo\\tbar'")
+  ((format nil "u: ~A" (code-char #x1234)) string "'u: \\u1234'")
+  ((format nil "(~A)" (code-char #xCAFE)) string "'(\\uCaFe)'")
+  ((format nil "~A~A" (code-char #xABCD) (code-char #xBEEF)) string "'\\uABCD\\ubeef'"))
 (define-basic-tests vectors
-  (#() "[]")
-  (#(1) "[1]")
-  (#(1 2 3) "[1,2,3]")
-  (#("meow" "wow") "['meow', 'wow']")
-  (#(1 nil "meow" :false -2 :true) "[1, null, 'meow', false, -2, true]")
-  (#(#(1 2) #() #(3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0)) "[[1, 2], [], [3e0, 40e-1, 0.5e1]]"))
+  (#() vector "[]")
+  (#(1) vector "[1]")
+  (#(1 2 3) vector "[1,2,3]")
+  (#("meow" "wow") vector "['meow', 'wow']")
+  (#(1 nil "meow" :false -2 :true) vector "[1, null, 'meow', false, -2, true]")
+  (#(#(1 2) #() #(3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0)) vector "[[1, 2], [], [3e0, 40e-1, 0.5e1]]"))
 (define-basic-tests objects
-  ((h) "{}")
-  ((h "foo" 1 "bar" 2) "{'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}")
-  ((h "foo" 1 "bar" 2) "{'bar': 2, 'foo': 1}")
+  ((h) hash-table "{}")
+  ((h "foo" 1 "bar" 2) hash-table "{'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}")
+  ((h "foo" 1 "bar" 2) hash-table "{'bar': 2, 'foo': 1}")
   ((h "foo" (h "a" nil "b" :false)
       "bar" :true
       "baz" (v (h) (h) (h)))
+   hash-table
    "{'foo': {'a': null, 'b': false},
      'bar': true,
      'baz': [{},{},{}]}"))
 (define-basic-tests whitespace
-  (#() "[    ]")
-  ((h) "    {   }")
-  ((v (v) (h)) "  [[ ]   , {   }]")
-  (#(1 2 3 4 5) "  [  1,    2   ,3,    4,5]"))
+  (#() vector "[    ]")
+  ((h) hash-table "    {   }")
+  ((v (v) (h)) vector "  [[ ]   , {   }]")
+  (#(1 2 3 4 5) vector "  [  1,    2   ,3,    4,5]"))
 (define-test multiple-objects