bundled/webpy/web/net.py @ c3a0ea6aa1df webpy-sucks

Make the index page show (practically) all commits.
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 02 Mar 2010 21:59:51 -0500
parents 7c9d165e0cd1
children (none)
Network Utilities
(from web.py)

__all__ = [
  "validipaddr", "validipport", "validip", "validaddr", 
  "httpdate", "parsehttpdate", 
  "htmlquote", "htmlunquote", "websafe",

import urllib, time
try: import datetime
except ImportError: pass

def validipaddr(address):
    Returns True if `address` is a valid IPv4 address.
        >>> validipaddr('')
        >>> validipaddr('')
        >>> validipaddr('192.168.1')
        octets = address.split('.')
        if len(octets) != 4:
            return False
        for x in octets:
            if not (0 <= int(x) <= 255):
                return False
    except ValueError:
        return False
    return True

def validipport(port):
    Returns True if `port` is a valid IPv4 port.
        >>> validipport('9000')
        >>> validipport('foo')
        >>> validipport('1000000')
        if not (0 <= int(port) <= 65535):
            return False
    except ValueError:
        return False
    return True

def validip(ip, defaultaddr="", defaultport=8080):
    """Returns `(ip_address, port)` from string `ip_addr_port`"""
    addr = defaultaddr
    port = defaultport
    ip = ip.split(":", 1)
    if len(ip) == 1:
        if not ip[0]:
        elif validipaddr(ip[0]):
            addr = ip[0]
        elif validipport(ip[0]):
            port = int(ip[0])
            raise ValueError, ':'.join(ip) + ' is not a valid IP address/port'
    elif len(ip) == 2:
        addr, port = ip
        if not validipaddr(addr) and validipport(port):
            raise ValueError, ':'.join(ip) + ' is not a valid IP address/port'
        port = int(port)
        raise ValueError, ':'.join(ip) + ' is not a valid IP address/port'
    return (addr, port)

def validaddr(string_):
    Returns either (ip_address, port) or "/path/to/socket" from string_
        >>> validaddr('/path/to/socket')
        >>> validaddr('8000')
        ('', 8000)
        >>> validaddr('')
        ('', 8080)
        >>> validaddr('')
        ('', 8000)
        >>> validaddr('fff')
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: fff is not a valid IP address/port
    if '/' in string_:
        return string_
        return validip(string_)

def urlquote(val):
    Quotes a string for use in a URL.
        >>> urlquote('://?f=1&j=1')
        >>> urlquote(None)
        >>> urlquote(u'\u203d')
    if val is None: return ''
    if not isinstance(val, unicode): val = str(val)
    else: val = val.encode('utf-8')
    return urllib.quote(val)

def httpdate(date_obj):
    Formats a datetime object for use in HTTP headers.
        >>> import datetime
        >>> httpdate(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
        'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:01:01 GMT'
    return date_obj.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")

def parsehttpdate(string_):
    Parses an HTTP date into a datetime object.

        >>> parsehttpdate('Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:01:01 GMT')
        datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
        t = time.strptime(string_, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")
    except ValueError:
        return None
    return datetime.datetime(*t[:6])

def htmlquote(text):
    Encodes `text` for raw use in HTML.
        >>> htmlquote("<'&\\">")
    text = text.replace("&", "&amp;") # Must be done first!
    text = text.replace("<", "&lt;")
    text = text.replace(">", "&gt;")
    text = text.replace("'", "&#39;")
    text = text.replace('"', "&quot;")
    return text

def htmlunquote(text):
    Decodes `text` that's HTML quoted.

        >>> htmlunquote('&lt;&#39;&amp;&quot;&gt;')
    text = text.replace("&quot;", '"')
    text = text.replace("&#39;", "'")
    text = text.replace("&gt;", ">")
    text = text.replace("&lt;", "<")
    text = text.replace("&amp;", "&") # Must be done last!
    return text

def websafe(val):
    Converts `val` so that it's safe for use in UTF-8 HTML.
        >>> websafe("<'&\\">")
        >>> websafe(None)
        >>> websafe(u'\u203d')
    if val is None:
        return ''
    if isinstance(val, unicode):
        val = val.encode('utf-8')
    val = str(val)
    return htmlquote(val)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest