plugin/gundo.vim @ 715b023f84bf

author Steve Losh <>
date Fri, 08 Oct 2010 19:24:25 -0400
parents 39ffb4522c37
children f5aa9bd91d30
" ============================================================================
" File:        gundo.vim
" Description: vim global plugin to visualizer your undo tree
" Maintainer:  Steve Losh <>
" License:     GPLv2+ -- look it up.
" ============================================================================
"if exists('loaded_gundo') || &cp

"let loaded_gundo = 1

if !exists('g:gundo_width')
    let g:gundo_width = 20

function! s:GundoOpenBuffer()
    let existing_gundo_buffer = bufnr("__Gundo__")

    if existing_gundo_buffer == -1
        exe "vnew __Gundo__"
        wincmd H
        exe "vertical resize " . g:gundo_width
        let existing_gundo_window = bufwinnr(existing_gundo_buffer)

        if existing_gundo_window != -1
            if winnr() != existing_gundo_window
                exe existing_gundo_window . "wincmd w"
            exe "vsplit +buffer" . existing_gundo_buffer
            wincmd H
            exe "vertical resize " . g:gundo_width

function! s:GundoToggle()
    if expand('%') == "__Gundo__"

function! s:GundoMarkBuffer()
    setlocal buftype=nofile
    setlocal bufhidden=hide
    setlocal noswapfile
    setlocal buflisted
    setlocal nomodifiable

function! s:GundoRender()
python << ENDPYTHON
import vim

normal = lambda s: vim.command('normal %s' % s)

ut = vim.eval('undotree()')
tip = ut['seq_last']
current = ut['seq_cur']
entries = ut['entries']

class Buffer(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.b = ''
    def write(self, s):
        self.b += s

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self, n, parent):
        self.n = int(n)
        self.parent = parent
        self.children = []

    def pprint(self, indent=0):
        print '%sn%d -> %s, %s\n' % (
                  '    ' * indent,
                  self.parent.n if self.parent else 'n/a',
                  [c.n for c in self.children]),
        for c in self.children:

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Node: %s' % str(self.n)

root = Node(0, None)

nodes = []
def make_nodes(alts, parent=None):
    p = parent

    for alt in alts:
        node = Node(n=alt['seq'], parent=p)
        if alt.get('alt'):
            make_nodes(alt['alt'], parent=p)
        p = node

    return nodes
make_nodes(entries, root)

for node in nodes:
    node.children = [n for n in nodes if n.parent == node]

tips = [node for node in nodes if not node.children]

def walk_nodes(nodes):
    for node in nodes:
        yield(node, [node.parent] if node.parent else [])

def asciiedges(seen, rev, parents):
    """adds edge info to changelog DAG walk suitable for ascii()"""
    if rev not in seen:
    nodeidx = seen.index(rev)

    knownparents = []
    newparents = []
    for parent in parents:
        if parent in seen:

    ncols = len(seen)
    seen[nodeidx:nodeidx + 1] = newparents
    edges = [(nodeidx, seen.index(p)) for p in knownparents]

    if len(newparents) > 0:
        edges.append((nodeidx, nodeidx))
    if len(newparents) > 1:
        edges.append((nodeidx, nodeidx + 1))

    nmorecols = len(seen) - ncols
    return nodeidx, edges, ncols, nmorecols

def get_nodeline_edges_tail(
        node_index, p_node_index, n_columns, n_columns_diff, p_diff, fix_tail):
    if fix_tail and n_columns_diff == p_diff and n_columns_diff != 0:
        # Still going in the same non-vertical direction.
        if n_columns_diff == -1:
            start = max(node_index + 1, p_node_index)
            tail = ["|", " "] * (start - node_index - 1)
            tail.extend(["/", " "] * (n_columns - start))
            return tail
            return ["\\", " "] * (n_columns - node_index - 1)
        return ["|", " "] * (n_columns - node_index - 1)

def draw_edges(edges, nodeline, interline):
    for (start, end) in edges:
        if start == end + 1:
            interline[2 * end + 1] = "/"
        elif start == end - 1:
            interline[2 * start + 1] = "\\"
        elif start == end:
            interline[2 * start] = "|"
            nodeline[2 * end] = "+"
            if start > end:
                (start, end) = (end, start)
            for i in range(2 * start + 1, 2 * end):
                if nodeline[i] != "+":
                    nodeline[i] = "-"

def ascii(buf, state, type, char, text, coldata):
    """prints an ASCII graph of the DAG

    takes the following arguments (one call per node in the graph):

