
Clean shit up
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Fri, 23 Mar 2018 19:18:28 -0400 (2018-03-23)
parents 2291dea58ea9
children 2c3734fe6cd1
branches/tags (none)
files package.lisp src/base.lisp src/drawing/api.lisp src/looms/001-triangles.lisp src/looms/002-wobbly-lines.lisp src/looms/003-basic-l-systems.lisp src/looms/004-turtle-curves.lisp src/looms/005-simple-triangulations.lisp src/looms/006-tracing-lines.lisp


--- a/package.lisp	Mon Mar 19 20:21:27 2018 -0400
+++ b/package.lisp	Fri Mar 23 19:18:28 2018 -0400
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
 (defpackage :flax.base
   (:use :cl :iterate :losh :flax.quickutils)
-  (:export :rand :with-seed :round-to))
+  (:export
+    :rand
+    :with-seed
+    :random-or
+    :randomly-initialize
+    :round-to))
 (defpackage :flax.coordinates
   (:use :cl :iterate :losh :flax.base :flax.quickutils)
--- a/src/base.lisp	Mon Mar 19 20:21:27 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/base.lisp	Fri Mar 23 19:18:28 2018 -0400
@@ -1,14 +1,27 @@
 (in-package :flax.base)
+;;;; Randomness ---------------------------------------------------------
 (defun rand (bound)
   (pcg:pcg-random t bound))
 (defmacro with-seed (seed &body body)
-  `(let ((pcg::*global-generator* (pcg:make-pcg :seed ,seed)))
-     (losh::clear-gaussian-spare)
+  (once-only (seed)
+    `(let ((pcg::*global-generator*
+             (pcg:make-pcg :seed (pr (or ,seed (random (expt 2 31)))))))
+       (losh::clear-gaussian-spare)
+       ,@body)))
+(defmacro random-or (value random-form)
+  (once-only (value random-form)
+    `(or ,value ,random-form)))
+(defmacro randomly-initialize (bindings &body body)
+  `(let ,(iterate (for (symbol init-form) :in bindings)
+                  (collect `(,symbol (random-or ,symbol ,init-form))))
+;;;; Math ---------------------------------------------------------
 (defun round-to (number precision)
   "Round `number` to the given `precision`.
--- a/src/drawing/api.lisp	Mon Mar 19 20:21:27 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/drawing/api.lisp	Fri Mar 23 19:18:28 2018 -0400
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
                                           :width ,width
                                           :background ,background))
              (*padding* ,padding))
-         (prog1 ,@body
+         (multiple-value-prog1 ,@body
            (write-file ,canvas-symbol (full-filename ,filename ,canvas-type)))))))
@@ -212,5 +212,5 @@
 ;;; * Add a new subclass of canvas.
 ;;; * Implement make-canvas.
 ;;; * Implement all the drawing methods for the various shapes.
-;;; * Implement render (which should call draw and maybe do other stuff).
+;;; * Implement render-object (which should call draw and maybe do other stuff).
 ;;; * Implement write-file.
--- a/src/looms/001-triangles.lisp	Mon Mar 19 20:21:27 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/looms/001-triangles.lisp	Fri Mar 23 19:18:28 2018 -0400
@@ -76,29 +76,34 @@
       (list (triangle p b a)
             (triangle p a c)))))
-(defun generate-universe-balancing (depth seed)
-  (losh::clear-gaussian-spare)
-  (with-seed seed
-    (gathering
-      (labels ((should-stop-p (iteration)
-                 (or (= depth iteration)
-                     (and (> iteration 6)
-                          (randomp (map-range 0 depth
-                                              0.0 0.05
-                                              iteration)
-                                   #'rand))))
-               (recur (triangle &optional (iteration 0))
-                 (if (should-stop-p iteration)
-                   (gather triangle)
-                   (map nil (rcurry #'recur (1+ iteration))
-                        (split-triangle-self-balancing triangle)))))
-        (map nil #'recur (initial-triangles))))))
+(defun generate-universe-balancing (depth)
+  (gathering
+    (labels ((should-stop-p (iteration)
+               (or (= depth iteration)
+                   (and (> iteration 6)
+                        (randomp (map-range 0 depth
+                                            0.0 0.05
+                                            iteration)
+                                 #'rand))))
+             (recur (triangle &optional (iteration 0))
+               (if (should-stop-p iteration)
+                 (gather triangle)
+                 (map nil (rcurry #'recur (1+ iteration))
+                      (split-triangle-self-balancing triangle)))))
+      (map nil #'recur (initial-triangles)))))
 ;;;; Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun loom (seed depth filename filetype width height)
-  (flax.drawing:with-rendering (canvas filetype filename width height)
-    (flax.drawing:render canvas (convert (generate-universe-balancing depth seed)))))
+(defun loom (seed filename filetype width height &key depth)
+  (nest
+    (with-seed seed)
+    (randomly-initialize ((depth (random-range-inclusive 14 19 #'rand))))
+    (flax.drawing:with-rendering (canvas filetype filename width height))
+    (progn
+      (-<> (generate-universe-balancing depth)
+        convert
+        (flax.drawing:render canvas <>))
+      (values depth))))
-;; (time (loom (pr (random (expt 2 31))) 12 "out" :svg 1000 1000))
+;; (time (loom nil "out" :svg 800 800))
--- a/src/looms/002-wobbly-lines.lisp	Mon Mar 19 20:21:27 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/looms/002-wobbly-lines.lisp	Fri Mar 23 19:18:28 2018 -0400
@@ -55,25 +55,29 @@
 ;;;; Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun loom (seed ticks filename filetype width height)
-  (with-seed seed
+(defun loom (seed filename filetype width height &key mode ticks)
+  (nest
+    (with-seed seed)
     (flax.drawing:with-rendering (canvas filetype filename width height
                                          :padding 0.0
-                                         :background *background*)
-      (let ((line (initial 300))
-            (*hue* (random-range 0.0d0 1.0d0 #'rand))
-            (*hue-increment* (/ (random-range 0.15d0 0.3d0 #'rand) ticks))
-            (mode (random-elt '(:opaque :transparent :fade) #'rand)))
-        (dotimes (tick ticks)
-          (when (dividesp tick (/ (expt 10 (floor (log (1- ticks) 10))) 2))
-            (print tick))
-          (when (and (eq filetype :png) (eq mode :fade) (dividesp tick 10))
-            (flax.drawing:fade canvas *background* 0.04d0))
-          (flax.drawing:render canvas (convert line (if (eq mode :transparent)
-                                                      (/ 95.0d0 ticks)
-                                                      1.0d0)))
-          (tick line))
-        mode))))
+                                         :background *background*))
+    (randomly-initialize
+      ((ticks (round-to (random-range 800 5000 #'rand) 100))
+       (mode (random-elt '(:opaque :transparent :fade) #'rand))))
+    (let ((line (initial 300))
+          (*hue* (random-range 0.0d0 1.0d0 #'rand))
+          (*hue-increment* (/ (random-range 0.15d0 0.3d0 #'rand) ticks))))
+    (progn
+      (dotimes (tick ticks)
+        (when (dividesp tick (/ (expt 10 (floor (log (1- ticks) 10))) 2))
+          (print tick))
+        (when (and (eq filetype :png) (eq mode :fade) (dividesp tick 10))
+          (flax.drawing:fade canvas *background* 0.04d0))
+        (flax.drawing:render canvas (convert line (if (eq mode :transparent)
+                                                    (/ 95.0d0 ticks)
+                                                    1.0d0)))
+        (tick line))
+      (values mode ticks))))
-;; (time (loom nil 1000 "out" :svg 800 300))
+;; (time (loom 133 "out" :svg 800 300))
--- a/src/looms/003-basic-l-systems.lisp	Mon Mar 19 20:21:27 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/looms/003-basic-l-systems.lisp	Fri Mar 23 19:18:28 2018 -0400
@@ -97,14 +97,15 @@
   (gimme length (random-elt '(ar al br bl) #'rand)))
 (defun loom-anabaena-catenula (seed filename filetype width height)
-  (with-seed seed
+  (nest
+    (with-seed seed)
-        (canvas filetype filename width height :background *background*)
-      (anabaena-catenula (maximum-words)
-                         :axiom (random-anabaena-catenula-axiom
-                                  (random-range-inclusive 1 6 #'rand))
-                         :mutate #'cull
-                         :callback (lambda (iteration word)
-                                     (flax.drawing:render canvas (convert word iteration)))))))
+        (canvas filetype filename width height :background *background*))
+    (anabaena-catenula (maximum-words)
+                       :axiom (random-anabaena-catenula-axiom
+                                (random-range-inclusive 1 6 #'rand))
+                       :mutate #'cull
+                       :callback (lambda (iteration word)
+                                   (flax.drawing:render canvas (convert word iteration))))))
-;; (time (loom-anabaena-catenula nil "out" :png 2000 2000))
+;; (time (loom-anabaena-catenula nil "out" :svg 800 800))
--- a/src/looms/004-turtle-curves.lisp	Mon Mar 19 20:21:27 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/looms/004-turtle-curves.lisp	Fri Mar 23 19:18:28 2018 -0400
@@ -83,22 +83,21 @@
            (minimizing (y p2) :into min-y)
            (finally (return (list min-x min-y max-x max-y)))))
-(defun scale (paths &optional (bottom-padding 0))
+(defun scale (paths)
     ;; (with aspect = 1)
     (with (min-x min-y max-x max-y)  = (find-bounds paths))
     (with factor = (min (/ (- max-x min-x))
                         (/ (- max-y min-y))))
-    (with x-padding = (+ (/ (- 1.0 (* factor (- max-x min-x))) 2)
-                         (/ bottom-padding 2)))
+    (with x-padding = (/ (- 1.0 (* factor (- max-x min-x))) 2))
     (with y-padding = (/ (- 1.0 (* factor (- max-y min-y))) 2))
     (for path :in paths)
     (for (p1 p2) = (flax.drawing:points path))
       (x p1) (map-range min-x max-x x-padding (- 1.0 x-padding) %)
-      (y p1) (map-range min-y max-y y-padding (- 1.0 y-padding bottom-padding) %)
