review/tests/ @ 82d732262031

bundled/markdown2: make markdown links a bit more secure
author Steve Losh <>
date Sat, 10 Jul 2010 13:46:12 -0400
parents dff2e396a30f
children bef3dce04be6
import os

from nose import with_setup
from util import setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox, review, should_fail_with
from util import get_datastore_repo, get_sandbox_repo, get_ui
from util import check_comment_exists_on_line

from .. import api, messages

from mercurial.node import hex

# TODO: Figure out how to handle external editors nicely with nose.

a1, a2 = (messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_AUTHOR % '|').split('|')

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_no_comments():
    output = review()
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENTS % (0, 0) in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_comment_formatting():
    review(comment=True, message=' \tTest comment one.\t ')
    output = review()

    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % ' \tTest comment one.' not in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.\t ' not in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % ' \tTest comment one.\t ' not in output

    review(rev=0, comment=True,
           message=' \tTest\n  indented\n\ttabindented\noutdented  \ndone\t ')
    output = review(rev=0)

    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test' in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % '  indented' in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % '\ttabindented' in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'outdented  ' in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'done' in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_comment_styles():
    review(comment=True, message='Test comment one.', mdown=True)
    output = review()

    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_add_comments_to_parent_rev():
    review(comment=True, message='Test comment one.')

    output = review()
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENTS % (1, 1) in output

    assert a1 in output
    assert a2 in output

    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' in output

    review(comment=True, message='Test comment two.')

    output = review()
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENTS % (2, 1) in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment two.' in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_add_comments_to_specific_rev():
    review(comment=True, message='Test comment one.', rev='0')

    output = review(rev='0')
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENTS % (1, 1) in output

    assert a1 in output
    assert a2 in output

    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' in output

    output = review()
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENTS % (0, 0) in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' not in output

    review(comment=True, message='Test comment two.', rev='0')

    output = review(rev='0')
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENTS % (2, 1) in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment two.' in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_add_comments_to_file():
    review(comment=True, message='Test comment one.', rev='1', args=['file_one'])

    output = review(rev='1', args=['file_one'])
    assert a1 in output
    assert a2 in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' in output

    output = review(rev='1', args=['file_two'])
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' not in output

    output = review(rev='0', args=['file_one'])
    assert a1 not in output
    assert a2 not in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' not in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_add_comments_to_multiple_files():
    review(comment=True, message='Test comment.', rev='1',
        args=['file_one', 'always_changing'])

    output = review(rev='1')
    assert output.count(messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment.') == 2

                     comment=True, rev='1', message='Test bad comment.', lines='1',
                     args=['file_one', 'always_changing'])

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_add_comments_to_bad_file():
    should_fail_with(messages.COMMENT_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST % ('bad', '2'),
                     comment=True, message='Test comment one.', args=['bad'])

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_add_comments_to_file_line():
                     comment=True, rev='1', message='Test bad comment.', lines='1')

    review(comment=True, rev='1', message='Test comment one.',
        args=['file_one'], lines='1')

    output = review(rev='1', args=['file_one'])

    # Make sure the comment is present at all.
    assert a1 in output
    assert a2 in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' in output

    check_comment_exists_on_line(1, files=['file_one'], rev='1')

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_add_comments_to_file_lines():
    review(comment=True, rev='1', message='Test comment one.',
        args=['file_one'], lines='1,2')

    output = review(rev='1', args=['file_one'])

    # Make sure the comment is present at all.
    assert a1 in output
    assert a2 in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' in output

    check_comment_exists_on_line(2, files=['file_one'], rev='1')

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_add_comments_to_file_in_subdir():
    filename = os.path.join('test_dir', 'test_file')

    review(comment=True, message='Test comment one.', rev='1', args=[filename])

    output = review(rev='1', args=[filename])
    assert a1 in output
    assert a2 in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' in output

    output = review(rev='1', args=['file_two'])
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' not in output

    output = review(rev='0', args=[filename])
    assert a1 not in output
    assert a2 not in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' not in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_add_comments_to_file_in_cwd():
    review(comment=True, message='Test comment one.', rev='1', args=['test_file'])

    output = review(rev='1', args=['test_file'])
    assert a1 in output
    assert a2 in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' in output

    output = review(rev='1', args=['file_two'])
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' not in output

    output = review(rev='0', args=['test_file'])
    assert a1 not in output
    assert a2 not in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' not in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_add_comments_to_file_in_reldir():
    filename = os.path.join('..', 'file_three')

    review(comment=True, message='Test comment one.', rev='1', args=[filename])

    output = review(rev='1', args=[filename])
    assert a1 in output
    assert a2 in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' in output

    output = review(rev='1', args=['file_two'])
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' not in output

    output = review(rev='0', args=[filename])
    assert a1 not in output
    assert a2 not in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'Test comment one.' not in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_comment_identifiers():
    review(comment=True, message='Test comment one.', rev='1', args=['file_one'])

    rd = api.ReviewDatastore(get_ui(), get_sandbox_repo())
    dsr = get_datastore_repo()

    comment = rd['1'].comments[0]

    identifier = comment.identifier
    short_identifier = identifier[:12]

    comment_filename = api._split_path_dammit(dsr['tip'].files()[0])[-1]
    comment_cset = hex(dsr['tip'].node())

    assert identifier == comment_filename
    assert identifier != comment_cset

    verbose_identifier = messages.REVIEW_LOG_IDENTIFIER % identifier[:12]
    debug_identifier = messages.REVIEW_LOG_IDENTIFIER % identifier

    normal_output = review(rev='1')
    assert verbose_identifier not in normal_output
    assert debug_identifier not in normal_output

    verbose_output = review(rev='1', verbose=True)
    assert verbose_identifier in verbose_output
    assert debug_identifier not in verbose_output

    debug_output = review(rev='1', debug=True)
    assert verbose_identifier not in debug_output
    assert debug_identifier in debug_output