review/tests/ @ 647c0ea1bce7

web: store data on the app object instead of globally
author Steve Losh <>
date Sun, 13 Jun 2010 10:31:53 -0400
parents a909c2ba47f0
children d63ea569a174
from nose import *
from util import *
from mercurial import util as hgutil
from mercurial.node import hex
from .. import messages

s1, s2 = (messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFF_AUTHOR % ('|', 'neutral')).split('|')
sy1, sy2 = (messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFF_AUTHOR % ('|', 'yes')).split('|')
sn1, sn2 = (messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFF_AUTHOR % ('|', 'no')).split('|')

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_no_signoffs():
    output = review()
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFFS % (0, 0, 0, 0) in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_blank_signoff():
    except hgutil.Abort, e:
        error = str(e)
        assert messages.SIGNOFF_REQUIRES_MESSAGE in error
        assert False, 'The correct error message was not printed.'

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_signoff_on_parent_rev():
    review(signoff=True, message='Test signoff one.')

    output = review()
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFFS % (1, 0, 0, 1) in output

    assert s1 in output
    assert s1 in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFF_LINE % 'Test signoff one.' in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_signoff_on_specific_rev():
    review(signoff=True, message='Test signoff one.', rev='0')

    output = review(rev='0')
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFFS % (1, 0, 0, 1) in output

    output = review()
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFFS % (0, 0, 0, 0) in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_multiple_signoffs():
    review(signoff=True, message='Test signoff one.')

        review(signoff=True, message='Test signoff two.')
    except hgutil.Abort, e:
        error = str(e)
        assert messages.SIGNOFF_EXISTS in error
        assert False, 'The correct error message was not printed.'

    review(signoff=True, message='Test signoff two.', force=True)

    output = review()
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFFS % (1, 0, 0, 1) in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_signoff_yes():
    review(signoff=True, yes=True, message='Test signoff one.')

    output = review()
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFFS % (1, 1, 0, 0) in output

    assert sy1 in output
    assert sy1 in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFF_LINE % 'Test signoff one.' in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_signoff_no():
    review(signoff=True, no=True, message='Test signoff one.')

    output = review()
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFFS % (1, 0, 1, 0) in output

    assert sn1 in output
    assert sn1 in output
    assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFF_LINE % 'Test signoff one.' in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_signoff_identifiers():
    review(signoff=True, message='Test signoff one.', rev='0')

    rd = api.ReviewDatastore(get_ui(), get_sandbox_repo())
    dsr = get_datastore_repo()

    signoff = rd['0'].signoffs[0]

    identifier = signoff.identifier
    short_identifier = identifier[:12]

    signoff_filename = api._split_path_dammit(dsr['tip'].files()[0])[-1]
    signoff_cset = hex(dsr['tip'].node())

    assert identifier == signoff_filename
    assert identifier != signoff_cset

    verbose_identifier = messages.REVIEW_LOG_IDENTIFIER % identifier[:12]
    debug_identifier = messages.REVIEW_LOG_IDENTIFIER % identifier

    normal_output = review(rev='0')
    assert verbose_identifier not in normal_output
    assert debug_identifier not in normal_output

    verbose_output = review(rev='0', verbose=True)
    assert verbose_identifier in verbose_output
    assert debug_identifier not in verbose_output

    debug_output = review(rev='0', debug=True)
    assert verbose_identifier not in debug_output
    assert debug_identifier in debug_output