Add some preview buffer mappings and move the settings functions.
fixes issue 11
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Wed, 20 Oct 2010 19:35:33 -0400 (2010-10-20) |
parents |
children |
branches/tags |
(none) |
files |
plugin/gundo.vim |
--- a/plugin/gundo.vim Wed Oct 20 19:29:43 2010 -0400
+++ b/plugin/gundo.vim Wed Oct 20 19:35:33 2010 -0400
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
-"{{{ Gundo buffer mappings
+"{{{ Gundo buffer settings
function! s:GundoMapGraph()"{{{
nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> <CR> :call <sid>GundoRevert()<CR>
@@ -95,93 +95,15 @@
nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> k :call <sid>GundoMove(-1)<CR>
nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> gg gg:call <sid>GundoMove(1)<CR>
nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> P :call <sid>GundoPlayTo()<CR>
- nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> q :call <sid>GundoToggle()<CR>
- cabbrev <script> <silent> <buffer> q call <sid>GundoToggle()
- cabbrev <script> <silent> <buffer> quit call <sid>GundoToggle()
+ nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> q :call <sid>GundoClose()<CR>
+ cabbrev <script> <silent> <buffer> q call <sid>GundoClose()
+ cabbrev <script> <silent> <buffer> quit call <sid>GundoClose()
function! s:GundoMapPreview()"{{{
- return
-"{{{ Buffer/window management
-function! s:GundoResizeBuffers(backto)"{{{
- exe bufwinnr(bufnr('__Gundo__')) . "wincmd w"
- exe "vertical resize " . g:gundo_width
- exe bufwinnr(bufnr('__Gundo_Preview__')) . "wincmd w"
- exe "resize " . 15
- exe a:backto . "wincmd w"
-function! s:GundoOpenBuffer()"{{{
- let existing_gundo_buffer = bufnr("__Gundo__")
- if existing_gundo_buffer == -1
- exe bufwinnr(bufnr('__Gundo_Preview__')) . "wincmd w"
- exe "new __Gundo__"
- call s:GundoResizeBuffers(winnr())
- call s:GundoMapGraph()
- else
- let existing_gundo_window = bufwinnr(existing_gundo_buffer)
- if existing_gundo_window != -1
- if winnr() != existing_gundo_window
- exe existing_gundo_window . "wincmd w"
- endif
- else
- exe bufwinnr(bufnr('__Gundo_Preview__')) . "wincmd w"
- exe "split +buffer" . existing_gundo_buffer
- call s:GundoResizeBuffers(winnr())
- endif
- endif
-function! s:GundoClose(return_to)"{{{
- if bufwinnr(bufnr('__Gundo__')) != -1
- exe bufwinnr(bufnr('__Gundo__')) . "wincmd w"
- quit
- endif
- if bufwinnr(bufnr('__Gundo_Preview__')) != -1
- exe bufwinnr(bufnr('__Gundo_Preview__')) . "wincmd w"
- quit
- endif
- exe bufwinnr(a:return_to) . "wincmd w"
-function! s:GundoToggle()"{{{
- if expand('%') == "__Gundo__"
- call s:GundoClose(g:gundo_target_n)
- else
- if expand('%') != "__Gundo_Preview__"
- " Record the previous buffer number.
- "
- " This sucks because we're not getting the window number, and there
- " may be more than one window viewing the same buffer, so we might
- " go back to the wrong one.
- "
- " Unfortunately window numbers change as we open more windows.
- "
- " TODO: Figure out how to fix this.
- let g:gundo_target_n = bufnr('')
- let g:gundo_target_f = @%
- endif
- call s:GundoOpenPreview()
- exe bufwinnr(g:gundo_target_n) . "wincmd w"
- GundoRender
- " TODO: Move these lines into RenderPreview
- let target_line = matchstr(getline("."), '\v\[[0-9]+\]')
- let target_num = matchstr(target_line, '\v[0-9]+')
- call s:GundoRenderPreview(target_num)
- endif
+ nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> q :call <sid>GundoClose()<CR>
+ cabbrev <script> <silent> <buffer> q call <sid>GundoClose()
+ cabbrev <script> <silent> <buffer> quit call <sid>GundoClose()
function! s:GundoMarkPreviewBuffer()"{{{
@@ -226,6 +148,86 @@
hi def link GundoNumber Identifier
+"{{{ Buffer/window management
+function! s:GundoResizeBuffers(backto)"{{{
+ exe bufwinnr(bufnr('__Gundo__')) . "wincmd w"
+ exe "vertical resize " . g:gundo_width
+ exe bufwinnr(bufnr('__Gundo_Preview__')) . "wincmd w"
+ exe "resize " . 15
+ exe a:backto . "wincmd w"
+function! s:GundoOpenBuffer()"{{{
+ let existing_gundo_buffer = bufnr("__Gundo__")
+ if existing_gundo_buffer == -1
+ exe bufwinnr(bufnr('__Gundo_Preview__')) . "wincmd w"
+ exe "new __Gundo__"
+ call s:GundoResizeBuffers(winnr())
+ call s:GundoMapGraph()
+ else
+ let existing_gundo_window = bufwinnr(existing_gundo_buffer)
+ if existing_gundo_window != -1
+ if winnr() != existing_gundo_window
+ exe existing_gundo_window . "wincmd w"
+ endif
+ else
+ exe bufwinnr(bufnr('__Gundo_Preview__')) . "wincmd w"
+ exe "split +buffer" . existing_gundo_buffer
+ call s:GundoResizeBuffers(winnr())
+ endif
+ endif
+function! s:GundoClose()"{{{
+ if bufwinnr(bufnr('__Gundo__')) != -1
+ exe bufwinnr(bufnr('__Gundo__')) . "wincmd w"
+ quit
+ endif
+ if bufwinnr(bufnr('__Gundo_Preview__')) != -1
+ exe bufwinnr(bufnr('__Gundo_Preview__')) . "wincmd w"
+ quit
+ endif
+ exe bufwinnr(g:gundo_target_n) . "wincmd w"
+function! s:GundoToggle()"{{{
+ if expand('%') == "__Gundo__"
+ call s:GundoClose()
+ else
+ if expand('%') != "__Gundo_Preview__"
+ " Record the previous buffer number.
+ "
+ " This sucks because we're not getting the window number, and there
+ " may be more than one window viewing the same buffer, so we might
+ " go back to the wrong one.
+ "
+ " Unfortunately window numbers change as we open more windows.
+ "
+ " TODO: Figure out how to fix this.
+ let g:gundo_target_n = bufnr('')
+ let g:gundo_target_f = @%
+ endif
+ call s:GundoOpenPreview()
+ exe bufwinnr(g:gundo_target_n) . "wincmd w"
+ GundoRender
+ " TODO: Move these lines into RenderPreview
+ let target_line = matchstr(getline("."), '\v\[[0-9]+\]')
+ let target_num = matchstr(target_line, '\v[0-9]+')
+ call s:GundoRenderPreview(target_num)
+ endif
function! s:GundoOpenPreview()"{{{
let existing_preview_buffer = bufnr("__Gundo_Preview__")