test/data/reddit/r-common_lisp.json @ 06299969c903 default tip

Allow slot-name-to-json-name to return a symbol too
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 07 May 2024 22:50:12 -0400
parents 52f9e9c8aa31
children (none)
{"kind": "Listing", "data": {"modhash": "", "dist": 26, "children": [{"kind": "t3", "data": {"approved_at_utc": null, "subreddit": "Common_Lisp", "selftext": "Hi all,\n\nEarlier this month I [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/Common_Lisp/comments/f0jrnv/state_of_common_lisp/) to inquire about interest in a survey of Common Lisp for 2020. I received positive feedback regarding the idea, with minimal feedback on the questions (someone did track down my personal email address to discuss further!)\n\n[Here](https://forms.gle/Gr1i8NP9m2eLJeYR6) is the link to the Common Lisp survey for 2020 I have put together. I would like to keep the survey open for 2 weeks (is more time needed?), and will make the results available. Feel free to reach out below, or PM me if you have any feedback. Again, thank you for your participation!\n\nEDIT: This survey has been closed. Thank you to all who completed it. I will post a follow up reflection of the results. Thank you again!", "author_fullname": "t2_24920", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "State of Common Lisp Survey 2020", "link_flair_richtext": [], "subreddit_name_prefixed": "r/Common_Lisp", "hidden": false, "pwls": null, "link_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "top_awarded_type": null, "hide_score": false, "name": "t3_f8wqkj", "quarantine": false, "link_flair_text_color": "dark", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "author_flair_background_color": null, "subreddit_type": "public", "ups": 78, "total_awards_received": 0, "media_embed": {}, "author_flair_template_id": null, "is_original_content": false, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "is_reddit_media_domain": false, "is_meta": false, "category": null, "secure_media_embed": {}, "link_flair_text": null, "can_mod_post": false, "score": 78, "approved_by": null, "author_premium": false, "thumbnail": "", "edited": 1583896114.0, "author_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_richtext": [], "gildings": {}, "content_categories": null, "is_self": true, "mod_note": null, "created": 1582601870.0, "link_flair_type": "text", "wls": null, "removed_by_category": null, "banned_by": null, "author_flair_type": "text", "domain": "self.Common_Lisp", "allow_live_comments": false, "selftext_html": "&lt;!-- SC_OFF --&gt;&lt;div class=\"md\"&gt;&lt;p&gt;Hi all,&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;Earlier this month I &lt;a href=\"https://www.reddit.com/r/Common_Lisp/comments/f0jrnv/state_of_common_lisp/\"&gt;posted&lt;/a&gt; to inquire about interest in a survey of Common Lisp for 2020. I received positive feedback regarding the idea, with minimal feedback on the questions (someone did track down my personal email address to discuss further!)&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=\"https://forms.gle/Gr1i8NP9m2eLJeYR6\"&gt;Here&lt;/a&gt; is the link to the Common Lisp survey for 2020 I have put together. I would like to keep the survey open for 2 weeks (is more time needed?), and will make the results available. Feel free to reach out below, or PM me if you have any feedback. Again, thank you for your participation!&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;EDIT: This survey has been closed. Thank you to all who completed it. I will post a follow up reflection of the results. Thank you again!&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;/div&gt;&lt;!-- SC_ON --&gt;", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "banned_at_utc": null, "view_count": null, "archived": false, "no_follow": false, "is_crosspostable": false, "pinned": false, "over_18": false, "all_awardings": [], "awarders": [], "media_only": false, "can_gild": false, "spoiler": false, "locked": false, "author_flair_text": null, "treatment_tags": [], "visited": false, "removed_by": null, "num_reports": null, "distinguished": null, "subreddit_id": "t5_2qi41", "mod_reason_by": null, "removal_reason": null, "link_flair_background_color": "", "id": "f8wqkj", "is_robot_indexable": true, "report_reasons": null, "author": "developernotes", "discussion_type": null, "num_comments": 37, "send_replies": true, "whitelist_status": null, "contest_mode": false, "mod_reports": [], "author_patreon_flair": false, "author_flair_text_color": null, "permalink": "/r/Common_Lisp/comments/f8wqkj/state_of_common_lisp_survey_2020/", "parent_whitelist_status": null, "stickied": true, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Common_Lisp/comments/f8wqkj/state_of_common_lisp_survey_2020/", "subreddit_subscribers": 4314, "created_utc": 1582573070.0, "num_crossposts": 0, "media": null, "is_video": false}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"approved_at_utc": null, "subreddit": "Common_Lisp", "selftext": "", "author_fullname": "t2_j6dwn", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "bgutter/cl-phonetic - A phonetic pattern matching library for Common Lisp.", "link_flair_richtext": [], "subreddit_name_prefixed": "r/Common_Lisp", "hidden": false, "pwls": null, "link_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "top_awarded_type": null, "hide_score": false, "name": "t3_hzcwsx", "quarantine": false, "link_flair_text_color": "dark", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "author_flair_background_color": null, "subreddit_type": "public", "ups": 19, "total_awards_received": 0, "media_embed": {}, "author_flair_template_id": null, "is_original_content": false, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "is_reddit_media_domain": false, "is_meta": false, "category": null, "secure_media_embed": {}, "link_flair_text": null, "can_mod_post": false, "score": 19, "approved_by": null, "author_premium": false, "thumbnail": "", "edited": false, "author_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_richtext": [], "gildings": {}, "content_categories": null, "is_self": false, "mod_note": null, "created": 1595964098.0, "link_flair_type": "text", "wls": null, "removed_by_category": null, "banned_by": null, "author_flair_type": "text", "domain": "github.com", "allow_live_comments": false, "selftext_html": null, "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "banned_at_utc": null, "url_overridden_by_dest": "https://github.com/bgutter/cl-phonetic", "view_count": null, "archived": false, "no_follow": false, "is_crosspostable": false, "pinned": false, "over_18": false, "all_awardings": [], "awarders": [], "media_only": false, "can_gild": false, "spoiler": false, "locked": false, "author_flair_text": null, "treatment_tags": [], "visited": false, "removed_by": null, "num_reports": null, "distinguished": null, "subreddit_id": "t5_2qi41", "mod_reason_by": null, "removal_reason": null, "link_flair_background_color": "", "id": "hzcwsx", "is_robot_indexable": true, "report_reasons": null, "author": "dzecniv", "discussion_type": null, "num_comments": 2, "send_replies": true, "whitelist_status": null, "contest_mode": false, "mod_reports": [], "author_patreon_flair": false, "author_flair_text_color": null, "permalink": "/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hzcwsx/bgutterclphonetic_a_phonetic_pattern_matching/", "parent_whitelist_status": null, "stickied": false, "url": "https://github.com/bgutter/cl-phonetic", "subreddit_subscribers": 4314, "created_utc": 1595935298.0, "num_crossposts": 0, "media": null, "is_video": false}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"approved_at_utc": null, "subreddit": "Common_Lisp", "selftext": "Greetings lispers.\n\nGoogle has re-opened source cl-protobufs.\n\nIt is in active developement, we are currently working on completeing proto3 syntax.\n\n[https://github.com/qitab/cl-protobufs](https://github.com/qitab/cl-protobufs)\n\nI know it currently loads and all tests pass with sbcl and ccl, It should work with abcl.\n\nWe've fixed a lot of the underlying bugs, dramatically improved the serialization and deserialization time, and made it completely implement the proto2 spec. Ben has implemented map and oneof.\n\nI plan on replacing the current cl-protobufs that Google released 5 ish years ago on quicklisp, but we will keep the old version on Gitlab. I wanted to warn/ see if anyone is using the gitlab version of cl-protobufs?\n\n[https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/qitab/cl-protobufs](https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/qitab/cl-protobufs)\n\nThe only downside is you have to run protoc on your .proto files, but one option is to run it once and then use the translated .lisp files produced by protoc instead.", "author_fullname": "t2_11ea1o", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "cl-protobufs [x-post with /lisp]", "link_flair_richtext": [], "subreddit_name_prefixed": "r/Common_Lisp", "hidden": false, "pwls": null, "link_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "top_awarded_type": null, "hide_score": false, "name": "t3_hz2rjx", "quarantine": false, "link_flair_text_color": "dark", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "author_flair_background_color": null, "subreddit_type": "public", "ups": 14, "total_awards_received": 0, "media_embed": {}, "author_flair_template_id": null, "is_original_content": false, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "is_reddit_media_domain": false, "is_meta": false, "category": null, "secure_media_embed": {}, "link_flair_text": null, "can_mod_post": false, "score": 14, "approved_by": null, "author_premium": false, "thumbnail": "", "edited": false, "author_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_richtext": [], "gildings": {}, "content_categories": null, "is_self": true, "mod_note": null, "created": 1595918958.0, "link_flair_type": "text", "wls": null, "removed_by_category": null, "banned_by": null, "author_flair_type": "text", "domain": "self.Common_Lisp", "allow_live_comments": false, "selftext_html": "&lt;!-- SC_OFF --&gt;&lt;div class=\"md\"&gt;&lt;p&gt;Greetings lispers.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;Google has re-opened source cl-protobufs.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;It is in active developement, we are currently working on completeing proto3 syntax.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=\"https://github.com/qitab/cl-protobufs\"&gt;https://github.com/qitab/cl-protobufs&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;I know it currently loads and all tests pass with sbcl and ccl, It should work with abcl.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;We&amp;#39;ve fixed a lot of the underlying bugs, dramatically improved the serialization and deserialization time, and made it completely implement the proto2 spec. Ben has implemented map and oneof.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;I plan on replacing the current cl-protobufs that Google released 5 ish years ago on quicklisp, but we will keep the old version on Gitlab. I wanted to warn/ see if anyone is using the gitlab version of cl-protobufs?&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=\"https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/qitab/cl-protobufs\"&gt;https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/qitab/cl-protobufs&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;The only downside is you have to run protoc on your .proto files, but one option is to run it once and then use the translated .lisp files produced by protoc instead.&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;/div&gt;&lt;!-- SC_ON --&gt;", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "banned_at_utc": null, "view_count": null, "archived": false, "no_follow": false, "is_crosspostable": false, "pinned": false, "over_18": false, "all_awardings": [], "awarders": [], "media_only": false, "can_gild": false, "spoiler": false, "locked": false, "author_flair_text": null, "treatment_tags": [], "visited": false, "removed_by": null, "num_reports": null, "distinguished": null, "subreddit_id": "t5_2qi41", "mod_reason_by": null, "removal_reason": null, "link_flair_background_color": "", "id": "hz2rjx", "is_robot_indexable": true, "report_reasons": null, "author": "jgodbo", "discussion_type": null, "num_comments": 2, "send_replies": true, "whitelist_status": null, "contest_mode": false, "mod_reports": [], "author_patreon_flair": false, "author_flair_text_color": null, "permalink": "/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hz2rjx/clprotobufs_xpost_with_lisp/", "parent_whitelist_status": null, "stickied": false, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hz2rjx/clprotobufs_xpost_with_lisp/", "subreddit_subscribers": 4314, "created_utc": 1595890158.0, "num_crossposts": 0, "media": null, "is_video": false}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"approved_at_utc": null, "subreddit": "Common_Lisp", "selftext": "I tried to find full zookeeper support for Common Lisp and couldn't find any. If I am not missing something I am planning to post a bounty to implement it. How much work do you guys think it will take?", "author_fullname": "t2_16q9gbma", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "Common Lisp Zookeeper support", "link_flair_richtext": [], "subreddit_name_prefixed": "r/Common_Lisp", "hidden": false, "pwls": null, "link_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "top_awarded_type": null, "hide_score": false, "name": "t3_hyz1rj", "quarantine": false, "link_flair_text_color": "dark", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "author_flair_background_color": null, "subreddit_type": "public", "ups": 7, "total_awards_received": 0, "media_embed": {}, "author_flair_template_id": null, "is_original_content": false, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "is_reddit_media_domain": false, "is_meta": false, "category": null, "secure_media_embed": {}, "link_flair_text": null, "can_mod_post": false, "score": 7, "approved_by": null, "author_premium": false, "thumbnail": "", "edited": false, "author_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_richtext": [], "gildings": {}, "content_categories": null, "is_self": true, "mod_note": null, "created": 1595906991.0, "link_flair_type": "text", "wls": null, "removed_by_category": null, "banned_by": null, "author_flair_type": "text", "domain": "self.Common_Lisp", "allow_live_comments": false, "selftext_html": "&lt;!-- SC_OFF --&gt;&lt;div class=\"md\"&gt;&lt;p&gt;I tried to find full zookeeper support for Common Lisp and couldn&amp;#39;t find any. If I am not missing something I am planning to post a bounty to implement it. How much work do you guys think it will take?&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;/div&gt;&lt;!-- SC_ON --&gt;", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "banned_at_utc": null, "view_count": null, "archived": false, "no_follow": true, "is_crosspostable": false, "pinned": false, "over_18": false, "all_awardings": [], "awarders": [], "media_only": false, "can_gild": false, "spoiler": false, "locked": false, "author_flair_text": null, "treatment_tags": [], "visited": false, "removed_by": null, "num_reports": null, "distinguished": null, "subreddit_id": "t5_2qi41", "mod_reason_by": null, "removal_reason": null, "link_flair_background_color": "", "id": "hyz1rj", "is_robot_indexable": true, "report_reasons": null, "author": "zu1us", "discussion_type": null, "num_comments": 1, "send_replies": true, "whitelist_status": null, "contest_mode": false, "mod_reports": [], "author_patreon_flair": false, "author_flair_text_color": null, "permalink": "/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hyz1rj/common_lisp_zookeeper_support/", "parent_whitelist_status": null, "stickied": false, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hyz1rj/common_lisp_zookeeper_support/", "subreddit_subscribers": 4314, "created_utc": 1595878191.0, "num_crossposts": 1, "media": null, "is_video": false}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"approved_at_utc": null, "subreddit": "Common_Lisp", "selftext": "I had a coworker of mine say that OOP in lisp languages is less expressive then \u201cnormal\u201d (non lisp) languages because they don\u2019t have a different syntax for methods. In a non-lisp languages you have `func(args)` for functions and `object.method(args)` for methods. In lisp you only have `(func args)`. This means you can\u2019t implement something like a polymorphic print or overload the `+` operator. You have to pick names for your methods that don\u2019t conflict with functions or namespace them.