bundled/cherrypy/cherrypy/test/test_sessionauthenticate.py @ 4e1fb853d9d2 webpy-sucks

Add CherryPy as a bundled app.

Ahh, this is the start of something beautiful.
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 02 Mar 2010 19:45:54 -0500
parents (none)
children (none)
from cherrypy.test import test

import cherrypy

def setup_server():
    def check(username, password):
        # Dummy check_username_and_password function
        if username != 'test' or password != 'password':
            return u'Wrong login/password'
    def augment_params():
        # A simple tool to add some things to request.params
        # This is to check to make sure that session_auth can handle request
        # params (ticket #780)
        cherrypy.request.params["test"] = "test"

    cherrypy.tools.augment_params = cherrypy.Tool('before_handler',
             augment_params, None, priority=30)

    class Test:
        _cp_config = {'tools.sessions.on': True,
                      'tools.session_auth.on': True,
                      'tools.session_auth.check_username_and_password': check,
                      'tools.augment_params.on': True,
        def index(self, **kwargs):
            return "Hi %s, you are logged in" % cherrypy.request.login
        index.exposed = True

from cherrypy.test import helper

class SessionAuthenticateTest(helper.CPWebCase):
    def testSessionAuthenticate(self):
        # request a page and check for login form
        self.assertInBody('<form method="post" action="do_login">')
        # setup credentials
        login_body = 'username=test&password=password&from_page=/'
        # attempt a login
        self.getPage('/do_login', method='POST', body=login_body)
        self.assertStatus((302, 303))
        # get the page now that we are logged in
        self.getPage('/', self.cookies)
        self.assertBody('Hi test, you are logged in')
        # do a logout
        self.getPage('/do_logout', self.cookies, method='POST')
        self.assertStatus((302, 303))
        # verify we are logged out
        self.getPage('/', self.cookies)
        self.assertInBody('<form method="post" action="do_login">')

if __name__ == "__main__":