tests/test_none.py @ ed22ce1f3057

o Daemonized the hg incoming/outgoing calls to increase responsiveness;
o Added zero option to incoming and outgoing that will expand 0 counts.
author Chris <doktorstick@gmail.com>
date Fri, 01 Jul 2016 17:52:18 -0500
parents 22fefa553086
children (none)
'''Test output without keywords.'''

from nose import *
from util import *

@with_setup(setup_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_blank():
    output = prompt(fs='')
    assert output == ''

@with_setup(setup_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_text():
    output = prompt(fs='test one two three')
    assert output == 'test one two three'

@with_setup(setup_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_invalid_keyword():
    output = prompt(fs='{invalidkeyword}')
    assert output == '{invalidkeyword}'