tests/bundled/ut/autoload/lh/UT.vim @ a3ab3da8805a

tests: remove unnecessary cpo saving
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Thu, 09 Dec 2010 19:34:46 -0500
parents 2b3d5ee5c4a4
children (none)
" $Id: UT.vim 193 2010-05-17 23:10:03Z luc.hermitte $
" File:         autoload/lh/UT.vim                                {{{1
" Author:       Luc Hermitte <EMAIL:hermitte {at} free {dot} fr>
"               <URL:http://code.google.com/p/lh-vim/>
" Version:      0.0.3
" Created:      11th Feb 2009
" Last Update:  $Date: 2010-05-17 19:10:03 -0400 (Mon, 17 May 2010) $
" Description:  Yet Another Unit Testing Framework for Vim 
" Installation: 
" 	Drop this file into {rtp}/autoload/lh/
" History:      
" 	Strongly inspired by Tom Link's tAssert plugin: all its functions are
" 	compatible with this framework.
" Features:
" - Assertion failures are reported in the quickfix window
" - Assertion syntax is simple, check Tom Link's suite, it's the same
" - Supports banged :Assert! to stop processing a given test on failed
"   assertions
" - All the s:Test* functions of a suite are executed (almost) independently
"   (i.e., a critical :Assert! failure will stop the Test of the function, and
"   lh#UT will proceed to the next s:Test function
" - Lightweight and simple to use: there is only one command defined, all the
"   other definitions are kept in an autoload plugin.
" - A suite == a file
" - Several s:TestXxx() per suite
" - +optional s:Setup(), s:Teardown()
" - Supports :Comment's ; :Comment takes an expression to evaluate
" - s:LocalFunctions(), s:variables, and l:variables are supported
" - Takes advantage of BuildToolsWrapper's :Copen command if installed
" - Count successful tests (and not successful assertions)
" - Short-cuts to run the Unit Tests associated to a given vim script
"   Relies on: Let-Modeline/local_vimrc/Project to set g:UTfiles (space
"   separated list of glob-able paths), and on lh-vim-lib#path
" - Command to exclude, or specify the tests to play => UTPlay, UTIgnore
" - Option g:UT_print_test to display, on assertion failure, the current test
"   name with the assertion failed.
" TODO:         
" - Always execute s:Teardown() -- move its call to a :finally bloc
" - Test in UTF-8 (because of <SNR>_ injection)
" - test under windows (where paths have spaces, etc)
" - What about s:/SNR pollution ? The tmpfile is reused, and there is no
"   guaranty a script will clean its own place
" - add &efm for viml errors like the one produced by :Assert 0 + [0]
"   and take into account the offset introduced by lines injected at the top of
"   the file
" - simplify s:errors functions
" - merge with Tom Link tAssert plugin? (the UI is quite different)
" - :AssertEquals that shows the name of both expressions and their values as
"   well -- a correct distinction of both parameters will be tricky with
"   regexes ; using functions will loose either the name, or the value in case
"   of local/script variables use ; we need macros /à la C/...
" - Support Embedded comments like for instance: 
"   Assert 1 == 1 " 1 must value 1
" - Ways to test buffers produced
" }}}1

let s:cpo_save=&cpo
set cpo&vim

" ## Functions {{{1
" # Debug {{{2
function! lh#UT#verbose(level)
  let s:verbose = a:level

function! s:Verbose(expr, ...)
  let lvl = a:0>0 ? a:1 : 1
  if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose >= lvl
    echomsg a:expr

function! lh#UT#debug(expr)
  return eval(a:expr)

" # Internal functions {{{2
" Sourcing a script doesn't imply a new entry with its name in :scriptnames
" As a consequence, the easiest thing to do is to reuse the same file over and
" over in a given vim session.
" This approach should be fine as long as there are less than 26 VimL testing vim
" sessions opened simultaneously.
let s:tempfile = tempname()

" s:errors
let s:errors = {
      \ 'qf'                    : [],
      \ 'crt_suite'             : {},
      \ 'nb_asserts'            : 0,
      \ 'nb_successful_asserts' : 0,
      \ 'nb_success'            : 0,
      \ 'suites'                : []
      \ }

function! s:errors.clear() dict
  let self.qf                    = []
  let self.nb_asserts            = 0
  let self.nb_successful_asserts = 0
  let self.nb_success            = 0
  let self.nb_tests              = 0
  let self.suites                = []
  let self.crt_suite             = {}

function! s:errors.display() dict
  let g:errors = self.qf
  cexpr self.qf

  " Open the quickfix window
  if exists(':Copen')
    " Defined in lh-BTW, make the windows as big as the number of errors, not
    " opened if there is no error

function! s:errors.set_current_SNR(SNR)
  let self.crt_suite.snr = a:SNR

function! s:errors.get_current_SNR()
  return self.crt_suite.snr

function! s:errors.add(FILE, LINE, message) dict
  let msg = a:FILE.':'.a:LINE.':'
  if lh#option#get('UT_print_test', 0, 'g') && has_key(s:errors, 'crt_test')
    let msg .= '['. s:errors.crt_test.name .'] '
  let msg.= a:message
  call add(self.qf, msg)

function! s:errors.add_test(test_name) dict
  call self.add_test(a:test_name)

function! s:errors.set_test_failed() dict
  if has_key(self, 'crt_test') 
    let self.crt_test.failed = 1

" Tests wrapper functions

function! s:RunOneTest(file) dict
    let s:errors.crt_test = self
    if has_key(s:errors.crt_suite, 'setup')
      let F = function(s:errors.get_current_SNR().'Setup')
      call F()
    let F = function(s:errors.get_current_SNR(). self.name)
    call F()
    if has_key(s:errors.crt_suite, 'teardown')
      let F = function(s:errors.get_current_SNR().'Teardown')
      call F()
  catch /Assert: abort/
    call s:errors.add(a:file, 
          \ matchstr(v:exception, '.*(\zs\d\+\ze)'),
          \ 'Test <'. self.name .'> execution aborted on critical assertion failure')
  catch /.*/
    let throwpoint = substitute(v:throwpoint, escape(s:tempfile, '.\'), a:file, 'g')
    let msg = throwpoint . ': '.v:exception
    call s:errors.add(a:file, 0, msg)
    unlet s:errors.crt_test

function! s:AddTest(test_name) dict
  let test = {
        \ 'name'   : a:test_name,
        \ 'run'    : function('s:RunOneTest'),
        \ 'failed' : 0
        \ }
  call add(self.tests, test)

" Suites wrapper functions

function! s:ConcludeSuite() dict
  call s:errors.add(self.file,0,  'SUITE<'. self.name.'> '. s:errors.nb_success .'/'. s:errors.nb_tests . ' tests successfully executed.')
  " call add(s:errors.qf, 'SUITE<'. self.name.'> '. s:rrors.nb_success .'/'. s:errors.nb_tests . ' tests successfully executed.')

function! s:PlayTests(...) dict
  call s:Verbose('Execute tests: '.join(a:000, ', '))
  call filter(self.tests, 'index(a:000, v:val.name) >= 0')
  call s:Verbose('Keeping tests: '.join(self.tests, ', '))

function! s:IgnoreTests(...) dict
  call s:Verbose('Ignoring tests: '.join(a:000, ', '))
  call filter(self.tests, 'index(a:000, v:val.name) < 0')
  call s:Verbose('Keeping tests: '.join(self.tests, ', '))

function! s:errors.new_suite(file) dict
  let suite = {
        \ 'scriptname'      : s:tempfile,
        \ 'file'            : a:file,
        \ 'tests'           : [],
        \ 'snr'             : '',
        \ 'add_test'        : function('s:AddTest'),
        \ 'conclude'        : function('s:ConcludeSuite'),
        \ 'play'            : function('s:PlayTests'),
        \ 'ignore'          : function('s:IgnoreTests'),
        \ 'nb_tests_failed' : 0
        \ }
  call add(self.suites, suite)
  let self.crt_suite = suite
  return suite

function! s:errors.set_suite(suite_name) dict
  let a = s:Decode(a:suite_name)
  call s:Verbose('SUITE <- '. a.expr, 1)
  call s:Verbose('SUITE NAME: '. a:suite_name, 2)
  " call self.add(a.file, a.line, 'SUITE <'. a.expr .'>')
  call self.add(a.file,0, 'SUITE <'. a.expr .'>')
  let self.crt_suite.name = a.expr
  " let self.crt_suite.file = a.file

function! s:Decode(expression)
  let filename = s:errors.crt_suite.file
  let expr = a:expression
  let line = matchstr(expr, '^\d\+')
  " echo filename.':'.line
  let expr = strpart(expr, strlen(line)+1)
  let res = { 'file':filename, 'line':line, 'expr':expr}
  call s:Verbose('decode:'. (res.file) .':'. (res.line) .':'. (res.expr), 2)
  return res

function! lh#UT#callback_decode(expression)
  return s:Decode(a:expression)

let s:k_commands = '\%(Assert\|UTSuite\|Comment\)'
let s:k_local_evaluate = [
      \ 'command! -bang -nargs=1 Assert '.
      \ 'let s:a = lh#UT#callback_decode(<q-args>) |'.
      \ 'let s:ok = !empty(eval(s:a.expr))  |'.
      \ 'exe "UTAssert<bang> ".s:ok." ".(<f-args>)|'
let s:k_getSNR   = [
      \ 'function! s:getSNR()',
      \ '  if !exists("s:SNR")',
      \ '    let s:SNR=matchstr(expand("<sfile>"), "<SNR>\\d\\+_\\zegetSNR$")',
      \ '  endif',
      \ '  return s:SNR', 
      \ 'endfunction',
      \ 'call lh#UT#callback_set_SNR(s:getSNR())',
      \ ''
      \ ]

function! s:PrepareFile(file)
  if !filereadable(a:file)
    call s:errors.add('-', 0, a:file . " can not be read")
  let file = escape(a:file, ' \')

  let lines = readfile(a:file)
  let need_to_know_SNR = 0
  let suite = s:errors.new_suite(a:file)

  let no = 0
  let last_line = len(lines)
  while no < last_line
    if lines[no] =~ '^\s*'.s:k_commands.'\>'
      let lines[no] = substitute(lines[no], '^\s*'.s:k_commands.'!\= \zs', (no+1).' ', '')

    elseif lines[no] =~ '^\s*function!\=\s\+s:Test'
      let test_name = matchstr(lines[no], '^\s*function!\=\s\+s:\zsTest\S\{-}\ze(')
      call suite.add_test(test_name)
    elseif lines[no] =~ '^\s*function!\=\s\+s:Teardown'
      let suite.teardown = 1
    elseif lines[no] =~ '^\s*function!\=\s\+s:Setup'
      let suite.setup = 1
    if lines[no] =~ '^\s*function!\=\s\+s:'
      let need_to_know_SNR = 1
    let no += 1

