9a463602589d flask

Update jinja2
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Fri, 11 Jun 2010 20:32:12 -0400 (2010-06-12)
parents b2bd9c232faa
children 884f75280a91
branches/tags flask
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--- a/bundled/jinja2/.hgtags	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/.hgtags	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
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--- a/bundled/jinja2/CHANGES	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/CHANGES	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -1,16 +1,51 @@
 Jinja2 Changelog
+Version 2.6
+(codename to be selected, release date to be announced)
+- StopIteration exceptions raised by functions called from templates
+  are now intercepted and converted to undefineds.  This solves a
+  lot of debugging grief.  (StopIteration is used internally to
+  abort template execution)
+- improved performance of macro calls slightly.
+Version 2.5
+(codename Incoherence, relased on May 29th 2010)
+- improved the sort filter (should have worked like this for a
+  long time) by adding support for case insensitive searches.
+- fixed a bug for getattribute constant folding.
+- support for newstyle gettext translations which result in a
+  nicer in-template user interface and more consistent
+  catalogs. (:ref:`newstyle-gettext`)
+- it's now possible to register extensions after an environment
+  was created.
+Version 2.4.1
+(bugfix release, released on April 20th 2010)
+- fixed an error reporting bug for undefineds.
 Version 2.4
-(codename to be selected, release date unknown)
+(codename Correlation, released on April 13th 2010)
 - the environment template loading functions now transparently
   pass through a template object if it was passed to it.  This
   makes it possible to import or extend from a template object
   that was passed to the template.
+- added a :class:`ModuleLoader` that can load templates from
+  precompiled sources.  The environment now features a method
+  to compile the templates from a configured loader into a zip
+  file or folder.
 - the _speedups C extension now supports Python 3.
+- added support for autoescaping toggling sections and support
+  for evaluation contexts (:ref:`eval-context`).
+- extensions have a priority now.
 Version 2.3.1
--- a/bundled/jinja2/MANIFEST.in	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/MANIFEST.in	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -6,3 +6,7 @@
 recursive-include examples *
 recursive-include jinja2/testsuite/res *
 recursive-exclude docs/_build/doctrees *
+recursive-exclude jinja2 *.pyc
+recursive-exclude docs *.pyc
+recursive-exclude jinja2 *.pyo
+recursive-exclude docs *.pyo
--- a/bundled/jinja2/artwork/jinjalogo.svg	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
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61.886113,93.437137 L 61.588391,98.52109 L 61.210343,102.95945 L 68.331912,103.14605 L 68.105084,99.29275 L 67.580538,96.085028 L 67.476575,93.300955 L 73.520696,93.195041 L 73.345845,97.502272 L 73.317494,102.05159 L 76.729426,102.3189 L 81.3653,102.1323 L 82.820807,101.70358 L 82.017437,99.26753 L 81.818959,95.439438 L 81.440912,92.710853 L 87.206218,92.499027 L 86.955759,95.842931 L 86.932133,101.08826 L 89.238253,101.30009 L 91.520751,101.24965 L 92.621828,100.90165 L 91.969693,95.923633 L 91.747577,92.176239 L 92.725793,92.070324 L 92.749427,88.726422 L 93.02352,88.670945 L 92.976244,87.949712 L 91.846823,87.949712 L 91.619996,85.488427 L 91.520751,74.811143 L 92.371377,74.785924 L 92.371377,71.280616 L 92.725793,71.336105 L 92.725793,70.640088 L 91.468773,70.529127 L 91.497126,66.463987 L 93.600043,66.277382 L 93.477182,64.910557 L 94.403419,64.829863 L 94.351424,64.562549 L 95.580099,63.947229 L 89.337489,62.69138 L 82.995657,63.977495 L 83.39733,64.723951 L 84.375543,64.643256 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Binary file bundled/jinja2/docs/_static/watermark.png has changed
Binary file bundled/jinja2/docs/_static/watermark_blur.png has changed
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/_templates/genindex.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "layout.html" %}
-{% set title = 'Index' %}
-{% block body %}
-  <h1 id="index">Index</h1>
-  {% for key, dummy in genindexentries -%}
-  <a href="#{{ key }}"><strong>{{ key }}</strong></a> {% if not loop.last %}| {% endif %}
-  {%- endfor %}
-  <hr>
-  {% for key, entries in genindexentries %}
-    <h2 id="{{ key }}">{{ key }}</h2>
-    <table class="indextable"><tr>
-    {%- for column in entries|slice(2) if column %}
-      <td><dl>
-      {%- for entryname, (links, subitems) in column %}
-        <dt>{% if links %}<a href="{{ links[0] }}">{{ entryname|e }}</a>
-          {% for link in links[1:] %}, <a href="{{ link }}">[Link]</a>{% endfor %}
-          {%- else %}{{ entryname|e }}{% endif %}</dt>
-        {%- if subitems %}
-        <dd><dl>
-          {%- for subentryname, subentrylinks in subitems %}
-          <dt><a href="{{ subentrylinks[0] }}">{{ subentryname|e }}</a>
-          {%- for link in subentrylinks[1:] %}, <a href="{{ link }}">[Link]</a>{% endfor -%}
-          </dt>
-          {%- endfor %}
-        </dl></dd>
-        {%- endif -%}
-      {%- endfor %}
-      </dl></td>
-    {%- endfor %}
-    </tr></table>
-  {% endfor %}
-{% endblock %}
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/_templates/layout.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
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@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
-  <head>
-    <title>Jinja2 Documentation</title>
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-        VERSION:    '{{ release }}'
-      };
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-    <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ pathto('_static/jinja.js', 1) }}"></script>
-    {%- endif %}
-    {%- if use_opensearch and builder != 'htmlhelp' %}
-    <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml"
-          title="Search within {{ docstitle }}"
-          href="{{ pathto('_static/opensearch.xml', 1) }}">
-    {%- endif %}
-    {%- if hasdoc('about') %}
-    <link rel="author" title="About these documents" href="{{ pathto('about') }}">
-    {%- endif %}
-    <link rel="contents" title="Global table of contents" href="{{ pathto('contents') }}">
-    <link rel="index" title="Global index" href="{{ pathto('genindex') }}">
-    <link rel="search" title="Search" href="{{ pathto('search') }}">
-    {%- if hasdoc('copyright') %}
-    <link rel="copyright" title="Copyright" href="{{ pathto('copyright') }}">
-    {%- endif %}
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-    {%- endif %}
-    {%- if next %}
-    <link rel="next" title="{{ next.title|striptags }}" href="{{ next.link|e }}">
-    {%- endif %}
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-    <link rel="prev" title="{{ prev.title|striptags }}" href="{{ prev.link|e }}">
-    {%- endif %}
-    {% block extrahead %}{% endblock %}
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <div id="content">
-      <div class="header">
-        <h1 class="heading"><a href="{{ pathto('index') }}"
-          title="back to the documentation overview"><span>Jinja</span></a></h1>
-      </div>
-      <div class="relnav">
-        {%- if prev %}
-        <a href="{{ prev.link|e }}">&laquo; {{ prev.title }}</a> |
-        {%- endif %}
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-        {%- if next %}
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-        {%- endif %}
-      </div>
-      <div id="contentwrapper">
-        {%- if display_toc %}
-        <div id="toc">
-          <h3>Table Of Contents</h3>
-          {{ toc }}
-        </div>
-        {%- endif %}
-        {% block body %}{% endblock %}
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-    <div class="footer">
-      © Copyright 2008 by the <a href="http://pocoo.org/">Pocoo Team</a>,
-      documentation generated by <a href="http://sphinx.pocoo.org/">Sphinx</a>
-    </div>
-  </body>
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/_templates/opensearch.xml	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
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@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/">
-  <ShortName>{{ project }}</ShortName>
-  <Description>Search {{ docstitle }}</Description>
-  <InputEncoding>utf-8</InputEncoding>
-  <Url type="text/html" method="get"
-       template="{{ use_opensearch }}/{{ pathto('search') }}?q={searchTerms}&amp;check_keywords=yes&amp;area=default"/>
-  <LongName>{{ docstitle }}</LongName>
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/_templates/page.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-{% extends 'layout.html' %}
-{% block body %}
-  {{ body }}
-{% endblock %}
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/_templates/search.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "layout.html" %}
-{% set title = 'Search' %}
-{% block extrahead %}
-    <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ pathto('_static/searchtools.js', 1) }}"></script>
-{% endblock %}
-{% block body %}
-  <h1 id="search-documentation">Search</h1>
-  <p>
-    From here you can search these documents. Enter your search
-    words into the box below and click "search". Note that the search
-    function will automatically search for all of the words. Pages
-    containing less words won't appear in the result list.
-  </p>
-  <form action="" method="get"><p>
-    <input type="text" name="q" value="">
-    <input type="submit" value="search">
-  </p></form>
-  {% if search_performed %}
-    <h2>Search Results</h2>
-    {% if not search_results %}
-      <p>Your search did not match any results.</p>
-    {% endif %}
-  {% endif %}
-  <div id="search-results">
-  {% if search_results %}
-    <ul>
-    {% for href, caption, context in search_results %}
-      <li><a href="{{ pathto(item.href) }}">{{ caption }}</a>
-        <div class="context">{{ context|e }}</div>
-      </li>
-    {% endfor %}
-    </ul>
-  {% endif %}
-  </div>
-{% endblock %}
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/api.rst	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,684 +0,0 @@
-.. module:: jinja2
-    :synopsis: public Jinja2 API
-This document describes the API to Jinja2 and not the template language.  It
-will be most useful as reference to those implementing the template interface
-to the application and not those who are creating Jinja2 templates.
-Jinja2 uses a central object called the template :class:`Environment`.
-Instances of this class are used to store the configuration, global objects
-and are used to load templates from the file system or other locations.
-Even if you are creating templates from strings by using the constructor of
-:class:`Template` class, an environment is created automatically for you,
-albeit a shared one.
-Most applications will create one :class:`Environment` object on application
-initialization and use that to load templates.  In some cases it's however
-useful to have multiple environments side by side, if different configurations
-are in use.
-The simplest way to configure Jinja2 to load templates for your application
-looks roughly like this::
-    from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader
-    env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('yourapplication', 'templates'))
-This will create a template environment with the default settings and a
-loader that looks up the templates in the `templates` folder inside the
-`yourapplication` python package.  Different loaders are available
-and you can also write your own if you want to load templates from a
-database or other resources.
-To load a template from this environment you just have to call the
-:meth:`get_template` method which then returns the loaded :class:`Template`::
-    template = env.get_template('mytemplate.html')
-To render it with some variables, just call the :meth:`render` method::
-    print template.render(the='variables', go='here')
-Using a template loader rather then passing strings to :class:`Template`
-or :meth:`Environment.from_string` has multiple advantages.  Besides being
-a lot easier to use it also enables template inheritance.
-Jinja2 is using Unicode internally which means that you have to pass Unicode
-objects to the render function or bytestrings that only consist of ASCII
-characters.  Additionally newlines are normalized to one end of line
-sequence which is per default UNIX style (``\n``).
-Python 2.x supports two ways of representing string objects.  One is the
-`str` type and the other is the `unicode` type, both of which extend a type
-called `basestring`.  Unfortunately the default is `str` which should not
-be used to store text based information unless only ASCII characters are
-used.  With Python 2.6 it is possible to make `unicode` the default on a per
-module level and with Python 3 it will be the default.
-To explicitly use a Unicode string you have to prefix the string literal
-with a `u`: ``u'Hänsel und Gretel sagen Hallo'``.  That way Python will
-store the string as Unicode by decoding the string with the character
-encoding from the current Python module.  If no encoding is specified this
-defaults to 'ASCII' which means that you can't use any non ASCII identifier.
-To set a better module encoding add the following comment to the first or
-second line of the Python module using the Unicode literal::
-    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-We recommend utf-8 as Encoding for Python modules and templates as it's
-possible to represent every Unicode character in utf-8 and because it's
-backwards compatible to ASCII.  For Jinja2 the default encoding of templates
-is assumed to be utf-8.
-It is not possible to use Jinja2 to process non-Unicode data.  The reason
-for this is that Jinja2 uses Unicode already on the language level.  For
-example Jinja2 treats the non-breaking space as valid whitespace inside
-expressions which requires knowledge of the encoding or operating on an
-Unicode string.
-For more details about Unicode in Python have a look at the excellent
-`Unicode documentation`_.
-Another important thing is how Jinja2 is handling string literals in
-templates.  A naive implementation would be using Unicode strings for
-all string literals but it turned out in the past that this is problematic
-as some libraries are typechecking against `str` explicitly.  For example
-`datetime.strftime` does not accept Unicode arguments.  To not break it
-completely Jinja2 is returning `str` for strings that fit into ASCII and
-for everything else `unicode`:
->>> m = Template(u"{% set a, b = 'foo', 'föö' %}").module
->>> m.a
->>> m.b
-.. _Unicode documentation: http://docs.python.org/dev/howto/unicode.html
-High Level API
-The high-level API is the API you will use in the application to load and
-render Jinja2 templates.  The :ref:`low-level-api` on the other side is only
-useful if you want to dig deeper into Jinja2 or :ref:`develop extensions
-.. autoclass:: Environment([options])
-    :members: from_string, get_template, select_template,
-              get_or_select_template, join_path, extend, compile_expression
-    .. attribute:: shared
-        If a template was created by using the :class:`Template` constructor
-        an environment is created automatically.  These environments are
-        created as shared environments which means that multiple templates
-        may have the same anonymous environment.  For all shared environments
-        this attribute is `True`, else `False`.
-    .. attribute:: sandboxed
-        If the environment is sandboxed this attribute is `True`.  For the
-        sandbox mode have a look at the documentation for the
-        :class:`~jinja2.sandbox.SandboxedEnvironment`.
-    .. attribute:: filters
-        A dict of filters for this environment.  As long as no template was
-        loaded it's safe to add new filters or remove old.  For custom filters
-        see :ref:`writing-filters`.  For valid filter names have a look at
-        :ref:`identifier-naming`.
-    .. attribute:: tests
-        A dict of test functions for this environment.  As long as no
-        template was loaded it's safe to modify this dict.  For custom tests
-        see :ref:`writing-tests`.  For valid test names have a look at
-        :ref:`identifier-naming`.
-    .. attribute:: globals
-        A dict of global variables.  These variables are always available
-        in a template.  As long as no template was loaded it's safe
-        to modify this dict.  For more details see :ref:`global-namespace`.
-        For valid object names have a look at :ref:`identifier-naming`.
-    .. automethod:: overlay([options])
-    .. method:: undefined([hint, obj, name, exc])
-        Creates a new :class:`Undefined` object for `name`.  This is useful
-        for filters or functions that may return undefined objects for
-        some operations.  All parameters except of `hint` should be provided
-        as keyword parameters for better readability.  The `hint` is used as
-        error message for the exception if provided, otherwise the error
-        message will be generated from `obj` and `name` automatically.  The exception
-        provided as `exc` is raised if something with the generated undefined
-        object is done that the undefined object does not allow.  The default
-        exception is :exc:`UndefinedError`.  If a `hint` is provided the
-        `name` may be ommited.
-        The most common way to create an undefined object is by providing
-        a name only::
-            return environment.undefined(name='some_name')
-        This means that the name `some_name` is not defined.  If the name
-        was from an attribute of an object it makes sense to tell the
-        undefined object the holder object to improve the error message::
-            if not hasattr(obj, 'attr'):
-                return environment.undefined(obj=obj, name='attr')
-        For a more complex example you can provide a hint.  For example
-        the :func:`first` filter creates an undefined object that way::
-            return environment.undefined('no first item, sequence was empty')            
-        If it the `name` or `obj` is known (for example because an attribute
-        was accessed) it shold be passed to the undefined object, even if
-        a custom `hint` is provided.  This gives undefined objects the
-        possibility to enhance the error message.
-.. autoclass:: Template
-    :members: module, make_module
-    .. attribute:: globals
-        The dict with the globals of that template.  It's unsafe to modify
-        this dict as it may be shared with other templates or the environment
-        that loaded the template.
-    .. attribute:: name
-        The loading name of the template.  If the template was loaded from a
-        string this is `None`.
-    .. attribute:: filename
-        The filename of the template on the file system if it was loaded from
-        there.  Otherwise this is `None`.
-    .. automethod:: render([context])
-    .. automethod:: generate([context])
-    .. automethod:: stream([context])
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.environment.TemplateStream()
-    :members: disable_buffering, enable_buffering, dump
-.. _identifier-naming:
-Notes on Identifiers
-Jinja2 uses the regular Python 2.x naming rules.  Valid identifiers have to
-match ``[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*``.  As a matter of fact non ASCII characters
-are currently not allowed.  This limitation will probably go away as soon as
-unicode identifiers are fully specified for Python 3.
-Filters and tests are looked up in separate namespaces and have slightly
-modified identifier syntax.  Filters and tests may contain dots to group
-filters and tests by topic.  For example it's perfectly valid to add a
-function into the filter dict and call it `to.unicode`.  The regular
-expression for filter and test identifiers is
-Undefined Types
-These classes can be used as undefined types.  The :class:`Environment`
-constructor takes an `undefined` parameter that can be one of those classes
-or a custom subclass of :class:`Undefined`.  Whenever the template engine is
-unable to look up a name or access an attribute one of those objects is
-created and returned.  Some operations on undefined values are then allowed,
-others fail.
-The closest to regular Python behavior is the `StrictUndefined` which
-disallows all operations beside testing if it's an undefined object.
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.Undefined()
-    .. attribute:: _undefined_hint
-        Either `None` or an unicode string with the error message for
-        the undefined object.
-    .. attribute:: _undefined_obj
-        Either `None` or the owner object that caused the undefined object
-        to be created (for example because an attribute does not exist).
-    .. attribute:: _undefined_name
-        The name for the undefined variable / attribute or just `None`
-        if no such information exists.
-    .. attribute:: _undefined_exception
-        The exception that the undefined object wants to raise.  This
-        is usually one of :exc:`UndefinedError` or :exc:`SecurityError`.
-    .. method:: _fail_with_undefined_error(\*args, \**kwargs)
-        When called with any arguments this method raises
-        :attr:`_undefined_exception` with an error message generated
-        from the undefined hints stored on the undefined object.
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.DebugUndefined()
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.StrictUndefined()
-Undefined objects are created by calling :attr:`undefined`.
-.. admonition:: Implementation
-    :class:`Undefined` objects are implemented by overriding the special
-    `__underscore__` methods.  For example the default :class:`Undefined`
-    class implements `__unicode__` in a way that it returns an empty
-    string, however `__int__` and others still fail with an exception.  To
-    allow conversion to int by returning ``0`` you can implement your own::
-        class NullUndefined(Undefined):
-            def __int__(self):
-                return 0
-            def __float__(self):
-                return 0.0
-    To disallow a method, just override it and raise
-    :attr:`~Undefined._undefined_exception`.  Because this is a very common
-    idom in undefined objects there is the helper method
-    :meth:`~Undefined._fail_with_undefined_error` that does the error raising
-    automatically.  Here a class that works like the regular :class:`Undefined`
-    but chokes on iteration::
-        class NonIterableUndefined(Undefined):
-            __iter__ = Undefined._fail_with_undefined_error
-The Context
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.runtime.Context()
-    :members: resolve, get_exported, get_all
-    .. attribute:: parent
-        A dict of read only, global variables the template looks up.  These
-        can either come from another :class:`Context`, from the
-        :attr:`Environment.globals` or :attr:`Template.globals` or points
-        to a dict created by combining the globals with the variables
-        passed to the render function.  It must not be altered.
-    .. attribute:: vars
-        The template local variables.  This list contains environment and
-        context functions from the :attr:`parent` scope as well as local
-        modifications and exported variables from the template.  The template
-        will modify this dict during template evaluation but filters and
-        context functions are not allowed to modify it.
-    .. attribute:: environment
-        The environment that loaded the template.
-    .. attribute:: exported_vars
-        This set contains all the names the template exports.  The values for
-        the names are in the :attr:`vars` dict.  In order to get a copy of the
-        exported variables as dict, :meth:`get_exported` can be used.
-    .. attribute:: name
-        The load name of the template owning this context.
-    .. attribute:: blocks
-        A dict with the current mapping of blocks in the template.  The keys
-        in this dict are the names of the blocks, and the values a list of
-        blocks registered.  The last item in each list is the current active
-        block (latest in the inheritance chain).
-    .. automethod:: jinja2.runtime.Context.call(callable, \*args, \**kwargs)
-.. admonition:: Implementation
-    Context is immutable for the same reason Python's frame locals are
-    immutable inside functions.  Both Jinja2 and Python are not using the
-    context / frame locals as data storage for variables but only as primary
-    data source.
-    When a template accesses a variable the template does not define, Jinja2
-    looks up the variable in the context, after that the variable is treated
-    as if it was defined in the template.
-.. _loaders:
-Loaders are responsible for loading templates from a resource such as the
-file system.  The environment will keep the compiled modules in memory like
-Python's `sys.modules`.  Unlike `sys.modules` however this cache is limited in
-size by default and templates are automatically reloaded.
-All loaders are subclasses of :class:`BaseLoader`.  If you want to create your
-own loader, subclass :class:`BaseLoader` and override `get_source`.
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.BaseLoader
-    :members: get_source, load
-Here a list of the builtin loaders Jinja2 provides:
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.FileSystemLoader
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.PackageLoader
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.DictLoader
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.FunctionLoader
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.PrefixLoader
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.ChoiceLoader
-.. _bytecode-cache:
-Bytecode Cache
-Jinja 2.1 and higher support external bytecode caching.  Bytecode caches make
-it possible to store the generated bytecode on the file system or a different
-location to avoid parsing the templates on first use.
-This is especially useful if you have a web application that is initialized on
-the first request and Jinja compiles many templates at once which slows down
-the application.
-To use a bytecode cache, instanciate it and pass it to the :class:`Environment`.
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.BytecodeCache
-    :members: load_bytecode, dump_bytecode, clear
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.bccache.Bucket
-    :members: write_bytecode, load_bytecode, bytecode_from_string,
-              bytecode_to_string, reset
-    .. attribute:: environment
-        The :class:`Environment` that created the bucket.
-    .. attribute:: key
-        The unique cache key for this bucket
-    .. attribute:: code
-        The bytecode if it's loaded, otherwise `None`.
-Builtin bytecode caches:
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.FileSystemBytecodeCache
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.MemcachedBytecodeCache
-These helper functions and classes are useful if you add custom filters or
-functions to a Jinja2 environment.
-.. autofunction:: jinja2.environmentfilter
-.. autofunction:: jinja2.contextfilter
-.. autofunction:: jinja2.environmentfunction
-.. autofunction:: jinja2.contextfunction
-.. function:: escape(s)
-    Convert the characters ``&``, ``<``, ``>``, ``'``, and ``"`` in string `s`
-    to HTML-safe sequences.  Use this if you need to display text that might
-    contain such characters in HTML.  This function will not escaped objects
-    that do have an HTML representation such as already escaped data.
-    The return value is a :class:`Markup` string.
-.. autofunction:: jinja2.clear_caches
-.. autofunction:: jinja2.is_undefined
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.Markup([string])
-    :members: escape, unescape, striptags
-.. admonition:: Note
-    The Jinja2 :class:`Markup` class is compatible with at least Pylons and
-    Genshi.  It's expected that more template engines and framework will pick
-    up the `__html__` concept soon.
-.. autoexception:: jinja2.TemplateError
-.. autoexception:: jinja2.UndefinedError
-.. autoexception:: jinja2.TemplateNotFound
-.. autoexception:: jinja2.TemplatesNotFound
-.. autoexception:: jinja2.TemplateSyntaxError
-    .. attribute:: message
-        The error message as utf-8 bytestring.
-    .. attribute:: lineno
-        The line number where the error occurred
-    .. attribute:: name
-        The load name for the template as unicode string.
-    .. attribute:: filename
-        The filename that loaded the template as bytestring in the encoding
-        of the file system (most likely utf-8 or mbcs on Windows systems).
-    The reason why the filename and error message are bytestrings and not
-    unicode strings is that Python 2.x is not using unicode for exceptions
-    and tracebacks as well as the compiler.  This will change with Python 3.
-.. autoexception:: jinja2.TemplateAssertionError
-.. _writing-filters:
-Custom Filters
-Custom filters are just regular Python functions that take the left side of
-the filter as first argument and the the arguments passed to the filter as
-extra arguments or keyword arguments.
-For example in the filter ``{{ 42|myfilter(23) }}`` the function would be
-called with ``myfilter(42, 23)``.  Here for example a simple filter that can
-be applied to datetime objects to format them::
-    def datetimeformat(value, format='%H:%M / %d-%m-%Y'):
-        return value.strftime(format)
-You can register it on the template environment by updating the
-:attr:`~Environment.filters` dict on the environment::
-    environment.filters['datetimeformat'] = datetimeformat
-Inside the template it can then be used as follows:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
-    written on: {{ article.pub_date|datetimeformat }}
-    publication date: {{ article.pub_date|datetimeformat('%d-%m-%Y') }}
-Filters can also be passed the current template context or environment.  This
-is useful if a filter wants to return an undefined value or check the current
-:attr:`~Environment.autoescape` setting.  For this purpose two decorators
-exist: :func:`environmentfilter` and :func:`contextfilter`.
-Here a small example filter that breaks a text into HTML line breaks and
-paragraphs and marks the return value as safe HTML string if autoescaping is
-    import re
-    from jinja2 import environmentfilter, Markup, escape
-    _paragraph_re = re.compile(r'(?:\r\n|\r|\n){2,}')
-    @environmentfilter
-    def nl2br(environment, value):
-        result = u'\n\n'.join(u'<p>%s</p>' % p.replace('\n', '<br>\n')
-                              for p in _paragraph_re.split(escape(value)))
-        if environment.autoescape:
-            result = Markup(result)
-        return result
-Context filters work the same just that the first argument is the current
-active :class:`Context` rather then the environment.
-.. _writing-tests:
-Custom Tests
-Tests work like filters just that there is no way for a test to get access
-to the environment or context and that they can't be chained.  The return
-value of a test should be `True` or `False`.  The purpose of a test is to
-give the template designers the possibility to perform type and conformability
-Here a simple test that checks if a variable is a prime number::
-    import math
-    def is_prime(n):
-        if n == 2:
-            return True
-        for i in xrange(2, int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(n))) + 1):
-            if n % i == 0:
-                return False
-        return True
-You can register it on the template environment by updating the
-:attr:`~Environment.tests` dict on the environment::
-    environment.tests['prime'] = is_prime
-A template designer can then use the test like this:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
-    {% if 42 is prime %}
-        42 is a prime number
-    {% else %}
-        42 is not a prime number
-    {% endif %}
-.. _global-namespace:
-The Global Namespace
-Variables stored in the :attr:`Environment.globals` dict are special as they
-are available for imported templates too, even if they are imported without
-context.  This is the place where you can put variables and functions
-that should be available all the time.  Additionally :attr:`Template.globals`
-exist that are variables available to a specific template that are available
-to all :meth:`~Template.render` calls.
-.. _low-level-api:
-Low Level API
-The low level API exposes functionality that can be useful to understand some
-implementation details, debugging purposes or advanced :ref:`extension
-<jinja-extensions>` techniques.  Unless you know exactly what you are doing we
-don't recommend using any of those.
-.. automethod:: Environment.lex
-.. automethod:: Environment.parse
-.. automethod:: Environment.preprocess
-.. automethod:: Template.new_context
-.. method:: Template.root_render_func(context)
-    This is the low level render function.  It's passed a :class:`Context`
-    that has to be created by :meth:`new_context` of the same template or
-    a compatible template.  This render function is generated by the
-    compiler from the template code and returns a generator that yields
-    unicode strings.
-    If an exception in the template code happens the template engine will
-    not rewrite the exception but pass through the original one.  As a
-    matter of fact this function should only be called from within a
-    :meth:`render` / :meth:`generate` / :meth:`stream` call.
-.. attribute:: Template.blocks
-    A dict of block render functions.  Each of these functions works exactly
-    like the :meth:`root_render_func` with the same limitations.
-.. attribute:: Template.is_up_to_date
-    This attribute is `False` if there is a newer version of the template
-    available, otherwise `True`.
-.. admonition:: Note
-    The low-level API is fragile.  Future Jinja2 versions will try not to
-    change it in a backwards incompatible way but modifications in the Jinja2
-    core may shine through.  For example if Jinja2 introduces a new AST node
-    in later versions that may be returned by :meth:`~Environment.parse`.
-The Meta API
-.. versionadded:: 2.2
-The meta API returns some information about abstract syntax trees that
-could help applications to implement more advanced template concepts.  All
-the functions of the meta API operate on an abstract syntax tree as
-returned by the :meth:`Environment.parse` method.
-.. autofunction:: jinja2.meta.find_undeclared_variables
-.. autofunction:: jinja2.meta.find_referenced_templates
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/cache_extension.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-from jinja2 import nodes
-from jinja2.ext import Extension
-class FragmentCacheExtension(Extension):
-    # a set of names that trigger the extension.
-    tags = set(['cache'])
-    def __init__(self, environment):
-        super(FragmentCacheExtension, self).__init__(environment)
-        # add the defaults to the environment
-        environment.extend(
-            fragment_cache_prefix='',
-            fragment_cache=None
-        )
-    def parse(self, parser):
-        # the first token is the token that started the tag.  In our case
-        # we only listen to ``'cache'`` so this will be a name token with
-        # `cache` as value.  We get the line number so that we can give
-        # that line number to the nodes we create by hand.
-        lineno = parser.stream.next().lineno
-        # now we parse a single expression that is used as cache key.
-        args = [parser.parse_expression()]
-        # if there is a comma, the user provided a timeout.  If not use
-        # None as second parameter.
-        if parser.stream.skip_if('comma'):
-            args.append(parser.parse_expression())
-        else:
-            args.append(nodes.Const(None))
-        # now we parse the body of the cache block up to `endcache` and
-        # drop the needle (which would always be `endcache` in that case)
-        body = parser.parse_statements(['name:endcache'], drop_needle=True)
-        # now return a `CallBlock` node that calls our _cache_support
-        # helper method on this extension.
-        return nodes.CallBlock(self.call_method('_cache_support', args),
-                               [], [], body).set_lineno(lineno)
-    def _cache_support(self, name, timeout, caller):
-        """Helper callback."""
-        key = self.environment.fragment_cache_prefix + name
-        # try to load the block from the cache
-        # if there is no fragment in the cache, render it and store
-        # it in the cache.
-        rv = self.environment.fragment_cache.get(key)
-        if rv is not None:
-            return rv
-        rv = caller()
-        self.environment.fragment_cache.add(key, rv, timeout)
-        return rv
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/changelog.rst	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-.. module:: jinja2
-.. include:: ../CHANGES
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/conf.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Jinja2 documentation build configuration file, created by
-# sphinx-quickstart on Sun Apr 27 21:42:41 2008.
-# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir.
-# The contents of this file are pickled, so don't put values in the namespace
-# that aren't pickleable (module imports are okay, they're removed automatically).
-# All configuration values have a default value; values that are commented out
-# serve to show the default value.
-import sys, os
-# If your extensions are in another directory, add it here. If the directory
-# is relative to the documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it
-# absolute, like shown here.
-# General configuration
-# ---------------------
-# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions
-# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
-extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'jinjaext']
-# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
-templates_path = ['_templates']
-# The suffix of source filenames.
-source_suffix = '.rst'
-# The master toctree document.
-master_doc = 'index'
-# General substitutions.
-project = 'Jinja2'
-copyright = '2008, Armin Ronacher'
-# The default replacements for |version| and |release|, also used in various
-# other places throughout the built documents.
-# The short X.Y version.
-version = '2.0'
-# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-release = '2.0'
-# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
-# non-false value, then it is used:
-#today = ''
-# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
-today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
-# List of documents that shouldn't be included in the build.
-#unused_docs = []
-# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
-#add_function_parentheses = True
-# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
-# unit titles (such as .. function::).
-#add_module_names = True
-# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
-# output. They are ignored by default.
-#show_authors = False
-# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
-pygments_style = 'jinjaext.JinjaStyle'
-# Options for HTML output
-# -----------------------
-# The style sheet to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. A file of that name
-# must exist either in Sphinx' static/ path, or in one of the custom paths
-# given in html_static_path.
-html_style = 'style.css'
-# The name for this set of Sphinx documents.  If None, it defaults to
-# "<project> v<release> documentation".
-#html_title = None
-# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
-# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
-# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
-html_static_path = ['_static']
-# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
-# using the given strftime format.
-html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
-# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
-# typographically correct entities.
-#html_use_smartypants = True
-# no modindex
-html_use_modindex = False
-# If true, the reST sources are included in the HTML build as _sources/<name>.
-#html_copy_source = True
-# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
-# contain a <link> tag referring to it.
-#html_use_opensearch = False
-# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
-htmlhelp_basename = 'Jinja2doc'
-# Options for LaTeX output
-# ------------------------
-# The paper size ('letter' or 'a4').
-latex_paper_size = 'a4'
-# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
-#latex_font_size = '10pt'
-# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
-# (source start file, target name, title, author, document class [howto/manual]).
-latex_documents = [
-  ('index', 'Jinja2.tex', 'Jinja2 Documentation', 'Armin Ronacher', 'manual', 'toctree_only'),
-# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
-latex_preamble = '''
-# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
-#latex_appendices = []
-# If false, no module index is generated.
-latex_use_modindex = False
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/extensions.rst	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-.. _jinja-extensions:
-Jinja2 supports extensions that can add extra filters, tests, globals or even
-extend the parser.  The main motivation of extensions is it to move often used
-code into a reusable class like adding support for internationalization.
-Adding Extensions
-Extensions are added to the Jinja2 environment at creation time.  Once the
-environment is created additional extensions cannot be added.  To add an
-extension pass a list of extension classes or import paths to the
-`environment` parameter of the :class:`Environment` constructor.  The following
-example creates a Jinja2 environment with the i18n extension loaded::
-    jinja_env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.i18n'])
-.. _i18n-extension:
-i18n Extension
-**Import name:** `jinja2.ext.i18n`
-Jinja2 currently comes with one extension, the i18n extension.  It can be
-used in combination with `gettext`_ or `babel`_.  If the i18n extension is
-enabled Jinja2 provides a `trans` statement that marks the wrapped string as
-translatable and calls `gettext`.
-After enabling dummy `_` function that forwards calls to `gettext` is added
-to the environment globals.  An internationalized application then has to
-provide at least an `gettext` and optoinally a `ngettext` function into the
-namespace.  Either globally or for each rendering.
-After enabling of the extension the environment provides the following
-additional methods:
-.. method:: jinja2.Environment.install_gettext_translations(translations)
-    Installs a translation globally for that environment.  The tranlations
-    object provided must implement at least `ugettext` and `ungettext`.
-    The `gettext.NullTranslations` and `gettext.GNUTranslations` classes
-    as well as `Babel`_\s `Translations` class are supported.
-.. method:: jinja2.Environment.install_null_translations()
-    Install dummy gettext functions.  This is useful if you want to prepare
-    the application for internationalization but don't want to implement the
-    full internationalization system yet.
-.. method:: jinja2.Environment.uninstall_gettext_translations()
-    Uninstall the translations again.
-.. method:: jinja2.Environment.extract_translations(source)
-    Extract localizable strings from the given template node or source.
-    For every string found this function yields a ``(lineno, function,
-    message)`` tuple, where:
-    * `lineno` is the number of the line on which the string was found,
-    * `function` is the name of the `gettext` function used (if the
-      string was extracted from embedded Python code), and
-    *  `message` is the string itself (a `unicode` object, or a tuple
-       of `unicode` objects for functions with multiple string arguments).
-    If `Babel`_ is installed :ref:`the babel integration <babel-integration>`
-    can be used to extract strings for babel.
-For a web application that is available in multiple languages but gives all
-the users the same language (for example a multilingual forum software
-installed for a French community) may load the translations once and add the
-translation methods to the environment at environment generation time::
-    translations = get_gettext_translations()
-    env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.i18n'])
-    env.install_gettext_translations(translations)
-The `get_gettext_translations` function would return the translator for the
-current configuration.  (For example by using `gettext.find`)
-The usage of the `i18n` extension for template designers is covered as part
-:ref:`of the template documentation <i18n-in-templates>`.
-.. _gettext: http://docs.python.org/dev/library/gettext
-.. _Babel: http://babel.edgewall.org/
-Expression Statement
-**Import name:** `jinja2.ext.do`
-The "do" aka expression-statement extension adds a simple `do` tag to the
-template engine that works like a variable expression but ignores the
-return value.
-.. _loopcontrols-extension:
-Loop Controls
-**Import name:** `jinja2.ext.loopcontrols`
-This extension adds support for `break` and `continue` in loops.  After
-enabling Jinja2 provides those two keywords which work exactly like in
-.. _with-extension:
-With Statement
-**Import name:** `jinja2.ext.with_`
-.. versionadded:: 2.3
-This extension adds support for the with keyword.  Using this keyword it
-is possible to enforce a nested scope in a template.  Variables can be
-declared directly in the opening block of the with statement or using a
-standard `set` statement directly within.
-.. _writing-extensions:
-Writing Extensions
-.. module:: jinja2.ext
-By writing extensions you can add custom tags to Jinja2.  This is a non trival
-task and usually not needed as the default tags and expressions cover all
-common use cases.  The i18n extension is a good example of why extensions are
-useful, another one would be fragment caching.
-When writing extensions you have to keep in mind that you are working with the
-Jinja2 template compiler which does not validate the node tree you are possing
-to it.  If the AST is malformed you will get all kinds of compiler or runtime
-errors that are horrible to debug.  Always make sure you are using the nodes
-you create correctly.  The API documentation below shows which nodes exist and
-how to use them.
-Example Extension
-The following example implements a `cache` tag for Jinja2 by using the
-`Werkzeug`_ caching contrib module:
-.. literalinclude:: cache_extension.py
-    :language: python
-And here is how you use it in an environment::
-    from jinja2 import Environment
-    from werkzeug.contrib.cache import SimpleCache
-    env = Environment(extensions=[FragmentCacheExtension])
-    env.fragment_cache = SimpleCache()
-Inside the template it's then possible to mark blocks as cacheable.  The
-following example caches a sidebar for 300 seconds:
-.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
-    {% cache 'sidebar', 300 %}
-    <div class="sidebar">
-        ...
-    </div>
-    {% endcache %}
-.. _Werkzeug: http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/
-Extension API
-Extensions always have to extend the :class:`jinja2.ext.Extension` class:
-.. autoclass:: Extension
-    :members: preprocess, filter_stream, parse, attr, call_method
-    .. attribute:: identifier
-        The identifier of the extension.  This is always the true import name
-        of the extension class and must not be changed.
-    .. attribute:: tags
-        If the extension implements custom tags this is a set of tag names
-        the extension is listening for.
-Parser API
-The parser passed to :meth:`Extension.parse` provides ways to parse
-expressions of different types.  The following methods may be used by
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.parser.Parser
-    :members: parse_expression, parse_tuple, parse_assign_target,
-              parse_statements, free_identifier, fail
-    .. attribute:: filename
-        The filename of the template the parser processes.  This is **not**
-        the load name of the template.  For the load name see :attr:`name`.
-        For templates that were not loaded form the file system this is
-        `None`.
-    .. attribute:: name
-        The load name of the template.
-    .. attribute:: stream
-        The current :class:`~jinja2.lexer.TokenStream`
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.lexer.TokenStream
-   :members: push, look, eos, skip, next, next_if, skip_if, expect
-   .. attribute:: current
-        The current :class:`~jinja2.lexer.Token`.
-.. autoclass:: jinja2.lexer.Token
-    :members: test, test_any
-    .. attribute:: lineno
-        The line number of the token
-    .. attribute:: type
-        The type of the token.  This string is interned so you may compare
-        it with arbitrary strings using the `is` operator.
-    .. attribute:: value
-        The value of the token.
-There is also a utility function in the lexer module that can count newline
-characters in strings:
-.. autofunction:: jinja2.lexer.count_newlines
-The AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) is used to represent a template after parsing.
-It's build of nodes that the compiler then converts into executable Python
-code objects.  Extensions that provide custom statements can return nodes to
-execute custom Python code.
-The list below describes all nodes that are currently available.  The AST may
-change between Jinja2 versions but will stay backwards compatible.
-For more information have a look at the repr of :meth:`jinja2.Environment.parse`.
-.. module:: jinja2.nodes
-.. jinjanodes::
-.. autoexception:: Impossible
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/faq.rst	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-Frequently Asked Questions
-This page answers some of the often asked questions about Jinja.
-.. highlight:: html+jinja
-Why is it called Jinja?
-The name Jinja was chosen because it's the name of a Japanese temple and
-temple and template share a similar pronunciation.  It is not named after
-the capital city of Uganda.
-How fast is it?
-We really hate benchmarks especially since they don't reflect much.  The
-performance of a template depends on many factors and you would have to
-benchmark different engines in different situations.  The benchmarks from the
-testsuite show that Jinja2 has a similar performance to `Mako`_ and is between
-10 and 20 times faster than Django's template engine or Genshi.  These numbers
-should be taken with tons of salt as the benchmarks that took these numbers
-only test a few performance related situations such as looping.  Generally
-speaking the performance of a template engine doesn't matter much as the
-usual bottleneck in a web application is either the database or the application
-.. _Mako: http://www.makotemplates.org/
-How Compatible is Jinja2 with Django?
-The default syntax of Jinja2 matches Django syntax in many ways.  However
-this similarity doesn't mean that you can use a Django template unmodified
-in Jinja2.  For example filter arguments use a function call syntax rather
-than a colon to separate filter name and arguments.  Additionally the
-extension interface in Jinja is fundamentally different from the Django one
-which means that your custom tags won't work any longer.
-Generally speaking you will use much less custom extensions as the Jinja
-template system allows you to use a certain subset of Python expressions
-which can replace most Django extensions.  For example instead of using
-something like this::
-    {% load comments %}
-    {% get_latest_comments 10 as latest_comments %}
-    {% for comment in latest_comments %}
-        ...
-    {% endfor %}
-You will most likely provide an object with attributes to retrieve
-comments from the database::
-    {% for comment in models.comments.latest(10) %}
-        ...
-    {% endfor %}
-Or directly provide the model for quick testing::
-    {% for comment in Comment.objects.order_by('-pub_date')[:10] %}
-        ...
-    {% endfor %}
-Please keep in mind that even though you may put such things into templates
-it still isn't a good idea.  Queries should go into the view code and not
-the template!
-Isn't it a terrible idea to put Logic into Templates?
-Without a doubt you should try to remove as much logic from templates as
-possible.  But templates without any logic mean that you have to do all
-the processing in the code which is boring and stupid.  A template engine
-that does that is shipped with Python and called `string.Template`.  Comes
-without loops and if conditions and is by far the fastest template engine
-you can get for Python.
-So some amount of logic is required in templates to keep everyone happy.
-And Jinja leaves it pretty much to you how much logic you want to put into
-templates.  There are some restrictions in what you can do and what not.
-Jinja2 neither allows you to put arbitrary Python code into templates nor
-does it allow all Python expressions.  The operators are limited to the
-most common ones and more advanced expressions such as list comprehensions
-and generator expressions are not supported.  This keeps the template engine
-easier to maintain and templates more readable.
-Why is Autoescaping not the Default?
-There are multiple reasons why automatic escaping is not the default mode
-and also not the recommended one.  While automatic escaping of variables
-means that you will less likely have an XSS problem it also causes a huge
-amount of extra processing in the template engine which can cause serious
-performance problems.  As Python doesn't provide a way to mark strings as
-unsafe Jinja has to hack around that limitation by providing a custom
-string class (the :class:`Markup` string) that safely interacts with safe
-and unsafe strings.
-With explicit escaping however the template engine doesn't have to perform
-any safety checks on variables.  Also a human knows not to escape integers
-or strings that may never contain characters one has to escape or already
-HTML markup.  For example when iterating over a list over a table of
-integers and floats for a table of statistics the template designer can
-omit the escaping because he knows that integers or floats don't contain
-any unsafe parameters.
-Additionally Jinja2 is a general purpose template engine and not only used
-for HTML/XML generation.  For example you may generate LaTeX, emails,
-CSS, JavaScript, or configuration files.
-Why is the Context immutable?
-When writing a :func:`contextfunction` or something similar you may have
-noticed that the context tries to stop you from modifying it.  If you have
-managed to modify the context by using an internal context API you may
-have noticed that changes in the context don't seem to be visible in the
-template.  The reason for this is that Jinja uses the context only as
-primary data source for template variables for performance reasons.
-If you want to modify the context write a function that returns a variable
-instead that one can assign to a variable by using set::
-    {% set comments = get_latest_comments() %}
-I don't have the _speedups Module.  Is Jinja slower now?
-To achieve a good performance with automatic escaping enabled, the escaping
-function is also implemented in pure C and used if Jinja2 was installed with
-the speedups module.  This happens automatically if a C compiler is available
-on the system during installation.
-My tracebacks look weird.  What's happening?
-If the speedups module is not compiled and you are using a Python installation
-without ctypes (Python 2.4 without ctypes, Jython or Google's AppEngine)
-Jinja2 is unable to provide correct debugging information and the traceback
-may be incomplete.  There is currently no good workaround for Jython or
-the AppEngine as ctypes is unavailable there and it's not possible to use
-the speedups extension.
-Why is there no Python 2.3 support?
-Python 2.3 is missing a lot of features that are used heavily in Jinja2.  This
-decision was made as with the upcoming Python 2.6 and 3.0 versions it becomes
-harder to maintain the code for older Python versions.  If you really need
-Python 2.3 support you either have to use `Jinja 1`_ or other templating
-engines that still support 2.3.
-My Macros are overriden by something
-In some situations the Jinja scoping appears arbitrary:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
-    {% macro foo() %}LAYOUT{% endmacro %}
-    {% block body %}{% endblock %}
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
-    {% extends 'layout.tmpl' %}
-    {% macro foo() %}CHILD{% endmacro %}
-    {% block body %}{{ foo() }}{% endblock %}
-This will print ``LAYOUT`` in Jinja2.  This is a side effect of having
-the parent template evaluated after the child one.  This allows child
-templates passing information to the parent template.  To avoid this
-issue rename the macro or variable in the parent template to have an
-uncommon prefix.
-.. _Jinja 1: http://jinja.pocoo.org/1/
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/index.rst	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Jinja2 Documentation
-This is the documentation for the Jinja2 general purpose templating language.
-Jinja2 is a library for Python 2.4 and onwards that is designed to be flexible,
-fast and secure.
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 2
-   intro
-   api
-   sandbox
-   templates
-   extensions
-   integration
-   switching
-   tricks
-   faq
-   changelog
-If you can't find the information you're looking for, have a look at the
-index of try to find it using the search function:
-* :ref:`genindex`
-* :ref:`search`
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/integration.rst	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-Jinja2 provides some code for integration into other tools such as frameworks,
-the `Babel`_ library or your favourite editor for fancy code highlighting.
-This is a brief description of whats included.
-.. _babel-integration:
-Babel Integration
-Jinja provides support for extracting gettext messages from templates via a
-`Babel`_ extractor entry point called `jinja2.ext.babel_extract`.  The Babel
-support is implemented as part of the :ref:`i18n-extension` extension.
-Gettext messages extracted from both `trans` tags and code expressions.
-To extract gettext messages from templates, the project needs a Jinja2 section
-in its Babel extraction method `mapping file`_:
-.. sourcecode:: ini
-    [jinja2: **/templates/**.html]
-    encoding = utf-8
-The syntax related options of the :class:`Environment` are also available as
-configuration values in the mapping file.  For example to tell the extraction
-that templates use ``%`` as `line_statement_prefix` you can use this code:
-.. sourcecode:: ini
-    [jinja2: **/templates/**.html]
-    encoding = utf-8
-    line_statement_prefix = %
-:ref:`jinja-extensions` may also be defined by passing a comma separated list
-of import paths as `extensions` value.  The i18n extension is added
-.. _mapping file: http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/Documentation/messages.html#extraction-method-mapping-and-configuration
-With `Pylons`_ 0.9.7 onwards it's incredible easy to integrate Jinja into a
-Pylons powered application.
-The template engine is configured in `config/environment.py`.  The configuration
-for Jinja2 looks something like that::
-    from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader
-    config['pylons.app_globals'].jinja_env = Environment(
-        loader=PackageLoader('yourapplication', 'templates')
-    )
-After that you can render Jinja templates by using the `render_jinja` function
-from the `pylons.templating` module.
-Additionally it's a good idea to set the Pylons' `c` object into strict mode.
-Per default any attribute to not existing attributes on the `c` object return
-an empty string and not an undefined object.  To change this just use this
-snippet and add it into your `config/environment.py`::
-    config['pylons.strict_c'] = True
-.. _Pylons: http://www.pylonshq.com/
-Inside the `ext` folder of Jinja2 there is a bundle for TextMate that supports
-syntax highlighting for Jinja1 and Jinja2 for text based templates as well as
-HTML.  It also contains a few often used snippets.
-A syntax plugin for `Vim`_ exists in the Vim-scripts directory as well as the
-ext folder of Jinja2.  `The script <http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1856>`_
-supports Jinja1 and Jinja2.  Once installed two file types are available `jinja`
-and `htmljinja`.  The first one for text based templates, the latter for HTML
-Copy the files into your `syntax` folder.
-.. _Babel: http://babel.edgewall.org/
-.. _Vim: http://www.vim.org/
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/intro.rst	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-This is the documentation for the Jinja2 general purpose templating language.
-Jinja2 is a library for Python 2.4 and onwards that is designed to be flexible,
-fast and secure.
-If you have any exposure to other text-based template languages, such as Smarty or
-Django, you should feel right at home with Jinja2.  It's both designer and
-developer friendly by sticking to Python's principles and adding functionality
-useful for templating environments.
-The key-features are...
--   ... **configurable syntax**.  If you are generating LaTeX or other formats
-    with Jinja2 you can change the delimiters to something that integrates better
-    into the LaTeX markup.
--   ... **fast**.  While performance is not the primarily target of Jinja2 it's
-    surprisingly fast.  The overhead compared to regular Python code was reduced
-    to the very minimum.
--   ... **easy to debug**.  Jinja2 integrates directly into the python traceback
-    system which allows you to debug Jinja2 templates with regular python
-    debugging helpers.
--   ... **secure**.  It's possible to evaluate untrusted template code if the
-    optional sandbox is enabled.  This allows Jinja2 to be used as templating
-    language for applications where users may modify the template design.
-Jinja2 needs at least **Python 2.4** to run.  Additionally a working C-compiler
-that can create python extensions should be installed for the debugger.  If no
-C-compiler is available and you are using Python 2.4 the `ctypes`_ module
-should be installed.
-If you don't have a working C-compiler and you are trying to install the source
-release with the speedups you will get a compiler error.  This however can be
-circumvented by passing the ``--without-speedups`` command line argument to the
-setup script::
-    $ python setup.py --with-speedups install
-(As of Jinja 2.2, the speedups are disabled by default and can be enabled
-with ``--with-speedups``.  See :ref:`enable-speedups`)
-.. _ctypes: http://python.net/crew/theller/ctypes/
-You have multiple ways to install Jinja2.  If you are unsure what to do, go
-with the Python egg or tarball.
-As a Python egg (via easy_install)
-You can install the most recent Jinja2 version using `easy_install`_ or `pip`_::
-    easy_install Jinja2
-    pip install Jinja2
-This will install a Jinja2 egg in your Python installation's site-packages
-(If you are installing from the windows command line omit the `sudo` and make
-sure to run the command as user with administrator rights)
-From the tarball release
-1.  Download the most recent tarball from the `download page`_
-2.  Unpack the tarball
-3.  ``sudo python setup.py install``
-Note that you either have to have setuptools or `distribute`_ installed,
-the latter is preferred.
-This will install Jinja2 into your Python installation's site-packages directory.
-.. _distribute: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute
-Installing the development version
-1.  Install `mercurial`_
-2.  ``hg clone http://dev.pocoo.org/hg/jinja2-main jinja2``
-3.  ``cd jinja2``
-4.  ``ln -s jinja2 /usr/lib/python2.X/site-packages``
-As an alternative to steps 4 you can also do ``python setup.py develop``
-which will install the package via distribute in development mode.  This also
-has the advantage that the C extensions are compiled.
-Alternative you can use `pip`_ to install the current development
-    sudo pip install Jinja2==dev
-Or the `easy_install`_ command::
-    sudo easy_install Jinja2==dev
-.. _download page: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Jinja2
-.. _setuptools: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools
-.. _easy_install: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall
-.. _pip: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip
-.. _mercurial: http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/
-.. _enable-speedups:
-Enable the speedups Module
-By default Jinja2 will not compile the speedups module.  Enabling this
-will fail if you don't have the Python headers or a working compiler.  This
-is often the case if you are installing Jinja2 from a windows machine.
-You can enable the speedups extension when installing using the
-``--with-speedups`` flag::
-    sudo python setup.py --with-speedups install
-Basic API Usage
-This section gives you a brief introduction to the Python API for Jinja2
-The most basic way to create a template and render it is through
-:class:`~jinja2.Template`.  This however is not the recommended way to
-work with it if your templates are not loaded from strings but the file
-system or another data source:
->>> from jinja2 import Template
->>> template = Template('Hello {{ name }}!')
->>> template.render(name='John Doe')
-u'Hello John Doe!'
-By creating an instance of :class:`~jinja2.Template` you get back a new template
-object that provides a method called :meth:`~jinja2.Template.render` which when
-called with a dict or keyword arguments expands the template.  The dict
-or keywords arguments passed to the template are the so-called "context"
-of the template.
-What you can see here is that Jinja2 is using unicode internally and the
-return value is an unicode string.  So make sure that your application is
-indeed using unicode internally.
-Experimental Python 3 Support
-Jinja 2.3 brings experimental support for Python 3.  It means that all
-unittests pass on the new version, but there might still be small bugs in
-there and behavior might be inconsistent.  If you notice any bugs, please
-provide feedback in the `Jinja bug tracker`_.
-Also please keep in mind that the documentation is written with Python 2
-in mind, you will have to adapt the shown code examples to Python 3 syntax
-for yourself.
-.. _Jinja bug tracker: http://dev.pocoo.org/projects/jinja/
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/jinjaext.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-    Jinja Documentation Extensions
-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    Support for automatically documenting filters and tests.
-    :copyright: Copyright 2008 by Armin Ronacher.
-    :license: BSD.
-import os
-import re
-import inspect
-import jinja2
-from itertools import islice
-from types import BuiltinFunctionType
-from docutils import nodes
-from docutils.statemachine import ViewList
-from sphinx.ext.autodoc import prepare_docstring
-from sphinx.application import TemplateBridge
-from pygments.style import Style
-from pygments.token import Keyword, Name, Comment, String, Error, \
-     Number, Operator, Generic
-from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
-def parse_rst(state, content_offset, doc):
-    node = nodes.section()
-    # hack around title style bookkeeping
-    surrounding_title_styles = state.memo.title_styles
-    surrounding_section_level = state.memo.section_level
-    state.memo.title_styles = []
-    state.memo.section_level = 0
-    state.nested_parse(doc, content_offset, node, match_titles=1)
-    state.memo.title_styles = surrounding_title_styles
-    state.memo.section_level = surrounding_section_level
-    return node.children
-class JinjaStyle(Style):
-    title = 'Jinja Style'
-    default_style = ""
-    styles = {
-        Comment:                    'italic #aaaaaa',
-        Comment.Preproc:            'noitalic #B11414',
-        Comment.Special:            'italic #505050',
-        Keyword:                    'bold #B80000',
-        Keyword.Type:               '#808080',
-        Operator.Word:              'bold #B80000',
-        Name.Builtin:               '#333333',
-        Name.Function:              '#333333',
-        Name.Class:                 'bold #333333',
-        Name.Namespace:             'bold #333333',
-        Name.Entity:                'bold #363636',
-        Name.Attribute:             '#686868',
-        Name.Tag:                   'bold #686868',
-        Name.Decorator:             '#686868',
-        String:                     '#AA891C',
-        Number:                     '#444444',
-        Generic.Heading:            'bold #000080',
-        Generic.Subheading:         'bold #800080',
-        Generic.Deleted:            '#aa0000',
-        Generic.Inserted:           '#00aa00',
-        Generic.Error:              '#aa0000',
-        Generic.Emph:               'italic',
-        Generic.Strong:             'bold',
-        Generic.Prompt:             '#555555',
-        Generic.Output:             '#888888',
-        Generic.Traceback:          '#aa0000',
-        Error:                      '#F00 bg:#FAA'
-    }
-_sig_re = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*(\(.*?\))')
-def format_function(name, aliases, func):
-    lines = inspect.getdoc(func).splitlines()
-    signature = '()'
-    if isinstance(func, BuiltinFunctionType):
-        match = _sig_re.match(lines[0])
-        if match is not None:
-            del lines[:1 + bool(lines and not lines[0])]
-            signature = match.group(1)
-    else:
-        try:
-            argspec = inspect.getargspec(func)
-            if getattr(func, 'environmentfilter', False) or \
-               getattr(func, 'contextfilter', False):
-                del argspec[0][0]
-            signature = inspect.formatargspec(*argspec)
-        except:
-            pass
-    result = ['.. function:: %s%s' % (name, signature), '']
-    result.extend('    ' + line for line in lines)
-    if aliases:
-        result.extend(('', '    :aliases: %s' % ', '.join(
-                      '``%s``' % x for x in sorted(aliases))))
-    return result
-def dump_functions(mapping):
-    def directive(dirname, arguments, options, content, lineno,
-                      content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
-        reverse_mapping = {}
-        for name, func in mapping.iteritems():
-            reverse_mapping.setdefault(func, []).append(name)
-        filters = []
-        for func, names in reverse_mapping.iteritems():
-            aliases = sorted(names, key=lambda x: len(x))
-            name = aliases.pop()
-            filters.append((name, aliases, func))
-        filters.sort()
-        result = ViewList()
-        for name, aliases, func in filters:
-            for item in format_function(name, aliases, func):
-                result.append(item, '<jinjaext>')
-        node = nodes.paragraph()
-        state.nested_parse(result, content_offset, node)
-        return node.children
-    return directive
-from jinja2.defaults import DEFAULT_FILTERS, DEFAULT_TESTS
-jinja_filters = dump_functions(DEFAULT_FILTERS)
-jinja_tests = dump_functions(DEFAULT_TESTS)
-def jinja_nodes(dirname, arguments, options, content, lineno,
-                content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
-    from jinja2.nodes import Node
-    doc = ViewList()
-    def walk(node, indent):
-        p = ' ' * indent
-        sig = ', '.join(node.fields)
-        doc.append(p + '.. autoclass:: %s(%s)' % (node.__name__, sig), '')
-        if node.abstract:
-            members = []
-            for key, name in node.__dict__.iteritems():
-                if not key.startswith('_') and \
-                   not hasattr(node.__base__, key) and callable(name):
-                    members.append(key)
-            if members:
-                members.sort()
-                doc.append('%s :members: %s' % (p, ', '.join(members)), '')
-        if node.__base__ != object:
-            doc.append('', '')
-            doc.append('%s :Node type: :class:`%s`' %
-                       (p, node.__base__.__name__), '')
-        doc.append('', '')
-        children = node.__subclasses__()
-        children.sort(key=lambda x: x.__name__.lower())
-        for child in children:
-            walk(child, indent)
-    walk(Node, 0)
-    return parse_rst(state, content_offset, doc)
-def inject_toc(app, doctree, docname):
-    titleiter = iter(doctree.traverse(nodes.title))
-    try:
-        # skip first title, we are not interested in that one
-        titleiter.next()
-        title = titleiter.next()
-        # and check if there is at least another title
-        titleiter.next()
-    except StopIteration:
-        return
-    tocnode = nodes.section('')
-    tocnode['classes'].append('toc')
-    toctitle = nodes.section('')
-    toctitle['classes'].append('toctitle')
-    toctitle.append(nodes.title(text='Table Of Contents'))
-    tocnode.append(toctitle)
-    tocnode += doctree.document.settings.env.get_toc_for(docname)[0][1]
-    title.parent.insert(title.parent.children.index(title), tocnode)
-def setup(app):
-    app.add_directive('jinjafilters', jinja_filters, 0, (0, 0, 0))
-    app.add_directive('jinjatests', jinja_tests, 0, (0, 0, 0))
-    app.add_directive('jinjanodes', jinja_nodes, 0, (0, 0, 0))
-    # uncomment for inline toc.  links are broken unfortunately
-    ##app.connect('doctree-resolved', inject_toc)
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/sandbox.rst	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-The Jinja2 sandbox can be used to evaluate untrusted code.  Access to unsafe
-attributes and methods is prohibited.
-Assuming `env` is a :class:`SandboxedEnvironment` in the default configuration
-the following piece of code shows how it works:
->>> env.from_string("{{ func.func_code }}").render(func=lambda:None)
->>> env.from_string("{{ func.func_code.do_something }}").render(func=lambda:None)
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-  ...
-SecurityError: access to attribute 'func_code' of 'function' object is unsafe.
-.. module:: jinja2.sandbox
-.. autoclass:: SandboxedEnvironment([options])
-    :members: is_safe_attribute, is_safe_callable
-.. autoclass:: ImmutableSandboxedEnvironment([options])
-.. autoexception:: SecurityError
-.. autofunction:: unsafe
-.. autofunction:: is_internal_attribute
-.. autofunction:: modifies_known_mutable
-.. admonition:: Note
-    The Jinja2 sandbox alone is no solution for perfect security.  Especially
-    for web applications you have to keep in mind that users may create
-    templates with arbitrary HTML in so it's crucial to ensure that (if you
-    are running multiple users on the same server) they can't harm each other
-    via JavaScript insertions and much more.
-    Also the sandbox is only as good as the configuration.  We stronly
-    recommend only passing non-shared resources to the template and use
-    some sort of whitelisting for attributes.
-    Also keep in mind that templates may raise runtime or compile time errors,
-    so make sure to catch them.
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/switching.rst	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-Switching from other Template Engines
-.. highlight:: html+jinja
-If you have used a different template engine in the past and want to swtich
-to Jinja2 here is a small guide that shows the basic syntatic and semantic
-changes between some common, similar text template engines for Python.
-Jinja2 is mostly compatible with Jinja1 in terms of API usage and template
-syntax.  The differences between Jinja1 and 2 are explained in the following
-    Jinja2 uses a different loader API.  Because the internal representation
-    of templates changed there is no longer support for external caching
-    systems such as memcached.  The memory consumed by templates is comparable
-    with regular Python modules now and external caching doesn't give any
-    advantage.  If you have used a custom loader in the past have a look at
-    the new :ref:`loader API <loaders>`.
-Loading templates from strings
-    In the past it was possible to generate templates from a string with the
-    default environment configuration by using `jinja.from_string`.  Jinja2
-    provides a :class:`Template` class that can be used to do the same, but
-    with optional additional configuration.
-Automatic unicode conversion
-    Jinja1 performed automatic conversion of bytestrings in a given encoding
-    into unicode objects.  This conversion is no longer implemented as it
-    was inconsistent as most libraries are using the regular Python ASCII
-    bytestring to Unicode conversion.  An application powered by Jinja2
-    *has to* use unicode internally everywhere or make sure that Jinja2 only
-    gets unicode strings passed.
-    Jinja1 used custom translators for internationalization.  i18n is now
-    available as Jinja2 extension and uses a simpler, more gettext friendly
-    interface and has support for babel.  For more details see
-    :ref:`i18n-extension`.
-Internal methods
-    Jinja1 exposed a few internal methods on the environment object such
-    as `call_function`, `get_attribute` and others.  While they were marked
-    as being an internal method it was possible to override them.  Jinja2
-    doesn't have equivalent methods.
-    Jinja1 was running sandbox mode by default.  Few applications actually
-    used that feature so it became optional in Jinja2.  For more details
-    about the sandboxed execution see :class:`SandboxedEnvironment`.
-    Jinja1 had a stacked context as storage for variables passed to the
-    environment.  In Jinja2 a similar object exists but it doesn't allow
-    modifications nor is it a singleton.  As inheritance is dynamic now
-    multiple context objects may exist during template evaluation.
-Filters and Tests
-    Filters and tests are regular functions now.  It's no longer necessary
-    and allowed to use factory functions.
-Jinja2 has mostly the same syntax as Jinja1.  What's different is that
-macros require parentheses around the argument list now.
-Additionally Jinja2 allows dynamic inheritance now and dynamic includes.
-The old helper function `rendertemplate` is gone now, `include` can be used
-instead.  Includes no longer import macros and variable assignments, for
-that the new `import` tag is used.  This concept is explained in the
-:ref:`import` documentation.
-Another small change happened in the `for`-tag.  The special loop variable
-doesn't have a `parent` attribute, instead you have to alias the loop
-yourself.  See :ref:`accessing-the-parent-loop` for more details.
-If you have previously worked with Django templates, you should find
-Jinja2 very familiar.  In fact, most of the syntax elements look and
-work the same.
-However, Jinja2 provides some more syntax elements covered in the
-documentation and some work a bit different.
-This section covers the template changes.  As the API is fundamentally
-different we won't cover it here.
-Method Calls
-In Django method calls work implicitly.  With Jinja2 you have to specify that
-you want to call an object.  Thus this Django code::
-    {% for page in user.get_created_pages %}
-        ...
-    {% endfor %}
-will look like this in Jinja::
-    {% for page in user.get_created_pages() %}
-        ...
-    {% endfor %}
-This allows you to pass variables to the function which is also used for macros
-which is not possible in Django.
-In Django you can use the following constructs to check for equality::
-    {% ifequal foo "bar" %}
-        ...
-    {% else %}
-        ...
-    {% endifequal %}
-In Jinja2 you can use the normal if statement in combination with operators::
-    {% if foo == 'bar' %}
-        ...
-    {% else %}
-        ...
-    {% endif %}
-You can also have multiple elif branches in your template::
-    {% if something %}
-        ...
-    {% elif otherthing %}
-        ...
-    {% elif foothing %}
-        ...
-    {% else %}
-        ...
-    {% endif %}
-Filter Arguments
-Jinja2 provides more than one argument for filters.  Also the syntax for
-argument passing is different.  A template that looks like this in Django::
-    {{ items|join:", " }}
-looks like this in Jinja2::
-    {{ items|join(', ') }}
-In fact it's a bit more verbose but it allows different types of arguments -
-including variables - and more than one of them.
-In addition to filters there also are tests you can perform using the is
-operator.  Here are some examples::
-    {% if user.user_id is odd %}
-        {{ user.username|e }} is odd
-    {% else %}
-        hmm. {{ user.username|e }} looks pretty normal
-    {% endif %}
-For loops work very similar to Django, the only incompatibility is that in
-Jinja2 the special variable for the loop context is called `loop` and not
-`forloop` like in Django.
-The ``{% cycle %}`` tag does not exist in Jinja because of it's implicit
-nature.  However you can achieve mostly the same by using the `cycle`
-method on a loop object.
-The following Django template::
-    {% for user in users %}
-        <li class="{% cycle 'odd' 'even' %}">{{ user }}</li>
-    {% endfor %}
-Would look like this in Jinja::
-    {% for user in users %}
-        <li class="{{ loop.cycle('odd', 'even') }}">{{ user }}</li>
-    {% endfor %}
-There is no equivalent of ``{% cycle ... as variable %}``.
-.. highlight:: html+mako
-If you have used Mako so far and want to switch to Jinja2 you can configure
-Jinja2 to look more like Mako:
-.. sourcecode:: python
-    env = Environment('<%', '%>', '${', '}', '%')
-Once the environment is configure like that Jinja2 should be able to interpret
-a small subset of Mako templates.  Jinja2 does not support embedded Python code
-so you would have to move that out of the template.  The syntax for defs (in
-Jinja2 defs are called macros) and template inheritance is different too.  The
-following Mako template::
-    <%inherit file="layout.html" />
-    <%def name="title()">Page Title</%def>
-    <ul>
-    % for item in list:
-        <li>${item}</li>
-    % endfor
-    </ul>
-Looks like this in Jinja2 with the above configuration::
-    <% extends "layout.html" %>
-    <% block title %>Page Title<% endblock %>
-    <% block body %>
-    <ul>
-    % for item in list:
-        <li>${item}</li>
-    % endfor
-    </ul>
-    <% endblock %>
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/templates.rst	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1310 +0,0 @@
-Template Designer Documentation
-.. highlight:: html+jinja
-This document describes the syntax and semantics of the template engine and
-will be most useful as reference to those creating Jinja templates.  As the
-template engine is very flexible the configuration from the application might
-be slightly different from here in terms of delimiters and behavior of
-undefined values.
-A template is simply a text file.  It can generate any text-based format
-(HTML, XML, CSV, LaTeX, etc.).  It doesn't have a specific extension,
-``.html`` or ``.xml`` are just fine.
-A template contains **variables** or **expressions**, which get replaced with
-values when the template is evaluated, and tags, which control the logic of
-the template.  The template syntax is heavily inspired by Django and Python.
-Below is a minimal template that illustrates a few basics.  We will cover
-the details later in that document::
-    <html lang="en">
-    <head>
-        <title>My Webpage</title>
-    </head>
-    <body>
-        <ul id="navigation">
-        {% for item in navigation %}
-            <li><a href="{{ item.href }}">{{ item.caption }}</a></li>
-        {% endfor %}
-        </ul>
-        <h1>My Webpage</h1>
-        {{ a_variable }}
-    </body>
-    </html>
-This covers the default settings.  The application developer might have
-changed the syntax from ``{% foo %}`` to ``<% foo %>`` or something similar.
-There are two kinds of delimiers. ``{% ... %}`` and ``{{ ... }}``.  The first
-one is used to execute statements such as for-loops or assign values, the
-latter prints the result of the expression to the template.
-.. _variables:
-The application passes variables to the templates you can mess around in the
-template.  Variables may have attributes or elements on them you can access
-too.  How a variable looks like, heavily depends on the application providing
-You can use a dot (``.``) to access attributes of a variable, alternative the
-so-called "subscript" syntax (``[]``) can be used.  The following lines do
-the same::
-    {{ foo.bar }}
-    {{ foo['bar'] }}
-It's important to know that the curly braces are *not* part of the variable
-but the print statement.  If you access variables inside tags don't put the
-braces around.
-If a variable or attribute does not exist you will get back an undefined
-value.  What you can do with that kind of value depends on the application
-configuration, the default behavior is that it evaluates to an empty string
-if printed and that you can iterate over it, but every other operation fails.
-.. _notes-on-subscriptions:
-.. admonition:: Implementation
-    For convenience sake ``foo.bar`` in Jinja2 does the following things on
-    the Python layer:
-    -   check if there is an attribute called `bar` on `foo`.
-    -   if there is not, check if there is an item ``'bar'`` in `foo`.
-    -   if there is not, return an undefined object.
-    ``foo['bar']`` on the other hand works mostly the same with the a small
-    difference in the order:
-    -   check if there is an item ``'bar'`` in `foo`.
-    -   if there is not, check if there is an attribute called `bar` on `foo`.
-    -   if there is not, return an undefined object.
-    This is important if an object has an item or attribute with the same
-    name.  Additionally there is the :func:`attr` filter that just looks up
-    attributes.
-.. _filters:
-Variables can by modified by **filters**.  Filters are separated from the
-variable by a pipe symbol (``|``) and may have optional arguments in
-parentheses.  Multiple filters can be chained.  The output of one filter is
-applied to the next.
-``{{ name|striptags|title }}`` for example will remove all HTML Tags from the
-`name` and title-cases it.  Filters that accept arguments have parentheses
-around the arguments, like a function call.  This example will join a list
-by commas:  ``{{ list|join(', ') }}``.
-The :ref:`builtin-filters` below describes all the builtin filters.
-.. _tests:
-Beside filters there are also so called "tests" available.  Tests can be used
-to test a variable against a common expression.  To test a variable or
-expression you add `is` plus the name of the test after the variable.  For
-example to find out if a variable is defined you can do ``name is defined``
-which will then return true or false depending on if `name` is defined.
-Tests can accept arguments too.  If the test only takes one argument you can
-leave out the parentheses to group them.  For example the following two
-expressions do the same::
-    {% if loop.index is divisibleby 3 %}
-    {% if loop.index is divisibleby(3) %}
-The :ref:`builtin-tests` below describes all the builtin tests.
-To comment-out part of a line in a template, use the comment syntax which is
-by default set to ``{# ... #}``.  This is useful to comment out parts of the
-template for debugging or to add information for other template designers or
-    {# note: disabled template because we no longer use this
-        {% for user in users %}
-            ...
-        {% endfor %}
-    #}
-Whitespace Control
-In the default configuration whitespace is not further modified by the
-template engine, so each whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines etc.) is returned
-unchanged.  If the application configures Jinja to `trim_blocks` the first
-newline after a a template tag is removed automatically (like in PHP).
-But you can also strip whitespace in templates by hand.  If you put an minus
-sign (``-``) to the start or end of an block (for example a for tag), a
-comment or variable expression you can remove the whitespaces after or before
-that block::
-    {% for item in seq -%}
-        {{ item }}
-    {%- endfor %}
-This will yield all elements without whitespace between them.  If `seq` was
-a list of numbers from ``1`` to ``9`` the output would be ``123456789``.
-If :ref:`line-statements` are enabled they strip leading whitespace
-automatically up to the beginning of the line.
-.. admonition:: Note
-    You must not use a whitespace between the tag and the minus sign.
-    **valid**::
-        {%- if foo -%}...{% endif %}
-    **invalid**::
-        {% - if foo - %}...{% endif %}
-It is sometimes desirable or even necessary to have Jinja ignore parts it
-would otherwise handle as variables or blocks.  For example if the default
-syntax is used and you want to use ``{{`` as raw string in the template and
-not start a variable you have to use a trick.
-The easiest way is to output the variable delimiter (``{{``) by using a
-variable expression::
-    {{ '{{' }}
-For bigger sections it makes sense to mark a block `raw`.  For example to
-put Jinja syntax as example into a template you can use this snippet::
-    {% raw %}
-        <ul>
-        {% for item in seq %}
-            <li>{{ item }}</li>
-        {% endfor %}
-        </ul>
-    {% endraw %}
-.. _line-statements:
-Line Statements
-If line statements are enabled by the application it's possible to mark a
-line as a statement.  For example if the line statement prefix is configured
-to ``#`` the following two examples are equivalent::
-    <ul>
-    # for item in seq
-        <li>{{ item }}</li>
-    # endfor
-    </ul>
-    <ul>
-    {% for item in seq %}
-        <li>{{ item }}</li>
-    {% endfor %}
-    </ul>
-The line statement prefix can appear anywhere on the line as long as no text
-precedes it.  For better readability statements that start a block (such as
-`for`, `if`, `elif` etc.) may end with a colon::
-    # for item in seq:
-        ...
-    # endfor
-.. admonition:: Note
-    Line statements can span multiple lines if there are open parentheses,
-    braces or brackets::
-        <ul>
-        # for href, caption in [('index.html', 'Index'),
-                                ('about.html', 'About')]:
-            <li><a href="{{ href }}">{{ caption }}</a></li>
-        # endfor
-        </ul>
-Since Jinja 2.2 line-based comments are available as well.  For example if
-the line-comment prefix is configured to be ``##`` everything from ``##`` to
-the end of the line is ignored (excluding the newline sign)::
-    # for item in seq:
-        <li>{{ item }}</li>     ## this comment is ignored
-    # endfor
-.. _template-inheritance:
-Template Inheritance
-The most powerful part of Jinja is template inheritance. Template inheritance
-allows you to build a base "skeleton" template that contains all the common
-elements of your site and defines **blocks** that child templates can override.
-Sounds complicated but is very basic. It's easiest to understand it by starting
-with an example.
-Base Template
-This template, which we'll call ``base.html``, defines a simple HTML skeleton
-document that you might use for a simple two-column page. It's the job of
-"child" templates to fill the empty blocks with content::
-    <html lang="en">
-    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-    <head>
-        {% block head %}
-        <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
-        <title>{% block title %}{% endblock %} - My Webpage</title>
-        {% endblock %}
-    </head>
-    <body>
-        <div id="content">{% block content %}{% endblock %}</div>
-        <div id="footer">
-            {% block footer %}
-            &copy; Copyright 2008 by <a href="http://domain.invalid/">you</a>.
-            {% endblock %}
-        </div>
-    </body>
-In this example, the ``{% block %}`` tags define four blocks that child templates
-can fill in. All the `block` tag does is to tell the template engine that a
-child template may override those portions of the template.
-Child Template
-A child template might look like this::
-    {% extends "base.html" %}
-    {% block title %}Index{% endblock %}
-    {% block head %}
-        {{ super() }}
-        <style type="text/css">
-            .important { color: #336699; }
-        </style>
-    {% endblock %}
-    {% block content %}
-        <h1>Index</h1>
-        <p class="important">
-          Welcome on my awesome homepage.
-        </p>
-    {% endblock %}
-The ``{% extends %}`` tag is the key here. It tells the template engine that
-this template "extends" another template.  When the template system evaluates
-this template, first it locates the parent.  The extends tag should be the
-first tag in the template.  Everything before it is printed out normally and
-may cause confusion.  For details about this behavior and how to take
-advantage of it, see :ref:`null-master-fallback`.
-The filename of the template depends on the template loader.  For example the
-:class:`FileSystemLoader` allows you to access other templates by giving the
-filename.  You can access templates in subdirectories with an slash::
-    {% extends "layout/default.html" %}
-But this behavior can depend on the application embedding Jinja.  Note that
-since the child template doesn't define the ``footer`` block, the value from
-the parent template is used instead.
-You can't define multiple ``{% block %}`` tags with the same name in the
-same template.  This limitation exists because a block tag works in "both"
-directions.  That is, a block tag doesn't just provide a hole to fill - it
-also defines the content that fills the hole in the *parent*.  If there
-were two similarly-named ``{% block %}`` tags in a template, that template's
-parent wouldn't know which one of the blocks' content to use.
-If you want to print a block multiple times you can however use the special
-`self` variable and call the block with that name::
-    <title>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title>
-    <h1>{{ self.title() }}</h1>
-    {% block body %}{% endblock %}
-Super Blocks
-It's possible to render the contents of the parent block by calling `super`.
-This gives back the results of the parent block::
-    {% block sidebar %}
-        <h3>Table Of Contents</h3>
-        ...
-        {{ super() }}
-    {% endblock %}
-Named Block End-Tags
-Jinja2 allows you to put the name of the block after the end tag for better
-    {% block sidebar %}
-        {% block inner_sidebar %}
-            ...
-        {% endblock inner_sidebar %}
-    {% endblock sidebar %}
-However the name after the `endblock` word must match the block name.
-Block Nesting and Scope
-Blocks can be nested for more complex layouts.  However per default blocks
-may not access variables from outer scopes::
-    {% for item in seq %}
-        <li>{% block loop_item %}{{ item }}{% endblock %}</li>
-    {% endfor %}
-This example would output empty ``<li>`` items because `item` is unavailable
-inside the block.  The reason for this is that if the block is replaced by
-a child template a variable would appear that was not defined in the block or
-passed to the context.
-Starting with Jinja 2.2 you can explicitly specify that variables are
-available in a block by setting the block to "scoped" by adding the `scoped`
-modifier to a block declaration::
-    {% for item in seq %}
-        <li>{% block loop_item scoped %}{{ item }}{% endblock %}</li>
-    {% endfor %}
-When overriding a block the `scoped` modifier does not have to be provided.
-Template Objects
-.. versionchanged:: 2.4
-If a template object was passed to the template context you can
-extend from that object as well.  Assuming the calling code passes
-a layout template as `layout_template` to the environment, this
-code works::
-    {% extends layout_template %}
-Previously the `layout_template` variable had to be a string with
-the layout template's filename for this to work.
-HTML Escaping
-When generating HTML from templates, there's always a risk that a variable will
-include characters that affect the resulting HTML.  There are two approaches:
-manually escaping each variable or automatically escaping everything by default.
-Jinja supports both, but what is used depends on the application configuration.
-The default configuaration is no automatic escaping for various reasons:
--   escaping everything except of safe values will also mean that Jinja is
-    escaping variables known to not include HTML such as numbers which is
-    a huge performance hit.
--   The information about the safety of a variable is very fragile.  It could
-    happen that by coercing safe and unsafe values the return value is double
-    escaped HTML.
-Working with Manual Escaping
-If manual escaping is enabled it's **your** responsibility to escape
-variables if needed.  What to escape?  If you have a variable that *may*
-include any of the following chars (``>``, ``<``, ``&``, or ``"``) you
-**have to** escape it unless the variable contains well-formed and trusted
-HTML.  Escaping works by piping the variable through the ``|e`` filter:
-``{{ user.username|e }}``.
-Working with Automatic Escaping
-When automatic escaping is enabled everything is escaped by default except
-for values explicitly marked as safe.  Those can either be marked by the
-application or in the template by using the `|safe` filter.  The main
-problem with this approach is that Python itself doesn't have the concept
-of tainted values so the information if a value is safe or unsafe can get
-lost.  If the information is lost escaping will take place which means that
-you could end up with double escaped contents.
-Double escaping is easy to avoid however, just rely on the tools Jinja2
-provides and don't use builtin Python constructs such as the string modulo
-Functions returning template data (macros, `super`, `self.BLOCKNAME`) return
-safe markup always.
-String literals in templates with automatic escaping are considered unsafe
-too.  The reason for this is that the safe string is an extension to Python
-and not every library will work properly with it.
-List of Control Structures
-A control structure refers to all those things that control the flow of a
-program - conditionals (i.e. if/elif/else), for-loops, as well as things like
-macros and blocks.  Control structures appear inside ``{% ... %}`` blocks
-in the default syntax.
-Loop over each item in a sequence.  For example, to display a list of users
-provided in a variable called `users`::
-    <h1>Members</h1>
-    <ul>
-    {% for user in users %}
-      <li>{{ user.username|e }}</li>
-    {% endfor %}
-    </ul>
-Inside of a for loop block you can access some special variables:
-| Variable              | Description                                       |
-| `loop.index`          | The current iteration of the loop. (1 indexed)    |
-| `loop.index0`         | The current iteration of the loop. (0 indexed)    |
-| `loop.revindex`       | The number of iterations from the end of the loop |
-|                       | (1 indexed)                                       |
-| `loop.revindex0`      | The number of iterations from the end of the loop |
-|                       | (0 indexed)                                       |
-| `loop.first`          | True if first iteration.                          |
-| `loop.last`           | True if last iteration.                           |
-| `loop.length`         | The number of items in the sequence.              |
-| `loop.cycle`          | A helper function to cycle between a list of      |
-|                       | sequences.  See the explanation below.            |
-Within a for-loop, it's possible to cycle among a list of strings/variables
-each time through the loop by using the special `loop.cycle` helper::
-    {% for row in rows %}
-        <li class="{{ loop.cycle('odd', 'even') }}">{{ row }}</li>
-    {% endfor %}
-With Jinja 2.1 an extra `cycle` helper exists that allows loop-unbound
-cycling.  For more information have a look at the :ref:`builtin-globals`.
-.. _loop-filtering:
-Unlike in Python it's not possible to `break` or `continue` in a loop.  You
-can however filter the sequence during iteration which allows you to skip
-items.  The following example skips all the users which are hidden::
-    {% for user in users if not user.hidden %}
-        <li>{{ user.username|e }}</li>
-    {% endfor %}
-The advantage is that the special `loop` variable will count correctly thus
-not counting the users not iterated over.
-If no iteration took place because the sequence was empty or the filtering
-removed all the items from the sequence you can render a replacement block
-by using `else`::
-    <ul>
-    {% for user in users %}
-        <li>{{ user.username|e }}</li>
-    {% else %}
-        <li><em>no users found</em></li>
-    {% endfor %}
-    </ul>
-It is also possible to use loops recursively.  This is useful if you are
-dealing with recursive data such as sitemaps.  To use loops recursively you
-basically have to add the `recursive` modifier to the loop definition and
-call the `loop` variable with the new iterable where you want to recurse.
-The following example implements a sitemap with recursive loops::
-    <ul class="sitemap">
-    {%- for item in sitemap recursive %}
-        <li><a href="{{ item.href|e }}">{{ item.title }}</a>
-        {%- if item.children -%}
-            <ul class="submenu">{{ loop(item.children) }}</ul>
-        {%- endif %}</li>
-    {%- endfor %}
-    </ul>
-The `if` statement in Jinja is comparable with the if statements of Python.
-In the simplest form you can use it to test if a variable is defined, not
-empty or not false::
-    {% if users %}
-    <ul>
-    {% for user in users %}
-        <li>{{ user.username|e }}</li>
-    {% endfor %}
-    </ul>
-    {% endif %}
-For multiple branches `elif` and `else` can be used like in Python.  You can
-use more complex :ref:`expressions` there too::
-    {% if kenny.sick %}
-        Kenny is sick.
-    {% elif kenny.dead %}
-        You killed Kenny!  You bastard!!!
-    {% else %}
-        Kenny looks okay --- so far
-    {% endif %}
-If can also be used as :ref:`inline expression <if-expression>` and for
-:ref:`loop filtering <loop-filtering>`.
-Macros are comparable with functions in regular programming languages.  They
-are useful to put often used idioms into reusable functions to not repeat
-Here a small example of a macro that renders a form element::
-    {% macro input(name, value='', type='text', size=20) -%}
-        <input type="{{ type }}" name="{{ name }}" value="{{
-            value|e }}" size="{{ size }}">
-    {%- endmacro %}
-The macro can then be called like a function in the namespace::
-    <p>{{ input('username') }}</p>
-    <p>{{ input('password', type='password') }}</p>
-If the macro was defined in a different template you have to
-:ref:`import <import>` it first.
-Inside macros you have access to three special variables:
-    If more positional arguments are passed to the macro than accepted by the
-    macro they end up in the special `varargs` variable as list of values.
-    Like `varargs` but for keyword arguments.  All unconsumed keyword
-    arguments are stored in this special variable.
-    If the macro was called from a :ref:`call<call>` tag the caller is stored
-    in this variable as macro which can be called.
-Macros also expose some of their internal details.  The following attributes
-are available on a macro object:
-    The name of the macro.  ``{{ input.name }}`` will print ``input``.
-    A tuple of the names of arguments the macro accepts.
-    A tuple of default values.
-    This is `true` if the macro accepts extra keyword arguments (ie: accesses
-    the special `kwargs` variable).
-    This is `true` if the macro accepts extra positional arguments (ie:
-    accesses the special `varargs` variable).
-    This is `true` if the macro accesses the special `caller` variable and may
-    be called from a :ref:`call<call>` tag.
-If a macro name starts with an underscore it's not exported and can't
-be imported.
-.. _call:
-In some cases it can be useful to pass a macro to another macro.  For this
-purpose you can use the special `call` block.  The following example shows
-a macro that takes advantage of the call functionality and how it can be
-    {% macro render_dialog(title, class='dialog') -%}
-        <div class="{{ class }}">
-            <h2>{{ title }}</h2>
-            <div class="contents">
-                {{ caller() }}
-            </div>
-        </div>
-    {%- endmacro %}
-    {% call render_dialog('Hello World') %}
-        This is a simple dialog rendered by using a macro and
-        a call block.
-    {% endcall %}
-It's also possible to pass arguments back to the call block.  This makes it
-useful as replacement for loops.  Generally speaking a call block works
-exactly like an macro, just that it doesn't have a name.
-Here an example of how a call block can be used with arguments::
-    {% macro dump_users(users) -%}
-        <ul>
-        {%- for user in users %}
-            <li><p>{{ user.username|e }}</p>{{ caller(user) }}</li>
-        {%- endfor %}
-        </ul>
-    {%- endmacro %}
-    {% call(user) dump_users(list_of_user) %}
-        <dl>
-            <dl>Realname</dl>
-            <dd>{{ user.realname|e }}</dd>
-            <dl>Description</dl>
-            <dd>{{ user.description }}</dd>
-        </dl>
-    {% endcall %}
-Filter sections allow you to apply regular Jinja2 filters on a block of
-template data.  Just wrap the code in the special `filter` section::
-    {% filter upper %}
-        This text becomes uppercase
-    {% endfilter %}
-Inside code blocks you can also assign values to variables.  Assignments at
-top level (outside of blocks, macros or loops) are exported from the template
-like top level macros and can be imported by other templates.
-Assignments use the `set` tag and can have multiple targets::
-    {% set navigation = [('index.html', 'Index'), ('about.html', 'About')] %}
-    {% set key, value = call_something() %}
-The `extends` tag can be used to extend a template from another one.  You
-can have multiple of them in a file but only one of them may be executed
-at the time.  See the section about :ref:`template-inheritance` above.
-Blocks are used for inheritance and act as placeholders and replacements
-at the same time.  They are documented in detail as part of the section
-about :ref:`template-inheritance`.
-The `include` statement is useful to include a template and return the
-rendered contents of that file into the current namespace::
-    {% include 'header.html' %}
-        Body
-    {% include 'footer.html' %}
-Included templates have access to the variables of the active context by
-default.  For more details about context behavior of imports and includes
-see :ref:`import-visibility`.
-From Jinja 2.2 onwards you can mark an include with ``ignore missing`` in
-which case Jinja will ignore the statement if the template to be ignored
-does not exist.  When combined with ``with`` or ``without context`` it has
-to be placed *before* the context visibility statement.  Here some valid
-    {% include "sidebar.html" ignore missing %}
-    {% include "sidebar.html" ignore missing with context %}
-    {% include "sidebar.html" ignore missing without context %}
-.. versionadded:: 2.2
-You can also provide a list of templates that are checked for existence
-before inclusion.  The first template that exists will be included.  If
-`ignore missing` is given, it will fall back to rendering nothing if
-none of the templates exist, otherwise it will raise an exception.
-    {% include ['page_detailed.html', 'page.html'] %}
-    {% include ['special_sidebar.html', 'sidebar.html'] ignore missing %}
-.. versionchanged:: 2.4
-   If a template object was passed to the template context you can
-   include that object using `include`.
-.. _import:
-Jinja2 supports putting often used code into macros.  These macros can go into
-different templates and get imported from there.  This works similar to the
-import statements in Python.  It's important to know that imports are cached
-and imported templates don't have access to the current template variables,
-just the globals by defualt.  For more details about context behavior of
-imports and includes see :ref:`import-visibility`.
-There are two ways to import templates.  You can import the complete template
-into a variable or request specific macros / exported variables from it.
-Imagine we have a helper module that renders forms (called `forms.html`)::
-    {% macro input(name, value='', type='text') -%}
-        <input type="{{ type }}" value="{{ value|e }}" name="{{ name }}">
-    {%- endmacro %}
-    {%- macro textarea(name, value='', rows=10, cols=40) -%}
-        <textarea name="{{ name }}" rows="{{ rows }}" cols="{{ cols
-            }}">{{ value|e }}</textarea>
-    {%- endmacro %}
-The easiest and most flexible is importing the whole module into a variable.
-That way you can access the attributes::
-    {% import 'forms.html' as forms %}
-    <dl>
-        <dt>Username</dt>
-        <dd>{{ forms.input('username') }}</dd>
-        <dt>Password</dt>
-        <dd>{{ forms.input('password', type='password') }}</dd>
-    </dl>
-    <p>{{ forms.textarea('comment') }}</p>
-Alternatively you can import names from the template into the current
-    {% from 'forms.html' import input as input_field, textarea %}
-    <dl>
-        <dt>Username</dt>
-        <dd>{{ input_field('username') }}</dd>
-        <dt>Password</dt>
-        <dd>{{ input_field('password', type='password') }}</dd>
-    </dl>
-    <p>{{ textarea('comment') }}</p>
-Macros and variables starting with one ore more underscores are private and
-cannot be imported.
-.. versionchanged:: 2.4
-   If a template object was passed to the template context you can
-   import from that object.
-.. _import-visibility:
-Import Context Behavior
-Per default included templates are passed the current context and imported
-templates not.  The reason for this is that imports unlike includes are
-cached as imports are often used just as a module that holds macros.
-This however can be changed of course explicitly.  By adding `with context`
-or `without context` to the import/include directive the current context
-can be passed to the template and caching is disabled automatically.
-Here two examples::
-    {% from 'forms.html' import input with context %}
-    {% include 'header.html' without context %}
-.. admonition:: Note
-    In Jinja 2.0 the context that was passed to the included template
-    did not include variables defined in the template.  As a matter of
-    fact this did not work::
-        {% for box in boxes %}
-            {% include "render_box.html" %}
-        {% endfor %}
-    The included template ``render_box.html`` is not able to access
-    `box` in Jinja 2.0, but in Jinja 2.1.
-.. _expressions:
-Jinja allows basic expressions everywhere.  These work very similar to regular
-Python and even if you're not working with Python you should feel comfortable
-with it.
-The simplest form of expressions are literals.  Literals are representations
-for Python objects such as strings and numbers.  The following literals exist:
-"Hello World":
-    Everything between two double or single quotes is a string.  They are
-    useful whenever you need a string in the template (for example as
-    arguments to function calls, filters or just to extend or include a
-    template).
-42 / 42.23:
-    Integers and floating point numbers are created by just writing the
-    number down.  If a dot is present the number is a float, otherwise an
-    integer.  Keep in mind that for Python ``42`` and ``42.0`` is something
-    different.
-['list', 'of', 'objects']:
-    Everything between two brackets is a list.  Lists are useful to store
-    sequential data in or to iterate over them.  For example you can easily
-    create a list of links using lists and tuples with a for loop::
-        <ul>
-        {% for href, caption in [('index.html', 'Index'), ('about.html', 'About'),
-                                 ('downloads.html', 'Downloads')] %}
-            <li><a href="{{ href }}">{{ caption }}</a></li>
-        {% endfor %}
-        </ul>
-('tuple', 'of', 'values'):
-    Tuples are like lists, just that you can't modify them.  If the tuple
-    only has one item you have to end it with a comma.  Tuples are usually
-    used to represent items of two or more elements.  See the example above
-    for more details.
-{'dict': 'of', 'key': 'and', 'value': 'pairs'}:
-    A dict in Python is a structure that combines keys and values.  Keys must
-    be unique and always have exactly one value.  Dicts are rarely used in
-    templates, they are useful in some rare cases such as the :func:`xmlattr`
-    filter.
-true / false:
-    true is always true and false is always false.
-.. admonition:: Note
-    The special constants `true`, `false` and `none` are indeed lowercase.
-    Because that caused confusion in the past, when writing `True` expands
-    to an undefined variable that is considered false, all three of them can
-    be written in title case too (`True`, `False`, and `None`).  However for
-    consistency (all Jinja identifiers are lowercase) you should use the
-    lowercase versions.
-Jinja allows you to calculate with values.  This is rarely useful in templates
-but exists for completeness' sake.  The following operators are supported:
-    Adds two objects together.  Usually the objects are numbers but if both are
-    strings or lists you can concatenate them this way.  This however is not
-    the preferred way to concatenate strings!  For string concatenation have
-    a look at the ``~`` operator.  ``{{ 1 + 1 }}`` is ``2``.
-    Substract the second number from the first one.  ``{{ 3 - 2 }}`` is ``1``.
-    Divide two numbers.  The return value will be a floating point number.
-    ``{{ 1 / 2 }}`` is ``{{ 0.5 }}``.
-    Divide two numbers and return the truncated integer result.
-    ``{{ 20 / 7 }}`` is ``2``.
-    Calculate the remainder of an integer division.  ``{{ 11 % 7 }}`` is ``4``.
-    Multiply the left operand with the right one.  ``{{ 2 * 2 }}`` would
-    return ``4``.  This can also be used to repeat a string multiple times.
-    ``{{ '=' * 80 }}`` would print a bar of 80 equal signs.
-    Raise the left operand to the power of the right operand.  ``{{ 2**3 }}``
-    would return ``8``.
-For `if` statements, `for` filtering or `if` expressions it can be useful to
-combine multiple expressions:
-    Return true if the left and the right operand is true.
-    Return true if the left or the right operand is true.
-    negate a statement (see below).
-    group an expression.
-.. admonition:: Note
-    The ``is`` and ``in`` operators support negation using an infix notation
-    too: ``foo is not bar`` and ``foo not in bar`` instead of ``not foo is bar``
-    and ``not foo in bar``.  All other expressions require a prefix notation:
-    ``not (foo and bar).``
-Other Operators
-The following operators are very useful but don't fit into any of the other
-two categories:
-    Perform sequence / mapping containment test.  Returns true if the left
-    operand is contained in the right.  ``{{ 1 in [1, 2, 3] }}`` would for
-    example return true.
-    Performs a :ref:`test <tests>`.
-    Applies a :ref:`filter <filters>`.
-    Converts all operands into strings and concatenates them.
-    ``{{ "Hello " ~ name ~ "!" }}`` would return (assuming `name` is
-    ``'John'``) ``Hello John!``.
-    Call a callable: ``{{ post.render() }}``.  Inside of the parentheses you
-    can use positional arguments and keyword arguments like in python:
-    ``{{ post.render(user, full=true) }}``.
-. / []
-    Get an attribute of an object.  (See :ref:`variables`)
-.. _if-expression:
-If Expression
-It is also possible to use inline `if` expressions.  These are useful in some
-situations.  For example you can use this to extend from one template if a
-variable is defined, otherwise from the default layout template::
-    {% extends layout_template if layout_template is defined else 'master.html' %}
-The general syntax is ``<do something> if <something is true> else <do
-something else>``.
-The `else` part is optional.  If not provided the else block implicitly
-evaluates into an undefined object::
-    {{ '[%s]' % page.title if page.title }}
-.. _builtin-filters:
-List of Builtin Filters
-.. jinjafilters::
-.. _builtin-tests:
-List of Builtin Tests
-.. jinjatests::
-.. _builtin-globals:
-List of Global Functions
-The following functions are available in the global scope by default:
-.. function:: range([start,] stop[, step])
-    Return a list containing an arithmetic progression of integers.
-    range(i, j) returns [i, i+1, i+2, ..., j-1]; start (!) defaults to 0.
-    When step is given, it specifies the increment (or decrement).
-    For example, range(4) returns [0, 1, 2, 3].  The end point is omitted!
-    These are exactly the valid indices for a list of 4 elements.
-    This is useful to repeat a template block multiple times for example
-    to fill a list.  Imagine you have 7 users in the list but you want to
-    render three empty items to enforce a height with CSS::
-        <ul>
-        {% for user in users %}
-            <li>{{ user.username }}</li>
-        {% endfor %}
-        {% for number in range(10 - users|count) %}
-            <li class="empty"><span>...</span></li>
-        {% endfor %}
-        </ul>
-.. function:: lipsum(n=5, html=True, min=20, max=100)
-    Generates some lorem ipsum for the template.  Per default five paragraphs
-    with HTML are generated each paragraph between 20 and 100 words.  If html
-    is disabled regular text is returned.  This is useful to generate simple
-    contents for layout testing.
-.. function:: dict(\**items)
-    A convenient alternative to dict literals.  ``{'foo': 'bar'}`` is the same
-    as ``dict(foo='bar')``.
-.. class:: cycler(\*items)
-    The cycler allows you to cycle among values similar to how `loop.cycle`
-    works.  Unlike `loop.cycle` however you can use this cycler outside of
-    loops or over multiple loops.
-    This is for example very useful if you want to show a list of folders and
-    files, with the folders on top, but both in the same list with alternating
-    row colors.
-    The following example shows how `cycler` can be used::
-        {% set row_class = cycler('odd', 'even') %}
-        <ul class="browser">
-        {% for folder in folders %}
-          <li class="folder {{ row_class.next() }}">{{ folder|e }}</li>
-        {% endfor %}
-        {% for filename in files %}
-          <li class="file {{ row_class.next() }}">{{ filename|e }}</li>
-        {% endfor %}
-        </ul>
-    A cycler has the following attributes and methods:
-    .. method:: reset()
-        Resets the cycle to the first item.
-    .. method:: next()
-        Goes one item a head and returns the then current item.
-    .. attribute:: current
-        Returns the current item.
-    **new in Jinja 2.1**
-.. class:: joiner(sep=', ')
-    A tiny helper that can be use to "join" multiple sections.  A joiner is
-    passed a string and will return that string every time it's calld, except
-    the first time in which situation it returns an empty string.  You can
-    use this to join things::
-        {% set pipe = joiner("|") %}
-        {% if categories %} {{ pipe() }}
-            Categories: {{ categories|join(", ") }}
-        {% endif %}
-        {% if author %} {{ pipe() }}
-            Author: {{ author() }}
-        {% endif %}
-        {% if can_edit %} {{ pipe() }}
-            <a href="?action=edit">Edit</a>
-        {% endif %}
-    **new in Jinja 2.1**
-The following sections cover the built-in Jinja2 extensions that may be
-enabled by the application.  The application could also provide further
-extensions not covered by this documentation.  In that case there should
-be a separate document explaining the extensions.
-.. _i18n-in-templates:
-If the i18n extension is enabled it's possible to mark parts in the template
-as translatable.  To mark a section as translatable you can use `trans`::
-    <p>{% trans %}Hello {{ user }}!{% endtrans %}</p>
-To translate a template expression --- say, using template filters or just
-accessing an attribute of an object --- you need to bind the expression to a
-name for use within the translation block::
-    <p>{% trans user=user.username %}Hello {{ user }}!{% endtrans %}</p>
-If you need to bind more than one expression inside a `trans` tag, separate
-the pieces with a comma (``,``)::
-    {% trans book_title=book.title, author=author.name %}
-    This is {{ book_title }} by {{ author }}
-    {% endtrans %}
-Inside trans tags no statements are allowed, only variable tags are.
-To pluralize, specify both the singular and plural forms with the `pluralize`
-tag, which appears between `trans` and `endtrans`::
-    {% trans count=list|length %}
-    There is {{ count }} {{ name }} object.
-    {% pluralize %}
-    There are {{ count }} {{ name }} objects.
-    {% endtrans %}
-Per default the first variable in a block is used to determine the correct
-singular or plural form.  If that doesn't work out you can specify the name
-which should be used for pluralizing by adding it as parameter to `pluralize`::
-    {% trans ..., user_count=users|length %}...
-    {% pluralize user_count %}...{% endtrans %}
-It's also possible to translate strings in expressions.  For that purpose
-three functions exist:
-_   `gettext`: translate a single string
--   `ngettext`: translate a pluralizable string
--   `_`: alias for `gettext`
-For example you can print a translated string easily this way::
-    {{ _('Hello World!') }}
-To use placeholders you can use the `format` filter::
-    {{ _('Hello %(user)s!')|format(user=user.username) }}
-        or
-    {{ _('Hello %s')|format(user.username) }}
-For multiple placeholders always use keyword arguments to `format` as other
-languages may not use the words in the same order.
-Expression Statement
-If the expression-statement extension is loaded a tag called `do` is available
-that works exactly like the regular variable expression (``{{ ... }}``) just
-that it doesn't print anything.  This can be used to modify lists::
-    {% do navigation.append('a string') %}
-Loop Controls
-If the application enables the :ref:`loopcontrols-extension` it's possible to
-use `break` and `continue` in loops.  When `break` is reached, the loop is
-terminated, if `continue` is eached the processing is stopped and continues
-with the next iteration.
-Here a loop that skips every second item::
-    {% for user in users %}
-        {%- if loop.index is even %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
-        ...
-    {% endfor %}
-Likewise a look that stops processing after the 10th iteration::
-    {% for user in users %}
-        {%- if loop.index >= 10 %}{% break %}{% endif %}
-    {%- endfor %}
-With Statement
-.. versionadded:: 2.3
-If the application enables the :ref:`with-extension` it is possible to
-use the `with` keyword in templates.  This makes it possible to create
-a new inner scope.  Variables set within this scope are not visible
-outside of the scope.
-With in a nutshell::
-    {% with %}
-        {% set foo = 42 %}
-        {{ foo }}           foo is 42 here
-    {% endwith %}
-    foo is not visible here any longer
-Because it is common to set variables at the beginning of the scope
-you can do that within the with statement.  The following two examples
-are equivalent::
-    {% with foo = 42 %}
-        {{ foo }}
-    {% endwith %}
-    {% with %}
-        {% set foo = 42 %}
-        {{ foo }}
-    {% endwith %}
--- a/bundled/jinja2/docs/tricks.rst	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-Tips and Tricks
-.. highlight:: html+jinja
-This part of the documentation shows some tips and tricks for Jinja2
-.. _null-master-fallback:
-Null-Master Fallback
-Jinja2 supports dynamic inheritance and does not distinguish between parent
-and child template as long as no `extends` tag is visited.  While this leads
-to the surprising behavior that everything before the first `extends` tag
-including whitespace is printed out instead of being igored, it can be used
-for a neat trick.
-Usually child templates extend from one template that adds a basic HTML
-skeleton.  However it's possible put the `extends` tag into an `if` tag to
-only extend from the layout template if the `standalone` variable evaluates
-to false which it does per default if it's not defined.  Additionally a very
-basic skeleton is added to the file so that if it's indeed rendered with
-`standalone` set to `True` a very basic HTML skeleton is added::
-    {% if not standalone %}{% extends 'master.html' %}{% endif -%}
-    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-    <title>{% block title %}The Page Title{% endblock %}</title>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
-    {% block body %}
-      <p>This is the page body.</p>
-    {% endblock %}
-Alternating Rows
-If you want to have different styles for each row of a table or
-list you can use the `cycle` method on the `loop` object::
-    <ul>
-    {% for row in rows %}
-      <li class="{{ loop.cycle('odd', 'even') }}">{{ row }}</li>
-    {% endfor %}
-    </ul>
-`cycle` can take an unlimited amount of strings.  Each time this
-tag is encountered the next item from the list is rendered.
-Highlighting Active Menu Items
-Often you want to have a navigation bar with an active navigation
-item.  This is really simple to achieve.  Because assignments outside
-of `block`\s in child templates are global and executed before the layout
-template is evaluated it's possible to define the active menu item in the
-child template::
-    {% extends "layout.html" %}
-    {% set active_page = "index" %}
-The layout template can then access `active_page`.  Additionally it makes
-sense to defined a default for that variable::
-    {% set navigation_bar = [
-        ('/', 'index', 'Index'),
-        ('/downloads/', 'downloads', 'Downloads'),
-        ('/about/', 'about', 'About')
-    ] -%}
-    {% set active_page = active_page|default('index') -%}
-    ...
-    <ul id="navigation">
-    {% for href, id, caption in navigation_bar %}
-      <li{% if id == active_page %} class="active"{% endif
-      %}><a href="{{ href|e }}">{{ caption|e }}</a>/li>
-    {% endfor %}
-    </ul>
-    ...
