bundled/flask/CHANGES @ 78819a1b530e

api: wrap the exists mkdir call to avoid needless errors
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Mon, 18 Jul 2011 13:34:36 -0400 (2011-07-18)
parents f33efe14bff1
children (none)
Flask Changelog

Here you can see the full list of changes between each Flask release.

Version 0.7

Release date to be announced, codename to be selected

- Added :meth:`~flask.Flask.make_default_options_response`
  which can be used by subclasses to alter the default
  behaviour for `OPTIONS` responses.
- Unbound locals now raise a proper :exc:`RuntimeError` instead
  of an :exc:`AttributeError`.
- Mimetype guessing and etag support based on file objects is now
  deprecated for :func:`flask.send_file` because it was unreliable.
  Pass filenames instead or attach your own etags and provide a
  proper mimetype by hand.
- Static file handling for modules now requires the name of the
  static folder to be supplied explicitly.  The previous autodetection
  was not reliable and caused issues on Google's App Engine.  Until
  1.0 the old behaviour will continue to work but issue dependency
- fixed a problem for Flask to run on jython.
- added a `PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS` configuration variable that can be
  used to flip the setting of exception propagation which previously
  was linked to `DEBUG` alone and is now linked to either `DEBUG` or
- Flask no longer internally depends on rules being added through the
  `add_url_rule` function and can now also accept regular werkzeug
  rules added to the url map.
- Added an `endpoint` method to the flask application object which
  allows one to register a callback to an arbitrary endpoint with
  a decorator.

Version 0.6.1

Bugfix release, released on December 31st 2010

- Fixed an issue where the default `OPTIONS` response was
  not exposing all valid methods in the `Allow` header.
- Jinja2 template loading syntax now allows "./" in front of
  a template load path.  Previously this caused issues with
  module setups.
- Fixed an issue where the subdomain setting for modules was
  ignored for the static folder.
- Fixed a security problem that allowed clients to download arbitrary files
  if the host server was a windows based operating system and the client
  uses backslashes to escape the directory the files where exposed from.

Version 0.6

Released on July 27th 2010, codename Whisky

- after request functions are now called in reverse order of
- OPTIONS is now automatically implemented by Flask unless the
  application explicitly adds 'OPTIONS' as method to the URL rule.
  In this case no automatic OPTIONS handling kicks in.
- static rules are now even in place if there is no static folder
  for the module.  This was implemented to aid GAE which will
  remove the static folder if it's part of a mapping in the .yml
- the :attr:`~flask.Flask.config` is now available in the templates
  as `config`.
- context processors will no longer override values passed directly
  to the render function.
- added the ability to limit the incoming request data with the
  new ``MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH`` configuration value.
- the endpoint for the :meth:`flask.Module.add_url_rule` method
  is now optional to be consistent with the function of the
  same name on the application object.
- added a :func:`flask.make_response` function that simplifies
  creating response object instances in views.
- added signalling support based on blinker.  This feature is currently
  optional and supposed to be used by extensions and applications.  If
  you want to use it, make sure to have `blinker`_ installed.
- refactored the way URL adapters are created.  This process is now
  fully customizable with the :meth:`~flask.Flask.create_url_adapter`
- modules can now register for a subdomain instead of just an URL
  prefix.  This makes it possible to bind a whole module to a
  configurable subdomain.

.. _blinker: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/blinker

Version 0.5.2

Bugfix Release, released on July 15th 2010

- fixed another issue with loading templates from directories when
  modules were used.

Version 0.5.1

Bugfix Release, released on July 6th 2010

- fixes an issue with template loading from directories when modules
  where used.

Version 0.5

Released on July 6th 2010, codename Calvados

- fixed a bug with subdomains that was caused by the inability to
  specify the server name.  The server name can now be set with
  the `SERVER_NAME` config key.  This key is now also used to set
  the session cookie cross-subdomain wide.
- autoescaping is no longer active for all templates.  Instead it
  is only active for ``.html``, ``.htm``, ``.xml`` and ``.xhtml``.
  Inside templates this behaviour can be changed with the
  ``autoescape`` tag.
- refactored Flask internally.  It now consists of more than a
  single file.
- :func:`flask.send_file` now emits etags and has the ability to
  do conditional responses builtin.
- (temporarily) dropped support for zipped applications.  This was a
  rarely used feature and led to some confusing behaviour.
- added support for per-package template and static-file directories.
- removed support for `create_jinja_loader` which is no longer used
  in 0.5 due to the improved module support.
- added a helper function to expose files from any directory.

Version 0.4

Released on June 18th 2010, codename Rakia

- added the ability to register application wide error handlers
  from modules.
- :meth:`~flask.Flask.after_request` handlers are now also invoked
  if the request dies with an exception and an error handling page
  kicks in.
- test client has not the ability to preserve the request context
  for a little longer.  This can also be used to trigger custom
  requests that do not pop the request stack for testing.
- because the Python standard library caches loggers, the name of
  the logger is configurable now to better support unittests.
- added `TESTING` switch that can activate unittesting helpers.
- the logger switches to `DEBUG` mode now if debug is enabled.

Version 0.3.1

Bugfix release, released on May 28th 2010

- fixed a error reporting bug with :meth:`flask.Config.from_envvar`
- removed some unused code from flask
- release does no longer include development leftover files (.git
  folder for themes, built documentation in zip and pdf file and
  some .pyc files)

Version 0.3

Released on May 28th 2010, codename Schnaps

- added support for categories for flashed messages.
- the application now configures a :class:`logging.Handler` and will
  log request handling exceptions to that logger when not in debug
  mode.  This makes it possible to receive mails on server errors
  for example.
- added support for context binding that does not require the use of
  the with statement for playing in the console.
- the request context is now available within the with statement making
  it possible to further push the request context or pop it.
- added support for configurations.

Version 0.2

Released on May 12th 2010, codename Jägermeister

- various bugfixes
- integrated JSON support
- added :func:`~flask.get_template_attribute` helper function.
- :meth:`~flask.Flask.add_url_rule` can now also register a
  view function.
- refactored internal request dispatching.
- server listens on by default now to fix issues with chrome.
- added external URL support.
- added support for :func:`~flask.send_file`
- module support and internal request handling refactoring
  to better support pluggable applications.
- sessions can be set to be permanent now on a per-session basis.
- better error reporting on missing secret keys.
- added support for Google Appengine.

Version 0.1

First public preview release.