test/tests.lisp @ 06299969c903 default tip

Allow slot-name-to-json-name to return a symbol too
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 07 May 2024 22:50:12 -0400
parents 04933ed07596
children (none)
(in-package :jarl/test)

;;;; Utils --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro define-test (name &body body)
  `(test ,(intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name 'test-) (symbol-name name)))
    (let ((*package* ,*package*))

(defun run-tests ()

(defun json (string)
  ;; This makes it less miserable to write JSON strings in Lisp.
  (substitute #\" #\' string))

(defun obj= (a b &key (test #'equal))
  (and (= (hash-table-count a)
          (hash-table-count b))
       (not (maphash (lambda (ak av)
                       (multiple-value-bind (bv found) (gethash ak b)
                         (when (or (not found) (not (funcall test av bv)))
                           (return-from obj= nil))))

(defun vec= (a b &key (test #'equal))
  (and (= (length a) (length b))
       (every test a b)))

(defgeneric same (a b))

(defmethod same (a b)
  (equal a b))

(defmethod same ((a vector) (b vector))
  (vec= a b :test #'same))

(defmethod same ((a hash-table) (b hash-table))
  (obj= a b :test #'same))

(defun h (&rest keys-and-values)
  (alexandria:plist-hash-table keys-and-values :test #'equal))

(defun v (&rest values)
  (coerce values 'vector))

(defun set-equal (x y)
  (and (null (set-difference x y :test #'equal))
       (null (set-difference y x :test #'equal))))

(defun slot= (a b slot)
  (let ((ab (slot-boundp a slot))
        (bb (slot-boundp b slot)))
    (cond ((and ab bb) (same (slot-value a slot)
                             (slot-value b slot)))
          ((or ab bb) nil)
          (t t))))

(defun slots= (a b &rest slots)
  (and (eql (class-of a) (class-of b))
       (every (alexandria:curry #'slot= a b) slots)))

(defun check-reads-one-object (object string)
  (with-input-from-string (s string)
    (is (same object (jarl:read t s)))
    (signals end-of-file (jarl:read t s))))

(defun check-discards-one-object (string)
  (with-input-from-string (s string)
    (is (null (multiple-value-list (jarl:read nil s))))
    (signals end-of-file (jarl:read t s))))

(defun roundtrip-string (class-designator string)
  (jarl:print (jarl:read class-designator (json string)) nil))

(defun roundtrip-object (class-designator object)
  (jarl:read class-designator (jarl:print object nil)))

(defun check-roundtrips (object)
  (is (same object (roundtrip-object t object)))
  (let ((jarl::*indent* t))
    (is (same object (roundtrip-object t object)))))

(defun check-errors (line col string)
  (dolist (class '(t nil)) ; todo check discarding errors too
          (jarl:read class string)
          (error "Should have signaled a json-reading-error when reading ~S but didn't."
      (jarl::json-reading-error (e)
        (is (equal (list class line col)
                   (list class (jarl:line e) (jarl:column e))))))))

;;;; Basic Tests --------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro define-basic-tests (name &rest clauses)
  `(define-test ,name
     ,@(loop :for (object class-designator string) :in clauses :collect
             (alexandria:once-only (object string)
               `(let ((,string (json ,string)))
                  ;; Check that the entire string deserializes to the expected form.
                  (check-reads-one-object ,object ,string)
                  ;; Check that we can roundtrip the form reliably.
                  (check-roundtrips ,object)
                  ;; Check that we can discard it safely.
                  (check-discards-one-object ,string)
                  ;; Check that we can read it with an explicit class designator, not just t.
                  (is (same ,object (jarl:read ',class-designator ,string)))
                  ;; Check that reading it with a wrong class designator signals an error.
                  ,@(loop :for wrong-class
                          :in (remove class-designator '(null keyword string vector hash-table number))
                          :collect `(signals error (jarl:read ',wrong-class ,string))))))))

(define-basic-tests null
  (nil null "null"))

(define-basic-tests keywords
  (:true keyword "true")
  (:false keyword "false"))

(define-basic-tests integers
  (0 number "0")
  (0 number "-0")
  (1 number "1")
  (-1 number "-1")
  (10 number "10")
  (-10 number "-10")
  (123456789123456789123456789 number "123456789123456789123456789")
  (-123456789123456789123456789 number "-123456789123456789123456789"))

