review/tests/ @ 22de90ef33ed

Add identifiers to ReviewChangeset's and ReviewSignoff's.

The identifier of a rcset/rsignoff is the filename it was saved as, which is
the hash of its contents.

This will be useful when we want to add replies to comments/signoffs.

CLI support for this feature has also been added (using --verbose and --debug
flags with 'hg review [-r REV]'), as well as some simple unit tests.
author Steve Losh <>
date Sat, 27 Mar 2010 11:10:12 -0400
parents 1133505b5b04
children a909c2ba47f0
"""Utilities for writing unit tests for hg-review."""
from __future__ import with_statement
import os, shutil
import sample_data
from mercurial import cmdutil, commands, hg, ui
from .. import api, extension_ui

_ui = ui.ui()
def review(init=False, comment=False, signoff=False, yes=False, no=False,
    force=False, message='', rev='.', remote_path='', lines='', files=None,
    unified='5', web=False, verbose=False, debug=False):
    if not files:
        files = []
    if debug:
        _ui.debugflag = True
    elif verbose:
        _ui.verbose = True
        _ui, get_sandbox_repo(), *files,
            init=init, comment=comment, signoff=signoff, yes=yes, no=no,
            force=force, message=message, rev=rev, remote_path=remote_path,
            lines=lines, unified=unified, web=web
    _ui.verbose, _ui.debugflag = False, False
    output = _ui.popbuffer()
    print output
    return output

sandbox_path = os.path.join(os.path.realpath('.'), 'sandbox')
sandbox_repo_path = os.path.join(sandbox_path, 'original')
sandbox_clone_path = os.path.join(sandbox_path, 'clone')

def setup_sandbox():
    sandbox = get_sandbox_repo()
    opts = { 'addremove': True, 'date': None, 'user': 'Review Tester',
             'logfile': None, 'message': "Sandbox commit.", }
    for state in sample_data.log:
        for filename in state:
            dirname, key = None, filename
            # Support one-level-deep directories in the sample data.
            if '/' in filename:
                dirname, _, filename = filename.partition('/')
                if not os.path.exists(dirname):
            with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            if dirname:
        commands.commit(_ui, sandbox, **opts)

def setup_reviewed_sandbox():
    sandbox = get_sandbox_repo()
    rpath = os.path.join(sandbox.root, api.DEFAULT_DATASTORE_DIRNAME)
    review(init=True, remote_path=rpath)
    opts = { 'addremove': True, 'date': None, 'user': 'Review Tester',
             'logfile': None, 'message': "Add the code review.", }
    commands.commit(_ui, sandbox, **opts)

def teardown_sandbox():
    os.chdir(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(sandbox_path, os.pardir)))

def get_sandbox_repo():
    return hg.repository(_ui, sandbox_repo_path)

def get_sandbox_clone():
    return hg.repository(_ui, sandbox_clone_path)

def clone_sandbox_repo():
    hg.clone(cmdutil.remoteui(_ui, {}), sandbox_repo_path, sandbox_clone_path)

def get_datastore_repo(path=api.DEFAULT_DATASTORE_DIRNAME):
    return hg.repository(_ui, path)

def get_ui():
    return _ui