tests/test_branch.py @ cc789a5baf4a

Fix error with tags

Tags are defined on a commit, such as the current commit `repo['.']`.
They are not defined on the working directory, which `repo[None]` gives.
author Sietse Brouwer <sbbrouwer@gmail.com>
date Tue, 26 May 2020 15:08:02 +0200
parents 724156256017
children (none)
'''Test output of {branch}.'''

from nose import *
from util import *

@with_setup(setup_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_default_branch():
    output = prompt(fs='{branch}')
    assert output == 'default'
    output = prompt(fs='{on {branch}}')
    assert output == 'on default'

@with_setup(setup_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_non_default_branch():
    output = prompt(fs='{branch}')
    assert output == 'test'
    output = prompt(fs='{on the {branch} branch}')
    assert output == 'on the test branch'

@with_setup(setup_sandbox, teardown_sandbox)
def test_quiet_filter():
    output = prompt(fs='{branch|quiet}')
    assert output == ''
    output = prompt(fs='{on {branch|quiet}}')
    assert output == ''
    output = prompt(fs='{branch|quiet}')
    assert output == 'test'
    output = prompt(fs='{on the {branch|quiet} branch}')
    assert output == 'on the test branch'