      - ui to write to
      - Somewhere to keep the needed state in (init to asciistate())
      - Column of the current node in the set of ongoing edges.
      - Type indicator of node data == ASCIIDATA.
      - Payload: (char, lines):
        - Character to use as node's symbol.
        - List of lines to display as the node's text.
      - Edges; a list of (col, next_col) indicating the edges between
        the current node and its parents.
      - Number of columns (ongoing edges) in the current revision.
      - The difference between the number of columns (ongoing edges)
        in the next revision and the number of columns (ongoing edges)
        in the current revision. That is: -1 means one column removed;
        0 means no columns added or removed; 1 means one column added.

    idx, edges, ncols, coldiff = coldata
    assert -2 < coldiff < 2
    if coldiff == -1:
        # Transform
        #     | | |        | | |
        #     o | |  into  o---+
        #     |X /         |/ /
        #     | |          | |

    # add_padding_line says whether to rewrite
    #     | | | |        | | | |
    #     | o---+  into  | o---+
    #     |  / /         |   | |  # <--- padding line
    #     o | |          |  / /
    #                    o | |
    add_padding_line = (len(text) > 2 and coldiff == -1 and
                        [x for (x, y) in edges if x + 1 < y])

    # fix_nodeline_tail says whether to rewrite
    #     | | o | |        | | o | |
    #     | | |/ /         | | |/ /
    #     | o | |    into  | o / /   # <--- fixed nodeline tail
    #     | |/ /           | |/ /
    #     o | |            o | |
    fix_nodeline_tail = len(text) <= 2 and not add_padding_line

    # nodeline is the line containing the node character (typically o)
    nodeline = ["|", " "] * idx
    nodeline.extend([char, " "])

        get_nodeline_edges_tail(idx, state[1], ncols, coldiff,
                                state[0], fix_nodeline_tail))

    # shift_interline is the line containing the non-vertical
    # edges between this entry and the next
    shift_interline = ["|", " "] * idx
    if coldiff == -1:
        n_spaces = 1
        edge_ch = "/"
    elif coldiff == 0:
        n_spaces = 2
        edge_ch = "|"
        n_spaces = 3
        edge_ch = "\\"
    shift_interline.extend(n_spaces * [" "])
    shift_interline.extend([edge_ch, " "] * (ncols - idx - 1))

    # draw edges from the current node to its parents
    draw_edges(edges, nodeline, shift_interline)

    # lines is the list of all graph lines to print
    lines = [nodeline]
    if add_padding_line:
        lines.append(get_padding_line(idx, ncols, edges))

    # make sure that there are as many graph lines as there are
    # log strings
    while len(text) < len(lines):
    if len(lines) < len(text):
        extra_interline = ["|", " "] * (ncols + coldiff)
        while len(lines) < len(text):

    # print lines
    indentation_level = max(ncols, ncols + coldiff)
    for (line, logstr) in zip(lines, text):
        ln = "%-*s %s" % (2 * indentation_level, "".join(line), logstr)
        buf.write(ln.rstrip() + '\n')

    # ... and start over
    state[0] = coldiff
    state[1] = idx

def fix_long_right_edges(edges):
    for (i, (start, end)) in enumerate(edges):
        if end > start:
            edges[i] = (start, end + 1)

def ascii(buf, state, type, char, text, coldata):
    """prints an ASCII graph of the DAG

    takes the following arguments (one call per node in the graph):

