tests/bundled/ut/autoload/lh/UT.vim @ c839b22aa015

defer "can't load gundo" warning
Only inform that gundo didn't load when an attempt is made to invoke it.
Too many hosts still don't have vim 7.3, but I'd like to do a straight
update of my vimfiles from my dvcs without needing any fiddly
conditionals in order to load vim without a warning message.
author Seth Milliken <seth@janrain.com>
date Wed, 29 Dec 2010 15:16:33 -0800
parents 2b3d5ee5c4a4
children (none)
" $Id: UT.vim 193 2010-05-17 23:10:03Z luc.hermitte $
" File:         autoload/lh/UT.vim                                {{{1
" Author:       Luc Hermitte <EMAIL:hermitte {at} free {dot} fr>
"               <URL:http://code.google.com/p/lh-vim/>
" Version:      0.0.3
" Created:      11th Feb 2009
" Last Update:  $Date: 2010-05-17 19:10:03 -0400 (Mon, 17 May 2010) $
" Description:  Yet Another Unit Testing Framework for Vim 
" Installation: 
" 	Drop this file into {rtp}/autoload/lh/
" History:      
" 	Strongly inspired by Tom Link's tAssert plugin: all its functions are
" 	compatible with this framework.
" Features:
" - Assertion failures are reported in the quickfix window
" - Assertion syntax is simple, check Tom Link's suite, it's the same
" - Supports banged :Assert! to stop processing a given test on failed
"   assertions
" - All the s:Test* functions of a suite are executed (almost) independently
"   (i.e., a critical :Assert! failure will stop the Test of the function, and
"   lh#UT will proceed to the next s:Test function
" - Lightweight and simple to use: there is only one command defined, all the
"   other definitions are kept in an autoload plugin.
" - A suite == a file
" - Several s:TestXxx() per suite
" - +optional s:Setup(), s:Teardown()
" - Supports :Comment's ; :Comment takes an expression to evaluate
" - s:LocalFunctions(), s:variables, and l:variables are supported
" - Takes advantage of BuildToolsWrapper's :Copen command if installed
" - Count successful tests (and not successful assertions)
" - Short-cuts to run the Unit Tests associated to a given vim script
"   Relies on: Let-Modeline/local_vimrc/Project to set g:UTfiles (space
"   separated list of glob-able paths), and on lh-vim-lib#path
" - Command to exclude, or specify the tests to play => UTPlay, UTIgnore
" - Option g:UT_print_test to display, on assertion failure, the current test
"   name with the assertion failed.
" TODO:         
" - Always execute s:Teardown() -- move its call to a :finally bloc
" - Test in UTF-8 (because of <SNR>_ injection)
" - test under windows (where paths have spaces, etc)
" - What about s:/SNR pollution ? The tmpfile is reused, and there is no
"   guaranty a script will clean its own place
" - add &efm for viml errors like the one produced by :Assert 0 + [0]
"   and take into account the offset introduced by lines injected at the top of
"   the file
" - simplify s:errors functions
" - merge with Tom Link tAssert plugin? (the UI is quite different)
" - :AssertEquals that shows the name of both expressions and their values as
"   well -- a correct distinction of both parameters will be tricky with
"   regexes ; using functions will loose either the name, or the value in case
"   of local/script variables use ; we need macros /à la C/...
" - Support Embedded comments like for instance: 
"   Assert 1 == 1 " 1 must value 1
" - Ways to test buffers produced
" }}}1

let s:cpo_save=&cpo
set cpo&vim

" ## Functions {{{1
" # Debug {{{2
function! lh#UT#verbose(level)
  let s:verbose = a:level

function! s:Verbose(expr, ...)
  let lvl = a:0>0 ? a:1 : 1
  if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose >= lvl
    echomsg a:expr

function! lh#UT#debug(expr)
  return eval(a:expr)