-.. _accessing-the-parent-loop:
-Accessing the parent Loop
-The special `loop` variable always points to the innermost loop.  If it's
-desired to have access to an outer loop it's possible to alias it::
-    <table>
-    {% for row in table %}
-      <tr>
-      {% set rowloop = loop %}
-      {% for cell in row %}
-        <td id="cell-{{ rowloop.index }}-{{ loop.index }}>{{ cell }}</td>
-      {% endfor %}
-      </tr>
-    {% endfor %}
-    </table>
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/basic/cycle.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-from jinja2 import Environment
-env = Environment(line_statement_prefix="#", variable_start_string="${", variable_end_string="}")
-print env.from_string("""\
-# for item in range(10)
-    <li class="${loop.cycle('odd', 'even')}">${item}</li>
-# endfor
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/basic/debugger.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-from jinja2 import Environment
-from jinja2.loaders import FileSystemLoader
-env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates'))
-tmpl = env.get_template('broken.html')
-print tmpl.render(seq=[3, 2, 4, 5, 3, 2, 0, 2, 1])
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/basic/inheritance.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from jinja2 import Environment
-from jinja2.loaders import DictLoader
-env = Environment(loader=DictLoader({
-'a': '''[A[{% block body %}{% endblock %}]]''',
-'b': '''{% extends 'a' %}{% block body %}[B]{% endblock %}''',
-'c': '''{% extends 'b' %}{% block body %}###{{ super() }}###{% endblock %}'''
-print env.get_template('c').render()
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/basic/templates/broken.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-{% from 'subbroken.html' import may_break %}
-{% for item in seq %}
-  <li>{{ may_break(item) }}</li>
-{% endfor %}
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/basic/templates/subbroken.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-{% macro may_break(item) -%}
-  [{{ item / 0 }}]
-{%- endmacro %}
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/basic/test.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-from jinja2 import Environment
-from jinja2.loaders import DictLoader
-env = Environment(loader=DictLoader({
-'child.html': u'''\
-{% extends master_layout or 'master.html' %}
-{% include helpers = 'helpers.html' %}
-{% macro get_the_answer() %}42{% endmacro %}
-{% title = 'Hello World' %}
-{% block body %}
-    {{ get_the_answer() }}
-    {{ helpers.conspirate() }}
-{% endblock %}
-'master.html': u'''\
-<!doctype html>
-<title>{{ title }}</title>
-{% block body %}{% endblock %}
-'helpers.html': u'''\
-{% macro conspirate() %}23{% endmacro %}
-tmpl = env.get_template("child.html")
-print tmpl.render()
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/basic/test_filter_and_linestatements.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-from jinja2 import Environment
-env = Environment(line_statement_prefix='%', variable_start_string="${", variable_end_string="}")
-tmpl = env.from_string("""\
-% macro foo()
-    ${caller(42)}
-% endmacro
-% for item in seq
-    <li>${item}</li>
-% endfor
-% call(var) foo()
-    [${var}]
-% endcall
-% filter escape
-    <hello world>
-    % for item in [1, 2, 3]
-      -  ${item}
-    % endfor
-% endfilter
-print tmpl.render(seq=range(10))
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/basic/test_loop_filter.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from jinja2 import Environment
-tmpl = Environment().from_string("""\
-{%- for item in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] if item % 2 == 0 %}
-    <li>{{ loop.index }} / {{ loop.length }}: {{ item }}</li>
-{%- endfor %}
-if condition: {{ 1 if foo else 0 }}
-print tmpl.render(foo=True)
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/basic/translate.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-from jinja2 import Environment
-print Environment(extensions=['jinja2.i18n.TransExtension']).from_string("""\
-{% trans %}Hello {{ user }}!{% endtrans %}
-{% trans count=users|count %}{{ count }} user{% pluralize %}{{ count }} users{% endtrans %}
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/bench.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-    This benchmark compares some python templating engines with Jinja 2 so
-    that we get a picture of how fast Jinja 2 is for a semi real world
-    template.  If a template engine is not installed the test is skipped.\
-import sys
-import cgi
-from timeit import Timer
-from jinja2 import Environment as JinjaEnvironment
-context = {
-    'page_title': 'mitsuhiko\'s benchmark',
-    'table': [dict(a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4,e=5,f=6,g=7,h=8,i=9,j=10) for x in range(1000)]
-jinja_template = JinjaEnvironment(
-    line_statement_prefix='%',
-    variable_start_string="${",
-    variable_end_string="}"
-<!doctype html>
-  <head>
-    <title>${page_title|e}</title>
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <div class="header">
-      <h1>${page_title|e}</h1>
-    </div>
-    <ul class="navigation">
-    % for href, caption in [
-        ('index.html', 'Index'),
-        ('downloads.html', 'Downloads'),
-        ('products.html', 'Products')
-      ]
-      <li><a href="${href|e}">${caption|e}</a></li>
-    % endfor
-    </ul>
-    <div class="table">
-      <table>
-      % for row in table
-        <tr>
-        % for cell in row
-          <td>${cell}</td>
-        % endfor
-        </tr>
-      % endfor
-      </table>
-    </div>
-  </body>
-def test_jinja():
-    jinja_template.render(context)
-    from tornado.template import Template
-except ImportError:
-    test_tornado = None
-    tornado_template = Template("""\
-<!doctype html>
-  <head>
-    <title>{{ page_title }}</title>
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <div class="header">
-      <h1>{{ page_title }}</h1>
-    </div>
-    <ul class="navigation">
-    {% for href, caption in [ \
-        ('index.html', 'Index'), \
-        ('downloads.html', 'Downloads'), \
-        ('products.html', 'Products') \
-      ] %}
-      <li><a href="{{ href }}">{{ caption }}</a></li>
-    {% end %}
-    </ul>
-    <div class="table">
-      <table>
-      {% for row in table %}
-        <tr>
-        {% for cell in row %}
-          <td>{{ cell }}</td>
-        {% end %}
-        </tr>
-      {% end %}
-      </table>
-    </div>
-  </body>
-    def test_tornado():
-        tornado_template.generate(**context)
-    from django.conf import settings
-    settings.configure()
-    from django.template import Template as DjangoTemplate, Context as DjangoContext
-except ImportError:
-    test_django = None
-    django_template = """\
-<!doctype html>
-  <head>
-    <title>{{ page_title }}</title>
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <div class="header">
-      <h1>{{ page_title }}</h1>
-    </div>
-    <ul class="navigation">
-    {% for href, caption in navigation %}
-      <li><a href="{{ href }}">{{ caption }}</a></li>
-    {% endfor %}
-    </ul>
-    <div class="table">
-      <table>
-      {% for row in table %}
-        <tr>
-        {% for cell in row %}
-          <td>{{ cell }}</td>
-        {% endfor %}
-        </tr>
-      {% endfor %}
-      </table>
-    </div>
-  </body>
-    def test_django():
-        c = DjangoContext(context)
-        c['navigation'] = [('index.html', 'Index'), ('downloads.html', 'Downloads'),
-                           ('products.html', 'Products')]
-        # recompile template each rendering because that's what django
-        # is doing in normal situations too.  Django is not thread safe
-        # so we can't cache it in regular apps either.
-        DjangoTemplate(django_template).render(c)
-    from mako.template import Template as MakoTemplate
-except ImportError:
-    test_mako = None
-    mako_template = MakoTemplate("""\
-<!doctype html>
-  <head>
-    <title>${page_title|h}</title>
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <div class="header">
-      <h1>${page_title|h}</h1>
-    </div>
-    <ul class="navigation">
-    % for href, caption in [('index.html', 'Index'), ('downloads.html', 'Downloads'), ('products.html', 'Products')]:
-      <li><a href="${href|h}">${caption|h}</a></li>
-    % endfor
-    </ul>
-    <div class="table">
-      <table>
-      % for row in table:
-        <tr>
-        % for cell in row:
-          <td>${cell}</td>
-        % endfor
-        </tr>
-      % endfor
-      </table>
-    </div>
-  </body>
-    def test_mako():
-        mako_template.render(**context)
-    from genshi.template import MarkupTemplate as GenshiTemplate
-except ImportError:
-    test_genshi = None
-    genshi_template = GenshiTemplate("""\
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/">
-  <head>
-    <title>${page_title}</title>
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <div class="header">
-      <h1>${page_title}</h1>
-    </div>
-    <ul class="navigation">
-      <li py:for="href, caption in [
-        ('index.html', 'Index'),
-        ('downloads.html', 'Downloads'),
-        ('products.html', 'Products')]"><a href="${href}">${caption}</a></li>
-    </ul>
-    <div class="table">
-      <table>
-        <tr py:for="row in table">
-          <td py:for="cell in row">${cell}</td>
-        </tr>
-      </table>
-    </div>
-  </body>
-    def test_genshi():
-        genshi_template.generate(**context).render('html', strip_whitespace=False)
-    from Cheetah.Template import Template as CheetahTemplate
-except ImportError:
-    test_cheetah = None
-    cheetah_template = CheetahTemplate("""\
-#import cgi
-<!doctype html>
-  <head>
-    <title>$cgi.escape($page_title)</title>
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <div class="header">
-      <h1>$cgi.escape($page_title)</h1>
-    </div>
-    <ul class="navigation">
-    #for $href, $caption in [('index.html', 'Index'), ('downloads.html', 'Downloads'), ('products.html', 'Products')]:
-      <li><a href="$cgi.escape($href)">$cgi.escape($caption)</a></li>
-    #end for
-    </ul>
-    <div class="table">
-      <table>
-      #for $row in $table:
-        <tr>
-        #for $cell in $row:
-          <td>$cell</td>
-        #end for
-        </tr>
-      #end for
-      </table>
-    </div>
-  </body>
-""", searchList=[dict(context)])
-    def test_cheetah():
-        unicode(cheetah_template)
-    import tenjin
-except ImportError:
-    test_tenjin = None
-    tenjin_template = tenjin.Template()
-    tenjin_template.convert("""\
-<!doctype html>
-  <head>
-    <title>${page_title}</title>
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <div class="header">
-      <h1>${page_title}</h1>
-    </div>
-    <ul class="navigation">
-<?py for href, caption in [('index.html', 'Index'), ('downloads.html', 'Downloads'), ('products.html', 'Products')]: ?>
-      <li><a href="${href}">${caption}</a></li>
-<?py #end ?>
-    </ul>
-    <div class="table">
-      <table>
-<?py for row in table: ?>
-        <tr>
-<?py     for cell in row: ?>
-          <td>#{cell}</td>
-<?py #end ?>
-        </tr>
-<?py #end ?>
-      </table>
-    </div>
-  </body>
-    def test_tenjin():
-        from tenjin.helpers import escape, to_str
-        tenjin_template.render(context, locals())
-    from spitfire.compiler import util as SpitfireTemplate
-    from spitfire.compiler.analyzer import o2_options as spitfire_optimizer
-except ImportError:
-    test_spitfire = None
-    spitfire_template = SpitfireTemplate.load_template("""\
-<!doctype html>
-  <head>
-    <title>$cgi.escape($page_title)</title>
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <div class="header">
-      <h1>$cgi.escape($page_title)</h1>
-    </div>
-    <ul class="navigation">
-    #for $href, $caption in [('index.html', 'Index'), ('downloads.html', 'Downloads'), ('products.html', 'Products')]
-      <li><a href="$cgi.escape($href)">$cgi.escape($caption)</a></li>
-    #end for
-    </ul>
-    <div class="table">
-      <table>
-      #for $row in $table
-        <tr>
-        #for $cell in $row
-          <td>$cell</td>
-        #end for
-        </tr>
-      #end for
-      </table>
-    </div>
-  </body>
-""", 'spitfire_tmpl', spitfire_optimizer, {'enable_filters': False})
-    spitfire_context = dict(context, **{'cgi': cgi})
-    def test_spitfire():
-        spitfire_template(search_list=[spitfire_context]).main()
-sys.stdout.write('\r' + '\n'.join((
-    '=' * 80,
-    'Template Engine BigTable Benchmark'.center(80),
-    '=' * 80,
-    __doc__,
-    '-' * 80
-)) + '\n')
-for test in 'jinja', 'mako', 'tornado', 'tenjin', 'spitfire', 'django', 'genshi', 'cheetah':
-    if locals()['test_' + test] is None:
-        sys.stdout.write('    %-20s*not installed*\n' % test)
-        continue
-    t = Timer(setup='from __main__ import test_%s as bench' % test,
-              stmt='bench()')
-    sys.stdout.write(' >> %-20s<running>' % test)
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-    sys.stdout.write('\r    %-20s%.4f seconds\n' % (test, t.timeit(number=50) / 50))
-sys.stdout.write('-' * 80 + '\n')
-    WARNING: The results of this benchmark are useless to compare the
-    performance of template engines and should not be taken seriously in any
-    way.  It's testing the performance of simple loops and has no real-world
-    usefulnes.  It only used to check if changes on the Jinja code affect
-    performance in a good or bad way and how it roughly compares to others.
-''' + '=' * 80 + '\n')
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/profile.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-    from cProfile import Profile
-except ImportError:
-    from profile import Profile
-from pstats import Stats
-from jinja2 import Environment as JinjaEnvironment
-context = {
-    'page_title': 'mitsuhiko\'s benchmark',
-    'table': [dict(a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4,e=5,f=6,g=7,h=8,i=9,j=10) for x in range(1000)]
-source = """\
-<!doctype html>
-  <head>
-    <title>${page_title|e}</title>
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <div class="header">
-      <h1>${page_title|e}</h1>
-    </div>
-    <div class="table">
-      <table>
-      % for row in table
-        <tr>
-        % for cell in row
-          <td>${cell}</td>
-        % endfor
-        </tr>
-      % endfor
-      </table>
-    </div>
-  </body>
-jinja_template = JinjaEnvironment(
-    line_statement_prefix='%',
-    variable_start_string="${",
-    variable_end_string="}"
-print jinja_template.environment.compile(source, raw=True)
-p = Profile()
-p.runcall(lambda: jinja_template.render(context))
-stats = Stats(p)
-stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls')
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/rwbench/django/_form.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
-<form action="{{ action }}" method="{{ method }}">{{ body }}</form>
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/rwbench/django/_input_field.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
-<input type="{{ type }}" value="{{ value }}" name="{{ name }}">
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/rwbench/django/_textarea.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
-<textarea name="{{ name }}" rows="{{ rows }}" cols="{{ cols }}">{{ value }}</textarea>
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/rwbench/django/index.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "layout.html" %}
-{% block page_title %}Index Page{% endblock %}
-{% block body %}
-  {% for article in articles %}
-  {% if article.published %}
-  <div class="article">
-    <h2><a href="{{ article.href }}">{{ article.title }}</a></h2>
-    <p class="meta">written by <a href="{{ article.user.href }}">{{ article.user.username }}</a> on {{ article.pub_date|dateformat }}</p>
-    <div class="text">{{ article.body|safe }}</div>
-  </div>
-  {% endif %}
-  {% endfor %}
-  {% form %}
-    <dl>
-      <dt>Name</dt>
-      <dd>{% input_field 'name' %}</dd>
-      <dt>E-Mail</dt>
-      <dd>{% input_field 'email' %}</dd>
-      <dt>URL</dt>
-      <dd>{% input_field 'url' %}</dd>
-      <dt>Comment</dt>
-      <dd>{% textarea 'comment' %}</dd>
-      <dt>Captcha</dt>
-      <dd>{% input_field 'captcha' %}</dd>
-    </dl>
-    {% input_field '' 'submit' 'Submit' %}
-    {% input_field 'cancel' 'submit' 'Cancel' %}
-  {% endform %}
-{% endblock %}
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/rwbench/django/layout.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
-  <title>{% block page_title %}{% endblock %} | RealWorld Benchmark</title>
-  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-  <div class="contents">
-    <div class="header">
-      <h1>RealWorld Benchmark</h1>
-      <blockquote><p>
-        A less stupid benchmark for Mako and Jinja2 to get an impression how
-        code changes affect runtime performance.
-      </p></blockquote>
-    </div>
-    <ul class="navigation">
-    {% for href, caption in page_navigation %}
-      <li><a href="{{ href }}">{{ caption }}</a></li>
-    {% endfor %}
-    </ul>
-    <div class="body">
-      {% block body %}{% endblock %}
-    </div>
-    <div class="footer">
-      &copy; Copyright 2008 by I don't know who.
-    </div>
-  </div>
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/rwbench/djangoext.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from rwbench import ROOT
-from os.path import join
-from django.conf import settings
-settings.configure(TEMPLATE_DIRS=(join(ROOT, 'django'),))
-from django.template import loader as django_loader, Context as DjangoContext, \
-     Node, NodeList, Variable, TokenParser
-from django import template as django_template_module
-from django.template import Library
-# for django extensions.  We monkey patch our extensions in so that
-# we don't have to initialize a more complex django setup.
-django_extensions = django_template_module.Library()
-from rwbench import dateformat
-def var_or_none(x):
-    if x is not None:
-        return Variable(x)
-# and more django extensions
-def input_field(parser, token):
-    p = TokenParser(token.contents)
-    args = [p.value()]
-    while p.more():
-        args.append(p.value())
-    return InputFieldNode(*args)
-def textarea(parser, token):
-    p = TokenParser(token.contents)
-    args = [p.value()]
-    while p.more():
-        args.append(p.value())
-    return TextareaNode(*args)
-def form(parser, token):
-    p = TokenParser(token.contents)
-    args = []
-    while p.more():
-        args.append(p.value())
-    body = parser.parse(('endform',))
-    parser.delete_first_token()
-    return FormNode(body, *args)
-class InputFieldNode(Node):
-    def __init__(self, name, type=None, value=None):
-        self.name = var_or_none(name)
-        self.type = var_or_none(type)
-        self.value = var_or_none(value)
-    def render(self, context):
-        name = self.name.resolve(context)
-        type = 'text'
-        value = ''
-        if self.type is not None:
-            type = self.type.resolve(context)
-        if self.value is not None:
-            value = self.value.resolve(context)
-        tmpl = django_loader.get_template('_input_field.html')
-        return tmpl.render(DjangoContext({
-            'name':     name,
-            'type':     type,
-            'value':    value
-        }))
-class TextareaNode(Node):
-    def __init__(self, name, rows=None, cols=None, value=None):
-        self.name = var_or_none(name)
-        self.rows = var_or_none(rows)
-        self.cols = var_or_none(cols)
-        self.value = var_or_none(value)
-    def render(self, context):
-        name = self.name.resolve(context)
-        rows = 10
-        cols = 40
-        value = ''
-        if self.rows is not None:
-            rows = int(self.rows.resolve(context))
-        if self.cols is not None:
-            cols = int(self.cols.resolve(context))
-        if self.value is not None:
-            value = self.value.resolve(context)
-        tmpl = django_loader.get_template('_textarea.html')
-        return tmpl.render(DjangoContext({
-            'name':     name,
-            'rows':     rows,
-            'cols':     cols,
-            'value':    value
-        }))
-class FormNode(Node):
-    def __init__(self, body, action=None, method=None):
-        self.body = body
-        self.action = action
-        self.method = method
-    def render(self, context):
-        body = self.body.render(context)
-        action = ''
-        method = 'post'
-        if self.action is not None:
-            action = self.action.resolve(context)
-        if self.method is not None:
-            method = self.method.resolve(context)
-        tmpl = django_loader.get_template('_form.html')
-        return tmpl.render(DjangoContext({
-            'body':     body,
-            'action':   action,
-            'method':   method
-        }))
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/rwbench/genshi/helpers.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/"
-     py:strip="">
-  <py:def function="input_field(name='', value='', type='text')">
-    <input type="$type" value="$value" name="$name" />
-  </py:def>
-  <py:def function="textarea(name, value='', rows=10, cols=40)">
-    <textarea name="$name" rows="$rows" cols="cols">$value</textarea>
-  </py:def>
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/rwbench/genshi/index.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-  from rwbench import dateformat
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-      xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/">
-  <xi:include href="layout.html" />
-  <xi:include href="helpers.html" />
-  <head><title>Index Page</title></head>
-  <body>
-    <div class="article" py:for="article in articles">
-      <py:if test="article.published">
-        <h2><a href="${article.href}">${article.title}</a></h2>
-        <p class="meta">written by <a href="${article.user.href}"
-          >${article.user.username}</a> on ${dateformat(article.pub_date)}</p>
-        <div class="text">${Markup(article.body)}</div>
-      </py:if>
-    </div>
-    <!--
-      For a fair and balanced comparison we would have to use a def here
-      that wraps the form data but I don't know what would be the best
-      Genshi equivalent for that.  Quite frankly I doubt that this makes
-      sense in Genshi anyways.
-    -->
-    <form action="" method="post">
-      <dl>
-        <dt>Name</dt>
-        <dd>${input_field('name')}</dd>
-        <dt>E-Mail</dt>
-        <dd>${input_field('email')}</dd>
-        <dt>URL</dt>
-        <dd>${input_field('url')}</dd>
-        <dt>Comment</dt>
-        <dd>${textarea('comment')}</dd>
-        <dt>Captcha</dt>
-        <dd>${input_field('captcha')}</dd>
-      </dl>
-      ${input_field(type='submit', value='Submit')}
-      ${input_field(name='cancel', type='submit', value='Cancel')}
-    </form>
-  </body>
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/rwbench/genshi/layout.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/" >
-  <py:match path="head" once="true">
-    <head>
-      <title>${select('title/text()')} | RealWorld Benchmark</title>
-      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-    </head>
-  </py:match>
-  <py:match path="body" once="true">
-    <body>
-      <div class="contents">
-        <div class="header">
-          <h1>RealWorld Benchmark</h1>
-          <blockquote><p>
-            A less stupid benchmark for Mako and Jinja2 to get an impression how
-            code changes affect runtime performance.
-          </p></blockquote>
-        </div>
-        <ul class="navigation">
-          <li py:for="href, caption in page_navigation"><a href="$href">$caption</a></li>
-        </ul>
-        <div class="body">
-          ${select('*|text()')}
-        </div>
-        <div class="footer">
-          &copy; Copyright 2008 by I don't know who.
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </body>
-  </py:match>
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/rwbench/jinja/helpers.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-{% macro input_field(name, value='', type='text') -%}
-  <input type="{{ type }}" value="{{ value|e }}" name="{{ name }}">
-{%- endmacro %}
-{% macro textarea(name, value='', rows=10, cols=40) -%}
-  <textarea name="{{ name }}" rows="{{ rows }}" cols="{{ cols }}">{{
-    value|e }}</textarea>
-{%- endmacro %}
-{% macro form(action='', method='post') -%}
-  <form action="{{ action|e }}" method="{{ method }}">{{ caller() }}</form>
-{%- endmacro %}
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/rwbench/jinja/index.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "layout.html" %}
-{% from "helpers.html" import input_field, textarea, form %}
-{% block page_title %}Index Page{% endblock %}
-{% block body %}
-  {%- for article in articles if article.published %}
-  <div class="article">
-    <h2><a href="{{ article.href|e }}">{{ article.title|e }}</a></h2>
-    <p class="meta">written by <a href="{{ article.user.href|e
-      }}">{{ article.user.username|e }}</a> on {{ article.pub_date|dateformat }}</p>
-    <div class="text">{{ article.body }}</div>
-  </div>
-  {%- endfor %}
-  {%- call form() %}
-    <dl>
-      <dt>Name</dt>
-      <dd>{{ input_field('name') }}</dd>
-      <dt>E-Mail</dt>
-      <dd>{{ input_field('email') }}</dd>
-      <dt>URL</dt>
-      <dd>{{ input_field('url') }}</dd>
-      <dt>Comment</dt>
-      <dd>{{ textarea('comment') }}</dd>
-      <dt>Captcha</dt>
-      <dd>{{ input_field('captcha') }}</dd>
-    </dl>
-    {{ input_field(type='submit', value='Submit') }}
-    {{ input_field('cancel', type='submit', value='Cancel') }}
-  {%- endcall %}
-{% endblock %}
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/rwbench/jinja/layout.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
-  <title>{% block page_title %}{% endblock %} | RealWorld Benchmark</title>
-  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-  <div class="contents">
-    <div class="header">
-      <h1>RealWorld Benchmark</h1>
-      <blockquote><p>
-        A less stupid benchmark for Mako and Jinja2 to get an impression how
-        code changes affect runtime performance.
-      </p></blockquote>
-    </div>
-    <ul class="navigation">
-    {%- for href, caption in page_navigation %}
-      <li><a href="{{ href|e }}">{{ caption }}</a></li>
-    {%- endfor %}
-    </ul>
-    <div class="body">
-      {% block body %}{% endblock %}
-    </div>
-    <div class="footer">
-      &copy; Copyright 2008 by I don't know who.
-    </div>
-  </div>
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/rwbench/mako/helpers.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<%def name="input_field(name='', value='', type='text')">
-  <input type="${type}" value="${value|h}" name="${name}">
-<%def name="textarea(name, value='', rows=10, cols=40)">
-  <textarea name="${name}" rows="${rows}" cols="${cols}">${value|h}</textarea>
-<%def name="form(action='', method='post')">
-  <form action="${action|h}" method="${method}">${caller.body()}</form>
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/rwbench/mako/index.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-  from rwbench import dateformat
-<%inherit file="layout.html" />
-<%namespace file="helpers.html" import="input_field, textarea, form" />
-<%def name="page_title()">Index Page</%def>
-% for article in articles:
-  <% if not article.published: continue %>
-<div class="article">
-  <h2><a href="${article.href|h}">${article.title|h}</a></h2>
-  <p class="meta">written by <a href="${article.user.href|h
-    }">${article.user.username|h}</a> on ${dateformat(article.pub_date)}</p>
-  <div class="text">${article.body}</div>
-% endfor
-<%call expr="form()">
-  <dl>
-    <dt>Name</dt>
-    <dd>${input_field('name')}</dd>
-    <dt>E-Mail</dt>
-    <dd>${input_field('email')}</dd>
-    <dt>URL</dt>
-    <dd>${input_field('url')}</dd>
-    <dt>Comment</dt>
-    <dd>${textarea('comment')}</dd>
-    <dt>Captcha</dt>
-    <dd>${input_field('captcha')}</dd>
-  </dl>
-  ${input_field(type='submit', value='Submit')}
-  ${input_field(name='cancel', type='submit', value='Cancel')}
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/rwbench/mako/layout.html	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
-  <title>${self.page_title()} | RealWorld Benchmark</title>
-  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-  <div class="contents">
-    <div class="header">
-      <h1>RealWorld Benchmark</h1>
-      <blockquote><p>
-        A less stupid benchmark for Mako and Jinja2 to get an impression how
-        code changes affect runtime performance.
-      </p></blockquote>
-    </div>
-    <ul class="navigation">
-    % for href, caption in page_navigation:
-      <li><a href="${href|h}">${caption}</a></li>
-    % endfor
-    </ul>
-    <div class="body">
-      ${self.body()}
-    </div>
-    <div class="footer">
-      &copy; Copyright 2008 by I don't know who.
-    </div>
-  </div>
-<%def name="page_title()"></%def>
--- a/bundled/jinja2/examples/rwbench/rwbench.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-    RealWorldish Benchmark
-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    A more real-world benchmark of Jinja2.  Like the other benchmark in the
-    Jinja2 repository this has no real-world usefulnes (despite the name).