\n\nIs my coworkers assessment fair or are there practical ways that CLOS works around this?", "author_fullname": "t2_z9rto", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "OOP in Common Lisp less expressive?", "link_flair_richtext": [], "subreddit_name_prefixed": "r/Common_Lisp", "hidden": false, "pwls": null, "link_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "top_awarded_type": null, "hide_score": false, "name": "t3_hy8y63", "quarantine": false, "link_flair_text_color": "dark", "upvote_ratio": 0.69, "author_flair_background_color": null, "subreddit_type": "public", "ups": 5, "total_awards_received": 0, "media_embed": {}, "author_flair_template_id": null, "is_original_content": false, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "is_reddit_media_domain": false, "is_meta": false, "category": null, "secure_media_embed": {}, "link_flair_text": null, "can_mod_post": false, "score": 5, "approved_by": null, "author_premium": false, "thumbnail": "", "edited": false, "author_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_richtext": [], "gildings": {}, "content_categories": null, "is_self": true, "mod_note": null, "created": 1595806614.0, "link_flair_type": "text", "wls": null, "removed_by_category": null, "banned_by": null, "author_flair_type": "text", "domain": "self.Common_Lisp", "allow_live_comments": false, "selftext_html": "&lt;!-- SC_OFF --&gt;&lt;div class=\"md\"&gt;&lt;p&gt;I had a coworker of mine say that OOP in lisp languages is less expressive then \u201cnormal\u201d (non lisp) languages because they don\u2019t have a different syntax for methods. In a non-lisp languages you have &lt;code&gt;func(args)&lt;/code&gt; for functions and &lt;code&gt;object.method(args)&lt;/code&gt; for methods. In lisp you only have &lt;code&gt;(func args)&lt;/code&gt;. This means you can\u2019t implement something like a polymorphic print or overload the &lt;code&gt;+&lt;/code&gt; operator. You have to pick names for your methods that don\u2019t conflict with functions or namespace them.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;Is my coworkers assessment fair or are there practical ways that CLOS works around this?&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;/div&gt;&lt;!-- SC_ON --&gt;", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "banned_at_utc": null, "view_count": null, "archived": false, "no_follow": false, "is_crosspostable": false, "pinned": false, "over_18": false, "all_awardings": [], "awarders": [], "media_only": false, "can_gild": false, "spoiler": false, "locked": false, "author_flair_text": null, "treatment_tags": [], "visited": false, "removed_by": null, "num_reports": null, "distinguished": null, "subreddit_id": "t5_2qi41", "mod_reason_by": null, "removal_reason": null, "link_flair_background_color": "", "id": "hy8y63", "is_robot_indexable": true, "report_reasons": null, "author": "celeritasCelery", "discussion_type": null, "num_comments": 19, "send_replies": true, "whitelist_status": null, "contest_mode": false, "mod_reports": [], "author_patreon_flair": false, "author_flair_text_color": null, "permalink": "/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hy8y63/oop_in_common_lisp_less_expressive/", "parent_whitelist_status": null, "stickied": false, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hy8y63/oop_in_common_lisp_less_expressive/", "subreddit_subscribers": 4314, "created_utc": 1595777814.0, "num_crossposts": 0, "media": null, "is_video": false}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"approved_at_utc": null, "subreddit": "Common_Lisp", "selftext": "FWIW: For newbies to CL.\n\nI was struggling to install cl-async library using quicklisp. Ran into various errors.\n\nFortunately I stumbled upon this [https://github.com/ceramic/ceramic/issues/50#issuecomment-347022936](https://github.com/ceramic/ceramic/issues/50#issuecomment-347022936). So I installed libuv1-dev as well. Then I was able to install cl-async.\n\nI don't know if this is the proper way of  correcting the error, but it seems to have worked. I have not yet played around with cl-async, so I don't know what happens next, but at least (ql:quickload \"cl-async\") does not throw any error.\n\nI don't know if this can be generalized. For example, if a library xyz is a requirement for a CL library, and if quicklisp-install fails, try installing xyz-dev as well. \n\nSummary:\n\nIf you want to install cl-async/cl-libuv; in addition to installing libuv, you may also need to install libuv1-dev. And that might work.", "author_fullname": "t2_5haau9gl", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "Possible Useful Information (for Newbies)", "link_flair_richtext": [], "subreddit_name_prefixed": "r/Common_Lisp", "hidden": false, "pwls": null, "link_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "top_awarded_type": null, "hide_score": false, "name": "t3_hxrqap", "quarantine": false, "link_flair_text_color": "dark", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "author_flair_background_color": null, "subreddit_type": "public", "ups": 9, "total_awards_received": 0, "media_embed": {}, "author_flair_template_id": null, "is_original_content": false, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "is_reddit_media_domain": false, "is_meta": false, "category": null, "secure_media_embed": {}, "link_flair_text": null, "can_mod_post": false, "score": 9, "approved_by": null, "author_premium": false, "thumbnail": "", "edited": false, "author_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_richtext": [], "gildings": {}, "content_categories": null, "is_self": true, "mod_note": null, "created": 1595731042.0, "link_flair_type": "text", "wls": null, "removed_by_category": null, "banned_by": null, "author_flair_type": "text", "domain": "self.Common_Lisp", "allow_live_comments": false, "selftext_html": "&lt;!-- SC_OFF --&gt;&lt;div class=\"md\"&gt;&lt;p&gt;FWIW: For newbies to CL.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;I was struggling to install cl-async library using quicklisp. Ran into various errors.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;Fortunately I stumbled upon this &lt;a href=\"https://github.com/ceramic/ceramic/issues/50#issuecomment-347022936\"&gt;https://github.com/ceramic/ceramic/issues/50#issuecomment-347022936&lt;/a&gt;. So I installed libuv1-dev as well. Then I was able to install cl-async.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;I don&amp;#39;t know if this is the proper way of  correcting the error, but it seems to have worked. I have not yet played around with cl-async, so I don&amp;#39;t know what happens next, but at least (ql:quickload &amp;quot;cl-async&amp;quot;) does not throw any error.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;I don&amp;#39;t know if this can be generalized. For example, if a library xyz is a requirement for a CL library, and if quicklisp-install fails, try installing xyz-dev as well. &lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;Summary:&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;If you want to install cl-async/cl-libuv; in addition to installing libuv, you may also need to install libuv1-dev. And that might work.