      - Somewhere to keep the needed state in (init to asciistate())
      - Column of the current node in the set of ongoing edges.
      - Type indicator of node data == ASCIIDATA.
      - Payload: (char, lines):
        - Character to use as node's symbol.
        - List of lines to display as the node's text.
      - Edges; a list of (col, next_col) indicating the edges between
        the current node and its parents.
      - Number of columns (ongoing edges) in the current revision.
      - The difference between the number of columns (ongoing edges)
        in the next revision and the number of columns (ongoing edges)
        in the current revision. That is: -1 means one column removed;
        0 means no columns added or removed; 1 means one column added.

    idx, edges, ncols, coldiff = coldata
    assert -2 < coldiff < 2
    if coldiff == -1:
        # Transform
        #     | | |        | | |
        #     o | |  into  o---+
        #     |X /         |/ /
        #     | |          | |

    # add_padding_line says whether to rewrite
    #     | | | |        | | | |
    #     | o---+  into  | o---+
    #     |  / /         |   | |  # <--- padding line
    #     o | |          |  / /
    #                    o | |
    add_padding_line = (len(text) > 2 and coldiff == -1 and
                        [x for (x, y) in edges if x + 1 < y])

    # fix_nodeline_tail says whether to rewrite
    #     | | o | |        | | o | |
    #     | | |/ /         | | |/ /
    #     | o | |    into  | o / /   # <--- fixed nodeline tail
    #     | |/ /           | |/ /
    #     o | |            o | |
    fix_nodeline_tail = len(text) <= 2 and not add_padding_line

    # nodeline is the line containing the node character (typically o)
    nodeline = ["|", " "] * idx
    nodeline.extend([char, " "])

        get_nodeline_edges_tail(idx, state[1], ncols, coldiff,
                                state[0], fix_nodeline_tail))

    # shift_interline is the line containing the non-vertical
    # edges between this entry and the next
    shift_interline = ["|", " "] * idx
    if coldiff == -1:
        n_spaces = 1
        edge_ch = "/"
    elif coldiff == 0:
        n_spaces = 2
        edge_ch = "|"
        n_spaces = 3
        edge_ch = "\\"
    shift_interline.extend(n_spaces * [" "])
    shift_interline.extend([edge_ch, " "] * (ncols - idx - 1))

    # draw edges from the current node to its parents
    draw_edges(edges, nodeline, shift_interline)

    # lines is the list of all graph lines to print
    lines = [nodeline]
    if add_padding_line:
        lines.append(get_padding_line(idx, ncols, edges))

    # make sure that there are as many graph lines as there are
    # log strings
    while len(text) < len(lines):
    if len(lines) < len(text):
        extra_interline = ["|", " "] * (ncols + coldiff)
        while len(lines) < len(text):

    # print lines
    indentation_level = max(ncols, ncols + coldiff)
    for (line, logstr) in zip(lines, text):
        ln = "%-*s %s" % (2 * indentation_level, "".join(line), logstr)
        buf.write(ln.rstrip() + '\n')

    # ... and start over
    state[0] = coldiff
    state[1] = idx

def generate(dag, edgefn):
    seen, state = [], [0, 0]
    buf = Buffer()
    for node, parents in list(dag)[:-1]:
        char = '@' if node.n == int(current) else 'o'
        ascii(buf, state, 'C', char, ['[%s]' % str(node.n)], edgefn(seen, node, parents))
    return buf.b

dag = sorted(nodes, key=lambda n: int(n.n), reverse=True) + [root]
result = generate(walk_nodes(dag), asciiedges).splitlines()

vim.command('setlocal modifiable')
vim.command('normal ggdG')
vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')

i = 1
for line in result:
        i += 1
    except ValueError:
    i += 1
    vim.command('%d' % i)


command! -nargs=0 GundoOpenBuffer call s:GundoOpenBuffer()
command! -nargs=0 GundoToggle call s:GundoToggle()
command! -nargs=0 GundoRender call s:GundoRender()
autocmd BufNewFile __Gundo__ call s:GundoMarkBuffer()