review/templates/pieces/diff.html @ 16e0bcd4f854

Switch to the new hg spanset API

This api was introduced in 3.2, and the indexation is not supported anymore (probably since

Patch provided by David Douard
author Christophe de Vienne <>
date Fri, 19 Aug 2016 18:21:28 +0200
parents 78d9f73badd9
children (none)
<div class="diff">

        {% set annotated_diff = rcset.annotated_diff(filename) %}
        {# We need to ignore the first item from this generator, because
           we don't care about providing a line-number prefix (for now!). #}
        {% set ignore_this_variable = %}

        {% for line in annotated_diff %}
            {% if line['skipped'] %}
                <tr class="skipped">
                    <td colspan="3" class="skip">
                        &hellip; skipped {{ line['skipped'] }} lines &hellip;

                {% for comment in line['comments'] %}
                    <tr><td class="comment">
                        <div class="avatar">
                            <img src="{{ utils['item_gravatar'](comment, 30) }}" />

                            <div class="author">
                                <a href="mailto:{{ utils['email']( }}">
                                    {{ utils['templatefilters'].person( }}
                                said (on a skipped line):
                            <div class="message">{{ comment.message|escape }}</div>
                {% endfor %}
            {% else %}
                {% with %}
                    {% set line_type = utils['line_type'](line['content']) %}

                    <tr class="{{ line_type }} {% if not read_only or allow_anon %} commentable {% endif %} line-{{ line['number'] }}">
                        <td class="linenumber">{{ line['number'] }}</td>
                        <td class="addrem-{{ line_type }}">{% if line_type == 'add' %}+{% elif line_type == 'rem' %}-{% endif %}</td>
                        <td class="code"><code>{{ utils['decode'](line['content'][1:])|escape }}</code></td>
                {% endwith %}

                {% with %}
                    {% set comments = line['comments'] %}

                    {% for comment in comments %}
                        {% include "pieces/linecomment.html" %}
                    {% endfor %}
                {% endwith %}
            {% endif %}
        {% else %}
            <tr class="skipped">
                <td colspan="3" class="skip">
                    &hellip; no lines to show &hellip;
        {% endfor %}
