docs/wiki/quickstart/index.mdown @ 0850e9a3c68b

Tear out incoming/outgoing functionality

This stuff is the most brittle part of hg-prompt, and I never use it.
I don't have the will to maintain it as Mercurial constantly breaks
backwards compatibility in their plugin API.  At this point I regret
ever writing a Mercurial extension.  I'm sick of the Hamster Wheel
of Backwards Incompatibility eating an hour of my life every time I
stupidly decide to upgrade my software.
author Steve Losh <>
date Sat, 02 Feb 2019 15:52:28 -0500
parents e35a2b4aa170
children (none)
Quick Start

This guide will get you up and running so you can put some useful information
into your shell prompt.

If you haven't already [installed][install] it, do that now.

[install]: /installation/

A Simple (But Useful) Prompt

Edit your `~/.bashrc` file to include something like this:

    hg_ps1() {
        hg prompt "{ on {branch}}{ at {bookmark}}{status}" 2> /dev/null
    export PS1='\u at \h in \w$(hg_ps1)\n$ '

`source ~/.bashrc` after to test it out. Make sure you're in a Mercurial
repository or you won't see anything. This little prompt will give you
something like this:

    steve at myhost in ~/src/hg-prompt on default at feature-bookmark?

An Advanced Prompt

How about something a little more interesting?

    hg_ps1() {
        hg prompt "{[+{incoming|count}]-->}{root|basename}{/{branch}}{-->[+{outgoing|count}]}{ at {bookmark}}{status}" 2> /dev/null
    export PS1='$(hg_ps1)\n\u at \h in \w\n$ '

And the result (this example assumes one incoming changeset and two outgoing):

    [+1]-->hg-prompt/default-->[+2] at feature-bookmark
    steve at myhost in ~/src/hg-prompt

Learn More

From here you can take a look at the [full documentation][] to see all the
interesting things `hg-prompt` can do.

[full documentation]: /documentation/