tests/bundled/lh-vim-lib/autoload/lh/askvim.vim @ c839b22aa015
defer "can't load gundo" warning
Only inform that gundo didn't load when an attempt is made to invoke it.
Too many hosts still don't have vim 7.3, but I'd like to do a straight
update of my vimfiles from my dvcs without needing any fiddly
conditionals in order to load vim without a warning message.
author |
Seth Milliken <seth@janrain.com> |
date |
Wed, 29 Dec 2010 15:16:33 -0800 |
parents |
2b3d5ee5c4a4 |
children |
(none) |
" $Id: askvim.vim 246 2010-09-19 22:40:58Z luc.hermitte $
" File: autoload/lh/askvim.vim {{{1
" Author: Luc Hermitte <EMAIL:hermitte {at} free {dot} fr>
" <URL:http://code.google.com/p/lh-vim/>
" Version: 2.2.1
" Created: 17th Apr 2007
" Last Update: $Date: 2010-09-19 18:40:58 -0400 (Sun, 19 Sep 2010) $ (17th Apr 2007)
" Description:
" Defines functions that asks vim what it is relinquish to tell us
" - menu
" Installation:
" Drop it into {rtp}/autoload/lh/
" Vim 7+ required.
" History:
" v2.0.0:
" TODO: «missing features»
" }}}1
let s:cpo_save=&cpo
set cpo&vim
" ## Functions {{{1
" # Debug {{{2
function! lh#askvim#verbose(level)
let s:verbose = a:level
function! s:Verbose(expr)
if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose
echomsg a:expr
function! lh#askvim#debug(expr)
return eval(a:expr)
" # Public {{{2
" Function: lh#askvim#exe(command) {{{3
function! lh#askvim#Exe(command)
echomsg 'lh#askvim#Exe() is deprecated, use lh#askvim#exe()'
return lh#askvim#exe(a:command)
function! lh#askvim#exe(command)
let save_a = @a
silent! redir @a
silent! exe a:command
redir END
" Always restore everything
let res = @a
let @a = save_a
return res
" Function: lh#askvim#menu(menuid) {{{3
function! s:AskOneMenu(menuact, res)
let sKnown_menus = lh#askvim#exe(a:menuact)
let lKnown_menus = split(sKnown_menus, '\n')
" echo string(lKnown_menus)
" 1- search for the menuid
" todo: fix the next line to correctly interpret "stuff\.stuff" and
" "stuff\\.stuff".
let menuid_parts = split(a:menuact, '\.')
let simplifiedKnown_menus = deepcopy(lKnown_menus)
call map(simplifiedKnown_menus, 'substitute(v:val, "&", "", "g")')
" let idx = lh#list#match(simplifiedKnown_menus, '^\d\+\s\+'.menuid_parts[-1])
let idx = match(simplifiedKnown_menus, '^\d\+\s\+'.menuid_parts[-1])
if idx == -1
" echo "not found"
" echo "l[".idx."]=".lKnown_menus[idx]
if empty(a:res)
let a:res.priority = matchstr(lKnown_menus[idx], '\d\+\ze\s\+.*')
let a:res.name = matchstr(lKnown_menus[idx], '\d\+\s\+\zs.*')
let a:res.actions = {}
" else
" what if the priority isn't the same?
" 2- search for the menu definition
let idx += 1
while idx != len(lKnown_menus)
echo "l[".idx."]=".lKnown_menus[idx]
" should not happen
if lKnown_menus[idx] =~ '^\d\+' | break | endif
" :h showing-menus
" -> The format of the result of the call to Exe() seems to be:
" ^ssssMns-sACTION$
" s == 1 whitespace
" M == mode (inrvcs)
" n == noremap(*)/script(&)
" - == disable(-)/of not
let act = {}
let menu_def = matchlist(lKnown_menus[idx],
\ '^\s*\([invocs]\)\([&* ]\) \([- ]\) \(.*\)$')
if len(menu_def) > 4
let act.mode = menu_def[1]
let act.nore_script = menu_def[2]
let act.disabled = menu_def[3]
let act.action = menu_def[4]
echomsg string(menu_def)
echoerr "lh#askvim#menu(): Cannot decode ``".lKnown_menus[idx]."''"
let a:res.actions["mode_" . act.mode] = act
let idx += 1
" n- Return the result
return a:res
function! lh#askvim#menu(menuid, modes)
let res = {}
let i = 0
while i != strlen(a:modes)
call s:AskOneMenu(a:modes[i].'menu '.a:menuid, res)
let i += 1
return res
" Functions }}}1
let &cpo=s:cpo_save
" vim600: set fdm=marker: