review/tests/ @ 5bef954cfecd

decode revision descriptions in templates (fixes #79)
author Mikhail Lukyanchenko <>
date Mon, 19 Dec 2011 13:07:35 +0400
parents bef3dce04be6
children (none)
import time

from nose import with_setup
from util import setup_reviewed_sandbox, teardown_sandbox, review, should_fail_with
from util import get_identifiers, check_comment_exists_on_line

from .. import messages

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_edit_invalid():
    should_fail_with(messages.UNKNOWN_ID % 'z', edit='z')

    review(comment=True, message='test')

    should_fail_with(messages.UNKNOWN_ID % 'z', edit='z')

    # Use the pidgeonhole princicple to create ambiguous identifiers.
    for i in range(17):
        review(comment=True, message='test%d' % i)

    ids = get_identifiers()
    id_map = {}
    for i in ids:
        id_map[i[0]] = id_map.get(i[0], 0) + 1
    i = str(filter(lambda k: id_map[k] > 1, id_map.keys())[0])

    should_fail_with(messages.AMBIGUOUS_ID % i, edit=i)

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_touch_comment():
    def t(rev):
        review(rev=rev, comment=True, message='test', args=['always_changing'], lines='1')
        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]

        # This sucks, but we need to do it to support testing "touch" edits.

        output = review(edit=i)
        assert not output
        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev)) == 1
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'test' in output

        check_comment_exists_on_line(1, files=['always_changing'], rev='1')

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_edit_comment_message():
    def t(rev):
        review(rev=rev, comment=True, message='test')
        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]

        output = review(edit=i, message='edited')
        assert not output
        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev)) == 1
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'test' not in output
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'edited' in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_edit_comment_lines():
    def t(rev):
        review(rev=rev, comment=True, message='test', args=['always_changing'], lines='1')
        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]

        output = review(edit=i, lines='3')
        assert not output
        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev)) == 1
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'test' in output
        check_comment_exists_on_line(3, files=['always_changing'], rev=rev)

        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]

        output = review(edit=i, lines='1,2')
        assert not output
        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev)) == 1
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'test' in output
        check_comment_exists_on_line(2, files=['always_changing'], rev=rev)

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_edit_comment_filename():
    def t(rev):
        review(rev=rev, comment=True, message='test', args=['always_changing'], lines='1')
        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]

        output = review(edit=i, args=['always_changing2'])
        assert not output

        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True, args=['always_changing'])
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev, files=['always_changing'])) == 0
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'test' not in output

        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True, args=['always_changing2'])
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev, files=['always_changing2'])) == 1
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'test' in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_edit_comment_everything():
    def t(rev):
        review(rev=rev, comment=True, message='test', args=['always_changing'], lines='1')
        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]

        output = review(edit=i, args=['always_changing2'], message='edited', lines='2')
        assert not output

        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True, args=['always_changing'])
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev, files=['always_changing'])) == 0
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'test' not in output

        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True, args=['always_changing2'])
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev, files=['always_changing2'])) == 1
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'test' not in output
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % 'edited' in output
        check_comment_exists_on_line(2, files=['always_changing'], rev=rev)

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_touch_signoff():
    def t(rev):
        review(rev=rev, signoff=True, message='test', yes=True)
        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]

        # This sucks, but we need to do it to support testing "touch" edits.

        output = review(edit=i)
        assert not output
        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev)) == 1
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFF_LINE % 'test' in output
        assert 'yes' in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_edit_signoff_message():
    def t(rev):
        review(rev=rev, signoff=True, message='test')
        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]

        output = review(edit=i, message='edited')
        assert not output
        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert '(%s)' % i not in output
        assert len(get_identifiers(rev)) == 1
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFF_LINE % 'test' not in output
        assert messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFF_LINE % 'edited' in output

@with_setup(setup_reviewed_sandbox(), teardown_sandbox)
def test_edit_signoff_opinion():
    def t(rev):
        review(rev=rev, signoff=True, message='test')

        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert 'as yes'     not in output
        assert 'as neutral'     in output
        assert 'as no'      not in output

        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]
        output = review(edit=i, yes=True)
        assert not output

        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert 'as yes'         in output
        assert 'as neutral' not in output
        assert 'as no'      not in output

        i = get_identifiers(rev)[0]
        output = review(edit=i, no=True)
        assert not output

        output = review(rev=rev, verbose=True)
        assert 'as yes'     not in output
        assert 'as neutral' not in output
        assert 'as no'          in output