
Clean up slot option and class option coalescence
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 15 Dec 2020 00:03:48 -0500 (2020-12-15)
parents 693b1dfe357a
children e94de54baaa1
branches/tags (none)
files .TODO.done TODO src/mop.lisp test/tests.lisp


--- a/.TODO.done	Mon Dec 07 23:17:47 2020 -0500
+++ b/.TODO.done	Tue Dec 15 00:03:48 2020 -0500
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 Add fuzz tests against other implementations | id:cd53968480f72453ee820d65a180efe6da0fef71
 Add extra key preservation | id:cfb63b37d87893083fc98477ec3d488fb909a984
 Test reading explicit types, not just t. | id:d2def699c46f12c02d49c01c869fc9b927bda72d
+Ensure slots are coalesced properly. | id:d800e6516a5bf5f8ce843f442956078e7a1b672e
 Fix `Undefined function (SETF CCL:SLOT-DEFINITION-INITARGS)` in CCL | id:e834dd6749849e10669a643019337533e87f5cdd
 Add basic unit tests | id:ed372a368fce619ce8230043635de5258212f607
 Remove wrappers for now. | id:fb86c2b6a6322ef04df60f74e3b3fefffc1c2d96
--- a/TODO	Mon Dec 07 23:17:47 2020 -0500
+++ b/TODO	Tue Dec 15 00:03:48 2020 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 Write documentation. | id:8612eacd92edd0b4b196feb5d084d58e86cedeeb
 Fuzz against other JSON implementations | id:ccfe488e219c9454228a0510c61f8c59946e5875
-Ensure slots are coalesced properly. | id:d800e6516a5bf5f8ce843f442956078e7a1b672e
 Add more MOP-based tests (including errors). | id:df727baeb41bad02c7d79b92f98c24c8a28ca772
--- a/src/mop.lisp	Mon Dec 07 23:17:47 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/mop.lisp	Tue Dec 15 00:03:48 2020 -0500
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
    (allow-print :accessor allow-print :initarg :allow-print :initform t)
    (allow-read :accessor allow-read :initarg :allow-read :initform t)))
+(defun json-class-p (object)
+  (typep object 'json-class))
 (defmethod c2mop:validate-superclass ((class json-class) (superclass standard-class))
@@ -38,6 +41,19 @@
    (before-print :initarg :json/before-print :accessor before-print :initform nil)
    (after-read :initarg :json/after-read :accessor after-read :initform nil)))
+(defun json-direct-slot-p (slot)
+  (typep slot 'json-direct-slot-definition))
+(defun json-effective-slot-p (slot)
+  (typep slot 'json-effective-slot-definition))
+(defun json-direct-slots (direct-slots)
+  (remove-if-not #'json-direct-slot-p direct-slots))
+(defun json-effective-slots (effective-slots)
+  (remove-if-not #'json-effective-slot-p effective-slots))
 (defmethod make-instance ((class (eql (find-class 'json-effective-slot-definition)))
                           &rest args
                           &key initargs name &allow-other-keys)
@@ -54,11 +70,16 @@
+(defun plist-keys (plist)
+  (loop :for (k) :on plist :by #'cddr :collect k))
 (defmethod c2mop:direct-slot-definition-class ((class json-class) &rest initargs)
-  (if (getf initargs :json)
+  (if (intersection (plist-keys initargs)
+                    '(:json :json/name :json/before-print :json/after-read))
     (find-class 'json-direct-slot-definition)
 (defvar *effective-slot-definition-class* nil)
 (defmethod c2mop:effective-slot-definition-class ((class json-class) &rest initargs)
@@ -69,35 +90,34 @@
   ;; know which class to use here.
   (or *effective-slot-definition-class* (call-next-method)))
+(defmacro found-or (form default)
+  (let ((result (gensym "RESULT"))
+        (found (gensym "FOUND")))
+    `(multiple-value-bind (,result ,found) ,form
+       (if ,found ,result ,default))))
+(defun coalesce-most-specific-value (dslots slot-name)
+  (dolist (dslot dslots (values nil nil))
+    (when (slot-boundp dslot slot-name)
+      (return (values (slot-value dslot slot-name) t)))))
 (defmethod c2mop:compute-effective-slot-definition ((class json-class) name direct-slots)
-  (if (not (some (lambda (dslot)
-                   (typep dslot 'json-direct-slot-definition))
-                 direct-slots))
+  (if (not (some #'json-direct-slot-p direct-slots))
     (let* ((*effective-slot-definition-class* (find-class 'json-effective-slot-definition))
            (eslot (call-next-method))
-           (dslot (first direct-slots)))
-      ;; todo be smarter about coalescing this stuff
-      (setf (json-name eslot) (if (slot-boundp dslot 'json-name)
-                                (json-name dslot)
-                                (funcall (slot-name-to-json-name class) name)) ; todo make this less shitty
-            (json-class eslot) (if (slot-boundp dslot 'json-class)
-                                 (canonicalize-class-designator (json-class dslot))
-                                 '(t))
+           (dslots (remove-if-not #'json-direct-slot-p direct-slots)))
+      (setf (json-name eslot) (found-or (coalesce-most-specific-value dslots 'json-name)
+                                        (funcall (slot-name-to-json-name class) name))
+            (json-class eslot) (canonicalize-class-designator
+                                 (found-or (coalesce-most-specific-value dslots 'json-class) t))
             (json-initarg eslot) (first (c2mop:slot-definition-initargs eslot))
-            (after-read eslot) (if (slot-boundp dslot 'after-read)
-                                 (after-read dslot)
-                                 nil)
-            (before-print eslot) (if (slot-boundp dslot 'before-print)
-                                   (before-print dslot)
-                                   nil))
+            (after-read eslot) (coalesce-most-specific-value dslots 'after-read)
+            (before-print eslot) (coalesce-most-specific-value dslots 'before-print))
-(defun json-slots (effective-slots)
-  (remove-if-not (lambda (slot) (typep slot 'json-effective-slot-definition))
-                 effective-slots))
 (defun make-slot-map (effective-slots)
   "Return a slot map for the JSON slots in `effective-slots`, used when reading.
@@ -105,7 +125,7 @@
-  (let* ((slots (json-slots effective-slots))
+  (let* ((slots (json-effective-slots effective-slots))
          (result (make-hash-table :test #'equal :size (length slots))))
     (dolist (slot slots)
       (destructuring-bind (c &optional cc) (json-class slot)
@@ -123,7 +143,7 @@
             (cons (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot)
                   (list (json-name slot)
                         (before-print slot))))
-          (json-slots effective-slots)))
+          (json-effective-slots effective-slots)))
 (defmethod c2mop:compute-slots :around ((class json-class))
@@ -133,20 +153,47 @@
+(defun json-superclasses (class)
+  (remove-if-not #'json-class-p (c2mop:class-direct-superclasses class)))
 (defmethod shared-initialize :around
   ((class json-class) slot-names
    &rest initargs
    &key slot-name-to-json-name unknown-slots allow-print allow-read
-  (flet ((arg (initarg args)
-           (when args ; todo assert length = 1
-             (list initarg (first args)))))
-    (apply #'call-next-method class slot-names
-           (append (arg :slot-name-to-json-name slot-name-to-json-name)
-                   (arg :unknown-slots unknown-slots)
-                   (arg :allow-read (or allow-read '(t)))
-                   (arg :allow-print (or allow-print '(t)))
-                   initargs))))
+  ;; This is tricky.  We need to handle a couple of cases:
+  ;;
+  ;; * Defining a class for the first time.
+  ;; * Redefining a class, possibly *removing* some of the initargs.
+  ;;
+  ;; And we need to handle inheritance properly.  Our strategy:
+  ;;
+  ;; * If this defclass has an explicit value for this initarg, always use it.
