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Merge pull request #9 from pkoch/master

Add option to close gundo on revert.
author Steve Losh <>
date Mon, 09 May 2011 15:03:11 -0700
parents 09ee9f0039e5
children 8aeb6a1a36e4
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                <h2>Graph your Vim undo tree in style.</h2>
                <a href=""
                   title="gundo by stevelosh, on Flickr"
                ><img src=""
                   width="234" height="240" alt="gundo" /></a>

                    You know that Vim lets you undo changes like any text editor. What you might
                    not know is that it doesn't just keep a list of your changes &mdash; it keeps
                    a goddamed <a href="">tree</a> of them.

                    Say you make a change (call it X), undo that change, and then make another
                    change (call it Y). With most editors, change X is now gone forever. With Vim
                    you can get it back.

                    The problem is that trying to do this in the real world is painful. Vim gives
                    you an <code>:undolist</code> command that shows you the leaves of the tree. Good luck
                    finding the change you want in that list.

                    Gundo is a plugin to make browsing this ridiculously powerful undo tree less

                    Check out this
                    <a href="">quick screencast</a>
                    if you want to see it in action.
                    <li><a href="#requirements">Requirements</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#installation">Installation</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#usage">Usage</a></li>
                        <a href="#configuration">Configuration</a>
                            <li><a href="#gundo_width">g:gundo_width</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#gundo_preview_height">g:gundo_preview_height</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#gundo_preview_bottom">g:gundo_preview_bottom</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#gundo_right">g:gundo_right</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#gundo_help">g:gundo_help</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#gundo_disable">g:gundo_disable</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#gundo_map_move">g:gundo_map_move_[older/newer]</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#license">License</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#bugs">Bugs</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#contributing">Contributing</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#changelog">Changelog</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#credits">Credits</a></li>
                <a name="requirements"></a>

                    Gundo requires Vim 7.3+ compiled with Python support, and Python 2.4+.
                <a name="installation"></a>

                <p>Use Pathogen. Don't use pathogen? Start.</p>
                <pre>hg clone ~/.vim/bundle/gundo</pre>

                <p>There's a git mirror if you prefer:</p>
                <pre>git clone ~/.vim/bundle/gundo</pre>

                <p>Add a mapping to your ~/.vimrc (change the key to suit your taste):</p>
                <pre>nnoremap &lt;F5&gt; :GundoToggle&lt;CR&gt;</pre>
                <a name="usage"></a>

                    We'll get to the technical details later, but if you're a human the first
                    thing you need to do is add a mapping to your vimrc file to toggle the undo

                <pre>nnoremap &lt;F5&gt; :GundoToggle&lt;CR&gt;</pre>

                    Change the mapped key to suit your taste. We'll stick with <code>&lt;F5&gt;</code> because that's
                    what the author uses.

                    Now you can press <code>&lt;F5&gt;</code> to toggle the undo graph and preview pane, which will
                    look something like this:

  Undo graph                          File
| " Gundo for something.txt [1]     |one                        |
| " j/k  - move between undo states |two                        |
| " &lt;cr&gt; - revert to that state     |three                      |
|                                   |five                       |
| @  [5] 3 hours ago                |                           |
| |                                 |                           |
| | o  [4] 4 hours ago              |                           |
| | |                               |                           |
| o |  [3] 4 hours ago              |                           |
| | |                               |                           |
| o |  [2] 4 hours ago              |                           |
| |/                                |                           |
| o  [1] 4 hours ago                |                           |
| |                                 |                           |
| o  [0] Original                   |                           |
+-----------------------------------+                           |
| --- 3 2010-10-12 06:27:35 PM      |                           |
| +++ 5 2010-10-12 07:38:37 PM      |                           |
| @@ -1,3 +1,4                      |                           |
|  one                              |                           |
|  two                              |                           |
|  three                            |                           |
| +five                             |                           |
  Preview pane

                    Your current position in the undo tree is marked with an <code>@</code> character. Other
                    nodes are marked with an <code>o</code> character.

                    When you toggle open the graph Gundo will put your cursor on your current
                    position in the tree. You can move up and down the graph with the <code>j</code> and
                    <code>k</code> keys.

                    You can move to the top of the graph (the newest state) with <code>gg</code> and to the
                    bottom of the graph (the oldest state) with <code>G</code>.

                    As you move between undo states the preview pane will show you a unified diff
                    of the change that state made.