(define-basic-tests floats
  (0.0d0 number "0e0")
  (0.0d0 number "0.0e0")
  (-0.0d0 number "-0.0e0")
  (1.0d0 number "1e0")
  (1.0d0 number "1e+0")
  (1.0d0 number "1e-0")
  (1.2d0 number "1.2e0")
  (1.2d0 number "1.2e+0")
  (1.2d0 number "1.2e-0")
  (100.0d0 number "1e2")
  (100.0d0 number "1e+2")
  (123.4d0 number "0.01234e+4")
  (0.1234d0 number "1.234e-1")
  (1.234d-10 number "1.234e-10"))

(define-basic-tests strings
  ("" string "''")
  (" " string "' '")
  (" " string "     ' '      ")
  ("foo" string "'foo'")
  ("\"foo" string "'\\'foo'")
  ("f\\oo" string "'f\\\\oo'")
  ((format nil "foo~%bar") string "'foo\\nbar'")
  ((format nil "foo~Abar" #\tab) string "'foo\\tbar'")
  ((format nil "u: ~A" (code-char #x1234)) string "'u: \\u1234'")
  ((format nil "(~A)" (code-char #xCAFE)) string "'(\\uCaFe)'")
  ((format nil "~A~A" (code-char #xABCD) (code-char #xBEEF)) string "'\\uABCD\\ubeef'"))

(define-basic-tests vectors
  (#() vector "[]")
  (#(1) vector "[1]")
  (#(1 2 3) vector "[1,2,3]")
  (#("meow" "wow") vector "['meow', 'wow']")
  (#(1 nil "meow" :false -2 :true) vector "[1, null, 'meow', false, -2, true]")
  (#(#(1 2) #() #(3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0)) vector "[[1, 2], [], [3e0, 40e-1, 0.5e1]]"))

(define-basic-tests objects
  ((h) hash-table "{}")
  ((h "foo" 1 "bar" 2) hash-table "{'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}")
  ((h "foo" 1 "bar" 2) hash-table "{'bar': 2, 'foo': 1}")

  ((h "foo" (h "a" nil "b" :false)
      "bar" :true
      "baz" (v (h) (h) (h)))
   "{'foo': {'a': null, 'b': false},
     'bar': true,
     'baz': [{},{},{}]}"))

(define-basic-tests whitespace
  (#() vector "[    ]")
  ((h) hash-table "    {   }")
  ((v (v) (h)) vector "  [[ ]   , {   }]")
  (#(1 2 3 4 5) vector "  [  1,    2   ,3,    4,5]"))

(define-test multiple-objects
  (with-input-from-string (s (json "{} 1 2 [true, false] {'foo': null}"))
    (is (same (h) (jarl:read t s)))
    (is (same 1 (jarl:read t s)))
    (is (same 2 (jarl:read t s)))
    (is (same #(:true :false) (jarl:read t s)))
    (is (same (h "foo" nil) (jarl:read t s)))
    (is (eql :eof (jarl:read t s nil :eof)))
    (signals end-of-file (jarl:read t s))))

(define-test complicated-object
  (is (same (v (h "foo" (v 1 nil 2)
                  "bar" (v))
               (h "baz" (v nil 3)))
            (jarl:read '(vector (hash-table (vector (or null number))))
                       (json "[{ 'foo': [1, null, 2],
                                 'bar': [] },
                               { 'baz': [null, 3] }]")))))

;;;; Real-World Data ----------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro define-file-test (name (object path) &body body)
  (alexandria:with-gensyms (string)
    `(define-test ,name
       (let ((,string (alexandria:read-file-into-string ,path)))
         ;; Check that discarding works.
         (check-discards-one-object ,string)
         (let ((,object (jarl:read t ,string)))
           ;; Check that we can discard it.
           (check-roundtrips ,object)
           ;; Other test-specific checks.