+  ;; * Otherwise, if this class inherits from a json-class, use its value for
+  ;;   the initarg.
+  ;; * TODO: if it inherits from multiple json-classes, pick the first I guess?
+  ;;   Or does that not make sense for e.g allow-read and allow-print?.
+  ;; * Otherwise, use the appropriate default.
+  (let ((superclasses (json-superclasses class)))
+    (flet ((arg (slot-name args default)
+             (case (length args)
+               ;; If the user specified a value, use it .
+               (1 (first args))
+               (0 (if superclasses
+                    ;; Otherwise, if we have a JSON superclass, inherit.
+                    (slot-value (first superclasses) slot-name)
+                    ;; Otherwise, use the default.
+                    default))
+               (t (error "json-class option ~S must have one argument, but got ~D: ~S."
+                         (intern (symbol-name slot-name) :keyword)
+                         (length args)
+                         args)))))
+      (apply #'call-next-method class slot-names
+             :slot-name-to-json-name (arg 'slot-name-to-json-name slot-name-to-json-name #'lisp-case-to-snake-case)
+             :unknown-slots (arg 'unknown-slots unknown-slots :discard)
+             :allow-read (arg 'allow-read allow-read t)
+             :allow-print (arg 'allow-print allow-print t)
+             initargs))))
 (defun patch-direct-superclasses (direct-superclasses)
@@ -184,7 +231,6 @@
 ;;;; Read ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defun parse-json-class (class-name class input)
   (unless (allow-read class)
     (error "Class ~S does not allow reading." class))
--- a/test/tests.lisp	Mon Dec 07 23:17:47 2020 -0500
+++ b/test/tests.lisp	Tue Dec 15 00:03:48 2020 -0500
@@ -49,13 +49,16 @@
 (defun slot= (a b slot)
-  (if (not (slot-boundp a slot))
-    (not (slot-boundp b slot))
-    (same (slot-value a slot)
-          (slot-value b slot))))
+  (let ((ab (slot-boundp a slot))
+        (bb (slot-boundp b slot)))
+    (cond ((and ab bb) (same (slot-value a slot)
+                             (slot-value b slot)))
+          ((or ab bb) nil)
+          (t t))))
 (defun slots= (a b &rest slots)
-  (every (alexandria:curry #'slot= a b) slots))
+  (and (eql (class-of a) (class-of b))
+       (every (alexandria:curry #'slot= a b) slots)))
 (defun check-reads-one-object (object string)
@@ -423,11 +426,9 @@
    (foos :json (vector foo) :initarg :foos))
   (:metaclass jarl:json-class))
-(defun foo (&rest args)
-  (apply #'make-instance 'foo args))
-(defun bar (&rest args)
-  (apply #'make-instance 'bar args))
+(defun foo (&rest args) (apply #'make-instance 'foo args))
+(defun bar (&rest args) (apply #'make-instance 'bar args))
 (defmethod same ((a foo) (b foo))
   (slots= a b 'i 's 'k 'n 'h 'v 'any))
@@ -476,6 +477,45 @@
                  (jarl:print (make-instance 'foo :v #(1 2 3)) nil)))))
+;;;; Slot Coalescing ----------------------------------------------------------
+(defclass coal/0 ()
+  ((foo :json number :initarg :foo)
+   (bar :json string :json/name "bar0" :initarg :bar))
+  (:metaclass jarl:json-class))
+(defclass coal/1 (coal/0)
+  ((foo :json string)
+   (bar :json/name "bar1"))
+  (:metaclass jarl:json-class))
+(defclass coal/2 (coal/1)
+  ((foo))
+  (:metaclass jarl:json-class))
+(defun coal/0 (&rest args) (apply #'make-instance 'coal/0 args))
+(defun coal/1 (&rest args) (apply #'make-instance 'coal/1 args))
+(defun coal/2 (&rest args) (apply #'make-instance 'coal/2 args))
+(defmethod same ((a coal/0) (b coal/0)) (slots= a b 'foo 'bar))
+(defmethod same ((a coal/1) (b coal/1)) (slots= a b 'foo 'bar))
+(defmethod same ((a coal/2) (b coal/2)) (slots= a b 'foo 'bar))
+(define-test slot-coalescing-json-class
+  ;; More-specific classes should take precedence.