&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;/div&gt;&lt;!-- SC_ON --&gt;", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "banned_at_utc": null, "view_count": null, "archived": false, "no_follow": false, "is_crosspostable": false, "pinned": false, "over_18": false, "all_awardings": [], "awarders": [], "media_only": false, "can_gild": false, "spoiler": false, "locked": false, "author_flair_text": null, "treatment_tags": [], "visited": false, "removed_by": null, "num_reports": null, "distinguished": null, "subreddit_id": "t5_2qi41", "mod_reason_by": null, "removal_reason": null, "link_flair_background_color": "", "id": "hxrqap", "is_robot_indexable": true, "report_reasons": null, "author": "polymath-in", "discussion_type": null, "num_comments": 8, "send_replies": true, "whitelist_status": null, "contest_mode": false, "mod_reports": [], "author_patreon_flair": false, "author_flair_text_color": null, "permalink": "/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hxrqap/possible_useful_information_for_newbies/", "parent_whitelist_status": null, "stickied": false, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hxrqap/possible_useful_information_for_newbies/", "subreddit_subscribers": 4314, "created_utc": 1595702242.0, "num_crossposts": 0, "media": null, "is_video": false}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"approved_at_utc": null, "subreddit": "Common_Lisp", "selftext": "How can I easily evaluate a form in the REPL (SBCL/slime) and either inhibit entirely printing the output  value of the form, or maybe limit the output to something reasonably long.\n\nE.g.\n\nCL-USER&gt; (loop for i below 1000000 collect i)\n\nwill now output a million-entry list to the REPL (I suppose, at any rate it does for very long lists). Moreover, once it is output to the \\*slime-repl\\* buffer, the output cannot be deleted from the REPL in any way I can see.\n\nAs long as I am asking REPL questions, does SBCL have an easy way to number input prompts?", "author_fullname": "t2_5outz", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "Inhibit printing in the repl?", "link_flair_richtext": [], "subreddit_name_prefixed": "r/Common_Lisp", "hidden": false, "pwls": null, "link_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "top_awarded_type": null, "hide_score": false, "name": "t3_hxj196", "quarantine": false, "link_flair_text_color": "dark", "upvote_ratio": 0.81, "author_flair_background_color": null, "subreddit_type": "public", "ups": 3, "total_awards_received": 0, "media_embed": {}, "author_flair_template_id": null, "is_original_content": false, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "is_reddit_media_domain": false, "is_meta": false, "category": null, "secure_media_embed": {}, "link_flair_text": null, "can_mod_post": false, "score": 3, "approved_by": null, "author_premium": false, "thumbnail": "", "edited": false, "author_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_richtext": [], "gildings": {}, "content_categories": null, "is_self": true, "mod_note": null, "created": 1595692413.0, "link_flair_type": "text", "wls": null, "removed_by_category": null, "banned_by": null, "author_flair_type": "text", "domain": "self.Common_Lisp", "allow_live_comments": false, "selftext_html": "&lt;!-- SC_OFF --&gt;&lt;div class=\"md\"&gt;&lt;p&gt;How can I easily evaluate a form in the REPL (SBCL/slime) and either inhibit entirely printing the output  value of the form, or maybe limit the output to something reasonably long.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;E.g.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;CL-USER&amp;gt; (loop for i below 1000000 collect i)&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;will now output a million-entry list to the REPL (I suppose, at any rate it does for very long lists). Moreover, once it is output to the *slime-repl* buffer, the output cannot be deleted from the REPL in any way I can see.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;As long as I am asking REPL questions, does SBCL have an easy way to number input prompts?&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;/div&gt;&lt;!-- SC_ON --&gt;", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "banned_at_utc": null, "view_count": null, "archived": false, "no_follow": false, "is_crosspostable": false, "pinned": false, "over_18": false, "all_awardings": [], "awarders": [], "media_only": false, "can_gild": false, "spoiler": false, "locked": false, "author_flair_text": null, "treatment_tags": [], "visited": false, "removed_by": null, "num_reports": null, "distinguished": null, "subreddit_id": "t5_2qi41", "mod_reason_by": null, "removal_reason": null, "link_flair_background_color": "", "id": "hxj196", "is_robot_indexable": true, "report_reasons": null, "author": "kendradog", "discussion_type": null, "num_comments": 9, "send_replies": true, "whitelist_status": null, "contest_mode": false, "mod_reports": [], "author_patreon_flair": false, "author_flair_text_color": null, "permalink": "/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hxj196/inhibit_printing_in_the_repl/", "parent_whitelist_status": null, "stickied": false, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hxj196/inhibit_printing_in_the_repl/", "subreddit_subscribers": 4314, "created_utc": 1595663613.0, "num_crossposts": 0, "media": null, "is_video": false}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"approved_at_utc": null, "subreddit": "Common_Lisp", "selftext": "", "author_fullname": "t2_24eol", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "Automated Program Transformations, using the ACL2 theorem prover", "link_flair_richtext": [], "subreddit_name_prefixed": "r/Common_Lisp", "hidden": false, "pwls": null, "link_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "top_awarded_type": null, "hide_score": false, "name": "t3_hx5eqy", "quarantine": false, "link_flair_text_color": "dark", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "author_flair_background_color": null, "subreddit_type": "public", "ups": 12, "total_awards_received": 0, "media_embed": {}, "author_flair_template_id": null, "is_original_content": false, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "is_reddit_media_domain": false, "is_meta": false, "category": null, "secure_media_embed": {}, "link_flair_text": null, "can_mod_post": false, "score": 12, "approved_by": null, "author_premium": false, "thumbnail": "", "edited": false, "author_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_richtext": [], "gildings": {}, "content_categories": null, "is_self": false, "mod_note": null, "created": 1595638510.0, "link_flair_type": "text", "wls": null, "removed_by_category": null, "banned_by": null, "author_flair_type": "text", "domain": "kestrel.edu", "allow_live_comments": false, "selftext_html": null, "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "banned_at_utc": null, "url_overridden_by_dest": "https://www.kestrel.edu/research/apt/", "view_count": null, "archived": false, "no_follow": false, "is_crosspostable": false, "pinned": false, "over_18": false, "all_awardings": [], "awarders": [], "media_only": false, "can_gild": false, "spoiler": false, "locked": false, "author_flair_text": null, "treatment_tags": [], "visited": false, "removed_by": null, "num_reports": null, "distinguished": null, "subreddit_id": "t5_2qi41", "mod_reason_by": null, "removal_reason": null, "link_flair_background_color": "", "id": "hx5eqy", "is_robot_indexable": true, "report_reasons": null, "author": "lispm", "discussion_type": null, "num_comments": 1, "send_replies": true, "whitelist_status": null, "contest_mode": false, "mod_reports": [], "author_patreon_flair": false, "author_flair_text_color": null, "permalink": "/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hx5eqy/automated_program_transformations_using_the_acl2/", "parent_whitelist_status": null, "stickied": false, "url": "https://www.kestrel.edu/research/apt/", "subreddit_subscribers": 4314, "created_utc": 1595609710.0, "num_crossposts": 0, "media": null, "is_video": false}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"approved_at_utc": null, "subreddit": "Common_Lisp", "selftext": "", "author_fullname": "t2_j6dwn", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "cl-aristid - Draw Lindenmayer Systems with Common LISP! 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I have been coming across various terms, for example\n\n1. Process\n2. Thread\n3. Green-Thread\n4. Fiber\n5. Proto-thread\n6. Callback\n7. Continuations\n8. Event-Loop\n9. Async/Await\n10. Coroutines\n11. Goroutines\n12. Etc.\n\nI also run into their taxonomy as in Hardware-managed/Software-managed; Kernel/OS-managed vs User-managed vs Runtime-managed; Shared-Memory vs No-shared-Memory.\n\nI want to understand (in some sense) just enough (basic concepts) to be able to apply my knowledge to Web Development in CL. Google/Duckduckgo searches lead me to Javascript-eventloop, or Python async-await (more often than not). I am looking for something where some basics/fundamentals are covered either in (nearly) programming-language independent manner, Or, are done specifically in CL itself. (This is to make it easier for me, as I am a beginner in programming as well as CL).\n\nAny recommendations/inputs are welcome. Even if it helps me to refine my question, so that in my next post I could ask more concrete question, that will be great. Thanks in anticipation.", "author_fullname": "t2_5haau9gl", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "What is the recommended way to learn Concurrent/Async Programming in CL? (Newbie Question).", "link_flair_richtext": [], "subreddit_name_prefixed": "r/Common_Lisp", "hidden": false, "pwls": null, "link_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "top_awarded_type": null, "hide_score": false, "name": "t3_hwieto", "quarantine": false, "link_flair_text_color": "dark", "upvote_ratio": 0.84, "author_flair_background_color": null, "subreddit_type": "public", "ups": 11, "total_awards_received": 0, "media_embed": {}, "author_flair_template_id": null, "is_original_content": false, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "is_reddit_media_domain": false, "is_meta": false, "category": null, "secure_media_embed": {}, "link_flair_text": null, "can_mod_post": false, "score": 11, "approved_by": null, "author_premium": false, "thumbnail": "", "edited": 1595521800.0, "author_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_richtext": [], "gildings": {}, "content_categories": null, "is_self": true, "mod_note": null, "created": 1595549457.0, "link_flair_type": "text", "wls": null, "removed_by_category": null, "banned_by": null, "author_flair_type": "text", "domain": "self.Common_Lisp", "allow_live_comments": false, "selftext_html": "&lt;!-- SC_OFF --&gt;&lt;div class=\"md\"&gt;&lt;p&gt;I have a highly superficial understanding of concurrency. I have been coming across various terms, for example&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;ol&gt;\n&lt;li&gt;Process&lt;/li&gt;\n&lt;li&gt;Thread&lt;/li&gt;\n&lt;li&gt;Green-Thread&lt;/li&gt;\n&lt;li&gt;Fiber&lt;/li&gt;\n&lt;li&gt;Proto-thread&lt;/li&gt;\n&lt;li&gt;Callback&lt;/li&gt;\n&lt;li&gt;Continuations&lt;/li&gt;\n&lt;li&gt;Event-Loop&lt;/li&gt;\n&lt;li&gt;Async/Await&lt;/li&gt;\n&lt;li&gt;Coroutines&lt;/li&gt;\n&lt;li&gt;Goroutines&lt;/li&gt;\n&lt;li&gt;Etc.&lt;/li&gt;\n&lt;/ol&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;I also run into their taxonomy as in Hardware-managed/Software-managed; Kernel/OS-managed vs User-managed vs Runtime-managed; Shared-Memory vs No-shared-Memory.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;I want to understand (in some sense) just enough (basic concepts) to be able to apply my knowledge to Web Development in CL. Google/Duckduckgo searches lead me to Javascript-eventloop, or Python async-await (more often than not). I am looking for something where some basics/fundamentals are covered either in (nearly) programming-language independent manner, Or, are done specifically in CL itself. (This is to make it easier for me, as I am a beginner in programming as well as CL).&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;Any recommendations/inputs are welcome. Even if it helps me to refine my question, so that in my next post I could ask more concrete question, that will be great. Thanks in anticipation.&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;/div&gt;&lt;!-- SC_ON --&gt;", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "banned_at_utc": null, "view_count": null, "archived": false, "no_follow": false, "is_crosspostable": false, "pinned": false, "over_18": false, "all_awardings": [], "awarders": [], "media_only": false, "can_gild": false, "spoiler": false, "locked": false, "author_flair_text": null, "treatment_tags": [], "visited": false, "removed_by": null, "num_reports": null, "distinguished": null, "subreddit_id": "t5_2qi41", "mod_reason_by": null, "removal_reason": null, "link_flair_background_color": "", "id": "hwieto", "is_robot_indexable": true, "report_reasons": null, "author": "polymath-in", "discussion_type": null, "num_comments": 51, "send_replies": true, "whitelist_status": null, "contest_mode": false, "mod_reports": [], "author_patreon_flair": false, "author_flair_text_color": null, "permalink": "/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hwieto/what_is_the_recommended_way_to_learn/", "parent_whitelist_status": null, "stickied": false, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hwieto/what_is_the_recommended_way_to_learn/", "subreddit_subscribers": 4314, "created_utc": 1595520657.0, "num_crossposts": 0, "media": null, "is_video": false}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"approved_at_utc": null, "subreddit": "Common_Lisp", "selftext": "", "author_fullname": "t2_j6dwn", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "log4cl-extras - provides a JSON formatter, a macro to capture context variables and a macro to log unhandled tracebacks.", "link_flair_richtext": [], "subreddit_name_prefixed": "r/Common_Lisp", "hidden": false, "pwls": null, "link_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "top_awarded_type": null, "hide_score": false, "name": "t3_hv5orp", "quarantine": false, "link_flair_text_color": "dark", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "author_flair_background_color": null, "subreddit_type": "public", "ups": 17, "total_awards_received": 0, "media_embed": {}, "author_flair_template_id": null, "is_original_content": false, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "is_reddit_media_domain": false, "is_meta": false, "category": null, "secure_media_embed": {}, "link_flair_text": null, "can_mod_post": false, "score": 17, "approved_by": null, "author_premium": false, "thumbnail": "", "edited": false, "author_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_richtext": [], "gildings": {}, "content_categories": null, "is_self": false, "mod_note": null, "created": 1595359579.0, "link_flair_type": "text", "wls": null, "removed_by_category": null, "banned_by": null, "author_flair_type": "text", "domain": "40ants.com", "allow_live_comments": false, "selftext_html": null, "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "banned_at_utc": null, "url_overridden_by_dest": "https://40ants.com/lisp-project-of-the-day/2020/07/0136-log4cl-extras.html", "view_count": null, "archived": false, "no_follow": false, "is_crosspostable": false, "pinned": false, "over_18": false, "all_awardings": [], "awarders": [], "media_only": false, "can_gild": false, "spoiler": false, "locked": false, "author_flair_text": null, "treatment_tags": [], "visited": false, "removed_by": null, "num_reports": null, "distinguished": null, "subreddit_id": "t5_2qi41", "mod_reason_by": null, "removal_reason": null, "link_flair_background_color": "", "id": "hv5orp", "is_robot_indexable": true, "report_reasons": null, "author": "dzecniv", "discussion_type": null, "num_comments": 0, "send_replies": true, "whitelist_status": null, "contest_mode": false, "mod_reports": [], "author_patreon_flair": false, "author_flair_text_color": null, "permalink": "/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hv5orp/log4clextras_provides_a_json_formatter_a_macro_to/", "parent_whitelist_status": null, "stickied": false, "url": "https://40ants.com/lisp-project-of-the-day/2020/07/0136-log4cl-extras.html", "subreddit_subscribers": 4314, "created_utc": 1595330779.0, "num_crossposts": 0, "media": null, "is_video": false}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"approved_at_utc": null, "subreddit": "Common_Lisp", "selftext": "I need to write 2 functions for a school assignment. I have already written them and they both work, but my teacher is not happy with them and I have no idea how to do them otherwise.  \n\nThe first one is supposed to return the position in the list of the argument it's been called with, nil if it's not in the list.\n\nHere's what I got\n\n    (defun myposition (lettre liste)\n      (cond\n        ((not (member lettre liste)) (return-from myposition nil))\n        ((equal (car liste) lettre) 0)\n        ((+ 1 (myposition lettre (cdr liste)))) ) )\n\nHe won't allow us to use member, or return-from, and I don't know how one function can return either a number or nil...\n\nThe second function is supposed to return the n cdr of a list, cdr 0 being the list itself\n\nHere's what I came up with\n\n    (defun niemecdr (item liste)\n      (cond\n        ((not liste) (return-from niemecdr nil))\n        ((equal item 0) (return-from niemecdr liste))\n        (t (niemecdr (- item 1) (cdr liste))) ) )\n\nFor this one he said that my function was crazy (sorry I don't know how to better translate what he actually said) and again I shouldn't use return-from or what am I going to use when we start writing complexe functions, an atomic bomb?\n\n(Sorry about the rant, I'm kinda pissed about the whole thing)", "author_fullname": "t2_of02h", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "I need help with 2 functions !", "link_flair_richtext": [], "subreddit_name_prefixed": "r/Common_Lisp", "hidden": false, "pwls": null, "link_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "top_awarded_type": null, "hide_score": false, "name": "t3_huy3el", "quarantine": false, "link_flair_text_color": "dark", "upvote_ratio": 0.6, "author_flair_background_color": null, "subreddit_type": "public", "ups": 2, "total_awards_received": 0, "media_embed": {}, "author_flair_template_id": null, "is_original_content": false, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "is_reddit_media_domain": false, "is_meta": false, "category": null, "secure_media_embed": {}, "link_flair_text": null, "can_mod_post": false, "score": 2, "approved_by": null, "author_premium": false, "thumbnail": "", "edited": false, "author_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_richtext": [], "gildings": {}, "content_categories": null, "is_self": true, "mod_note": null, "created": 1595323101.0, "link_flair_type": "text", "wls": null, "removed_by_category": null, "banned_by": null, "author_flair_type": "text", "domain": "self.Common_Lisp", "allow_live_comments": false, "selftext_html": "&lt;!-- SC_OFF --&gt;&lt;div class=\"md\"&gt;&lt;p&gt;I need to write 2 functions for a school assignment. I have already written them and they both work, but my teacher is not happy with them and I have no idea how to do them otherwise.  &lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;The first one is supposed to return the position in the list of the argument it&amp;#39;s been called with, nil if it&amp;#39;s not in the list.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;Here&amp;#39;s what I got&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt;(defun myposition (lettre liste)\n  (cond\n    ((not (member lettre liste)) (return-from myposition nil))\n    ((equal (car liste) lettre) 0)\n    ((+ 1 (myposition lettre (cdr liste)))) ) )\n&lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;He won&amp;#39;t allow us to use member, or return-from, and I don&amp;#39;t know how one function can return either a number or nil...&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;The second function is supposed to return the n cdr of a list, cdr 0 being the list itself&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;Here&amp;#39;s what I came up with&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt;(defun niemecdr (item liste)\n  (cond\n    ((not liste) (return-from niemecdr nil))\n    ((equal item 0) (return-from niemecdr liste))\n    (t (niemecdr (- item 1) (cdr liste))) ) )\n&lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;For this one he said that my function was crazy (sorry I don&amp;#39;t know how to better translate what he actually said) and again I shouldn&amp;#39;t use return-from or what am I going to use when we start writing complexe functions, an atomic bomb?&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;(Sorry about the rant, I&amp;#39;m kinda pissed about the whole thing)&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;/div&gt;&lt;!-- SC_ON --&gt;", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "banned_at_utc": null, "view_count": null, "archived": false, "no_follow": true, "is_crosspostable": false, "pinned": false, "over_18": false, "all_awardings": [], "awarders": [], "media_only": false, "can_gild": false, "spoiler": false, "locked": false, "author_flair_text": null, "treatment_tags": [], "visited": false, "removed_by": null, "num_reports": null, "distinguished": null, "subreddit_id": "t5_2qi41", "mod_reason_by": null, "removal_reason": null, "link_flair_background_color": "", "id": "huy3el", "is_robot_indexable": true, "report_reasons": null, "author": "matmatomate", "discussion_type": null, "num_comments": 12, "send_replies": true, "whitelist_status": null, "contest_mode": false, "mod_reports": [], "author_patreon_flair": false, "author_flair_text_color": null, "permalink": "/r/Common_Lisp/comments/huy3el/i_need_help_with_2_functions/", "parent_whitelist_status": null, "stickied": false, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Common_Lisp/comments/huy3el/i_need_help_with_2_functions/", "subreddit_subscribers": 4314, "created_utc": 1595294301.0, "num_crossposts": 0, "media": null, "is_video": false}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"approved_at_utc": null, "subreddit": "Common_Lisp", "selftext": "On Linux should I be installing using my distro's package manager, the package manager in Emacs, going [here](https://github.com/slime/slime), or something else altogether?", "author_fullname": "t2_5tmu0", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "How should I install Slime? 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Further, In particular I am trying to understand the usage of the \"responder\" facility. I understand \"env\" as an alist/plist which contains http/request/response variables. What does \"responder\" contain? Is it a function? Can one call it from outside?\n\nMy goal is to use \"responder\" facility to write an SSE-handler (server-sent events). For SSE header keep-alive is true, and content-type is event-stream. And it is used to send a message to (keep-alive: true) clients whenever some event happens in another part of the program.\n\nThanking you in anticipation.", "author_fullname": "t2_5haau9gl", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "What is the recommended way to read/understand code written by others? 