review/ @ 9030dc9517cf

web: add basic tests

This patch adds a new test module `test_web` to automate testing of web
requests. For now the tests are rather simple and only check for
expected status codes.

To set up the flask app within the tests, it has to be configured
properly. This is the reason why the app configuration part in ``
has been moved into an own function - now it may also be used by the
test module.
author Oben Sonne <>
date Mon, 02 Jul 2012 22:32:48 +0200
parents 48541d29e527
children b443b42afe6f
from __future__ import with_statement

"""The review extension's web UI."""

import base64, sys, os, StringIO
from hashlib import md5

from mercurial import cmdutil, commands, error, hg, templatefilters
from mercurial import patch as _patch
from mercurial.node import short
from mercurial.util import email

import api, messages
from rutil import fromlocal

def unbundle():
    package_path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0]
    template_path = os.path.join(package_path, 'web_templates')
    media_path = os.path.join(package_path, 'web_media')
    top_path = os.path.split(package_path)[0]
    bundled_path = os.path.join(top_path, 'bundled')
    flask_path = os.path.join(bundled_path, 'flask')
    jinja2_path = os.path.join(bundled_path, 'jinja2')
    werkzeug_path = os.path.join(bundled_path, 'werkzeug')
    simplejson_path = os.path.join(bundled_path, 'simplejson')
    markdown2_path = os.path.join(bundled_path, 'markdown2', 'lib')

    sys.path.insert(0, flask_path)
    sys.path.insert(0, werkzeug_path)
    sys.path.insert(0, jinja2_path)
    sys.path.insert(0, simplejson_path)
    sys.path.insert(0, markdown2_path)


import markdown2
from flask import Flask
from flask import abort, g, redirect, render_template, request, Response
app = Flask(__name__)


def _item_gravatar(item, size=30):
    return '' % (md5(email(, size)

def _cset_gravatar(cset, size=30):
    return '' % (md5(email(cset.user())).hexdigest(), size)

def _line_type(line):
        return {'+': 'add', '-':'rem'}[line[0]]
    except (IndexError, KeyError):
        return 'con'

def _categorize_signoffs(signoffs):
    return { 'yes': len(filter(lambda s: s.opinion == 'yes', signoffs)),
             'no': len(filter(lambda s: s.opinion == 'no', signoffs)),
             'neutral': len(filter(lambda s: s.opinion == '', signoffs)),}

def _email(s):
    return fromlocal(email(s))

def _person(s):
    return fromlocal(templatefilters.person(s))

markdowner = markdown2.Markdown(safe_mode='escape', extras=['code-friendly', 'pyshell', 'imgless'])
utils = {
    'node_short': short,
    'md5': md5,
    'email': _email,
    'person': _person,
    'templatefilters': templatefilters,
    'len': len,
    'item_gravatar': _item_gravatar,
    'cset_gravatar': _cset_gravatar,
    'line_type': _line_type,
    'categorize_signoffs': _categorize_signoffs,
    'map': map,
    'str': str,
    'decode': fromlocal,
    'markdown': markdowner.convert,
    'b64': base64.b64encode,

def _render(template, **kwargs):
    return render_template(template, read_only=app.read_only,
        allow_anon=app.allow_anon, utils=utils, datastore=g.datastore,
        title=app.title, project_url=app.project_url, **kwargs)

def _get_revision_or_404(revhash):
    revhash = revhash.lower()
    if not all(c in 'abcdef1234567890' for c in revhash):

        rcset = g.datastore[revhash]
        rev =[revhash]
        return rcset, rev
    except error.RepoLookupError:

def load_datastore():
    g.datastore = api.ReviewDatastore(app.ui, hg.repository(app.ui, app.repo.root))

def index_newest():
    return index(-1)

def index(rev_max):
    tip =['tip'].rev()

    if rev_max > tip or rev_max < 0:
        rev_max = tip

    rev_min = rev_max - LOG_PAGE_LEN if rev_max >= LOG_PAGE_LEN else 0
    if rev_min < 0:
        rev_min = 0

    older = rev_min - 1 if rev_min > 0 else -1
    newer = rev_max + LOG_PAGE_LEN + 1 if rev_max < tip else -1
    if newer > tip:
        newer = tip

    rcsets = [g.datastore[r] for r in xrange(rev_max, rev_min - 1, -1)]
    return _render('index.html', rcsets=rcsets, newer=newer, older=older)

def _handle_signoff(revhash):
    signoff = request.form['signoff']

    if signoff not in ['yes', 'no', 'neutral']:

    if signoff == 'neutral':
        signoff = ''

    body = request.form.get('new-signoff-body', '')
    style = 'markdown' if request.form.get('signoff-markdown') else ''

    current = request.form.get('current')
    if current:
        g.datastore.edit_signoff(current, body, signoff, style=style)
        rcset, rev = _get_revision_or_404(revhash)
        rcset.add_signoff(body, signoff, style=style)

    return redirect("%s/changeset/%s/" % (app.site_root, revhash))

def _handle_comment(revhash):
    filename = base64.b64decode(request.form.get('filename-b64', u''))
    ufilename = request.form.get('filename-u', u'')

    lines = str(request.form.get('lines', ''))
    if lines:
        lines = filter(None, [l.strip() for l in lines.split(',')])

    body = request.form['new-comment-body']
    style = 'markdown' if request.form.get('comment-markdown') else ''

    if body:
        current = request.form.get('current')
        if current:
            g.datastore.edit_comment(current, body, ufilename, filename, lines, style)
            rcset, rev = _get_revision_or_404(revhash)
            rcset.add_comment(body, ufilename, filename, lines, style)

    return redirect("%s/changeset/%s/" % (app.site_root, revhash))

@app.route('/changeset/<revhash>/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def changeset(revhash):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        signoff = request.form.get('signoff', None)
        if signoff and not app.read_only:
            return _handle_signoff(revhash)
        elif not app.read_only or app.allow_anon:
            return _handle_comment(revhash)

    rcset, rev = _get_revision_or_404(revhash)

    cu_signoffs = rcset.signoffs_for_current_user()
    cu_signoff = cu_signoffs[0] if cu_signoffs else None

    tip =['tip'].rev()
    newer =[rev.rev() + 1] if rev.rev() < tip else None
    older =[rev.rev() - 1] if rev.rev() > 0 else None

    return _render('changeset.html', rcset=rcset, rev=rev, cu_signoff=cu_signoff,
        newer=newer, older=older)

def patch(revhash):
    result = StringIO.StringIO()
        diff_opts = _patch.diffopts(app.ui, {'git': True})
        cmdutil.export(, [revhash], fp=result, opts=diff_opts)
    except error.RepoLookupError:
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
    return Response(result.getvalue(), content_type="application/octet-stream")

@app.route('/pull/', methods=['POST'])
def pull():
    if not app.read_only:
        path = request.form['path']
        from hgext import fetch
        fetch.fetch(g.datastore.repo.ui, g.datastore.repo, path, rev=[],
                    message=messages.FETCH, switch_parent=True, user='', date='')
    return redirect('%s/' % app.site_root)

@app.route('/push/', methods=['POST'])
def push():
    if not app.read_only:
        path = request.form['path']
        commands.push(g.datastore.repo.ui, g.datastore.repo, path)
    return redirect('%s/' % app.site_root)

def page_not_found(error):
    return _render('404.html'), 404

def server_error(error):
    return _render('500.html'), 500

def _configure_app(ui, repo, read_only=False, allow_anon=False):
    """Configure the web app.

    This happens in a distinct function to reuse these steps in tests.

    app.read_only = read_only
    app.debug = ui.debugflag
    app.allow_anon = allow_anon
    app.site_root = ''
    if app.allow_anon:
        ui.setconfig('ui', 'username', 'Anonymous <>')
    app.ui = ui
    app.repo = repo
    app.title = os.path.basename(repo.root)
    app.project_url = None

def load_interface(ui, repo, read_only=False, allow_anon=False,
        open=False, address='', port=8080):
    if open:
        import webbrowser'http://localhost:%d/' % port)

    _configure_app(ui, repo, read_only, allow_anon), port=port)