" # Internal functions {{{2
" Sourcing a script doesn't imply a new entry with its name in :scriptnames
" As a consequence, the easiest thing to do is to reuse the same file over and
" over in a given vim session.
" This approach should be fine as long as there are less than 26 VimL testing vim
" sessions opened simultaneously.
let s:tempfile = tempname()

" s:errors
let s:errors = {
      \ 'qf'                    : [],
      \ 'crt_suite'             : {},
      \ 'nb_asserts'            : 0,
      \ 'nb_successful_asserts' : 0,
      \ 'nb_success'            : 0,
      \ 'suites'                : []
      \ }

function! s:errors.clear() dict
  let self.qf                    = []
  let self.nb_asserts            = 0
  let self.nb_successful_asserts = 0
  let self.nb_success            = 0
  let self.nb_tests              = 0
  let self.suites                = []
  let self.crt_suite             = {}

function! s:errors.display() dict
  let g:errors = self.qf
  cexpr self.qf

  " Open the quickfix window
  if exists(':Copen')
    " Defined in lh-BTW, make the windows as big as the number of errors, not
    " opened if there is no error

function! s:errors.set_current_SNR(SNR)
  let self.crt_suite.snr = a:SNR

function! s:errors.get_current_SNR()
  return self.crt_suite.snr

function! s:errors.add(FILE, LINE, message) dict
  let msg = a:FILE.':'.a:LINE.':'
  if lh#option#get('UT_print_test', 0, 'g') && has_key(s:errors, 'crt_test')
    let msg .= '['. s:errors.crt_test.name .'] '
  let msg.= a:message
  call add(self.qf, msg)

function! s:errors.add_test(test_name) dict
  call self.add_test(a:test_name)

function! s:errors.set_test_failed() dict
  if has_key(self, 'crt_test') 
    let self.crt_test.failed = 1

" Tests wrapper functions

function! s:RunOneTest(file) dict
    let s:errors.crt_test = self
    if has_key(s:errors.crt_suite, 'setup')
      let F = function(s:errors.get_current_SNR().'Setup')
      call F()
    let F = function(s:errors.get_current_SNR(). self.name)
    call F()
    if has_key(s:errors.crt_suite, 'teardown')
      let F = function(s:errors.get_current_SNR().'Teardown')
      call F()
  catch /Assert: abort/
    call s:errors.add(a:file, 
          \ matchstr(v:exception, '.*(\zs\d\+\ze)'),
          \ 'Test <'. self.name .'> execution aborted on critical assertion failure')
  catch /.*/
    let throwpoint = substitute(v:throwpoint, escape(s:tempfile, '.\'), a:file, 'g')
    let msg = throwpoint . ': '.v:exception
    call s:errors.add(a:file, 0, msg)
    unlet s:errors.crt_test

function! s:AddTest(test_name) dict
  let test = {
        \ 'name'   : a:test_name,
        \ 'run'    : function('s:RunOneTest'),
        \ 'failed' : 0
        \ }
  call add(self.tests, test)

" Suites wrapper functions

function! s:ConcludeSuite() dict
  call s:errors.add(self.file,0,  'SUITE<'. self.name.'> '. s:errors.nb_success .'/'. s:errors.nb_tests . ' tests successfully executed.')
  " call add(s:errors.qf, 'SUITE<'. self.name.'> '. s:rrors.nb_success .'/'. s:errors.nb_tests . ' tests successfully executed.')

function! s:PlayTests(...) dict
  call s:Verbose('Execute tests: '.join(a:000, ', '))
  call filter(self.tests, 'index(a:000, v:val.name) >= 0')
  call s:Verbose('Keeping tests: '.join(self.tests, ', '))

function! s:IgnoreTests(...) dict
  call s:Verbose('Ignoring tests: '.join(a:000, ', '))
  call filter(self.tests, 'index(a:000, v:val.name) < 0')
  call s:Verbose('Keeping tests: '.join(self.tests, ', '))

function! s:errors.new_suite(file) dict
  let suite = {
        \ 'scriptname'      : s:tempfile,
        \ 'file'            : a:file,
        \ 'tests'           : [],
        \ 'snr'             : '',
        \ 'add_test'        : function('s:AddTest'),
        \ 'conclude'        : function('s:ConcludeSuite'),
        \ 'play'            : function('s:PlayTests'),
        \ 'ignore'          : function('s:IgnoreTests'),
        \ 'nb_tests_failed' : 0
        \ }
  call add(self.suites, suite)
  let self.crt_suite = suite
  return suite

function! s:errors.set_suite(suite_name) dict
  let a = s:Decode(a:suite_name)
  call s:Verbose('SUITE <- '. a.expr, 1)
  call s:Verbose('SUITE NAME: '. a:suite_name, 2)
  " call self.add(a.file, a.line, 'SUITE <'. a.expr .'>')
  call self.add(a.file,0, 'SUITE <'. a.expr .'>')
  let self.crt_suite.name = a.expr
  " let self.crt_suite.file = a.file

function! s:Decode(expression)
  let filename = s:errors.crt_suite.file
  let expr = a:expression
  let line = matchstr(expr, '^\d\+')
  " echo filename.':'.line
  let expr = strpart(expr, strlen(line)+1)
  let res = { 'file':filename, 'line':line, 'expr':expr}
  call s:Verbose('decode:'. (res.file) .':'. (res.line) .':'. (res.expr), 2)
  return res

function! lh#UT#callback_decode(expression)
  return s:Decode(a:expression)

let s:k_commands = '\%(Assert\|UTSuite\|Comment\)'
let s:k_local_evaluate = [
      \ 'command! -bang -nargs=1 Assert '.
      \ 'let s:a = lh#UT#callback_decode(<q-args>) |'.
      \ 'let s:ok = !empty(eval(s:a.expr))  |'.
      \ 'exe "UTAssert<bang> ".s:ok." ".(<f-args>)|'
let s:k_getSNR   = [
      \ 'function! s:getSNR()',
      \ '  if !exists("s:SNR")',
      \ '    let s:SNR=matchstr(expand("<sfile>"), "<SNR>\\d\\+_\\zegetSNR$")',
      \ '  endif',
      \ '  return s:SNR', 
      \ 'endfunction',
      \ 'call lh#UT#callback_set_SNR(s:getSNR())',
      \ ''
      \ ]

function! s:PrepareFile(file)
  if !filereadable(a:file)
    call s:errors.add('-', 0, a:file . " can not be read")
  let file = escape(a:file, ' \')

  let lines = readfile(a:file)
  let need_to_know_SNR = 0
  let suite = s:errors.new_suite(a:file)

  let no = 0
  let last_line = len(lines)
  while no < last_line
    if lines[no] =~ '^\s*'.s:k_commands.'\>'
      let lines[no] = substitute(lines[no], '^\s*'.s:k_commands.'!\= \zs', (no+1).' ', '')

    elseif lines[no] =~ '^\s*function!\=\s\+s:Test'
      let test_name = matchstr(lines[no], '^\s*function!\=\s\+s:\zsTest\S\{-}\ze(')
      call suite.add_test(test_name)
    elseif lines[no] =~ '^\s*function!\=\s\+s:Teardown'
      let suite.teardown = 1
    elseif lines[no] =~ '^\s*function!\=\s\+s:Setup'
      let suite.setup = 1
    if lines[no] =~ '^\s*function!\=\s\+s:'
      let need_to_know_SNR = 1
    let no += 1

  " Inject s:getSNR() in the script if there is a s:Function in the Test script
  if need_to_know_SNR
    call extend(lines, s:k_getSNR, 0)
    let last_line += len(s:k_getSNR)

  " Inject local evualation of expressions in the script
  " => takes care of s:variables, s:Functions(), and l:variables
  call extend(lines, s:k_local_evaluate, 0)

  call writefile(lines, suite.scriptname)
  let g:lines=lines

function! s:RunOneFile(file)
    call s:PrepareFile(a:file)
    exe 'source '.s:tempfile

    let s:errors.nb_tests = len(s:errors.crt_suite.tests)
    if !empty(s:errors.crt_suite.tests)
      call s:Verbose('Executing tests: '.join(s:errors.crt_suite.tests, ', '))
      for test in s:errors.crt_suite.tests
        call test.run(a:file)
        let s:errors.nb_success += 1 - test.failed

  catch /Assert: abort/
    call s:errors.add(a:file, 
          \ matchstr(v:exception, '.*(\zs\d\+\ze)'),
          \ 'Suite <'. s:errors.crt_suite .'> execution aborted on critical assertion failure')
  catch /.*/
    let throwpoint = substitute(v:throwpoint, escape(s:tempfile, '.\'), a:file, 'g')
    let msg = throwpoint . ': '.v:exception
    call s:errors.add(a:file, 0, msg)
    call s:errors.crt_suite.conclude()
    " Never! the name must not be used by other Vim sessions
    " call delete(s:tempfile)

function! s:StripResultAndDecode(expr)
  " Function needed because of an odd degenerescence of vim: commands
  " eventually loose their '\'
  return s:Decode(matchstr(a:expr, '^\d\+\s\+\zs.*')) 

function! s:GetResult(expr)
  " Function needed because of an odd degenerescence of vim: commands
  " eventually loose their '\'
  return matchstr(a:expr, '^\d\+\ze\s\+.*') 

function! s:DefineCommands()
  " NB: variables are already interpreted, make it a function
  " command! -nargs=1 Assert call s:Assert(<q-args>)
  command! -bang -nargs=1 UTAssert 
        \ let s:a = s:StripResultAndDecode(<q-args>)                |
        \ let s:ok = s:GetResult(<q-args>)                         |
        \ let s:errors.nb_asserts += 1                                            |
        \ if ! s:ok                                                               |
        \    call s:errors.set_test_failed()                                      |
        \    call s:errors.add(s:a.file, s:a.line, 'assertion failed: '.s:a.expr) |
        \    if '<bang>' == '!'                                                   |
        \       throw "Assert: abort (".s:a.line.")"                              |
        \    endif                                                                |
        \ else                                                                    |
        \    let s:errors.nb_successful_asserts += 1                              |
        \ endif

  command! -nargs=1 Comment
        \ let s:a = s:Decode(<q-args>)                                            |
        \ call s:errors.add(s:a.file, s:a.line, eval(s:a.expr))
  command! -nargs=1 UTSuite call s:errors.set_suite(<q-args>)

  command! -nargs=+ UTPlay   call s:errors.crt_suite.play(<f-args>)
  command! -nargs=+ UTIgnore call s:errors.crt_suite.ignore(<f-args>)

function! s:UnDefineCommands()
  silent! delcommand Assert
  silent! delcommand UTAssert
  silent! command! -nargs=* UTSuite :echoerr "Use :UTRun and not :source on this script"<bar>finish
  silent! delcommand UTPlay
  silent! delcommand UTIgnore
" # callbacks {{{2
function! lh#UT#callback_set_SNR(SNR)
  call s:errors.set_current_SNR(a:SNR)

" # Main function {{{2
function! lh#UT#run(bang,...)
  " 1- clear the errors table
  let must_keep = a:bang == "!"
  if ! must_keep
    call s:errors.clear()

    " 2- define commands
    call s:DefineCommands()

    " 3- run every test
    let rtp = '.,'.&rtp
    let files = []
    for file in a:000
      let lFile = lh#path#glob_as_list(rtp, file)
      if len(lFile) > 0
	call add(files, lFile[0])

    for file in files
      call s:RunOneFile(file)
    call s:UnDefineCommands()
    call s:errors.display()

  " 3- Open the quickfix

let &cpo=s:cpo_save
" vim600: set fdm=marker:
" VIM: let g:UTfiles='tests/lh/UT*.vim'