-    Just go away and ignore it.  NOW!
-    :copyright: (c) 2009 by the Jinja Team.
-    :license: BSD.
-import sys
-from os.path import join, dirname, abspath
-ROOT = abspath(dirname(__file__))
-from random import choice, randrange
-from datetime import datetime
-from timeit import Timer
-from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
-from jinja2.utils import generate_lorem_ipsum
-from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
-from genshi.template import TemplateLoader as GenshiTemplateLoader
-def dateformat(x):
-    return x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
-jinja_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(join(ROOT, 'jinja')))
-jinja_env.filters['dateformat'] = dateformat
-mako_lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[join(ROOT, 'mako')])
-genshi_loader = GenshiTemplateLoader([join(ROOT, 'genshi')])
-class Article(object):
-    def __init__(self, id):
-        self.id = id
-        self.href = '/article/%d' % self.id
-        self.title = generate_lorem_ipsum(1, False, 5, 10)
-        self.user = choice(users)
-        self.body = generate_lorem_ipsum()
-        self.pub_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(randrange(10 ** 9, 2 * 10 ** 9))
-        self.published = True
-class User(object):
-    def __init__(self, username):
-        self.href = '/user/%s' % username
-        self.username = username
-users = map(User, [u'John Doe', u'Jane Doe', u'Peter Somewhat'])
-articles = map(Article, range(20))
-navigation = [
-    ('index',           'Index'),
-    ('about',           'About'),
-    ('foo?bar=1',       'Foo with Bar'),
-    ('foo?bar=2&s=x',   'Foo with X'),
-    ('blah',            'Blub Blah'),
-    ('hehe',            'Haha'),
-] * 5
-context = dict(users=users, articles=articles, page_navigation=navigation)
-jinja_template = jinja_env.get_template('index.html')
-mako_template = mako_lookup.get_template('index.html')
-genshi_template = genshi_loader.load('index.html')
-def test_jinja():
-    jinja_template.render(context)
-def test_mako():
-    mako_template.render_unicode(**context)
-from djangoext import django_loader, DjangoContext
-def test_django():
-    # not cached because django is not thread safe and does
-    # not cache by itself so it would be unfair to cache it here.
-    django_template = django_loader.get_template('index.html')
-    django_template.render(DjangoContext(context))
-def test_genshi():
-    genshi_template.generate(**context).render('html', doctype='html')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    sys.stdout.write('Realworldish Benchmark:\n')
-    for test in 'jinja', 'mako', 'django', 'genshi':
-        t = Timer(setup='from __main__ import test_%s as bench' % test,
-                  stmt='bench()')
-        sys.stdout.write(' >> %-20s<running>' % test)
-        sys.stdout.flush()
-        sys.stdout.write('\r    %-20s%.4f seconds\n' % (test, t.timeit(number=200) / 200))
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/__init__.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/__init__.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
 # loaders
 from jinja2.loaders import BaseLoader, FileSystemLoader, PackageLoader, \
-     DictLoader, FunctionLoader, PrefixLoader, ChoiceLoader
+     DictLoader, FunctionLoader, PrefixLoader, ChoiceLoader, \
+     ModuleLoader
 # bytecode caches
 from jinja2.bccache import BytecodeCache, FileSystemBytecodeCache, \
@@ -53,9 +54,11 @@
 # decorators and public utilities
-from jinja2.filters import environmentfilter, contextfilter
+from jinja2.filters import environmentfilter, contextfilter, \
+     evalcontextfilter
 from jinja2.utils import Markup, escape, clear_caches, \
-     environmentfunction, contextfunction, is_undefined
+     environmentfunction, evalcontextfunction, contextfunction, \
+     is_undefined
 __all__ = [
     'Environment', 'Template', 'BaseLoader', 'FileSystemLoader',
@@ -64,6 +67,7 @@
     'MemcachedBytecodeCache', 'Undefined', 'DebugUndefined',
     'StrictUndefined', 'TemplateError', 'UndefinedError', 'TemplateNotFound',
     'TemplatesNotFound', 'TemplateSyntaxError', 'TemplateAssertionError',
-    'environmentfilter', 'contextfilter', 'Markup', 'escape',
-    'environmentfunction', 'contextfunction', 'clear_caches', 'is_undefined'
+    'ModuleLoader', 'environmentfilter', 'contextfilter', 'Markup', 'escape',
+    'environmentfunction', 'contextfunction', 'clear_caches', 'is_undefined',
+    'evalcontextfilter', 'evalcontextfunction'
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/compiler.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/compiler.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 from itertools import chain
 from copy import deepcopy
 from jinja2 import nodes
+from jinja2.nodes import EvalContext
 from jinja2.visitor import NodeVisitor, NodeTransformer
 from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateAssertionError
 from jinja2.utils import Markup, concat, escape, is_python_keyword, next
@@ -53,11 +54,12 @@
 unoptimize_before_dead_code = bool(unoptimize_before_dead_code().func_closure)
-def generate(node, environment, name, filename, stream=None):
+def generate(node, environment, name, filename, stream=None,
+             defer_init=False):
     """Generate the python source for a node tree."""
     if not isinstance(node, nodes.Template):
         raise TypeError('Can\'t compile non template nodes')
-    generator = CodeGenerator(environment, name, filename, stream)
+    generator = CodeGenerator(environment, name, filename, stream, defer_init)
     if stream is None:
         return generator.stream.getvalue()
@@ -140,7 +142,8 @@
 class Frame(object):
     """Holds compile time information for us."""
-    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+    def __init__(self, eval_ctx, parent=None):
+        self.eval_ctx = eval_ctx
         self.identifiers = Identifiers()
         # a toplevel frame is the root + soft frames such as if conditions.
@@ -210,7 +213,7 @@
     def inner(self):
         """Return an inner frame."""
-        return Frame(self)
+        return Frame(self.eval_ctx, self)
     def soft(self):
         """Return a soft frame.  A soft frame may not be modified as
@@ -290,8 +293,7 @@
         real_identifiers = self.identifiers
-        old_names = real_identifiers.declared | \
-                    real_identifiers.declared_locally | \
+        old_names = real_identifiers.declared_locally | \
         def inner_visit(nodes):
@@ -312,7 +314,8 @@
         # the differences between the two branches are also pulled as
         # undeclared variables
-        real_identifiers.undeclared.update(body.symmetric_difference(else_))
+        real_identifiers.undeclared.update(body.symmetric_difference(else_) -
+                                           real_identifiers.declared)
         # remember those that are declared.
         real_identifiers.declared_locally.update(body | else_)
@@ -365,7 +368,8 @@
 class CodeGenerator(NodeVisitor):
-    def __init__(self, environment, name, filename, stream=None):
+    def __init__(self, environment, name, filename, stream=None,
+                 defer_init=False):
         if stream is None:
             stream = StringIO()
         self.environment = environment
@@ -373,6 +377,7 @@
         self.filename = filename
         self.stream = stream
         self.created_block_context = False
+        self.defer_init = defer_init
         # aliases for imports
         self.import_aliases = {}
@@ -419,7 +424,7 @@
     # -- Various compilation helpers
     def fail(self, msg, lineno):
-        """Fail with a `TemplateAssertionError`."""
+        """Fail with a :exc:`TemplateAssertionError`."""
         raise TemplateAssertionError(msg, lineno, self.name, self.filename)
     def temporary_identifier(self):
@@ -434,7 +439,16 @@
     def return_buffer_contents(self, frame):
         """Return the buffer contents of the frame."""
-        if self.environment.autoescape:
+        if frame.eval_ctx.volatile:
+            self.writeline('if context.eval_ctx.autoescape:')
+            self.indent()
+            self.writeline('return Markup(concat(%s))' % frame.buffer)
+            self.outdent()
+            self.writeline('else:')
+            self.indent()
+            self.writeline('return concat(%s)' % frame.buffer)
+            self.outdent()
+        elif frame.eval_ctx.autoescape:
             self.writeline('return Markup(concat(%s))' % frame.buffer)
             self.writeline('return concat(%s)' % frame.buffer)
@@ -747,12 +761,18 @@
     def visit_Template(self, node, frame=None):
         assert frame is None, 'no root frame allowed'
+        eval_ctx = EvalContext(self.environment, self.name)
         from jinja2.runtime import __all__ as exported
         self.writeline('from __future__ import division')
         self.writeline('from jinja2.runtime import ' + ', '.join(exported))
         if not unoptimize_before_dead_code:
             self.writeline('dummy = lambda *x: None')
+        # if we want a deferred initialization we cannot move the
+        # environment into a local name
+        envenv = not self.defer_init and ', environment=environment' or ''
         # do we have an extends tag at all?  If not, we can save some
         # overhead by just not processing any inheritance code.
         have_extends = node.find(nodes.Extends) is not None
@@ -779,10 +799,10 @@
         self.writeline('name = %r' % self.name)
         # generate the root render function.
-        self.writeline('def root(context, environment=environment):', extra=1)
+        self.writeline('def root(context%s):' % envenv, extra=1)
         # process the root
-        frame = Frame()
+        frame = Frame(eval_ctx)
         frame.toplevel = frame.rootlevel = True
         frame.require_output_check = have_extends and not self.has_known_extends
@@ -811,11 +831,11 @@
         # at this point we now have the blocks collected and can visit them too.
         for name, block in self.blocks.iteritems():
-            block_frame = Frame()
+            block_frame = Frame(eval_ctx)
             block_frame.block = name
-            self.writeline('def block_%s(context, environment=environment):'
-                           % name, block, 1)
+            self.writeline('def block_%s(context%s):' % (name, envenv),
+                           block, 1)
             undeclared = find_undeclared(block.body, ('self', 'super'))
             if 'self' in undeclared:
@@ -1217,12 +1237,15 @@
         body = []
         for child in node.nodes:
-                const = child.as_const()
+                const = child.as_const(frame.eval_ctx)
             except nodes.Impossible:
+            # the frame can't be volatile here, becaus otherwise the
+            # as_const() function would raise an Impossible exception
+            # at that point.
-                if self.environment.autoescape:
+                if frame.eval_ctx.autoescape:
                     if hasattr(const, '__html__'):
                         const = const.__html__()
@@ -1260,7 +1283,10 @@
                     close = 1
-                    if self.environment.autoescape:
+                    if frame.eval_ctx.volatile:
+                        self.write('(context.eval_ctx.autoescape and'
+                                   ' escape or to_string)(')
+                    elif frame.eval_ctx.autoescape:
@@ -1293,7 +1319,11 @@
             for argument in arguments:
                 close = 0
-                if self.environment.autoescape:
+                if frame.eval_ctx.volatile:
+                    self.write('(context.eval_ctx.autoescape and'
+                               ' escape or to_string)(')
+                    close += 1
+                elif frame.eval_ctx.autoescape:
                     close += 1
                 if self.environment.finalize is not None:
@@ -1360,7 +1390,11 @@
     def visit_TemplateData(self, node, frame):
-        self.write(repr(node.as_const()))
+        try:
+            self.write(repr(node.as_const(frame.eval_ctx)))
+        except nodes.Impossible:
+            self.write('(context.eval_ctx.autoescape and Markup or identity)(%r)'
+                       % node.data)
     def visit_Tuple(self, node, frame):
@@ -1420,8 +1454,14 @@
     del binop, uaop
     def visit_Concat(self, node, frame):
-        self.write('%s((' % (self.environment.autoescape and
-                             'markup_join' or 'unicode_join'))
+        if frame.eval_ctx.volatile:
+            func_name = '(context.eval_ctx.volatile and' \
+                        ' markup_join or unicode_join)'
+        elif frame.eval_ctx.autoescape:
+            func_name = 'markup_join'
+        else:
+            func_name = 'unicode_join'
+        self.write('%s((' % func_name)
         for arg in node.nodes:
             self.visit(arg, frame)
             self.write(', ')
@@ -1472,6 +1512,8 @@
             self.fail('no filter named %r' % node.name, node.lineno)
         if getattr(func, 'contextfilter', False):
             self.write('context, ')
+        elif getattr(func, 'evalcontextfilter', False):
+            self.write('context.eval_ctx, ')
         elif getattr(func, 'environmentfilter', False):
             self.write('environment, ')
@@ -1479,7 +1521,11 @@
         # and want to write to the current buffer
         if node.node is not None:
             self.visit(node.node, frame)
-        elif self.environment.autoescape:
+        elif frame.eval_ctx.volatile:
+            self.write('(context.eval_ctx.autoescape and'
+                       ' Markup(concat(%s)) or concat(%s))' %
+                       (frame.buffer, frame.buffer))
+        elif frame.eval_ctx.autoescape:
             self.write('Markup(concat(%s))' % frame.buffer)
             self.write('concat(%s)' % frame.buffer)
@@ -1540,6 +1586,11 @@
         self.visit(node.expr, frame)
+    def visit_MarkSafeIfAutoescape(self, node, frame):
+        self.write('(context.eval_ctx.autoescape and Markup or identity)(')
+        self.visit(node.expr, frame)
+        self.write(')')
     def visit_EnvironmentAttribute(self, node, frame):
         self.write('environment.' + node.name)
@@ -1568,3 +1619,24 @@
         self.blockvisit(node.body, scope_frame)
         self.pop_scope(aliases, scope_frame)
+    def visit_EvalContextModifier(self, node, frame):
+        for keyword in node.options:
+            self.writeline('context.eval_ctx.%s = ' % keyword.key)
+            self.visit(keyword.value, frame)
+            try:
+                val = keyword.value.as_const(frame.eval_ctx)
+            except nodes.Impossible:
+                frame.eval_ctx.volatile = True
+            else:
+                setattr(frame.eval_ctx, keyword.key, val)
+    def visit_ScopedEvalContextModifier(self, node, frame):
+        old_ctx_name = self.temporary_identifier()
+        safed_ctx = frame.eval_ctx.save()
+        self.writeline('%s = context.eval_ctx.save()' % old_ctx_name)
+        self.visit_EvalContextModifier(node, frame)
+        for child in node.body:
+            self.visit(child, frame)
+        frame.eval_ctx.revert(safed_ctx)
+        self.writeline('context.eval_ctx.revert(%s)' % old_ctx_name)
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/environment.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/environment.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
     :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team.
     :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
+import os
 import sys
 from jinja2 import nodes
 from jinja2.defaults import *
@@ -157,9 +158,15 @@
             `None` implicitly into an empty string here.
-            If set to true the XML/HTML autoescaping feature is enabled.
-            For more details about auto escaping see
-            :class:`~jinja2.utils.Markup`.
+            If set to true the XML/HTML autoescaping feature is enabled by
+            default.  For more details about auto escaping see
+            :class:`~jinja2.utils.Markup`.  As of Jinja 2.4 this can also
+            be a callable that is passed the template name and has to
+            return `True` or `False` depending on autoescape should be
+            enabled by default.
+            .. versionchanged:: 2.4
+               `autoescape` can now be a function
             The template loader for this environment.
@@ -272,6 +279,13 @@
+    def add_extension(self, extension):
+        """Adds an extension after the environment was created.
+        .. versionadded:: 2.5
+        """
+        self.extensions.update(load_extensions(self, [extension]))
     def extend(self, **attributes):
         """Add the items to the instance of the environment if they do not exist
         yet.  This is used by :ref:`extensions <writing-extensions>` to register
@@ -327,6 +341,11 @@
     lexer = property(get_lexer, doc="The lexer for this environment.")
+    def iter_extensions(self):
+        """Iterates over the extensions by priority."""
+        return iter(sorted(self.extensions.values(),
+                           key=lambda x: x.priority))
     def getitem(self, obj, argument):
         """Get an item or attribute of an object but prefer the item."""
@@ -400,7 +419,7 @@
         because there you usually only want the actual source tokenized.
         return reduce(lambda s, e: e.preprocess(s, name, filename),
-                      self.extensions.itervalues(), unicode(source))
+                      self.iter_extensions(), unicode(source))
     def _tokenize(self, source, name, filename=None, state=None):
         """Called by the parser to do the preprocessing and filtering
@@ -408,14 +427,31 @@
         source = self.preprocess(source, name, filename)
         stream = self.lexer.tokenize(source, name, filename, state)
-        for ext in self.extensions.itervalues():
+        for ext in self.iter_extensions():
             stream = ext.filter_stream(stream)
             if not isinstance(stream, TokenStream):
                 stream = TokenStream(stream, name, filename)
         return stream
+    def _generate(self, source, name, filename, defer_init=False):
+        """Internal hook that can be overriden to hook a different generate
+        method in.
+        .. versionadded:: 2.5
+        """
+        return generate(source, self, name, filename, defer_init=defer_init)
+    def _compile(self, source, filename):
+        """Internal hook that can be overriden to hook a different compile
+        method in.
+        .. versionadded:: 2.5
+        """
+        return compile(source, filename, 'exec')
-    def compile(self, source, name=None, filename=None, raw=False):
+    def compile(self, source, name=None, filename=None, raw=False,
+                defer_init=False):
         """Compile a node or template source code.  The `name` parameter is
         the load name of the template after it was joined using
         :meth:`join_path` if necessary, not the filename on the file system.
@@ -427,6 +463,13 @@
         parameter is `True` the return value will be a string with python
         code equivalent to the bytecode returned otherwise.  This method is
         mainly used internally.
+        `defer_init` is use internally to aid the module code generator.  This
+        causes the generated code to be able to import without the global
+        environment variable to be set.
+        .. versionadded:: 2.4
+           `defer_init` parameter added.
         source_hint = None
@@ -435,14 +478,15 @@
                 source = self._parse(source, name, filename)
             if self.optimized:
                 source = optimize(source, self)
-            source = generate(source, self, name, filename)
+            source = self._generate(source, name, filename,
+                                    defer_init=defer_init)
             if raw:
                 return source
             if filename is None:
                 filename = '<template>'
                 filename = _encode_filename(filename)
-            return compile(source, filename, 'exec')
+            return self._compile(source, filename)
         except TemplateSyntaxError:
             exc_info = sys.exc_info()
         self.handle_exception(exc_info, source_hint=source)
@@ -483,6 +527,7 @@
                 raise TemplateSyntaxError('chunk after expression',
                                           None, None)
+            expr.set_environment(self)
         except TemplateSyntaxError:
             exc_info = sys.exc_info()
         if exc_info is not None:
@@ -491,6 +536,114 @@
         template = self.from_string(nodes.Template(body, lineno=1))
         return TemplateExpression(template, undefined_to_none)
+    def compile_templates(self, target, extensions=None, filter_func=None,
+                          zip='deflated', log_function=None,
+                          ignore_errors=True, py_compile=False):
+        """Compiles all the templates the loader can find, compiles them
+        and stores them in `target`.  If `zip` is `None`, instead of in a
+        zipfile, the templates will be will be stored in a directory.
+        By default a deflate zip algorithm is used, to switch to
+        the stored algorithm, `zip` can be set to ``'stored'``.
+        `extensions` and `filter_func` are passed to :meth:`list_templates`.
+        Each template returned will be compiled to the target folder or
+        zipfile.
+        By default template compilation errors are ignored.  In case a
+        log function is provided, errors are logged.  If you want template
+        syntax errors to abort the compilation you can set `ignore_errors`
+        to `False` and you will get an exception on syntax errors.
+        If `py_compile` is set to `True` .pyc files will be written to the
+        target instead of standard .py files.
+        .. versionadded:: 2.4
+        """
+        from jinja2.loaders import ModuleLoader
+        if log_function is None:
+            log_function = lambda x: None
+        if py_compile:
+            import imp, struct, marshal
+            py_header = imp.get_magic() + \
+                u'\xff\xff\xff\xff'.encode('iso-8859-15')
+        def write_file(filename, data, mode):
+            if zip:
+                info = ZipInfo(filename)
+                info.external_attr = 0755 << 16L
+                zip_file.writestr(info, data)
+            else:
+                f = open(os.path.join(target, filename), mode)
+                try:
+                    f.write(data)
+                finally:
+                    f.close()
+        if zip is not None:
+            from zipfile import ZipFile, ZipInfo, ZIP_DEFLATED, ZIP_STORED
+            zip_file = ZipFile(target, 'w', dict(deflated=ZIP_DEFLATED,
+                                                 stored=ZIP_STORED)[zip])
+            log_function('Compiling into Zip archive "%s"' % target)
+        else:
+            if not os.path.isdir(target):
+                os.makedirs(target)
+            log_function('Compiling into folder "%s"' % target)
+        try:
+            for name in self.list_templates(extensions, filter_func):
+                source, filename, _ = self.loader.get_source(self, name)
+                try:
+                    code = self.compile(source, name, filename, True, True)
+                except TemplateSyntaxError, e:
+                    if not ignore_errors:
+                        raise
+                    log_function('Could not compile "%s": %s' % (name, e))
+                    continue
+                filename = ModuleLoader.get_module_filename(name)
+                if py_compile:
+                    c = self._compile(code, _encode_filename(filename))
+                    write_file(filename + 'c', py_header +
+                               marshal.dumps(c), 'wb')
+                    log_function('Byte-compiled "%s" as %s' %
+                                 (name, filename + 'c'))
+                else:
+                    write_file(filename, code, 'w')
+                    log_function('Compiled "%s" as %s' % (name, filename))
+        finally:
+            if zip:
+                zip_file.close()
+        log_function('Finished compiling templates')
+    def list_templates(self, extensions=None, filter_func=None):
+        """Returns a list of templates for this environment.  This requires
+        that the loader supports the loader's
+        :meth:`~BaseLoader.list_templates` method.
+        If there are other files in the template folder besides the
+        actual templates, the returned list can be filtered.  There are two
+        ways: either `extensions` is set to a list of file extensions for
+        templates, or a `filter_func` can be provided which is a callable that
+        is passed a template name and should return `True` if it should end up
+        in the result list.
+        If the loader does not support that, a :exc:`TypeError` is raised.
+        """
+        x = self.loader.list_templates()
+        if extensions is not None:
+            if filter_func is not None:
+                raise TypeError('either extensions or filter_func '
+                                'can be passed, but not both')
+            filter_func = lambda x: '.' in x and \
+                                    x.rsplit('.', 1)[1] in extensions
+        if filter_func is not None:
+            x = filter(filter_func, x)
+        return x
     def handle_exception(self, exc_info=None, rendered=False, source_hint=None):
         """Exception handling helper.  This is used internally to either raise
         rewritten exceptions or return a rendered traceback for the template.
@@ -679,16 +832,31 @@
         """Creates a template object from compiled code and the globals.  This
         is used by the loaders and environment to create a template object.
-        t = object.__new__(cls)
         namespace = {
-            'environment':          environment,
-            '__jinja_template__':   t
+            'environment':  environment,
+            '__file__':     code.co_filename
         exec code in namespace
+        rv = cls._from_namespace(environment, namespace, globals)
+        rv._uptodate = uptodate
+        return rv
+    @classmethod
+    def from_module_dict(cls, environment, module_dict, globals):
+        """Creates a template object from a module.  This is used by the
+        module loader to create a template object.
+        .. versionadded:: 2.4
+        """
+        return cls._from_namespace(environment, module_dict, globals)
+    @classmethod
+    def _from_namespace(cls, environment, namespace, globals):
+        t = object.__new__(cls)
         t.environment = environment
         t.globals = globals
         t.name = namespace['name']
-        t.filename = code.co_filename
+        t.filename = namespace['__file__']
         t.blocks = namespace['blocks']
         # render function and module
@@ -697,7 +865,11 @@
         # debug and loader helpers
         t._debug_info = namespace['debug_info']
-        t._uptodate = uptodate
+        t._uptodate = None
+        # store the reference
+        namespace['environment'] = environment
+        namespace['__jinja_template__'] = t
         return t
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/ext.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/ext.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -57,6 +57,13 @@
     #: if this extension parses this is the list of tags it's listening to.
     tags = set()
+    #: the priority of that extension.  This is especially useful for
+    #: extensions that preprocess values.  A lower value means higher
+    #: priority.
+    #:
+    #: .. versionadded:: 2.4
+    priority = 100
     def __init__(self, environment):
         self.environment = environment
@@ -116,8 +123,29 @@
-def _gettext_alias(context, string):
-    return context.resolve('gettext')(string)
+def _gettext_alias(__context, *args, **kwargs):
+    return __context.call(__context.resolve('gettext'), *args, **kwargs)
+def _make_new_gettext(func):
+    @contextfunction
+    def gettext(__context, __string, **variables):
+        rv = __context.call(func, __string)
+        if __context.eval_ctx.autoescape:
+            rv = Markup(rv)
+        return rv % variables
+    return gettext
+def _make_new_ngettext(func):
+    @contextfunction
+    def ngettext(__context, __singular, __plural, __num, **variables):
+        variables.setdefault('num', __num)
+        rv = __context.call(func, __singular, __plural, __num)
+        if __context.eval_ctx.autoescape:
+            rv = Markup(rv)
+        return rv % variables
+    return ngettext
 class InternationalizationExtension(Extension):
@@ -137,23 +165,37 @@
+            install_gettext_callables=self._install_callables,
-            extract_translations=self._extract
+            extract_translations=self._extract,
+            newstyle_gettext=False
-    def _install(self, translations):
+    def _install(self, translations, newstyle=None):
         gettext = getattr(translations, 'ugettext', None)
         if gettext is None:
             gettext = translations.gettext
         ngettext = getattr(translations, 'ungettext', None)
         if ngettext is None:
             ngettext = translations.ngettext
-        self.environment.globals.update(gettext=gettext, ngettext=ngettext)
+        self._install_callables(gettext, ngettext, newstyle)
+    def _install_null(self, newstyle=None):
+        self._install_callables(
+            lambda x: x,
+            lambda s, p, n: (n != 1 and (p,) or (s,))[0],
+            newstyle
+        )
-    def _install_null(self):
+    def _install_callables(self, gettext, ngettext, newstyle=None):
+        if newstyle is not None:
+            self.environment.newstyle_gettext = newstyle
+        if self.environment.newstyle_gettext:
+            gettext = _make_new_gettext(gettext)
+            ngettext = _make_new_ngettext(ngettext)
-            gettext=lambda x: x,
-            ngettext=lambda s, p, n: (n != 1 and (p,) or (s,))[0]
+            gettext=gettext,
+            ngettext=ngettext
     def _uninstall(self, translations):
@@ -168,6 +210,7 @@
     def parse(self, parser):
         """Parse a translatable tag."""
         lineno = next(parser.stream).lineno
+        num_called_num = False
         # find all the variables referenced.  Additionally a variable can be
         # defined in the body of the trans block too, but this is checked at
@@ -194,8 +237,10 @@
                 variables[name.value] = var = parser.parse_expression()
                 variables[name.value] = var = nodes.Name(name.value, 'load')
             if plural_expr is None:
                 plural_expr = var
+                num_called_num = name.value == 'num'
@@ -209,6 +254,7 @@
             if plural_expr is None:
                 plural_expr = nodes.Name(singular_names[0], 'load')
+                num_called_num = singular_names[0] == 'num'
         # if we have a pluralize block, we parse that too
         if parser.stream.current.test('name:pluralize'):
@@ -221,6 +267,7 @@
                                 name.value, name.lineno,
                 plural_expr = variables[name.value]
+                num_called_num = name.value == 'num'
             plural_names, plural = self._parse_block(parser, False)
@@ -233,24 +280,13 @@
             if var not in variables:
                 variables[var] = nodes.Name(var, 'load')
-        # no variables referenced?  no need to escape
-        if not referenced:
-            singular = singular.replace('%%', '%')
-            if plural:
-                plural = plural.replace('%%', '%')
         if not have_plural:
             plural_expr = None
         elif plural_expr is None:
             parser.fail('pluralize without variables', lineno)
-        if variables:
-            variables = nodes.Dict([nodes.Pair(nodes.Const(x, lineno=lineno), y)
-                                    for x, y in variables.items()])
-        else:
-            variables = None
-        node = self._make_node(singular, plural, variables, plural_expr)
+        node = self._make_node(singular, plural, variables, plural_expr,
+                               bool(referenced), num_called_num)
         return node
@@ -286,8 +322,16 @@
         return referenced, concat(buf)
-    def _make_node(self, singular, plural, variables, plural_expr):
+    def _make_node(self, singular, plural, variables, plural_expr,
+                   vars_referenced, num_called_num):
         """Generates a useful node from the data provided."""
+        # no variables referenced?  no need to escape for old style
+        # gettext invocations
+        if not vars_referenced and not self.environment.newstyle_gettext:
+            singular = singular.replace('%%', '%')
+            if plural:
+                plural = plural.replace('%%', '%')
         # singular only:
         if plural_expr is None:
             gettext = nodes.Name('gettext', 'load')
@@ -303,13 +347,27 @@
             ], [], None, None)
-        # mark the return value as safe if we are in an
-        # environment with autoescaping turned on
-        if self.environment.autoescape:
-            node = nodes.MarkSafe(node)
+        # in case newstyle gettext is used, the method is powerful
+        # enough to handle the variable expansion and autoescape
+        # handling itself
+        if self.environment.newstyle_gettext:
+            for key, value in variables.iteritems():
+                # the function adds that later anyways in case num was
+                # called num, so just skip it.
+                if num_called_num and key == 'num':
+                    continue
+                node.kwargs.append(nodes.Keyword(key, value))
-        if variables:
-            node = nodes.Mod(node, variables)
+        # otherwise do that here
+        else:
+            # mark the return value as safe if we are in an
+            # environment with autoescaping turned on
+            node = nodes.MarkSafeIfAutoescape(node)
+            if variables:
+                node = nodes.Mod(node, nodes.Dict([
+                    nodes.Pair(nodes.Const(key), value)
+                    for key, value in variables.items()
+                ]))
         return nodes.Output([node])
@@ -357,6 +415,20 @@
         return node
+class AutoEscapeExtension(Extension):
+    """Changes auto escape rules for a scope."""
+    tags = set(['autoescape'])
+    def parse(self, parser):
+        node = nodes.ScopedEvalContextModifier(lineno=next(parser.stream).lineno)
+        node.options = [
+            nodes.Keyword('autoescape', parser.parse_expression())
+        ]
+        node.body = parser.parse_statements(('name:endautoescape',),
+                                            drop_needle=True)
+        return nodes.Scope([node])
 def extract_from_ast(node, gettext_functions=GETTEXT_FUNCTIONS,
     """Extract localizable strings from the given template node.  Per
@@ -529,3 +601,4 @@
 do = ExprStmtExtension
 loopcontrols = LoopControlExtension
 with_ = WithExtension
+autoescape = AutoEscapeExtension
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/filters.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/filters.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -25,18 +25,25 @@
     """Decorator for marking context dependent filters. The current
     :class:`Context` will be passed as first argument.
-    if getattr(f, 'environmentfilter', False):
-        raise TypeError('filter already marked as environment filter')
     f.contextfilter = True
     return f
+def evalcontextfilter(f):
+    """Decorator for marking eval-context dependent filters.  An eval
+    context object is passed as first argument.  For more information
+    about the eval context, see :ref:`eval-context`.
+    .. versionadded:: 2.4
+    """
+    f.evalcontextfilter = True
+    return f
 def environmentfilter(f):
     """Decorator for marking evironment dependent filters.  The current
     :class:`Environment` is passed to the filter as first argument.
-    if getattr(f, 'contextfilter', False):
-        raise TypeError('filter already marked as context filter')
     f.environmentfilter = True
     return f
@@ -48,8 +55,8 @@
     return escape(unicode(value))
-def do_replace(environment, s, old, new, count=None):
+def do_replace(eval_ctx, s, old, new, count=None):
     """Return a copy of the value with all occurrences of a substring
     replaced with a new one. The first argument is the substring
     that should be replaced, the second is the replacement string.
@@ -66,7 +73,7 @@
     if count is None:
         count = -1
-    if not environment.autoescape:
+    if not eval_ctx.autoescape:
         return unicode(s).replace(unicode(old), unicode(new), count)
     if hasattr(old, '__html__') or hasattr(new, '__html__') and \
        not hasattr(s, '__html__'):
@@ -86,8 +93,8 @@
     return soft_unicode(s).lower()
-def do_xmlattr(_environment, d, autospace=True):
+def do_xmlattr(_eval_ctx, d, autospace=True):
     """Create an SGML/XML attribute string based on the items in a dict.
     All values that are neither `none` nor `undefined` are automatically
@@ -117,7 +124,7 @@
     if autospace and rv:
         rv = u' ' + rv
-    if _environment.autoescape:
+    if _eval_ctx.autoescape:
         rv = Markup(rv)
     return rv
@@ -169,10 +176,13 @@
     return sorted(value.items(), key=sort_func)
-def do_sort(value, case_sensitive=False):
-    """Sort an iterable.  If the iterable is made of strings the second
-    parameter can be used to control the case sensitiveness of the
-    comparison which is disabled by default.
+def do_sort(value, reverse=False, case_sensitive=False):
+    """Sort an iterable.  Per default it sorts ascending, if you pass it
+    true as first argument it will reverse the sorting.
+    If the iterable is made of strings the third parameter can be used to
+    control the case sensitiveness of the comparison which is disabled by
+    default.
     .. sourcecode:: jinja
@@ -187,7 +197,7 @@
             return item
         sort_func = None
-    return sorted(seq, key=sort_func)
+    return sorted(value, key=sort_func, reverse=reverse)
 def do_default(value, default_value=u'', boolean=False):
@@ -212,8 +222,8 @@
     return value
-def do_join(environment, value, d=u''):
+def do_join(eval_ctx, value, d=u''):
     """Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the
     sequence. The separator between elements is an empty string per
     default, you can define it with the optional parameter:
@@ -227,7 +237,7 @@
             -> 123
     # no automatic escaping?  joining is a lot eaiser then
-    if not environment.autoescape:
+    if not eval_ctx.autoescape:
         return unicode(d).join(imap(unicode, value))
     # if the delimiter doesn't have an html representation we check
@@ -309,8 +319,8 @@
     return pformat(value, verbose=verbose)
-def do_urlize(environment, value, trim_url_limit=None, nofollow=False):
+def do_urlize(eval_ctx, value, trim_url_limit=None, nofollow=False):
     """Converts URLs in plain text into clickable links.
     If you pass the filter an additional integer it will shorten the urls
@@ -323,7 +333,7 @@
             links are shortened to 40 chars and defined with rel="nofollow"
     rv = urlize(value, trim_url_limit, nofollow)
-    if environment.autoescape:
+    if eval_ctx.autoescape:
         rv = Markup(rv)
     return rv
@@ -557,13 +567,6 @@
         return func(value)
-def do_sort(value, reverse=False):
-    """Sort a sequence. Per default it sorts ascending, if you pass it
-    true as first argument it will reverse the sorting.
-    """
-    return sorted(value, reverse=reverse)
 def do_groupby(environment, value, attribute):
     """Group a sequence of objects by a common attribute.
@@ -716,7 +719,6 @@
     'sum':                  sum,
     'abs':                  abs,
     'round':                do_round,
-    'sort':                 do_sort,
     'groupby':              do_groupby,
     'safe':                 do_mark_safe,
     'xmlattr':              do_xmlattr
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/lexer.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/lexer.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -432,9 +432,10 @@
             'root': [
                 # directives
                 (c('(.*?)(?:%s)' % '|'.join(
-                    [r'(?P<raw_begin>(?:\s*%s\-|%s)\s*raw\s*%s)' % (
+                    [r'(?P<raw_begin>(?:\s*%s\-|%s)\s*raw\s*(?:\-%s\s*|%s))' % (
+                        e(environment.block_end_string),
                     )] + [
                         r'(?P<%s_begin>\s*%s\-|%s)' % (n, r, r)
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/loaders.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/loaders.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
     :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team.
     :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
+import os
+import sys
+import weakref
+from types import ModuleType
 from os import path
     from hashlib import sha1
@@ -59,6 +63,12 @@
                 return source, path, lambda: mtime == getmtime(path)
+    #: if set to `False` it indicates that the loader cannot provide access
+    #: to the source of templates.
+    #:
+    #: .. versionadded:: 2.4
+    has_source_access = True
     def get_source(self, environment, template):
         """Get the template source, filename and reload helper for a template.
         It's passed the environment and template name and has to return a
@@ -77,8 +87,17 @@
         old state somewhere (for example in a closure).  If it returns `False`
         the template will be reloaded.
+        if not self.has_source_access:
+            raise RuntimeError('%s cannot provide access to the source' %
+                               self.__class__.__name__)
         raise TemplateNotFound(template)
+    def list_templates(self):
+        """Iterates over all templates.  If the loader does not support that
+        it should raise a :exc:`TypeError` which is the default behavior.
+        """
+        raise TypeError('this loader cannot iterate over all templates')
     def load(self, environment, name, globals=None):
         """Loads a template.  This method looks up the template in the cache
@@ -160,6 +179,20 @@
             return contents, filename, uptodate
         raise TemplateNotFound(template)
+    def list_templates(self):
+        found = set()
+        for searchpath in self.searchpath:
+            for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(searchpath):
+                for filename in filenames:
+                    template = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) \
+                        [len(searchpath):].strip(os.path.sep) \
+                                          .replace(os.path.sep, '/')
+                    if template[:2] == './':
+                        template = template[2:]
+                    if template not in found:
+                        found.add(template)
+        return sorted(found)
 class PackageLoader(BaseLoader):
     """Load templates from python eggs or packages.  It is constructed with
@@ -206,6 +239,26 @@
         source = self.provider.get_resource_string(self.manager, p)
         return source.decode(self.encoding), filename, uptodate
+    def list_templates(self):
+        path = self.package_path
+        if path[:2] == './':
+            path = path[2:]
+        elif path == '.':
+            path = ''
+        offset = len(path)
+        results = []
+        def _walk(path):
+            for filename in self.provider.resource_listdir(path):
+                fullname = path + '/' + filename
+                if self.provider.resource_isdir(fullname):
+                    for item in _walk(fullname):
+                        results.append(item)
+                else:
+                    results.append(fullname[offset:].lstrip('/'))
+        _walk(path)
+        results.sort()
+        return results
 class DictLoader(BaseLoader):
     """Loads a template from a python dict.  It's passed a dict of unicode
@@ -225,6 +278,9 @@
             return source, None, lambda: source != self.mapping.get(template)
         raise TemplateNotFound(template)
+    def list_templates(self):
+        return sorted(self.mapping)
 class FunctionLoader(BaseLoader):
     """A loader that is passed a function which does the loading.  The
@@ -288,6 +344,13 @@
             # (the one that includes the prefix)
             raise TemplateNotFound(template)
+    def list_templates(self):
+        result = []
+        for prefix, loader in self.mapping.iteritems():
+            for template in loader.list_templates():
+                result.append(prefix + self.delimiter + template)
+        return result
 class ChoiceLoader(BaseLoader):
     """This loader works like the `PrefixLoader` just that no prefix is
@@ -313,3 +376,74 @@
             except TemplateNotFound:
         raise TemplateNotFound(template)
+    def list_templates(self):
+        found = set()
+        for loader in self.loaders:
+            found.update(loader.list_templates())
+        return sorted(found)
+class _TemplateModule(ModuleType):
+    """Like a normal module but with support for weak references"""
+class ModuleLoader(BaseLoader):
+    """This loader loads templates from precompiled templates.
+    Example usage:
+    >>> loader = ChoiceLoader([
+    ...     ModuleLoader('/path/to/compiled/templates'),
+    ...     FileSystemLoader('/path/to/templates')
+    ... ])
+    """
+    has_source_access = False
+    def __init__(self, path):
+        package_name = '_jinja2_module_templates_%x' % id(self)
+        # create a fake module that looks for the templates in the
+        # path given.
+        mod = _TemplateModule(package_name)
+        if isinstance(path, basestring):
+            path = [path]
+        else:
+            path = list(path)
+        mod.__path__ = path
+        sys.modules[package_name] = weakref.proxy(mod,
+            lambda x: sys.modules.pop(package_name, None))
+        # the only strong reference, the sys.modules entry is weak
+        # so that the garbage collector can remove it once the
+        # loader that created it goes out of business.
+        self.module = mod
+        self.package_name = package_name
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_template_key(name):
+        return 'tmpl_' + sha1(name.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_module_filename(name):
+        return ModuleLoader.get_template_key(name) + '.py'
+    @internalcode
+    def load(self, environment, name, globals=None):
+        key = self.get_template_key(name)
+        module = '%s.%s' % (self.package_name, key)
+        mod = getattr(self.module, module, None)
+        if mod is None:
+            try:
+                mod = __import__(module, None, None, ['root'])
+            except ImportError:
+                raise TemplateNotFound(name)
+            # remove the entry from sys.modules, we only want the attribute
+            # on the module object we have stored on the loader.
+            sys.modules.pop(module, None)
+        return environment.template_class.from_module_dict(
+            environment, mod.__dict__, globals)
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/nodes.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/nodes.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@
 import operator
 from itertools import chain, izip
 from collections import deque
-from jinja2.utils import Markup
+from jinja2.utils import Markup, MethodType, FunctionType
+#: the types we support for context functions
+_context_function_types = (FunctionType, MethodType)
 _binop_to_func = {
@@ -67,6 +71,36 @@
         return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, d)
+class EvalContext(object):
+    """Holds evaluation time information.  Custom attributes can be attached
+    to it in extensions.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, environment, template_name=None):
+        if callable(environment.autoescape):
+            self.autoescape = environment.autoescape(template_name)
+        else:
+            self.autoescape = environment.autoescape
+        self.volatile = False
+    def save(self):
+        return self.__dict__.copy()
+    def revert(self, old):
+        self.__dict__.clear()
+        self.__dict__.update(old)
+def get_eval_context(node, ctx):
+    if ctx is None:
+        if node.environment is None:
+            raise RuntimeError('if no eval context is passed, the '
+                               'node must have an attached '
+                               'environment.')
+        return EvalContext(node.environment)
+    return ctx
 class Node(object):
     """Baseclass for all Jinja2 nodes.  There are a number of nodes available
     of different types.  There are three major types:
@@ -312,19 +346,16 @@
     """Baseclass for all expressions."""
     abstract = True
-    def as_const(self):
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
         """Return the value of the expression as constant or raise
-        :exc:`Impossible` if this was not possible:
+        :exc:`Impossible` if this was not possible.
-        >>> Add(Const(23), Const(42)).as_const()
-        65
-        >>> Add(Const(23), Name('var', 'load')).as_const()
-        Traceback (most recent call last):
-          ...
-        Impossible
+        An :class:`EvalContext` can be provided, if none is given
+        a default context is created which requires the nodes to have
+        an attached environment.
-        This requires the `environment` attribute of all nodes to be
-        set to the environment that created the nodes.
+        .. versionchanged:: 2.4
+           the `eval_ctx` parameter was added.
         raise Impossible()
@@ -339,10 +370,11 @@
     operator = None
     abstract = True
-    def as_const(self):
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
         f = _binop_to_func[self.operator]
-            return f(self.left.as_const(), self.right.as_const())
+            return f(self.left.as_const(eval_ctx), self.right.as_const(eval_ctx))
             raise Impossible()
@@ -353,10 +385,11 @@
     operator = None
     abstract = True
-    def as_const(self):
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
         f = _uaop_to_func[self.operator]
-            return f(self.node.as_const())
+            return f(self.node.as_const(eval_ctx))
             raise Impossible()
@@ -389,7 +422,7 @@
     fields = ('value',)
-    def as_const(self):
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
         return self.value
@@ -408,8 +441,11 @@
     """A constant template string."""
     fields = ('data',)
-    def as_const(self):
-        if self.environment.autoescape:
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
+        if eval_ctx.volatile:
+            raise Impossible()
+        if eval_ctx.autoescape:
             return Markup(self.data)
         return self.data
@@ -421,8 +457,9 @@
     fields = ('items', 'ctx')
-    def as_const(self):
-        return tuple(x.as_const() for x in self.items)
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
+        return tuple(x.as_const(eval_ctx) for x in self.items)
     def can_assign(self):
         for item in self.items:
@@ -435,8 +472,9 @@
     """Any list literal such as ``[1, 2, 3]``"""
     fields = ('items',)
-    def as_const(self):
-        return [x.as_const() for x in self.items]
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
+        return [x.as_const(eval_ctx) for x in self.items]
 class Dict(Literal):
@@ -445,24 +483,27 @@
     fields = ('items',)
-    def as_const(self):
-        return dict(x.as_const() for x in self.items)
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
+        return dict(x.as_const(eval_ctx) for x in self.items)
 class Pair(Helper):
     """A key, value pair for dicts."""
     fields = ('key', 'value')
-    def as_const(self):
-        return self.key.as_const(), self.value.as_const()
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
+        return self.key.as_const(eval_ctx), self.value.as_const(eval_ctx)
 class Keyword(Helper):
     """A key, value pair for keyword arguments where key is a string."""
     fields = ('key', 'value')
-    def as_const(self):
-        return self.key, self.value.as_const()
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
+        return self.key, self.value.as_const(eval_ctx)
 class CondExpr(Expr):
@@ -471,15 +512,16 @@
     fields = ('test', 'expr1', 'expr2')
-    def as_const(self):
-        if self.test.as_const():
-            return self.expr1.as_const()
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
+        if self.test.as_const(eval_ctx):
+            return self.expr1.as_const(eval_ctx)
         # if we evaluate to an undefined object, we better do that at runtime
         if self.expr2 is None:
             raise Impossible()
-        return self.expr2.as_const()
+        return self.expr2.as_const(eval_ctx)
 class Filter(Expr):
@@ -491,8 +533,9 @@
     fields = ('node', 'name', 'args', 'kwargs', 'dyn_args', 'dyn_kwargs')
-    def as_const(self, obj=None):
-        if self.node is obj is None:
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
+        if eval_ctx.volatile or self.node is None:
             raise Impossible()
         # we have to be careful here because we call filter_ below.
         # if this variable would be called filter, 2to3 would wrap the
@@ -502,20 +545,21 @@
         filter_ = self.environment.filters.get(self.name)
         if filter_ is None or getattr(filter_, 'contextfilter', False):
             raise Impossible()
-        if obj is None:
-            obj = self.node.as_const()
-        args = [x.as_const() for x in self.args]
-        if getattr(filter_, 'environmentfilter', False):
+        obj = self.node.as_const(eval_ctx)
+        args = [x.as_const(eval_ctx) for x in self.args]
+        if getattr(filter_, 'evalcontextfilter', False):
+            args.insert(0, eval_ctx)
+        elif getattr(filter_, 'environmentfilter', False):
             args.insert(0, self.environment)
-        kwargs = dict(x.as_const() for x in self.kwargs)
+        kwargs = dict(x.as_const(eval_ctx) for x in self.kwargs)
         if self.dyn_args is not None:
-                args.extend(self.dyn_args.as_const())
+                args.extend(self.dyn_args.as_const(eval_ctx))
                 raise Impossible()
         if self.dyn_kwargs is not None:
-                kwargs.update(self.dyn_kwargs.as_const())
+                kwargs.update(self.dyn_kwargs.as_const(eval_ctx))
                 raise Impossible()
@@ -540,25 +584,31 @@
     fields = ('node', 'args', 'kwargs', 'dyn_args', 'dyn_kwargs')
-    def as_const(self):
-        obj = self.node.as_const()
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
+        if eval_ctx.volatile:
+            raise Impossible()
+        obj = self.node.as_const(eval_ctx)
         # don't evaluate context functions
-        args = [x.as_const() for x in self.args]
-        if getattr(obj, 'contextfunction', False):
-            raise Impossible()
-        elif getattr(obj, 'environmentfunction', False):
-            args.insert(0, self.environment)
+        args = [x.as_const(eval_ctx) for x in self.args]
+        if isinstance(obj, _context_function_types):
+            if getattr(obj, 'contextfunction', False):
+                raise Impossible()
+            elif getattr(obj, 'evalcontextfunction', False):
+                args.insert(0, eval_ctx)
+            elif getattr(obj, 'environmentfunction', False):
+                args.insert(0, self.environment)
-        kwargs = dict(x.as_const() for x in self.kwargs)
+        kwargs = dict(x.as_const(eval_ctx) for x in self.kwargs)
         if self.dyn_args is not None:
-                args.extend(self.dyn_args.as_const())
+                args.extend(self.dyn_args.as_const(eval_ctx))
                 raise Impossible()
         if self.dyn_kwargs is not None:
-                kwargs.update(self.dyn_kwargs.as_const())
+                kwargs.update(self.dyn_kwargs.as_const(eval_ctx))
                 raise Impossible()
@@ -571,12 +621,13 @@
     """Get an attribute or item from an expression and prefer the item."""
     fields = ('node', 'arg', 'ctx')
-    def as_const(self):
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
         if self.ctx != 'load':
             raise Impossible()
-            return self.environment.getitem(self.node.as_const(),
-                                            self.arg.as_const())
+            return self.environment.getitem(self.node.as_const(eval_ctx),
+                                            self.arg.as_const(eval_ctx))
             raise Impossible()
@@ -590,11 +641,13 @@
     fields = ('node', 'attr', 'ctx')
-    def as_const(self):
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
         if self.ctx != 'load':
             raise Impossible()
-            return self.environment.getattr(self.node.as_const(), arg)
+            eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
+            return self.environment.getattr(self.node.as_const(eval_ctx),
+                                            self.attr)
             raise Impossible()
@@ -608,11 +661,12 @@
     fields = ('start', 'stop', 'step')
-    def as_const(self):
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
         def const(obj):
             if obj is None:
-                return obj
-            return obj.as_const()
+                return None
+            return obj.as_const(eval_ctx)
         return slice(const(self.start), const(self.stop), const(self.step))
@@ -622,8 +676,9 @@
     fields = ('nodes',)
-    def as_const(self):
-        return ''.join(unicode(x.as_const()) for x in self.nodes)
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
+        return ''.join(unicode(x.as_const(eval_ctx)) for x in self.nodes)
 class Compare(Expr):
@@ -632,11 +687,12 @@
     fields = ('expr', 'ops')
-    def as_const(self):
-        result = value = self.expr.as_const()
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
+        result = value = self.expr.as_const(eval_ctx)
             for op in self.ops:
-                new_value = op.expr.as_const()
+                new_value = op.expr.as_const(eval_ctx)
                 result = _cmpop_to_func[op.op](value, new_value)
                 value = new_value
@@ -695,16 +751,18 @@
     """Short circuited AND."""
     operator = 'and'
-    def as_const(self):
-        return self.left.as_const() and self.right.as_const()
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
+        return self.left.as_const(eval_ctx) and self.right.as_const(eval_ctx)
 class Or(BinExpr):
     """Short circuited OR."""
     operator = 'or'
-    def as_const(self):
-        return self.left.as_const() or self.right.as_const()
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
+        return self.left.as_const(eval_ctx) or self.right.as_const(eval_ctx)
 class Not(UnaryExpr):
@@ -769,12 +827,40 @@
     """Mark the wrapped expression as safe (wrap it as `Markup`)."""
     fields = ('expr',)
-    def as_const(self):
-        return Markup(self.expr.as_const())
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
+        return Markup(self.expr.as_const(eval_ctx))
+class MarkSafeIfAutoescape(Expr):
+    """Mark the wrapped expression as safe (wrap it as `Markup`) but
+    only if autoescaping is active.
+    .. versionadded:: 2.5
+    """
+    fields = ('expr',)
+    def as_const(self, eval_ctx=None):
+        eval_ctx = get_eval_context(self, eval_ctx)
+        if eval_ctx.volatile:
+            raise Impossible()
+        expr = self.expr.as_const(eval_ctx)
+        if eval_ctx.autoescape:
+            return Markup(expr)
+        return expr
 class ContextReference(Expr):
-    """Returns the current template context."""
+    """Returns the current template context.  It can be used like a
+    :class:`Name` node, with a ``'load'`` ctx and will return the
+    current :class:`~jinja2.runtime.Context` object.
+    Here an example that assigns the current template name to a
+    variable named `foo`::
+        Assign(Name('foo', ctx='store'),
+               Getattr(ContextReference(), 'name'))
+    """
 class Continue(Stmt):
@@ -790,6 +876,25 @@
     fields = ('body',)
+class EvalContextModifier(Stmt):
+    """Modifies the eval context.  For each option that should be modified,
+    a :class:`Keyword` has to be added to the :attr:`options` list.
+    Example to change the `autoescape` setting::
+        EvalContextModifier(options=[Keyword('autoescape', Const(True))])
+    """
+    fields = ('options',)
+class ScopedEvalContextModifier(EvalContextModifier):
+    """Modifies the eval context and reverts it later.  Works exactly like
+    :class:`EvalContextModifier` but will only modify the
+    :class:`~jinja2.nodes.EvalContext` for nodes in the :attr:`body`.
+    """
+    fields = ('body',)
 # make sure nobody creates custom nodes
 def _failing_new(*args, **kwargs):
     raise TypeError('can\'t create custom node types')
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/parser.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/parser.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
         self.filename = filename
         self.closed = False
         self.extensions = {}
-        for extension in environment.extensions.itervalues():
+        for extension in environment.iter_extensions():
             for tag in extension.tags:
                 self.extensions[tag] = extension.parse
         self._last_identifier = 0
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/runtime.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/runtime.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
 import sys
 from itertools import chain, imap
+from jinja2.nodes import EvalContext, _context_function_types
 from jinja2.utils import Markup, partial, soft_unicode, escape, missing, \
-     concat, MethodType, FunctionType, internalcode, next
+     concat, internalcode, next, object_type_repr
 from jinja2.exceptions import UndefinedError, TemplateRuntimeError, \
@@ -19,18 +20,17 @@
 # these variables are exported to the template runtime
 __all__ = ['LoopContext', 'TemplateReference', 'Macro', 'Markup',
            'TemplateRuntimeError', 'missing', 'concat', 'escape',
-           'markup_join', 'unicode_join', 'to_string',
+           'markup_join', 'unicode_join', 'to_string', 'identity',
-#: the types we support for context functions
-_context_function_types = (FunctionType, MethodType)
 #: the name of the function that is used to convert something into
 #: a string.  2to3 will adopt that automatically and the generated
 #: code can take advantage of it.
 to_string = unicode
+#: the identity function.  Useful for certain things in the environment
+identity = lambda x: x
 def markup_join(seq):
     """Concatenation that escapes if necessary and converts to unicode."""
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
     def __getitem__(self, name):
         blocks = self.__context.blocks[name]
-        wrap = self.__context.environment.autoescape and \
+        wrap = self.__context.eval_ctx.autoescape and \
                Markup or (lambda x: x)
         return BlockReference(name, self.__context, blocks, 0)
@@ -106,13 +106,14 @@
     method that doesn't fail with a `KeyError` but returns an
     :class:`Undefined` object for missing variables.
-    __slots__ = ('parent', 'vars', 'environment', 'exported_vars', 'name',
-                 'blocks', '__weakref__')
+    __slots__ = ('parent', 'vars', 'environment', 'eval_ctx', 'exported_vars',
+                 'name', 'blocks', '__weakref__')
     def __init__(self, environment, parent, name, blocks):
         self.parent = parent
         self.vars = {}
         self.environment = environment
+        self.eval_ctx = EvalContext(self.environment, name)
         self.exported_vars = set()
         self.name = name
@@ -174,14 +175,22 @@
         if isinstance(__obj, _context_function_types):
             if getattr(__obj, 'contextfunction', 0):
                 args = (__self,) + args
+            elif getattr(__obj, 'evalcontextfunction', 0):
+                args = (__self.eval_ctx,) + args
             elif getattr(__obj, 'environmentfunction', 0):
                 args = (__self.environment,) + args
-        return __obj(*args, **kwargs)
+        try:
+            return __obj(*args, **kwargs)
+        except StopIteration:
+            return __self.environment.undefined('value was undefined because '
+                                                'a callable raised a '
+                                                'StopIteration exception')
     def derived(self, locals=None):
         """Internal helper function to create a derived context."""
         context = new_context(self.environment, self.name, {},
                               self.parent, True, None, locals)
+        context.eval_ctx = self.eval_ctx
         context.blocks.update((k, list(v)) for k, v in self.blocks.iteritems())
         return context
@@ -252,7 +261,7 @@
     def __call__(self):
         rv = concat(self._stack[self._depth](self._context))
-        if self._context.environment.autoescape:
+        if self._context.eval_ctx.autoescape:
             rv = Markup(rv)
         return rv
@@ -341,7 +350,7 @@
 class Macro(object):
-    """Wraps a macro."""
+    """Wraps a macro function."""
     def __init__(self, environment, func, name, arguments, defaults,
                  catch_kwargs, catch_varargs, caller):
@@ -357,20 +366,24 @@
     def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        arguments = []
-        for idx, name in enumerate(self.arguments):
-            try:
-                value = args[idx]
-            except:
+        # try to consume the positional arguments
+        arguments = list(args[:self._argument_count])
+        off = len(arguments)
+        # if the number of arguments consumed is not the number of
+        # arguments expected we start filling in keyword arguments
+        # and defaults.
+        if off != self._argument_count:
+            for idx, name in enumerate(self.arguments[len(arguments):]):
                     value = kwargs.pop(name)
-                except:
+                except KeyError:
-                        value = self.defaults[idx - self._argument_count]
-                    except:
+                        value = self.defaults[idx - self._argument_count + off]
+                    except IndexError:
                         value = self._environment.undefined(
                             'parameter %r was not provided' % name, name=name)
-            arguments.append(value)
+                arguments.append(value)
         # it's important that the order of these arguments does not change
         # if not also changed in the compiler's `function_scoping` method.
@@ -417,7 +430,7 @@
     __slots__ = ('_undefined_hint', '_undefined_obj', '_undefined_name',
-    def __init__(self, hint=None, obj=None, name=None, exc=UndefinedError):
+    def __init__(self, hint=None, obj=missing, name=None, exc=UndefinedError):
         self._undefined_hint = hint
         self._undefined_obj = obj
         self._undefined_name = name
@@ -429,16 +442,16 @@
         `UndefinedError` on call.
         if self._undefined_hint is None:
-            if self._undefined_obj is None:
+            if self._undefined_obj is missing:
                 hint = '%r is undefined' % self._undefined_name
             elif not isinstance(self._undefined_name, basestring):
-                hint = '%r object has no element %r' % (
-                    self._undefined_obj.__class__.__name__,
+                hint = '%s has no element %r' % (
+                    object_type_repr(self._undefined_obj),
-                hint = '%r object has no attribute %r' % (
-                    self._undefined_obj.__class__.__name__,
+                hint = '%r has no attribute %r' % (
+                    object_type_repr(self._undefined_obj),
@@ -493,10 +506,10 @@
     def __unicode__(self):
         if self._undefined_hint is None:
-            if self._undefined_obj is None:
+            if self._undefined_obj is missing:
                 return u'{{ %s }}' % self._undefined_name
             return '{{ no such element: %s[%r] }}' % (
-                self._undefined_obj.__class__.__name__,
+                object_type_repr(self._undefined_obj),
         return u'{{ undefined value printed: %s }}' % self._undefined_hint
@@ -523,7 +536,7 @@
     __slots__ = ()
     __iter__ = __unicode__ = __str__ = __len__ = __nonzero__ = __eq__ = \
-        __ne__ = Undefined._fail_with_undefined_error
+        __ne__ = __bool__ = Undefined._fail_with_undefined_error
 # remove remaining slots attributes, after the metaclass did the magic they
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/__init__.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/__init__.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -38,6 +38,18 @@
     ### use only these methods for testing.  If you need standard
     ### unittest method, wrap them!
+    def setup(self):
+        pass
+    def teardown(self):
+        pass
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.setup()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self.teardown()
     def assert_equal(self, a, b):
         return self.assertEqual(a, b)
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/api.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/api.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 from jinja2 import Environment, Undefined, DebugUndefined, \
      StrictUndefined, UndefinedError, Template, meta, \
-     is_undefined, Template
+     is_undefined, Template, DictLoader
 from jinja2.utils import Cycler
 env = Environment()
@@ -76,6 +76,23 @@
         assert env.get_or_select_template([t]) is t
         assert env.get_or_select_template(t) is t
+    def test_autoescape_autoselect(self):
+        def select_autoescape(name):
+            if name is None or '.' not in name:
+                return False
+            return name.endswith('.html')
+        env = Environment(autoescape=select_autoescape,
+                          loader=DictLoader({
+            'test.txt':     '{{ foo }}',
+            'test.html':    '{{ foo }}'
+        }))
+        t = env.get_template('test.txt')
+        assert t.render(foo='<foo>') == '<foo>'
+        t = env.get_template('test.html')
+        assert t.render(foo='<foo>') == '&lt;foo&gt;'
+        t = env.from_string('{{ foo }}')
+        assert t.render(foo='<foo>') == '<foo>'
 class MetaTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
@@ -155,29 +172,36 @@
 class UndefinedTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
+    def test_stopiteration_is_undefined(self):
+        def test():
+            raise StopIteration()
+        t = Template('A{{ test() }}B')
+        assert t.render(test=test) == 'AB'
+        t = Template('A{{ test().missingattribute }}B')
+        self.assert_raises(UndefinedError, t.render, test=test)
     def test_default_undefined(self):
         env = Environment(undefined=Undefined)
         self.assert_equal(env.from_string('{{ missing }}').render(), u'')
                            env.from_string('{{ missing.attribute }}').render)
-        self.assert_equal(env.from_string('{{ missing|list }}').render, '[]')
-        self.assert_equal(env.from_string('{{ missing is not defined }}').render, 'True')
+        self.assert_equal(env.from_string('{{ missing|list }}').render(), '[]')
+        self.assert_equal(env.from_string('{{ missing is not defined }}').render(), 'True')
         self.assert_equal(env.from_string('{{ foo.missing }}').render(foo=42), '')
         self.assert_equal(env.from_string('{{ not missing }}').render(), 'True')
-    def test_debug_undefined():
+    def test_debug_undefined(self):
         env = Environment(undefined=DebugUndefined)
         self.assert_equal(env.from_string('{{ missing }}').render(), '{{ missing }}')
-                           env.from_string('{{ missing.attribute }}').render())
+                           env.from_string('{{ missing.attribute }}').render)
         self.assert_equal(env.from_string('{{ missing|list }}').render(), '[]')
-        u'[]'
-        self.assert_equal(env.from_string('{{ missing is not defined }}').render, 'True')
+        self.assert_equal(env.from_string('{{ missing is not defined }}').render(), 'True')
         self.assert_equal(env.from_string('{{ foo.missing }}').render(foo=42),
-                          u"{{ no such element: int['missing'] }}")
+                          u"{{ no such element: int object['missing'] }}")
         self.assert_equal(env.from_string('{{ not missing }}').render(), 'True')
-    def test_strict_undefined():
+    def test_strict_undefined(self):
         env = Environment(undefined=StrictUndefined)
         self.assert_raises(UndefinedError, env.from_string('{{ missing }}').render)
         self.assert_raises(UndefinedError, env.from_string('{{ missing.attribute }}').render)
@@ -188,8 +212,23 @@
     def test_indexing_gives_undefined(self):
         t = Template("{{ var[42].foo }}")
-        assert_raises(UndefinedError, t.render, var=0)
+        self.assert_raises(UndefinedError, t.render, var=0)
+    def test_none_gives_proper_error(self):
+        try:
+            Environment().getattr(None, 'split')()
+        except UndefinedError, e:
+            assert e.message == "'None' has no attribute 'split'"
+        else:
+            assert False, 'expected exception'
+    def test_object_repr(self):
+        try:
+            Undefined(obj=42, name='upper')()
+        except UndefinedError, e:
+            assert e.message == "'int object' has no attribute 'upper'"
+        else:
+            assert False, 'expected exception'
 def suite():
@@ -197,4 +236,5 @@
+    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(UndefinedTestCase))
     return suite
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/core_tags.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/core_tags.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -271,6 +271,12 @@
         assert tmpl.module.bar.catch_varargs
         assert tmpl.module.baz.caller
+    def test_callself(self):
+        tmpl = self.env.from_string('{% macro foo(x) %}{{ x }}{% if x > 1 %}|'
+                                    '{{ foo(x - 1) }}{% endif %}{% endmacro %}'
+                                    '{{ foo(5) }}')
+        assert tmpl.render() == '5|4|3|2|1'
 def suite():
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/ext.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/ext.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -31,24 +31,39 @@
 _gettext_re = re.compile(r'_\((.*?)\)(?s)')
-templates = {
+i18n_templates = {
+    'master.html': '<title>{{ page_title|default(_("missing")) }}</title>'
+                   '{% block body %}{% endblock %}',
+    'child.html': '{% extends "master.html" %}{% block body %}'
+                  '{% trans %}watch out{% endtrans %}{% endblock %}',
+    'plural.html': '{% trans user_count %}One user online{% pluralize %}'
+                   '{{ user_count }} users online{% endtrans %}',
+    'stringformat.html': '{{ _("User: %(num)s")|format(num=user_count) }}'
+newstyle_i18n_templates = {
     'master.html': '<title>{{ page_title|default(_("missing")) }}</title>'
                    '{% block body %}{% endblock %}',
     'child.html': '{% extends "master.html" %}{% block body %}'
                   '{% trans %}watch out{% endtrans %}{% endblock %}',
     'plural.html': '{% trans user_count %}One user online{% pluralize %}'
                    '{{ user_count }} users online{% endtrans %}',
-    'stringformat.html': '{{ _("User: %d")|format(user_count) }}'
+    'stringformat.html': '{{ _("User: %(num)s", num=user_count) }}',
+    'ngettext.html': '{{ ngettext("%(num)s apple", "%(num)s apples", apples) }}',
+    'ngettext_long.html': '{% trans num=apples %}{{ num }} apple{% pluralize %}'
+                          '{{ num }} apples{% endtrans %}'
 languages = {
     'de': {
-        'missing':                      'fehlend',
-        'watch out':                    'pass auf',
-        'One user online':              'Ein Benutzer online',
-        '%(user_count)s users online':  '%(user_count)s Benutzer online',
-        'User: %d':                     'Benutzer: %d'
+        'missing':                      u'fehlend',
+        'watch out':                    u'pass auf',
+        'One user online':              u'Ein Benutzer online',
+        '%(user_count)s users online':  u'%(user_count)s Benutzer online',
+        'User: %(num)s':                u'Benutzer: %(num)s',
+        '%(num)s apple':                u'%(num)s Apfel',
+        '%(num)s apples':               u'%(num)s Äpfel'
@@ -68,7 +83,7 @@
 i18n_env = Environment(
-    loader=DictLoader(templates),
+    loader=DictLoader(i18n_templates),
@@ -77,6 +92,11 @@
     'ngettext':     ngettext
+newstyle_i18n_env = Environment(
+    loader=DictLoader(newstyle_i18n_templates),
+    extensions=['jinja2.ext.i18n']
+newstyle_i18n_env.install_gettext_callables(gettext, ngettext, newstyle=True)
 class TestExtension(Extension):
     tags = set(['test'])
@@ -140,6 +160,12 @@
 class ExtensionsTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
+    def test_extend_late(self):
+        env = Environment()
+        env.add_extension('jinja2.ext.autoescape')
+        t = env.from_string('{% autoescape true %}{{ "<test>" }}{% endautoescape %}')
+        assert t.render() == '&lt;test&gt;'
     def test_loop_controls(self):
         env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.loopcontrols'])
@@ -204,6 +230,16 @@
         out = tmpl.render()
         assert out == 'Foo BAR Baz'
+    def test_extension_ordering(self):
+        class T1(Extension):
+            priority = 1
+        class T2(Extension):
+            priority = 2
+        env = Environment(extensions=[T1, T2])
+        ext = list(env.iter_extensions())
+        assert ext[0].__class__ is T1
+        assert ext[1].__class__ is T2
 class InternationalizationTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
@@ -256,8 +292,141 @@
+class NewstyleInternationalizationTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
+    def test_trans(self):
+        tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template('child.html')
+        assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de') == '<title>fehlend</title>pass auf'
+    def test_trans_plural(self):
+        tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template('plural.html')
+        assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de', user_count=1) == 'Ein Benutzer online'
+        assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de', user_count=2) == '2 Benutzer online'
+    def test_complex_plural(self):
+        tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.from_string('{% trans foo=42, count=2 %}{{ count }} item{% '
+                                    'pluralize count %}{{ count }} items{% endtrans %}')
+        assert tmpl.render() == '2 items'
+        self.assert_raises(TemplateAssertionError, i18n_env.from_string,
+                           '{% trans foo %}...{% pluralize bar %}...{% endtrans %}')
+    def test_trans_stringformatting(self):
+        tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template('stringformat.html')
+        assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de', user_count=5) == 'Benutzer: 5'
+    def test_newstyle_plural(self):
+        tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template('ngettext.html')
+        assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de', apples=1) == '1 Apfel'
+        assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de', apples=5) == u'5 Äpfel'
+    def test_autoescape_support(self):
+        env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape',
+                                      'jinja2.ext.i18n'])
+        env.install_gettext_callables(lambda x: u'<strong>Wert: %(name)s</strong>',
+                                      lambda s, p, n: s, newstyle=True)
+        t = env.from_string('{% autoescape ae %}{{ gettext("foo", name='
+                            '"<test>") }}{% endautoescape %}')
+        assert t.render(ae=True) == '<strong>Wert: &lt;test&gt;</strong>'
+        assert t.render(ae=False) == '<strong>Wert: <test></strong>'
+    def test_num_used_twice(self):
+        tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template('ngettext_long.html')
+        assert tmpl.render(apples=5, LANGUAGE='de') == u'5 Äpfel'
+    def test_num_called_num(self):
+        source = newstyle_i18n_env.compile('''
+            {% trans num=3 %}{{ num }} apple{% pluralize
+            %}{{ num }} apples{% endtrans %}
+        ''', raw=True)
+        # quite hacky, but the only way to properly test that.  The idea is
+        # that the generated code does not pass num twice (although that
+        # would work) for better performance.  This only works on the
+        # newstyle gettext of course
+        assert re.search(r"l_ngettext, u?'\%\(num\)s apple', u?'\%\(num\)s "
+                         r"apples', 3", source) is not None
+class AutoEscapeTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
+    def test_scoped_setting(self):
+        env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'],
+                          autoescape=True)
+        tmpl = env.from_string('''
+            {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
+            {% autoescape false %}
+                {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
+            {% endautoescape %}
+            {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
+        ''')
+        assert tmpl.render().split() == \
+            [u'&lt;HelloWorld&gt;', u'<HelloWorld>', u'&lt;HelloWorld&gt;']
+        env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'],
+                          autoescape=False)
+        tmpl = env.from_string('''
+            {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
+            {% autoescape true %}
+                {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
+            {% endautoescape %}
+            {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
+        ''')
+        assert tmpl.render().split() == \
+            [u'<HelloWorld>', u'&lt;HelloWorld&gt;', u'<HelloWorld>']
+    def test_nonvolatile(self):
+        env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'],
+                          autoescape=True)
+        tmpl = env.from_string('{{ {"foo": "<test>"}|xmlattr|escape }}')
+        assert tmpl.render() == ' foo="&lt;test&gt;"'
+        tmpl = env.from_string('{% autoescape false %}{{ {"foo": "<test>"}'
+                               '|xmlattr|escape }}{% endautoescape %}')
+        assert tmpl.render() == ' foo=&#34;&amp;lt;test&amp;gt;&#34;'
+    def test_volatile(self):
+        env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'],
+                          autoescape=True)
+        tmpl = env.from_string('{% autoescape foo %}{{ {"foo": "<test>"}'
+                               '|xmlattr|escape }}{% endautoescape %}')
+        assert tmpl.render(foo=False) == ' foo=&#34;&amp;lt;test&amp;gt;&#34;'
+        assert tmpl.render(foo=True) == ' foo="&lt;test&gt;"'
+    def test_scoping(self):
+        env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'])
+        tmpl = env.from_string('{% autoescape true %}{% set x = "<x>" %}{{ x }}'
+                               '{% endautoescape %}{{ x }}{{ "<y>" }}')
+        assert tmpl.render(x=1) == '&lt;x&gt;1<y>'
+    def test_volatile_scoping(self):
+        env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'])
+        tmplsource = '''
+        {% autoescape val %}
+            {% macro foo(x) %}
+                [{{ x }}]
+            {% endmacro %}
+            {{ foo().__class__.__name__ }}
+        {% endautoescape %}
+        {{ '<testing>' }}
+        '''
+        tmpl = env.from_string(tmplsource)
+        assert tmpl.render(val=True).split()[0] == 'Markup'
+        assert tmpl.render(val=False).split()[0] == unicode.__name__
+        # looking at the source we should see <testing> there in raw
+        # (and then escaped as well)
+        env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'])
+        pysource = env.compile(tmplsource, raw=True)
+        assert '<testing>\\n' in pysource
+        env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'],
+                          autoescape=True)
+        pysource = env.compile(tmplsource, raw=True)
+        assert '&lt;testing&gt;\\n' in pysource
 def suite():
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(NewstyleInternationalizationTestCase))
+    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(AutoEscapeTestCase))
     return suite
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/filters.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/filters.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -227,6 +227,10 @@
         tmpl = env.from_string('{{ [2, 3, 1]|sort }}|{{ [2, 3, 1]|sort(true) }}')
         assert tmpl.render() == '[1, 2, 3]|[3, 2, 1]'
+    def test_sort2(self):
+        tmpl = env.from_string('{{ "".join(["c", "A", "b", "D"]|sort(false, true)) }}')
+        assert tmpl.render() == 'AbcD'
     def test_groupby(self):
         tmpl = env.from_string('''
         {%- for grouper, list in [{'foo': 1, 'bar': 2},
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/lexnparse.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/lexnparse.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@
                                '{%raw%}{{ bar }}|{% baz %}{%       endraw    %}')
         assert tmpl.render() == 'foo|{{ bar }}|{% baz %}'
+    def test_raw2(self):
+        tmpl = env.from_string('1  {%- raw -%}   2   {%- endraw -%}   3')
+        assert tmpl.render() == '123'
     def test_balancing(self):
         env = Environment('{%', '%}', '${', '}')
         tmpl = env.from_string('''{% for item in seq
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/loader.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/loader.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
     :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
 import os
+import sys
 import time
 import tempfile
+import shutil
 import unittest
 from jinja2.testsuite import JinjaTestCase, dict_loader, \
@@ -98,7 +100,92 @@
         self.assert_raises(TemplateNotFound, split_template_path, '../foo')
+class ModuleLoaderTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
+    archive = None
+    def compile_down(self, zip='deflated', py_compile=False):
+        super(ModuleLoaderTestCase, self).setup()
+        log = []
+        self.reg_env = Environment(loader=prefix_loader)
+        if zip is not None:
+            self.archive = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.zip')[1]
+        else:
+            self.archive = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        self.reg_env.compile_templates(self.archive, zip=zip,
+                                       log_function=log.append,
+                                       py_compile=py_compile)
+        self.mod_env = Environment(loader=loaders.ModuleLoader(self.archive))
+        return ''.join(log)
+    def teardown(self):
+        super(ModuleLoaderTestCase, self).teardown()
+        if hasattr(self, 'mod_env'):
+            if os.path.isfile(self.archive):
+                os.remove(self.archive)
+            else:
+                shutil.rmtree(self.archive)
+            self.archive = None
+    def test_log(self):
+        log = self.compile_down()
+        assert 'Compiled "a/foo/test.html" as ' \
+               'tmpl_a790caf9d669e39ea4d280d597ec891c4ef0404a' in log
+        assert 'Finished compiling templates' in log
+        assert 'Could not compile "a/syntaxerror.html": ' \
+               'Encountered unknown tag \'endif\'' in log
+    def _test_common(self):
+        tmpl1 = self.reg_env.get_template('a/test.html')
+        tmpl2 = self.mod_env.get_template('a/test.html')
+        assert tmpl1.render() == tmpl2.render()
+        tmpl1 = self.reg_env.get_template('b/justdict.html')
+        tmpl2 = self.mod_env.get_template('b/justdict.html')
+        assert tmpl1.render() == tmpl2.render()
+    def test_deflated_zip_compile(self):
+        self.compile_down(zip='deflated')
+        self._test_common()
+    def test_stored_zip_compile(self):
+        self.compile_down(zip='stored')
+        self._test_common()
+    def test_filesystem_compile(self):
+        self.compile_down(zip=None)
+        self._test_common()
+    def test_weak_references(self):
+        self.compile_down()
+        tmpl = self.mod_env.get_template('a/test.html')
+        key = loaders.ModuleLoader.get_template_key('a/test.html')
+        name = self.mod_env.loader.module.__name__
+        assert hasattr(self.mod_env.loader.module, key)
+        assert name in sys.modules
+        # unset all, ensure the module is gone from sys.modules
+        self.mod_env = tmpl = None
+        try:
+            import gc
+            gc.collect()
+        except:
+            pass
+        assert name not in sys.modules
+    def test_byte_compilation(self):
+        log = self.compile_down(py_compile=True)
+        assert 'Byte-compiled "a/test.html"' in log
+        tmpl1 = self.mod_env.get_template('a/test.html')
+        mod = self.mod_env.loader.module. \
+            tmpl_3c4ddf650c1a73df961a6d3d2ce2752f1b8fd490
+        assert mod.__file__.endswith('.pyc')
 def suite():
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(ModuleLoaderTestCase))
     return suite
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/regression.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/regression.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -162,6 +162,19 @@
         assert t.render(a=0, b=False, c=42, d=42.0) == '1111C'
+    def test_stacked_locals_scoping_bug_twoframe(self):
+        t = Template('''
+            {% set x = 1 %}
+            {% for item in foo %}
+                {% if item == 1 %}
+                    {% set x = 2 %}
+                {% endif %}
+            {% endfor %}
+            {{ x }}
+        ''')
+        rv = t.render(foo=[1]).strip()
+        assert rv == u'1'
     def test_call_with_args(self):
         t = Template("""{% macro dump_users(users) -%}
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/utils.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/testsuite/utils.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 from jinja2 import Environment, Undefined, DebugUndefined, \
      StrictUndefined, UndefinedError, Template, meta
-from jinja2.utils import LRUCache, escape
+from jinja2.utils import LRUCache, escape, object_type_repr
 class LRUCacheTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
@@ -46,6 +46,19 @@
             assert copy._queue == cache._queue
+class HelpersTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
+    def test_object_type_repr(self):
+        class X(object):
+            pass
+        self.assert_equal(object_type_repr(42), 'int object')
+        self.assert_equal(object_type_repr([]), 'list object')
+        self.assert_equal(object_type_repr(X()),
+                         'jinja2.testsuite.utils.X object')
+        self.assert_equal(object_type_repr(None), 'None')
+        self.assert_equal(object_type_repr(Ellipsis), 'Ellipsis')
 class MarkupLeakTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
     def test_markup_leaks(self):
@@ -63,6 +76,7 @@
 def suite():
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(HelpersTestCase))
     # this test only tests the c extension
     if not hasattr(escape, 'func_code'):
--- a/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/utils.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/jinja2/utils.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -127,6 +127,19 @@
     return f
+def evalcontextfunction(f):
+    """This decoraotr can be used to mark a function or method as an eval
+    context callable.  This is similar to the :func:`contextfunction`
+    but instead of passing the context, an evaluation context object is
+    passed.  For more information about the eval context, see
+    :ref:`eval-context`.
+    .. versionadded:: 2.4
+    """
+    f.evalcontextfunction = True
+    return f
 def environmentfunction(f):
     """This decorator can be used to mark a function or method as environment
     callable.  This decorator works exactly like the :func:`contextfunction`
@@ -214,6 +227,23 @@
+def object_type_repr(obj):
+    """Returns the name of the object's type.  For some recognized
+    singletons the name of the object is returned instead. (For
+    example for `None` and `Ellipsis`).
+    """
+    if obj is None:
+        return 'None'
+    elif obj is Ellipsis:
+        return 'Ellipsis'
+    # __builtin__ in 2.x, builtins in 3.x
+    if obj.__class__.__module__ in ('__builtin__', 'builtins'):
+        name = obj.__class__.__name__
+    else:
+        name = obj.__class__.__module__ + '.' + obj.__class__.__name__
+    return '%s object' % name
 def pformat(obj, verbose=False):
     """Prettyprint an object.  Either use the `pretty` library or the
     builtin `pprint`.
--- a/bundled/jinja2/setup.py	Fri Jun 11 20:14:01 2010 -0400
+++ b/bundled/jinja2/setup.py	Fri Jun 11 20:32:12 2010 -0400
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
-    version='2.4',
+    version='2.6',
     author='Armin Ronacher',