tests/bundled/lh-vim-lib/autoload/lh/encoding.vim @ c839b22aa015

defer "can't load gundo" warning
Only inform that gundo didn't load when an attempt is made to invoke it.
Too many hosts still don't have vim 7.3, but I'd like to do a straight
update of my vimfiles from my dvcs without needing any fiddly
conditionals in order to load vim without a warning message.
author Seth Milliken <seth@janrain.com>
date Wed, 29 Dec 2010 15:16:33 -0800
parents 2b3d5ee5c4a4
children (none)
" $Id: encoding.vim 246 2010-09-19 22:40:58Z luc.hermitte $
" File:		autoload/lh/encoding.vim                               {{{1
" Author:	Luc Hermitte <EMAIL:hermitte {at} free {dot} fr>
"		<URL:http://code.google.com/p/lh-vim/>
" Version:	2.2.1
" Created:	21st Feb 2008
" Last Update:	$Date: 2010-09-19 18:40:58 -0400 (Sun, 19 Sep 2010) $
" Description:	
" 	Defines functions that help managing various encodings
" Installation:	
" 	Drop it into {rtp}/autoload/lh/
" 	Vim 7+ required.
" History:	
" 	v2.0.7:
" 	(*) lh#encoding#Iconv() copied from map-tools
" TODO:		«missing features»
" }}}1

let s:cpo_save=&cpo
set cpo&vim

" Function: lh#encoding#iconv(expr, from, to)  " {{{3
" Unlike |iconv()|, this wrapper returns {expr} when we know no convertion can
" be acheived.
function! lh#encoding#iconv(expr, from, to)
  " call Dfunc("s:ICONV(".a:expr.','.a:from.','.a:to.')')
  if has('multi_byte') && 
	\ ( has('iconv') || has('iconv/dyn') ||
	\ ((a:from=~'latin1\|utf-8') && (a:to=~'latin1\|utf-8')))
    " call confirm('encoding: '.&enc."\nto:".a:to, "&Ok", 1)
    " call Dret("s:ICONV convert=".iconv(a:expr, a:from, a:to))
    return iconv(a:expr,a:from,a:to)
    " Cannot convert
    " call Dret("s:ICONV  no convert=".a:expr)
    return a:expr

let &cpo=s:cpo_save
" vim600: set fdm=marker: