bundled/jinja2/docs/integration.rst @ 6c968c9121c3

Kill whitespace. I use vim now.
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Fri, 11 Jun 2010 19:54:05 -0400
parents 256716e3a3d7
children (none)

Jinja2 provides some code for integration into other tools such as frameworks,
the `Babel`_ library or your favourite editor for fancy code highlighting.
This is a brief description of whats included.

.. _babel-integration:

Babel Integration

Jinja provides support for extracting gettext messages from templates via a
`Babel`_ extractor entry point called `jinja2.ext.babel_extract`.  The Babel
support is implemented as part of the :ref:`i18n-extension` extension.

Gettext messages extracted from both `trans` tags and code expressions.

To extract gettext messages from templates, the project needs a Jinja2 section
in its Babel extraction method `mapping file`_:

.. sourcecode:: ini

    [jinja2: **/templates/**.html]
    encoding = utf-8

The syntax related options of the :class:`Environment` are also available as
configuration values in the mapping file.  For example to tell the extraction
that templates use ``%`` as `line_statement_prefix` you can use this code:

.. sourcecode:: ini

    [jinja2: **/templates/**.html]
    encoding = utf-8
    line_statement_prefix = %

:ref:`jinja-extensions` may also be defined by passing a comma separated list
of import paths as `extensions` value.  The i18n extension is added

.. _mapping file: http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/Documentation/messages.html#extraction-method-mapping-and-configuration


With `Pylons`_ 0.9.7 onwards it's incredible easy to integrate Jinja into a
Pylons powered application.

The template engine is configured in `config/environment.py`.  The configuration
for Jinja2 looks something like that::

    from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader
    config['pylons.app_globals'].jinja_env = Environment(
        loader=PackageLoader('yourapplication', 'templates')

After that you can render Jinja templates by using the `render_jinja` function
from the `pylons.templating` module.

Additionally it's a good idea to set the Pylons' `c` object into strict mode.
Per default any attribute to not existing attributes on the `c` object return
an empty string and not an undefined object.  To change this just use this
snippet and add it into your `config/environment.py`::

    config['pylons.strict_c'] = True

.. _Pylons: http://www.pylonshq.com/


Inside the `ext` folder of Jinja2 there is a bundle for TextMate that supports
syntax highlighting for Jinja1 and Jinja2 for text based templates as well as
HTML.  It also contains a few often used snippets.


A syntax plugin for `Vim`_ exists in the Vim-scripts directory as well as the
ext folder of Jinja2.  `The script <http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1856>`_
supports Jinja1 and Jinja2.  Once installed two file types are available `jinja`
and `htmljinja`.  The first one for text based templates, the latter for HTML

Copy the files into your `syntax` folder.

.. _Babel: http://babel.edgewall.org/
.. _Vim: http://www.vim.org/