review/tests/ @ fc97fabaf28d

Update windows contrib script for current TortoiseHg version (2.6.2).

TortoiseHg 2.6.2 is packaged with Python 2.7.3 (and not 2.6.x), and now
includes some of the libraries that this script previously needed to copy into
author Chris Nielsen
date Fri, 18 Jan 2013 11:51:36 -0500
parents bef3dce04be6
children (none)
import time

from nose import with_setup
from util import setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox, review, should_fail_with
from util import get_identifiers, check_comment_exists_on_line

from .. import messages

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_edit_invalid():
    should_fail_with(messages.UNKNOWN_ID % 'z', edit='z')

    review(comment=True, message='test')

    should_fail_with(messages.UNKNOWN_ID % 'z', edit='z')

    # Use the pidgeonhole princicple to create ambiguous identifiers.
    for i in range(17):
        review(comment=True, message='test%d' % i)

    ids = get_identifiers()
    id_map = {}
    for i in ids:
        id_map[i[0]] = id_map.get(i[0], 0) + 1
    i = str(filter(lambda k: id_map[k] > 1, id_map.keys())[0])

    should_fail_with(messages.AMBIGUOUS_ID % i, edit=i)

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_touch_comment():
    def t(rev):
        review(rev=rev, comment=True, message='test', args=['always_changing'], lines='1')
        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]

        # This sucks, but we need to do it to support testing "touch" edits.

        output = review(edit=i)
        assert not output
        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev)) == 1
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'test' in output

        check_comment_exists_on_line(1, files=['always_changing'], rev='1')

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_edit_comment_message():
    def t(rev):
        review(rev=rev, comment=True, message='test')
        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]

        output = review(edit=i, message='edited')
        assert not output
        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev)) == 1
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'test' not in output
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'edited' in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_edit_comment_lines():
    def t(rev):
        review(rev=rev, comment=True, message='test', args=['always_changing'], lines='1')
        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]

        output = review(edit=i, lines='3')
        assert not output
        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev)) == 1
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'test' in output
        check_comment_exists_on_line(3, files=['always_changing'], rev=rev)

        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]

        output = review(edit=i, lines='1,2')
        assert not output
        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev)) == 1
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'test' in output
        check_comment_exists_on_line(2, files=['always_changing'], rev=rev)

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_edit_comment_filename():
    def t(rev):
        review(rev=rev, comment=True, message='test', args=['always_changing'], lines='1')
        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]

        output = review(edit=i, args=['always_changing2'])
        assert not output

        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True, args=['always_changing'])
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev, files=['always_changing'])) == 0
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'test' not in output

        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True, args=['always_changing2'])
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev, files=['always_changing2'])) == 1
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'test' in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_edit_comment_everything():
    def t(rev):
        review(rev=rev, comment=True, message='test', args=['always_changing'], lines='1')
        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]

        output = review(edit=i, args=['always_changing2'], message='edited', lines='2')
        assert not output

        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True, args=['always_changing'])
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev, files=['always_changing'])) == 0
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'test' not in output

        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True, args=['always_changing2'])
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev, files=['always_changing2'])) == 1
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'test' not in output
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'edited' in output
        check_comment_exists_on_line(2, files=['always_changing'], rev=rev)

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_touch_signoff():
    def t(rev):
        review(rev=rev, signoff=True, message='test', yes=True)
        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]

        # This sucks, but we need to do it to support testing "touch" edits.

        output = review(edit=i)
        assert not output
        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev)) == 1
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFF_LINE % 'test' in output
        assert 'yes' in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_edit_signoff_message():
    def t(rev):
        review(rev=rev, signoff=True, message='test')
        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]

        output = review(edit=i, message='edited')
        assert not output
        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev)) == 1
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFF_LINE % 'test' not in output
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFF_LINE % 'edited' in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_edit_signoff_opinion():
    def t(rev):
        review(rev=rev, signoff=True, message='test')

        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert 'as yes'     not in output
        assert 'as neutral'     in output
        assert 'as no'      not in output

        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]
        output = review(edit=i, yes=True)
        assert not output

        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert 'as yes'         in output
        assert 'as neutral' not in output
        assert 'as no'      not in output

        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]
        output = review(edit=i, no=True)
        assert not output

        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert 'as yes'     not in output
        assert 'as neutral' not in output
        assert 'as no'          in output