                    Pressing <code>return</code> on a state (or double clicking on it) will
                    revert the contents of the file to match that state.

                    You can use <code>p</code> on a state to make the preview window show the
                    diff between your current state and the selected state, instead of a preview
                    of what the selected state changed.

                    Pressing <code>P</code> while on a state will initiate "play to" mode targeted at that
                    state. This will replay all the changes between your current state and the
                    target, with a slight pause after each change. It's mostly useless, but can be
                    fun to watch and see where your editing lags &mdash; that might be a good place to
                    define a new mapping to speed up your editing.

                    Pressing <code>q</code> while in the undo graph will close it.  You can also just press your
                    toggle mapping key.
                <a name="configuration"></a>

                    You can tweak the behavior of Gundo by setting a few variables
                    in your :vimrc file. For example:

let g:gundo_width = 60
let g:gundo_preview_height = 40
let g:gundo_right = 1

                <a name="gundo_width"></a>

                <p>Set the horizontal width of the Gundo graph (and preview).</p>

                <p>Default: 45</p>

                <a name="gundo_preview_height"></a>

                <p>Set the vertical height of the Gundo preview.</p>

                <p>Default: 15</p>

                <a name="gundo_preview_bottom"></a>

                    Force the preview window below current windows instead of below
                    the graph.  This gives the preview window more space to show the
                    unified diff.


+--------+            +--------+
!g!      !            !      !g!
!g!      !     or     !      !g!
!g!______!            !______!g!
!g!pppppp!            !pppppp!g!
+--------+            +--------+

                <p>Default: 0</p>

                <a name="gundo_right"></a>

                    Set this to 1 to make the Gundo graph (and preview) open on the
                    right side instead of the left.

                <p>Default: 0 (off, open on the left side)</p>

                <a name="gundo_help"></a>

                <p>Set this to 0 to disable the help text in the Gundo graph window.</p>

                <p>Default: 1 (show the help)</p>

                <a name="gundo_disable"></a>

                <p>Set this to 1 to disable Gundo entirely.</p>

                    Useful if you use the same <code>~/.vim</code> folder on
                    multiple machines, and some of them may not have Python support.

                <p>Default: 0 (Gundo is enabled as usual)</p>

                <a name="gundo_map_move"></a>

                    These options let you change the keys that navigate the
                    undo graph. This is useful if you use a Dvorak keyboard and
                    have changed your movement keys.

                    gundo_map_move_older: "j"<br/>
                    gundo_map_move_newer: "k"
                <a name="license"></a>

                <p><a href="">GPLv2+</a>.</p>
                <a name="bugs"></a>

                    If you find a bug please post it on the
                    <a href="">issue tracker</a>.
                <a name="contributing"></a>

                    Fork the repository on
                    <a href="">BitBucket</a>
                    <a href="">GitHub</a>
                    and send a pull request.

                <p>Make sure you document your changes in the following places:</p>

                    <li>The <code>README.markdown</code> file.</li>
                    <li>The <code>site/index.html</code> file.</li>
                    <li>The <code>doc/gundo.txt</code> file.</li>
                <a name="changelog"></a>
                <ol class="changelog">
                                Fix a bug with the movement key mappings.
                                Warnings about having an incompatible Vim and/or
                                Python installation are now deferred until the
                                first time you try to use Gundo, instead of being
                                displayed on launch.
                                The <code>j</code> and <code>k</code> mappings are
                                now configurable with
                                <code>g:gundo_map_move_older</code> and
                                The <code>o</code>, <code>Up</code> and
                                <code>Down</code> keys are now mapped in the
                                Gundo pane.
                                Improve and add several unit tests for Gundo.
                                Make <code>GundoToggle</code> close the Gundo windows if they're
                                visible but not the current window, instead of moving to them.
                            <li>Add the <code>g:gundo_disable</code> setting.</li>
                            <li>Add the <code>g:gundo_help</code> setting.</li>
                                Add the <code>p</code> mapping to preview the result of
                                reverting to the selected state.
                            <li>Fix movement commands with counts in the graph.</li>
                            <li>Initial stable release.</li>
                <a name="credits"></a>
                    The graphing code was all taken from Mercurial, hence the
                    GPLv2+ license.

                    The plugin was heavily inspired by histwin.vim, and the code
                    for scratch.vim helped the author get started.
                Gundo was written by
                <a href="">Steve Losh</a>
                with a lot of help from others.