(define-file-test github/sjl (o "test/data/github/sjl.json")
  (is (string= "sjl" (gethash "login" o)))
  (is (= 182 (gethash "public_repos" o))))

(define-file-test github/sjl-repos (o "test/data/github/sjl-repos.json")
  (is (set-equal '(:true :false)
                 (remove-duplicates (map 'list (lambda (r) (gethash "fork" r)) o)))))

(define-file-test reddit/r-common_lisp (o "test/data/reddit/r-common_lisp.json"))

(define-file-test jira/MVNCENTRAL (o "test/data/jira/MVNCENTRAL.json"))

(define-file-test openweathermap/onecall (o "test/data/openweathermap/onecall.json"))

(defclass owm/weather ()
  ((id :json number)
   (main :json string)
   (description :json string)
   (icon :json string))
  (:metaclass jarl::json-class))

(defclass owm/day ()
  ((clouds :json number)
   (dew-point :json number)
   (timestamp :json number :json/name "dt")
   (humidity :json number)
   (pressure :json number)
   (sunrise :json number)
   (sunset :json number)
   (temperature :json t :json/name "temp")
   (feels-like :json t)
   (uvi :json number)
   (visibility :json number)
   (weather :json (vector owm/weather))
   (wind-degree :json number :json/name "wind_deg")
   (wind-speed :json number))
  (:metaclass jarl::json-class))

(defclass owm/hour ()
  ((clouds :json number)
   (dew-point :json number)
   (timestamp :json number :json/name "dt")
   (precipitation :json number :json/name "pop")
   (humidity :json number)
   (pressure :json number)
   (sunset :json number)
   (temperature :json number :json/name "temp")
   (feels-like :json number)
   (visibility :json number)
   (weather :json (vector owm/weather))
   (wind-degree :json number :json/name "wind_deg")
   (wind-speed :json number))
  (:metaclass jarl::json-class))

(defclass owm/minute ()
  ((timestamp :json number :json/name "dt")
   (precipitation :json number))
  (:metaclass jarl::json-class))

(defclass owm/onecall ()
  ((latitude :json number :json/name "lat")
   (longitude :json number :json/name "lon")
   (timezone :json string)
   (timezone-offset :json number)
   (current :json owm/day)
   (daily :json (vector owm/day))
   (hourly :json (vector owm/hour))
   (minutely :json (vector owm/minute)))
  (:metaclass jarl::json-class))

(define-test parse-owm-data-into-classes
  ;; At least make sure it doesn't crash.
  (with-open-file (f "test/data/openweathermap/onecall.json")
    (is (typep (jarl:read 'owm/onecall f) 'owm/onecall))))

;;;; Error Tests --------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro define-error-tests (name &rest clauses)
  `(define-test ,name
     ,@(loop :for (line col string) :in clauses
             :collect `(check-errors ,line ,col (json ,string)))))

(define-error-tests trash
  (1 1 "meow")
  (1 3 "number")
  (1 4 "truthy")
  (1 3 "famous")
  (1 1 "<what>")
  (1 1 "(cons nil nil)")
  (1 1 "NULL")
  (1 1 "undefined")
  (1 1 "NaN")
  (1 1 ":::")
  (1 1 "&rest")
  (1 1 "]")
  (1 1 "}"))

(define-error-tests bad-eof
  (1 4 "nul")
  (1 4 "tru")
  (1 5 "fals")
  (1 2 "[")
  (1 7 "['no',")
  (1 6 "['no'")
  (1 5 "[[[{")
  (1 2 "{")
  (1 6 "{'foo")
  (1 7 "{'foo'")
  (1 8 "{'foo':")
  (1 10 "{'foo': 1")
  (1 11 "{'foo': 1,")
  (1 2 "'")
  (1 7 "'whops")
  (1 9 "'whops\\'")
  (1 2 "1.")
  (1 2 "1e")
  (1 3 "1e-")
  (1 3 "1e+")
  (1 1 "-"))

(define-error-tests mispaired-delimiters
  (1 2 "{]")
  (1 2 "[}")
  (1 10 "[1, [2, 3}]"))

(define-error-tests commas
  (1 1 ",")
  (1 2 "[,]")
  (1 4 "[1 2]")
  (1 4 "[1,,2]")
  (1 2 "{,}")
  (1 9 "{'a': 1,}")
  (1 9 "{'a': 1,, 'b': 2}")
  (1 5 "{'a', 1}")
  (1 2 "{,'a': 1}"))

(define-error-tests unescaped-string-chars
  ;; todo more of these
  (2 0 (format nil "'~%'")))

(define-error-tests bad-unicode-sequence
  ;; todo more of these
  (1 4 "'\\uNOPE'")
  (1 6 "'\\u12'")
  (1 4 "'\\u 1234'")
  (1 4 "'\\uUUID'"))

(define-error-tests bad-escape
  ;; todo more of these
  (1 3 "'\\x'"))

(define-error-tests leading-zero
  (1 1 "01")
  (1 1 "00")
  (1 1 "00.0"))

