
Map :q and :quit to close the gundo pane when you are in it.

fixes issue 10
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Wed, 20 Oct 2010 19:04:50 -0400 (2010-10-20)
parents 00a7b7471c1c
children ed2ba1f7cd27
branches/tags (none)
files plugin/gundo.vim


--- a/plugin/gundo.vim	Wed Oct 20 19:03:35 2010 -0400
+++ b/plugin/gundo.vim	Wed Oct 20 19:04:50 2010 -0400
@@ -112,6 +112,8 @@
         nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> gg    gg:call <sid>GundoMove(1)<CR>
         nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> P     :call <sid>GundoPlayTo()<CR>
         nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> q     :call <sid>GundoToggle()<CR>
+        cabbrev  <script> <silent> <buffer> q     call <sid>GundoToggle()
+        cabbrev  <script> <silent> <buffer> quit  call <sid>GundoToggle()
         let existing_gundo_window = bufwinnr(existing_gundo_buffer)