+  (is (same (coal/0 :foo 1) (jarl:read 'coal/0 (json "{'foo': 1}"))))
+  (is (same (coal/1 :foo "meow") (jarl:read 'coal/1 (json "{'foo': 'meow'}"))))
+  (is (same (coal/2 :foo "meow") (jarl:read 'coal/2 (json "{'foo': 'meow'}")))))
+(define-test slot-coalescing-json-name
+  ;; More-specific names should take precedence.
+  (is (same (coal/0 :bar "x") (jarl:read 'coal/0 (json "{'bar0': 'x'}"))))
+  (is (same (coal/1 :bar "x") (jarl:read 'coal/1 (json "{'bar1': 'x'}"))))
+  (is (same (coal/2 :bar "x") (jarl:read 'coal/2 (json "{'bar1': 'x'}")))))
 ;;;; Wrappers -----------------------------------------------------------------
 (defclass w ()
   ((names :type list :initarg :names)))
@@ -521,6 +561,25 @@
   (:metaclass jarl:json-class)
   (:allow-print nil))
+(defclass apr/sub (apr)
+  ()
+  (:metaclass jarl:json-class))
+(defclass apr/sub/remove (apr/sub)
+  ()
+  (:metaclass jarl:json-class)
+  (:allow-print nil)
+  (:allow-read nil))
+(defclass apr/sub/remove/sub (apr/sub/remove)
+  ()
+  (:metaclass jarl:json-class))
+(defclass apr/sub/add (apr/sub/remove)
+  ()
+  (:metaclass jarl:json-class)
+  (:allow-print t)
+  (:allow-read t))
 (define-test allow-read
   (is (= 1 (slot-value (jarl:read 'apr (json "{'id': 1}")) 'id)))
@@ -532,6 +591,28 @@
   (is (string= (json "{'id':1}") (jarl:print (make-instance 'apr/deny-read :id 1) nil)))
   (signals error (jarl:print (make-instance 'apr/deny-print :id 1) nil)))
+(define-test allow-read-inheritance
+  (is (= 1 (slot-value (jarl:read 'apr (json "{'id': 1}")) 'id)))
+  ;; Subclassing without overriding inherits.
+  (is (= 1 (slot-value (jarl:read 'apr/sub (json "{'id': 1}")) 'id)))
+  ;; Remove, can no longer read.
+  (signals error (jarl:read 'apr/sub/remove (json "{'id': 1}")))
+  ;; Can inherit the removal.
+  (signals error (jarl:read 'apr/sub/remove/sub (json "{'id': 1}")))
+  ;; Readd, can print again.
+  (is (= 1 (slot-value (jarl:read 'apr/sub/add (json "{'id': 1}")) 'id))))
+(define-test allow-print-inheritance
+  (is (string= (json "{'id':1}") (jarl:print (make-instance 'apr :id 1) nil)))
+  ;; Subclassing without overriding inherits.
+  (is (string= (json "{'id':1}") (jarl:print (make-instance 'apr/sub :id 1) nil)))
+  ;; Remove, can no longer read.
+  (signals error (jarl:print (make-instance 'apr/sub/remove :id 1) nil))
+  ;; Can inherit the removal.
+  (signals error (jarl:print (make-instance 'apr/sub/remove/sub :id 1) nil))
+  ;; Readd, can print again.
+  (is (string= (json "{'id':1}") (jarl:print (make-instance 'apr/sub/add :id 1) nil))))
 ;;;; After Read/Before Print --------------------------------------------------
 (define-condition validation-error (error) ())