(define-test size-limit
  ;; TODO Add some more of these.
  (let ((jarl::*read-size-limit* 9))
    (is (same #(1 2 3) (jarl:read t "[1, 2, 3]")))
    (signals jarl::json-size-limit-exceeded-error (jarl:read t "[1, 2, 3 ]"))
    (signals jarl::json-size-limit-exceeded-error (jarl:read t "             null"))
    (signals jarl::json-size-limit-exceeded-error (jarl:read t "\"foobarbaz"))
    (signals jarl::json-size-limit-exceeded-error (jarl:read t "[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[["))
    (signals jarl::json-size-limit-exceeded-error (jarl:read nil "[1, 2, 3 ]"))
    (let ((input (jarl::make-input "123456789[][1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]")))
      (is (same 123456789 (jarl:read t input)))
      (is (same (v) (jarl:read t input)))
      (signals jarl::json-size-limit-exceeded-error (jarl:read t input)))))

(define-test depth-limit
  ;; TODO Add some more of these.
  (let ((jarl::*read-depth-limit* 3))
    (is (same #(#(#(1))) (jarl:read t "[[[1]]]")))
    (signals jarl::json-depth-limit-exceeded-error (jarl:read t "[[[[1]]]]"))
    (signals jarl::json-depth-limit-exceeded-error (jarl:read t (json "[{'foo': [[1]]}]")))
    (signals jarl::json-depth-limit-exceeded-error (jarl:read nil "[[[[1]]]]"))
    (signals jarl::json-depth-limit-exceeded-error (jarl:read nil (json "[{'foo': [[1]]}]")))
    (let ((input (jarl::make-input "[[[]]][[[[]]]]")))
      (is (same (v (v (v))) (jarl:read t input)))
      (signals jarl::json-depth-limit-exceeded-error (jarl:read t input))) ))

;;;; MOP ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass foo ()
  ((i :json number :initarg :i)
   (s :json string :initarg :s)
   (k :json keyword :initarg :k)
   (n :json null :initarg :n)
   (h :json hash-table :initarg :h)
   (v :json vector :initarg :v)
   (any :json t :initarg :any))
  (:metaclass jarl:json-class))

(defclass bar ()
  ((id :json (or null number) :initarg :id)
   (foos :json (vector foo) :initarg :foos))
  (:metaclass jarl:json-class))

(defun foo (&rest args) (apply #'make-instance 'foo args))
(defun bar (&rest args) (apply #'make-instance 'bar args))

(defmethod same ((a foo) (b foo))
  (slots= a b 'i 's 'k 'n 'h 'v 'any))

(defmethod same ((a bar) (b bar))
  (slots= a b 'id 'foos))

(defmacro define-class-tests (name &body clauses)
  `(define-test ,name
     ,@(loop :for (class string . initargs) :in clauses
             :collect `(is (same (make-instance ',class ,@initargs)
                                 (jarl:read ',class (json ,string)))))))

(define-class-tests basic-class
  (foo "{}")
  (foo "{'i': 1}" :i 1)
  (foo "{'i': 1, 's': 'meow'}" :i 1 :s "meow")
  (foo "{ 'i': 2,
          's': 'wow',
          'k': false,
          'n': null,
          'h': {'x': 'hello', 'y': -1},
          'v': [true, 1,2, 'x'],
          'any': 0.0 }"
       :i 2
       :s "wow"
       :k :false
       :n nil
       :h (h "x" "hello" "y" -1)
       :v (v :true 1 2 "x")
       :any 0d0))

(define-class-tests nested-classes
  (bar "{}")
  (bar "{'id': 1}" :id 1)
  (bar "{'id': 1, 'foos': []}" :id 1 :foos (v))
  (bar "{'id': null, 'foos': [{'i': 10}, {'n': null, 'v': []}]}"
       :id nil
       :foos (v (foo :i 10) (foo :n nil :v (v)))))

(define-test class-indent
  (let ((jarl::*indent* t))
    (is (string= (format nil "{~%  \"v\": [~%    1,~%    2,~%    3~%  ]~%}")
                 (jarl:print (make-instance 'foo :v #(1 2 3)) nil)))))

;;;; Slot Coalescing ----------------------------------------------------------
(defclass coal/0 ()
  ((foo :json number :initarg :foo)
   (bar :json string :json/name "bar0" :initarg :bar))
  (:metaclass jarl:json-class))

