
Strip whitespace.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 22 Jun 2010 18:12:20 -0400 (2010-06-22)
parents 5d808d1613f4
children d33afa1c5622
branches/tags (none)
files prompt.py


--- a/prompt.py	Tue Jun 22 18:11:56 2010 -0400
+++ b/prompt.py	Tue Jun 22 18:12:20 2010 -0400
@@ -26,39 +26,39 @@
 def _cache_remote(repo, kind):
     cache = path.join(repo.root, CACHE_PATH, kind)
     c_tmp = cache + '.temp'
     # This is kind of a hack and I feel a little bit dirty for doing it.
     IGNORE = open('NUL:','w') if subprocess.mswindows else open('/dev/null','w')
     subprocess.call(['hg', kind, '--quiet'], stdout=file(c_tmp, 'w'), stderr=IGNORE)
     os.rename(c_tmp, cache)
 def _with_groups(groups, out):
     out_groups = [groups[0]] + [groups[-1]]
     if any(out_groups) and not all(out_groups):
         print 'Error parsing prompt string.  Mismatched braces?'
     out = out.replace('%', '%%')
     return ("%s" + out + "%s") % (out_groups[0][:-1] if out_groups[0] else '',
-                                  out_groups[1][1:] if out_groups[1] else '')    
+                                  out_groups[1][1:] if out_groups[1] else '')
 def _get_filter(name, g):
     '''Return the filter with the given name, or None if it was not used.'''
     matching_filters = filter(lambda s: s and s.startswith('|%s' % name), g)
     if not matching_filters:
         return None
     # Later filters will override earlier ones, for now.
     f = matching_filters[-1]
     return f
 def _get_filter_arg(f):
     if not f:
         return None
     args = FILTER_ARG.match(f).groups()
     if args:
         return args[0]
@@ -67,49 +67,49 @@
 def prompt(ui, repo, fs='', **opts):
     '''get repository information for use in a shell prompt
-    Take a string and output it for use in a shell prompt. You can use 
+    Take a string and output it for use in a shell prompt. You can use
     keywords in curly braces::
         $ hg prompt "currently on {branch}"
         currently on default
     You can also use an extended form of any keyword::
         {optional text here{keyword}more optional text}
     This will expand the inner {keyword} and output it along with the extra
     text only if the {keyword} expands successfully.  This is useful if you
-    have a keyword that may not always apply to the current state and you 
+    have a keyword that may not always apply to the current state and you
     have some text that you would like to see only if it is appropriate::
         $ hg prompt "currently at {bookmark}"
-        currently at 
+        currently at
         $ hg prompt "{currently at {bookmark}}"
         $ hg bookmark my-bookmark
         $ hg prompt "{currently at {bookmark}}"
         currently at my-bookmark
     See 'hg help prompt-keywords' for a list of available keywords.
     def _branch(m):
         g = m.groups()
         branch = repo.dirstate.branch()
         quiet = _get_filter('quiet', g)
         out = branch if (not quiet) or (branch != 'default') else ''
         return _with_groups(g, out) if out else ''
     def _status(m):
         g = m.groups()
         st = repo.status(unknown=True)[:5]
         modified = any(st[:4])
         unknown = len(st[-1]) > 0
         flag = ''
         if '|modified' not in g and '|unknown' not in g:
             flag = '!' if modified else '?' if unknown else ''
@@ -118,49 +118,49 @@
                 flag += '!' if modified else ''
             if '|unknown' in g:
                 flag += '?' if unknown else ''
         return _with_groups(g, flag) if flag else ''
     def _bookmark(m):
             book = extensions.find('bookmarks').current(repo)
         except AttributeError:
             book = getattr(repo, '_bookmarkcurrent', None)
         return _with_groups(m.groups(), book) if book else ''
     def _tags(m):
         g = m.groups()
         sep = g[1][1:] if g[1] else ' '
         tags = repo[None].tags()
         return _with_groups(g, sep.join(tags)) if tags else ''
     def _count(m):
         g = m.groups()
         query = [g[1][1:]] if g[1] else ['all()']
         return _with_groups(g, str(len(cmdutil.revrange(repo, query))))
     def _task(m):
             task = extensions.find('tasks').current(repo)
             return _with_groups(m.groups(), task) if task else ''
         except KeyError:
             return ''
     def _patch(m):
         g = m.groups()
         except KeyError:
             return ''
         q = repo.mq
         if _get_filter('quiet', g) and not len(q.series):
             return ''
         if _get_filter('applied', g):
             out = str(len(q.applied))
         elif _get_filter('unapplied', g):
@@ -169,43 +169,43 @@
             out = str(len(q.series))
             out = q.applied[-1].name if q.applied else ''
         return _with_groups(g, out) if out else ''
     def _patches(m):
         g = m.groups()
         except KeyError:
             return ''
         join_filter = _get_filter('join', g)
         join_filter_arg = _get_filter_arg(join_filter)
         sep = join_filter_arg if join_filter else ' -> '
         patches = repo.mq.series
         applied = [p.name for p in repo.mq.applied]
         unapplied = filter(lambda p: p not in applied, patches)
         if _get_filter('hide_applied', g):
             patches = filter(lambda p: p not in applied, patches)
         if _get_filter('hide_unapplied', g):
             patches = filter(lambda p: p not in unapplied, patches)
         if _get_filter('reverse', g):
             patches = reversed(patches)
         pre_applied_filter = _get_filter('pre_applied', g)
         pre_applied_filter_arg = _get_filter_arg(pre_applied_filter)
         post_applied_filter = _get_filter('post_applied', g)
         post_applied_filter_arg = _get_filter_arg(post_applied_filter)
         pre_unapplied_filter = _get_filter('pre_unapplied', g)
         pre_unapplied_filter_arg = _get_filter_arg(pre_unapplied_filter)
         post_unapplied_filter = _get_filter('post_unapplied', g)
         post_unapplied_filter_arg = _get_filter_arg(post_unapplied_filter)
         for n, patch in enumerate(patches):
             if patch in applied:
                 if pre_applied_filter:
@@ -217,75 +217,75 @@
                     patches[n] = pre_unapplied_filter_arg + patches[n]
                 if post_unapplied_filter:
                     patches[n] = patches[n] + post_unapplied_filter_arg
         return _with_groups(g, sep.join(patches)) if patches else ''
     def _root(m):
         return _with_groups(m.groups(), repo.root) if repo.root else ''
     def _basename(m):
         return _with_groups(m.groups(), path.basename(repo.root)) if repo.root else ''
     def _update(m):
         if not repo.branchtags():
             # We are in an empty repository.
             return ''
         current_rev = repo[None].parents()[0]
         to = repo[repo.branchtags()[current_rev.branch()]]
         return _with_groups(m.groups(), '^') if current_rev != to else ''
     def _rev(m):
         g = m.groups()
         parents = repo[None].parents()
         parent = 0 if '|merge' not in g else 1
         parent = parent if len(parents) > parent else None
         rev = parents[parent].rev() if parent is not None else -1
         return _with_groups(g, str(rev)) if rev >= 0 else ''
     def _tip(m):
         g = m.groups()
         format = short if '|short' in g else hex
         tip = repo[len(repo) - 1]
         rev = tip.rev()
         tip = format(tip.node()) if '|node' in g else tip.rev()
         return _with_groups(g, str(tip)) if rev >= 0 else ''
     def _node(m):
         g = m.groups()
         parents = repo[None].parents()
         p = 0 if '|merge' not in g else 1
         p = p if len(parents) > p else None
         format = short if '|short' in g else hex
         node = format(parents[p].node()) if p is not None else None
         return _with_groups(g, str(node)) if node else ''
     def _remote(kind):
         def _r(m):
             g = m.groups()
             cache_dir = path.join(repo.root, CACHE_PATH)
             cache = path.join(cache_dir, kind)
             if not path.isdir(cache_dir):
             cache_exists = path.isfile(cache)
             cache_time = (datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(cache).st_mtime)
                           if cache_exists else None)
             if not cache_exists or cache_time < datetime.now() - CACHE_TIMEOUT:
                 if not cache_exists:
                     open(cache, 'w').close()
                 subprocess.Popen(['hg', 'prompt', '--cache-%s' % kind])
             if cache_exists:
                 with open(cache) as c:
                     count = len(c.readlines())
@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@
                 return ''
         return _r
     if opts.get("angle_brackets"):
         tag_start = r'\<([^><]*?\<)?'
         tag_end = r'(\>[^><]*?)?>'
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
         tag_start = r'\{([^{}]*?\{)?'
         tag_end = r'(\}[^{}]*?)?\}'
         brackets = '{}'
     patterns = {
         'bookmark': _bookmark,
         'branch(\|quiet)?': _branch,
@@ -345,17 +345,17 @@
             ')*': _tip,
         'update': _update,
         'incoming(\|count)?': _remote('incoming'),
         'outgoing(\|count)?': _remote('outgoing'),
     if opts.get("cache_incoming"):
         _cache_remote(repo, 'incoming')
     if opts.get("cache_outgoing"):
         _cache_remote(repo, 'outgoing')
     for tag, repl in patterns.items():
         fs = re.sub(tag_start + tag + tag_end, repl, fs)
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
     extensions.wrapcommand(commands.table, 'push', _push_with_cache)
 cmdtable = {
-    "prompt": 
+    "prompt":
     (prompt, [
         ('', 'angle-brackets', None, 'use angle brackets (<>) for keywords'),
         ('', 'cache-incoming', None, 'used internally by hg-prompt'),
@@ -401,159 +401,159 @@
      Display the current branch.
          Display the current branch only if it is not the default branch.
      Display the number of revisions in the given revset (the revset `all()`
      will be used if none is given.
      See `hg help revsets` for more information.
          The revset to count.
-     Display nothing, but if the default path contains incoming changesets the 
+     Display nothing, but if the default path contains incoming changesets the
      extra text will be expanded.
      For example: `{incoming changes{incoming}}` will expand to
      `incoming changes` if there are changes, otherwise nothing.
-     Checking for incoming changesets is an expensive operation, so `hg-prompt` 
-     will cache the results in `.hg/prompt/cache/` and refresh them every 15 
+     Checking for incoming changesets is an expensive operation, so `hg-prompt`
+     will cache the results in `.hg/prompt/cache/` and refresh them every 15
          Display the number of incoming changesets (if greater than 0).
      Display the (full) changeset hash of the current parent.
          Display the hash as the short, 12-character form.
          Display the hash of the changeset you're merging with.
-     Display nothing, but if the current repository contains outgoing 
+     Display nothing, but if the current repository contains outgoing
      changesets (to default) the extra text will be expanded.
      For example: `{outgoing changes{outgoing}}` will expand to
      `outgoing changes` if there are changes, otherwise nothing.
-     Checking for outgoing changesets is an expensive operation, so `hg-prompt` 
-     will cache the results in `.hg/prompt/cache/` and refresh them every 15 
+     Checking for outgoing changesets is an expensive operation, so `hg-prompt`
+     will cache the results in `.hg/prompt/cache/` and refresh them every 15
          Display the number of outgoing changesets (if greater than 0).
      Display the topmost currently-applied patch (requires the mq
          Display the number of patches in the queue.
          Display the number of currently applied patches in the queue.
          Display the number of currently unapplied patches in the queue.
          Display a number only if there are any patches in the queue.
      Display a list of the current patches in the queue.  It will look like
          $ hg prompt '{patches}'
          bottom-patch -> middle-patch -> top-patch
          Display the patches in reverse order (i.e. topmost first).
          Do not display applied patches.
          Do not display unapplied patches.
          Display SEP between each patch, instead of the default ` -> `.
          Display STRING immediately before each applied patch.  Useful for
          adding color codes.
          Display STRING immediately after each applied patch.  Useful for
          resetting color codes.
          Display STRING immediately before each unapplied patch.  Useful for
          adding color codes.
          Display STRING immediately after each unapplied patch.  Useful for
          resetting color codes.
      Display the repository-local changeset number of the current parent.
          Display the repository-local changeset number of the changeset you're
          merging with.
-     Display the full path to the root of the current repository, without a 
+     Display the full path to the root of the current repository, without a
      trailing slash.
-         Display the directory name of the root of the current repository. For 
+         Display the directory name of the root of the current repository. For
          example, if the repository is in `/home/u/myrepo` then this keyword
          would expand to `myrepo`.
-     Display `!` if the repository has any changed/added/removed files, 
-     otherwise `?` if it has any untracked (but not ignored) files, otherwise 
+     Display `!` if the repository has any changed/added/removed files,
+     otherwise `?` if it has any untracked (but not ignored) files, otherwise
-         Display `!` if the current repository contains files that have been 
+         Display `!` if the current repository contains files that have been
          modified, added, removed, or deleted, otherwise nothing.
-         Display `?` if the current repository contains untracked files, 
+         Display `?` if the current repository contains untracked files,
          otherwise nothing.
      Display the tags of the current parent, separated by a space.
          Display the tags of the current parent, separated by `SEP`.
      Display the current task (requires the tasks extension).
      Display the repository-local changeset number of the current tip.
          Display the (full) changeset hash of the current tip.
-         Display a short form of the changeset hash of the current tip (must be 
+         Display a short form of the changeset hash of the current tip (must be
          used with the **|node** filter)
-     Display `^` if the current parent is not the tip of the current branch, 
-     otherwise nothing.  In effect, this lets you see if running `hg update` 
+     Display `^` if the current parent is not the tip of the current branch,
+     otherwise nothing.  In effect, this lets you see if running `hg update`
      would do something.