  " Inject s:getSNR() in the script if there is a s:Function in the Test script
  if need_to_know_SNR
    call extend(lines, s:k_getSNR, 0)
    let last_line += len(s:k_getSNR)

  " Inject local evualation of expressions in the script
  " => takes care of s:variables, s:Functions(), and l:variables
  call extend(lines, s:k_local_evaluate, 0)

  call writefile(lines, suite.scriptname)
  let g:lines=lines

function! s:RunOneFile(file)
    call s:PrepareFile(a:file)
    exe 'source '.s:tempfile

    let s:errors.nb_tests = len(s:errors.crt_suite.tests)
    if !empty(s:errors.crt_suite.tests)
      call s:Verbose('Executing tests: '.join(s:errors.crt_suite.tests, ', '))
      for test in s:errors.crt_suite.tests
        call test.run(a:file)
        let s:errors.nb_success += 1 - test.failed

  catch /Assert: abort/
    call s:errors.add(a:file, 
          \ matchstr(v:exception, '.*(\zs\d\+\ze)'),
          \ 'Suite <'. s:errors.crt_suite .'> execution aborted on critical assertion failure')
  catch /.*/
    let throwpoint = substitute(v:throwpoint, escape(s:tempfile, '.\'), a:file, 'g')
    let msg = throwpoint . ': '.v:exception
    call s:errors.add(a:file, 0, msg)
    call s:errors.crt_suite.conclude()
    " Never! the name must not be used by other Vim sessions
    " call delete(s:tempfile)

function! s:StripResultAndDecode(expr)
  " Function needed because of an odd degenerescence of vim: commands
  " eventually loose their '\'
  return s:Decode(matchstr(a:expr, '^\d\+\s\+\zs.*')) 

function! s:GetResult(expr)
  " Function needed because of an odd degenerescence of vim: commands
  " eventually loose their '\'
  return matchstr(a:expr, '^\d\+\ze\s\+.*') 

function! s:DefineCommands()
  " NB: variables are already interpreted, make it a function
  " command! -nargs=1 Assert call s:Assert(<q-args>)
  command! -bang -nargs=1 UTAssert 
        \ let s:a = s:StripResultAndDecode(<q-args>)                |
        \ let s:ok = s:GetResult(<q-args>)                         |
        \ let s:errors.nb_asserts += 1                                            |
        \ if ! s:ok                                                               |
        \    call s:errors.set_test_failed()                                      |
        \    call s:errors.add(s:a.file, s:a.line, 'assertion failed: '.s:a.expr) |
        \    if '<bang>' == '!'                                                   |
        \       throw "Assert: abort (".s:a.line.")"                              |
        \    endif                                                                |
        \ else                                                                    |
        \    let s:errors.nb_successful_asserts += 1                              |
        \ endif

  command! -nargs=1 Comment
        \ let s:a = s:Decode(<q-args>)                                            |
        \ call s:errors.add(s:a.file, s:a.line, eval(s:a.expr))
  command! -nargs=1 UTSuite call s:errors.set_suite(<q-args>)

  command! -nargs=+ UTPlay   call s:errors.crt_suite.play(<f-args>)
  command! -nargs=+ UTIgnore call s:errors.crt_suite.ignore(<f-args>)

function! s:UnDefineCommands()
  silent! delcommand Assert
  silent! delcommand UTAssert
  silent! command! -nargs=* UTSuite :echoerr "Use :UTRun and not :source on this script"<bar>finish
  silent! delcommand UTPlay
  silent! delcommand UTIgnore
" # callbacks {{{2
function! lh#UT#callback_set_SNR(SNR)
  call s:errors.set_current_SNR(a:SNR)

" # Main function {{{2
function! lh#UT#run(bang,...)
  " 1- clear the errors table
  let must_keep = a:bang == "!"
  if ! must_keep
    call s:errors.clear()

    " 2- define commands
    call s:DefineCommands()

    " 3- run every test
    let rtp = '.,'.&rtp
    let files = []
    for file in a:000
      let lFile = lh#path#glob_as_list(rtp, file)
      if len(lFile) > 0
	call add(files, lFile[0])

    for file in files
      call s:RunOneFile(file)
    call s:UnDefineCommands()
    call s:errors.display()

  " 3- Open the quickfix

let &cpo=s:cpo_save
" vim600: set fdm=marker:
" VIM: let g:UTfiles='tests/lh/UT*.vim'