(defclass coal/1 (coal/0)
  ((foo :json string)
   (bar :json/name "bar1"))
  (:metaclass jarl:json-class))

(defclass coal/2 (coal/1)
  (:metaclass jarl:json-class))

(defun coal/0 (&rest args) (apply #'make-instance 'coal/0 args))
(defun coal/1 (&rest args) (apply #'make-instance 'coal/1 args))
(defun coal/2 (&rest args) (apply #'make-instance 'coal/2 args))

(defmethod same ((a coal/0) (b coal/0)) (slots= a b 'foo 'bar))
(defmethod same ((a coal/1) (b coal/1)) (slots= a b 'foo 'bar))
(defmethod same ((a coal/2) (b coal/2)) (slots= a b 'foo 'bar))

(define-test slot-coalescing-json-class
  ;; More-specific classes should take precedence.
  (is (same (coal/0 :foo 1) (jarl:read 'coal/0 (json "{'foo': 1}"))))
  (is (same (coal/1 :foo "meow") (jarl:read 'coal/1 (json "{'foo': 'meow'}"))))
  (is (same (coal/2 :foo "meow") (jarl:read 'coal/2 (json "{'foo': 'meow'}")))))

(define-test slot-coalescing-json-name
  ;; More-specific names should take precedence.
  (is (same (coal/0 :bar "x") (jarl:read 'coal/0 (json "{'bar0': 'x'}"))))
  (is (same (coal/1 :bar "x") (jarl:read 'coal/1 (json "{'bar1': 'x'}"))))
  (is (same (coal/2 :bar "x") (jarl:read 'coal/2 (json "{'bar1': 'x'}")))))

;;;; Wrappers -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass w ()
  ((names :type list :initarg :names)))

(define-test wrappers
    'w '(vector string)
    :read (lambda (strings) (make-instance 'w :names (coerce strings 'list)))
    :print (lambda (w) (coerce (slot-value w 'names) 'vector)))
    'uuid:uuid 'string
    :read 'uuid:make-uuid-from-string
    :print 'princ-to-string)
        (is (equal `("a" "b" "c")
                   (slot-value (jarl:read 'w (json "['a', 'b', 'c']")) 'names)))
        (is (uuid:uuid=
              (uuid:make-uuid-from-string "733DB032-C573-4EAA-AF6B-0FF7C99302D2")
              (jarl:read 'uuid:uuid (json "'733db032-c573-4eaa-af6b-0ff7c99302d2'"))))
        (is (string= (json "'733DB032-C573-4EAA-AF6B-0FF7C99302D2'")
                         (uuid:make-uuid-from-string "733DB032-C573-4EAA-AF6B-0FF7C99302D2")
        (is (string= (json "['meow','wow']")
                     (jarl:print (make-instance 'w :names '("meow" "wow")) nil))))
    (map nil 'jarl::remove-wrapper '(w uuid:uuid))))

;;;; Allow Print/Read ---------------------------------------------------------
(defclass apr ()
  ((id :json number :initarg :id))
  (:metaclass jarl:json-class))

(defclass apr/deny-read ()
  ((id :json number :initarg :id))
  (:metaclass jarl:json-class)
  (:allow-read nil))

(defclass apr/deny-print ()
  ((id :json number :initarg :id))
  (:metaclass jarl:json-class)
  (:allow-print nil))

(defclass apr/sub (apr)
  (:metaclass jarl:json-class))

(defclass apr/sub/remove (apr/sub)
  (:metaclass jarl:json-class)
  (:allow-print nil)
  (:allow-read nil))

(defclass apr/sub/remove/sub (apr/sub/remove)
  (:metaclass jarl:json-class))

(defclass apr/sub/add (apr/sub/remove)
  (:metaclass jarl:json-class)
  (:allow-print t)
  (:allow-read t))

(define-test allow-read
  (is (= 1 (slot-value (jarl:read 'apr (json "{'id': 1}")) 'id)))
  (is (= 1 (slot-value (jarl:read 'apr/deny-print (json "{'id': 1}")) 'id)))
  (signals error (jarl:read 'apr/deny-read (json "{'id': 1}"))))

(define-test allow-print
  (is (string= (json "{'id':1}") (jarl:print (make-instance 'apr :id 1) nil)))
  (is (string= (json "{'id':1}") (jarl:print (make-instance 'apr/deny-read :id 1) nil)))
  (signals error (jarl:print (make-instance 'apr/deny-print :id 1) nil)))

(define-test allow-read-inheritance
  (is (= 1 (slot-value (jarl:read 'apr (json "{'id': 1}")) 'id)))
  ;; Subclassing without overriding inherits.
  (is (= 1 (slot-value (jarl:read 'apr/sub (json "{'id': 1}")) 'id)))
  ;; Remove, can no longer read.
  (signals error (jarl:read 'apr/sub/remove (json "{'id': 1}")))
  ;; Can inherit the removal.
  (signals error (jarl:read 'apr/sub/remove/sub (json "{'id': 1}")))
  ;; Readd, can print again.
  (is (= 1 (slot-value (jarl:read 'apr/sub/add (json "{'id': 1}")) 'id))))

(define-test allow-print-inheritance
  (is (string= (json "{'id':1}") (jarl:print (make-instance 'apr :id 1) nil)))
  ;; Subclassing without overriding inherits.
  (is (string= (json "{'id':1}") (jarl:print (make-instance 'apr/sub :id 1) nil)))
  ;; Remove, can no longer read.
  (signals error (jarl:print (make-instance 'apr/sub/remove :id 1) nil))
  ;; Can inherit the removal.
  (signals error (jarl:print (make-instance 'apr/sub/remove/sub :id 1) nil))
  ;; Readd, can print again.
  (is (string= (json "{'id':1}") (jarl:print (make-instance 'apr/sub/add :id 1) nil))))

;;;; After Read/Before Print --------------------------------------------------
(define-condition validation-error (error) ())

(defun validate-small (i)
  (if (> (abs i) 10)
    (error 'validation-error)

(defclass arbp ()
  ((i :json number :initarg :i
      :json/after-read validate-small)
   (s :json string :initarg :s
      :json/after-read string-upcase
      :json/before-print string-downcase))
  (:metaclass jarl:json-class))

(define-test before-print
  (is (string= (json "{'s':'hello'}")
               (jarl:print (make-instance 'arbp :s "Hello") nil))))

(define-test after-read
  (is (string= "HELLO" (slot-value (jarl:read 'arbp (json "{'s':'Hello'}")) 's)))
  (is (= 5 (slot-value (jarl:read 'arbp (json "{'i':5}")) 'i)))
  (signals validation-error (jarl:read 'arbp (json "{'i':999}"))))

;;;; Unknown Slots ------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass us-pres ()
  ((id :json number))
  (:metaclass jarl:json-class)
  (:unknown-slots :preserve))

(defclass us-disc ()
  ((id :json number))
  (:metaclass jarl:json-class)
  (:unknown-slots :discard))

(defclass us-err ()
  ((id :json number))
  (:metaclass jarl:json-class)
  (:unknown-slots :error))

(define-test preserve-unknown-slots
  (is (string= (json "{'id':1}")
               (roundtrip-string 'us-pres "{'id':1}")))
  (is (string= (json "{'foo':10}")
               (roundtrip-string 'us-pres "{'foo':10}")))
  (is (same (h "id" 1 "foo" "bar" "meow" "wow")
            (jarl:read t (roundtrip-string 'us-pres "{'id':1, 'foo': 'bar', 'meow': 'wow'}")))))

(define-test discard-unknown-slots
  (is (string= (json "{'id':1}")
               (roundtrip-string 'us-disc "{'id':1}")))
  (is (string= (json "{}")
               (roundtrip-string 'us-disc "{'foo':10}")))
  (is (string= (json "{'id':1}")
               (roundtrip-string 'us-disc "{'id':1, 'foo': 'bar', 'meow': 'wow'}"))))

(define-test error-on-unknown-slots
  (is (string= (json "{'id':1}")
               (roundtrip-string 'us-err "{'id':1}")))
  (signals jarl::unknown-json-slot-error
           (jarl:read 'us-err (json "{'foo':10}")))
  (signals jarl::unknown-json-slot-error
           (jarl:read 'us-err (json "{'id':1, 'foo': 'bar', 'meow': 'wow'}"))))

;;;; Passing Input ------------------------------------------------------------
(define-test passing-input
  (let ((input (jarl::make-input (json "[1,2]  99  [} {}"))))
    (is (same (v 1 2) (jarl:read '(vector number) input)))
    (is (same 99 (jarl:read 'number input)))
        (progn (jarl:read 'vector input)
               (error "Should have signaled an error, but did not."))
      (jarl::json-reading-error (e)
        (is (= 1 (jarl::line e)))
        (is (= 13 (jarl::column e)))))))

;;;; Fuzz Utilities -----------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *basic-chars*
  " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_,'[]{}+=")

(defparameter *gen-depth* 0)
(defparameter *max-gen-depth* 5)

(chancery:define-rule gen/keyword

(chancery:define-rule gen/null

(chancery:define-rule (random-char :distribution :weighted)
  (50 (chancery:eval (string (alexandria:random-elt *basic-chars*))))
  (1 "\\\\")
  (1 "\\\"")
  (1 "\\n")
  (1 "\\b")
  (1 "\\f")
  (1 "\\t")
  ;; todo more unicode
  (1 (chancery:eval (format nil "\\u~4,'0X" (char-code (alexandria:random-elt *basic-chars*))))))

(defun random-string ()
  (with-output-to-string (s)
    (dotimes (i (random 20))
      (write-string (random-char) s))))

(chancery:define-rule (gen/string :distribution :weighted)
  (1 "")
  (5 random-string))

(chancery:define-rule gen/float
  (chancery:eval (- (random 1d12) 0.5d12)))

(defun gen/integer ()
  (- (random 100000) 50000))

(chancery:define-rule gen/number

(defun gen/vector ()
  (if (> *gen-depth* *max-gen-depth*)
    (let ((result (make-array (random 20)))
          (*gen-depth* (1+ *gen-depth*)))
      (dotimes (i (length result))
        (setf (aref result i) (gen/any)))

(defun gen/object ()
  (if (> *gen-depth* *max-gen-depth*)
    (let* ((result (h))
           (*gen-depth* (1+ *gen-depth*))
           (keys (remove-duplicates (loop :repeat (random 10)
                                          :collect (gen/string))
                                    :test #'equal)))
      (dolist (k keys)
        (setf (gethash k result) (gen/any)))

(chancery:define-rule gen/any

(defun copy-and-map-hash-table (function hash-table)
  (let ((result (make-hash-table :test #'equal
                                 :size (hash-table-count hash-table))))
    (maphash (lambda (k v)
               (setf (gethash (funcall function k) result)
                     (funcall function v)))

(defgeneric to-jarl (from o)
  (:method (from o) (declare (ignore from)) o)
  (:method (from (o string)) (declare (ignore from)) o))

(defmethod to-jarl (from (o vector))
  (map 'vector (alexandria:curry #'to-jarl from) o))

(defmethod to-jarl (from (o hash-table))
  (copy-and-map-hash-table (alexandria:curry #'to-jarl from) o))

(defgeneric from-jarl (to o)
  (:method (to o) (declare (ignore to)) o)
  (:method (to (o string)) (declare (ignore to)) o))

(defmethod from-jarl (to (o vector))
  (map 'vector (alexandria:curry #'from-jarl to) o))

(defmethod from-jarl (to (o hash-table))
  (copy-and-map-hash-table (alexandria:curry #'from-jarl to) o))

;;;; Yason Fuzzing ------------------------------------------------------------
(defun yason/read (string)
  (let ((yason:*parse-json-arrays-as-vectors* t)
        (yason:*parse-json-booleans-as-symbols* t)
        (*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
    (yason:parse string)))

(defun yason/print (object)
  (let ((yason:*parse-json-arrays-as-vectors* t)
        (yason:*parse-json-booleans-as-symbols* t)
        (*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
    (with-output-to-string (s)
      (yason:encode object s))))

(defmethod to-jarl ((from (eql 'yason)) (o symbol))
  (alexandria:make-keyword o))

(defmethod to-jarl ((from (eql 'yason)) (o null))

(defmethod to-jarl ((from (eql 'yason)) (o string))
  #+abcl (copy-seq o) ; https://github.com/armedbear/abcl/issues/275
  #-abcl o)

(defmethod from-jarl ((to (eql 'yason)) (o symbol))
  (ecase o
    ((nil) nil)
    (:true 'yason:true)
    (:false 'yason:false)))

(define-test fuzz-against-yason
  (dotimes (i 1000)
    (let* ((o (gen/any))
           (js (jarl:print o nil))
           (ys (yason/print (from-jarl 'yason o))))
      (is (same (jarl:read t js)
                (to-jarl 'yason (yason/read js))))
      (is (same (jarl:read t ys)
                (to-jarl 'yason (yason/read ys)))))))