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Further, In particular I am trying to understand the usage of the &amp;quot;responder&amp;quot; facility. I understand &amp;quot;env&amp;quot; as an alist/plist which contains http/request/response variables. What does &amp;quot;responder&amp;quot; contain? Is it a function? Can one call it from outside?&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;My goal is to use &amp;quot;responder&amp;quot; facility to write an SSE-handler (server-sent events). For SSE header keep-alive is true, and content-type is event-stream. And it is used to send a message to (keep-alive: true) clients whenever some event happens in another part of the program.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;Thanking you in anticipation.&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;/div&gt;&lt;!-- SC_ON --&gt;", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "banned_at_utc": null, "view_count": null, "archived": false, "no_follow": false, "is_crosspostable": false, "pinned": false, "over_18": false, "all_awardings": [], "awarders": [], "media_only": false, "can_gild": false, "spoiler": false, "locked": false, "author_flair_text": null, "treatment_tags": [], "visited": false, "removed_by": null, "num_reports": null, "distinguished": null, "subreddit_id": "t5_2qi41", "mod_reason_by": null, "removal_reason": null, "link_flair_background_color": "", "id": "hu019r", "is_robot_indexable": true, "report_reasons": null, "author": "polymath-in", "discussion_type": null, "num_comments": 62, "send_replies": true, "whitelist_status": null, "contest_mode": false, "mod_reports": [], 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Changed my mind on how I see programming languages..So much, that I rewrote some domain logic services I had in Golang..with 1/10 of the pain and time. (Included in that pain learning common lisp from 0). They are going into production once I make sure everything is correct, but so far everything looks perfect!! :)\n\nThe question on this post is, while programming on common lisp, I tend to write small macros and save them to a utility library I created, 'martillo' (hammer in english) .\n\nI'm not sure if I'm re-inventing the wheel or if it's normal thing in common lisp , but it solves my issues at hand .  \n\nOne example, is validation \n\n(when \\*something\\* (error \"Failed\") \n\nor\n\n (when (not \\*something\\*) (error \"failed))\n\nSome domain logic I had  to write lot of this ones, so I created a macro for that. Is that correct, recommended? I'm still new to common lisp, so I guess will have to my re writes in to future I guess.\n\n&amp;#x200B;\n\nThank you!", "author_fullname": "t2_6fhgcml3", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "Utility library? - CL journey to production", "link_flair_richtext": [], "subreddit_name_prefixed": "r/Common_Lisp", "hidden": false, "pwls": null, "link_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "top_awarded_type": null, "hide_score": false, "name": "t3_hswmc9", "quarantine": false, "link_flair_text_color": "dark", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "author_flair_background_color": null, "subreddit_type": "public", "ups": 12, "total_awards_received": 0, "media_embed": {}, "author_flair_template_id": null, "is_original_content": false, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "is_reddit_media_domain": false, "is_meta": false, "category": null, "secure_media_embed": {}, "link_flair_text": null, "can_mod_post": false, "score": 12, "approved_by": null, "author_premium": false, "thumbnail": "", "edited": false, "author_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_richtext": [], "gildings": {}, "content_categories": null, "is_self": true, "mod_note": null, "created": 1595024863.0, "link_flair_type": "text", "wls": null, "removed_by_category": null, "banned_by": null, "author_flair_type": "text", "domain": "self.Common_Lisp", "allow_live_comments": false, "selftext_html": "&lt;!-- SC_OFF --&gt;&lt;div class=\"md\"&gt;&lt;p&gt;Hello Everyone!&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;First of all, I shall say that I&amp;#39;m amazed and fully in love with power/productivity of common lisp. Changed my mind on how I see programming languages..So much, that I rewrote some domain logic services I had in Golang..with 1/10 of the pain and time. (Included in that pain learning common lisp from 0). They are going into production once I make sure everything is correct, but so far everything looks perfect!! :)&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;The question on this post is, while programming on common lisp, I tend to write small macros and save them to a utility library I created, &amp;#39;martillo&amp;#39; (hammer in english) .&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#39;m not sure if I&amp;#39;m re-inventing the wheel or if it&amp;#39;s normal thing in common lisp , but it solves my issues at hand .  &lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;One example, is validation &lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;(when *something* (error &amp;quot;Failed&amp;quot;) &lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;or&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;(when (not *something*) (error &amp;quot;failed))&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;Some domain logic I had  to write lot of this ones, so I created a macro for that. Is that correct, recommended? I&amp;#39;m still new to common lisp, so I guess will have to my re writes in to future I guess.&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;&amp;#x200B;&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;Thank you!&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;/div&gt;&lt;!-- SC_ON --&gt;", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "banned_at_utc": null, "view_count": null, "archived": false, "no_follow": false, "is_crosspostable": false, "pinned": false, "over_18": false, "all_awardings": [], "awarders": [], "media_only": false, "can_gild": false, "spoiler": false, "locked": false, "author_flair_text": null, "treatment_tags": [], "visited": false, "removed_by": null, "num_reports": null, "distinguished": null, "subreddit_id": "t5_2qi41", "mod_reason_by": null, "removal_reason": null, "link_flair_background_color": "", "id": "hswmc9", "is_robot_indexable": true, "report_reasons": null, "author": "diegogub2", "discussion_type": null, "num_comments": 11, "send_replies": true, "whitelist_status": null, "contest_mode": false, "mod_reports": [], "author_patreon_flair": false, "author_flair_text_color": null, "permalink": "/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hswmc9/utility_library_cl_journey_to_production/", "parent_whitelist_status": null, "stickied": false, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hswmc9/utility_library_cl_journey_to_production/", "subreddit_subscribers": 4314, "created_utc": 1594996063.0, "num_crossposts": 0, "media": null, "is_video": false}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"approved_at_utc": null, "subreddit": "Common_Lisp", "selftext": "", "author_fullname": "t2_nyrph4o", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "Use Common Lisp to rewrite binaries -- the binary re-programmable programming language", "link_flair_richtext": [], "subreddit_name_prefixed": "r/Common_Lisp", "hidden": false, "pwls": null, "link_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "top_awarded_type": null, "hide_score": false, "name": "t3_hs96ec", "quarantine": false, "link_flair_text_color": "dark", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "author_flair_background_color": null, "subreddit_type": "public", "ups": 37, "total_awards_received": 0, "media_embed": {}, "author_flair_template_id": null, "is_original_content": false, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "is_reddit_media_domain": false, "is_meta": false, "category": null, "secure_media_embed": {}, "link_flair_text": null, "can_mod_post": false, "score": 37, "approved_by": null, "author_premium": false, "thumbnail": "", "edited": false, "author_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_richtext": [], "gildings": {}, "content_categories": null, "is_self": false, "mod_note": null, "created": 1594933175.0, "link_flair_type": "text", "wls": null, "removed_by_category": null, "banned_by": null, "author_flair_type": "text", "domain": "grammatech.github.io", "allow_live_comments": false, "selftext_html": null, "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "banned_at_utc": null, "url_overridden_by_dest": "https://grammatech.github.io/gtirb/md_stack-stamp.html", "view_count": null, "archived": false, "no_follow": false, "is_crosspostable": false, "pinned": false, "over_18": false, "all_awardings": [], "awarders": [], "media_only": false, "can_gild": false, "spoiler": false, "locked": false, "author_flair_text": null, "treatment_tags": [], "visited": false, "removed_by": null, "num_reports": null, "distinguished": null, "subreddit_id": "t5_2qi41", "mod_reason_by": null, "removal_reason": null, "link_flair_background_color": "", "id": "hs96ec", "is_robot_indexable": true, "report_reasons": null, "author": "eric-schulte", "discussion_type": null, "num_comments": 0, "send_replies": true, "whitelist_status": null, "contest_mode": false, "mod_reports": [], "author_patreon_flair": false, "author_flair_text_color": null, "permalink": "/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hs96ec/use_common_lisp_to_rewrite_binaries_the_binary/", "parent_whitelist_status": null, "stickied": false, "url": "https://grammatech.github.io/gtirb/md_stack-stamp.html", "subreddit_subscribers": 4314, "created_utc": 1594904375.0, "num_crossposts": 0, "media": null, "is_video": false}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"approved_at_utc": null, "subreddit": "Common_Lisp", "selftext": "", "author_fullname": "t2_1cqjsfrj", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "Taps - 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I got excited when I read about Sketch, which is available on Quicklisp, but holy hell if it hasn't been an absolute pain. I have followed the instructions and got added the paths but it just doesn't seem to want to work.   \nI would like to start applying some of the things I 'm learning in lisp, as I have done with other languages, but graphics and Lisp seem to circle I just can't square. Any help, or advice would be much appreciated.", "author_fullname": "t2_fagr6", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "Working on Shiffman's Nature of Code using Lisp", "link_flair_richtext": [], "subreddit_name_prefixed": "r/Common_Lisp", "hidden": false, "pwls": null, "link_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "top_awarded_type": null, "hide_score": false, "name": "t3_hpyg4j", "quarantine": false, "link_flair_text_color": "dark", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "author_flair_background_color": null, "subreddit_type": "public", "ups": 16, "total_awards_received": 0, "media_embed": {}, "author_flair_template_id": null, "is_original_content": false, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "is_reddit_media_domain": false, "is_meta": false, "category": null, "secure_media_embed": {}, "link_flair_text": null, "can_mod_post": false, "score": 16, "approved_by": null, "author_premium": false, "thumbnail": "", "edited": false, "author_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_richtext": [], "gildings": {}, "content_categories": null, "is_self": true, "mod_note": null, "created": 1594604485.0, "link_flair_type": "text", "wls": null, "removed_by_category": null, "banned_by": null, "author_flair_type": "text", "domain": "self.Common_Lisp", "allow_live_comments": false, "selftext_html": "&lt;!-- SC_OFF --&gt;&lt;div class=\"md\"&gt;&lt;p&gt;I have been working my way through NOC and playing about first with the P5.js and then on Python by importing graphics. I got excited when I read about Sketch, which is available on Quicklisp, but holy hell if it hasn&amp;#39;t been an absolute pain. I have followed the instructions and got added the paths but it just doesn&amp;#39;t seem to want to work.&lt;br/&gt;\nI would like to start applying some of the things I &amp;#39;m learning in lisp, as I have done with other languages, but graphics and Lisp seem to circle I just can&amp;#39;t square. Any help, or advice would be much appreciated.&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;/div&gt;&lt;!-- SC_ON --&gt;", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "banned_at_utc": null, "view_count": null, "archived": false, "no_follow": false, "is_crosspostable": false, "pinned": false, "over_18": false, "all_awardings": [], "awarders": [], "media_only": false, "can_gild": false, "spoiler": false, "locked": false, "author_flair_text": null, "treatment_tags": [], "visited": false, "removed_by": null, "num_reports": null, "distinguished": null, "subreddit_id": "t5_2qi41", "mod_reason_by": null, "removal_reason": null, "link_flair_background_color": "", "id": "hpyg4j", "is_robot_indexable": true, "report_reasons": null, "author": "Perrin_Barclay", "discussion_type": null, "num_comments": 12, "send_replies": true, "whitelist_status": null, "contest_mode": false, "mod_reports": [], "author_patreon_flair": false, "author_flair_text_color": null, "permalink": "/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hpyg4j/working_on_shiffmans_nature_of_code_using_lisp/", "parent_whitelist_status": null, "stickied": false, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Common_Lisp/comments/hpyg4j/working_on_shiffmans_nature_of_code_using_lisp/", "subreddit_subscribers": 4314, "created_utc": 1594575685.0, "num_crossposts": 0, "media": null, "is_video": false}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"approved_at_utc": null, "subreddit": "Common_Lisp", "selftext": "Hi everyone\n\nI'm thinking of writing a programming language that compiles down to lisp. I have two questions:  \n\n\n1. I found these docs for [Clisp bytecode](https://www.gnu.org/software/clisp/impnotes/instr-set.html). How do I write some assembly in Clisp bytecode and run it?\n2. Is it better to translate into Clisp bytecode or into plain CL syntax and compile to SBCL in terms of performance?  \nThe cross-platform benefits of running on the Clisp VM isn't a concern for what I'm doing", "author_fullname": "t2_5ua3gvsg", "saved": false, "mod_reason_title": null, "gilded": 0, "clicked": false, "title": "Best approach for language compiling to lisp", "link_flair_richtext": [], "subreddit_name_prefixed": "r/Common_Lisp", "hidden": false, "pwls": null, "link_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "top_awarded_type": null, "hide_score": false, "name": "t3_hphwqg", "quarantine": false, "link_flair_text_color": "dark", "upvote_ratio": 0.79, "author_flair_background_color": null, "subreddit_type": "public", "ups": 8, "total_awards_received": 0, "media_embed": {}, "author_flair_template_id": null, "is_original_content": false, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "is_reddit_media_domain": false, "is_meta": false, "category": null, "secure_media_embed": {}, "link_flair_text": null, "can_mod_post": false, "score": 8, "approved_by": null, "author_premium": false, "thumbnail": "", "edited": false, "author_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_richtext": [], "gildings": {}, "content_categories": null, "is_self": true, "mod_note": null, "created": 1594530929.0, "link_flair_type": "text", "wls": null, "removed_by_category": null, "banned_by": null, "author_flair_type": "text", "domain": "self.Common_Lisp", "allow_live_comments": false, "selftext_html": "&lt;!-- SC_OFF --&gt;&lt;div class=\"md\"&gt;&lt;p&gt;Hi everyone&lt;/p&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#39;m thinking of writing a programming language that compiles down to lisp. 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