+      (y p1) (map-range min-y max-y y-padding (- 1.0 y-padding) %)
       (x p2) (map-range min-x max-x x-padding (- 1.0 x-padding) %)
-      (y p2) (map-range min-y max-y y-padding (- 1.0 y-padding bottom-padding) %)))
+      (y p2) (map-range min-y max-y y-padding (- 1.0 y-padding) %)))
@@ -117,19 +116,6 @@
            (appending (perform-command turtle command n))))
-;;;; Production Drawing -------------------------------------------------------
-(defun draw-productions (productions size)
-  (iterate
-    (with width = (/ 1.0 (/ (length productions) 2)))
-    (for (word production) :on productions :by #'cddr)
-    (for x :from (/ width 2) :by width)
-    (collect (flax.drawing:text
-               (coord x 1.0) size "Montepetrum"
-               (string-downcase (format nil "~S ~S" word production))
-               :align :middle
-               :color (rgb 1 1 1)))))
 ;;;; L-Systems ----------------------------------------------------------------
 (defun expand (word productions)
   (mappend (lambda (letter)
@@ -260,6 +246,14 @@
   (iterate (for (letter production . nil) :on productions :by #'cddr)
            (appending (list letter (mutate-production (copy-list production))))))
+(defun maybe-mutate-productions (productions)
+  (let ((should-mutate (randomp 0.6 #'rand))
+        (mutation-seed (rand (expt 2 31))))
+    (if should-mutate
+      (with-seed mutation-seed
+        (values (mutate-productions productions) mutation-seed))
+      productions)))
 ;;;; Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defun select-l-system ()
@@ -284,55 +278,45 @@
                 (,*tree-f* 4 7 ,(- 1/4tau)))
 (defun loom (seed filename filetype width height
-             &key l-system iterations starting-angle render-productions)
+             &key l-system iterations starting-angle)
     (with-seed seed)
-        (l-system min-iterations max-iterations &optional starting-angle)
-        (if l-system
-          (list l-system iterations iterations starting-angle)
-          (select-l-system)))
-    (let* ((*starting-angle* (or (or starting-angle (rand tau))))
+        (random-l-system min-iterations max-iterations &optional random-starting-angle)
+        (select-l-system))
+    (randomly-initialize
+      ((starting-angle (random-or random-starting-angle (rand tau)))
+       (iterations (random-range-inclusive min-iterations max-iterations #'rand))
+       (l-system random-l-system)))
+    (let* ((*starting-angle* starting-angle)
            (bg (hsv (rand 1.0) (rand 1.0) (random-range 0.0 0.2 #'rand)))
            (*color* (hsv (rand 1.0)
                          (random-range 0.5 0.8 #'rand)
                          (random-range 0.9 1.0 #'rand)))
-           (iterations (random-range-inclusive min-iterations
-                                               max-iterations
-                                               #'rand))
            (axiom (l-system-axiom l-system))
-           (should-mutate (randomp 0.6 #'rand))
-           (mutation-seed (rand (expt 2 31)))
-           (production-font-size 0.04)
-           (productions (-<> l-system
-                          l-system-productions
-                          (if should-mutate
-                            (with-seed mutation-seed
-                              (mutate-productions <>))
-                            <>)))
            (*angle* (l-system-recommended-angle l-system))))
+    (multiple-value-bind (productions mutagen)
+        (-<> l-system
+          l-system-productions
+          maybe-mutate-productions))
-        (canvas filetype filename width height
-                :background bg
-                :padding (if render-productions 0.015 0.05)))
-    (progn (-<> (run-l-system axiom productions iterations)
-             turtle-draw
-             (scale <> (if render-productions (* 1.1 production-font-size) 0.0))
-             (flax.drawing:render canvas <>))
-           (when render-productions
-             (-<> productions
-               (draw-productions <> production-font-size)
-               (flax.drawing:render canvas <>)))
-           (list (l-system-name l-system)
-                 iterations
-                 (if should-mutate mutation-seed nil)))))
+        (canvas filetype filename width height :background bg :padding 0.05))
+    (progn
+      (-<> (run-l-system axiom productions iterations)
+        turtle-draw
+        scale
+        (flax.drawing:render canvas <>))
+      (values (l-system-name l-system)
+              iterations
+              mutagen))))
-;; (time (loom (pr (random (expt 2 31))) "out" :svg 800 800
-;;             :l-system *hexagonal-gosper-curve*
-;;             :iterations 4 
-;;             :starting-angle (- 1/4tau)
-;;             :render-productions nil
+;; (time (loom 12 "out" :svg 800 800
+;;             ;; :l-system *hexagonal-gosper-curve*
+;;             ;; :iterations 5 
+;;             ;; :starting-angle (- 1/4tau)
 ;;             ))
--- a/src/looms/005-simple-triangulations.lisp	Mon Mar 19 20:21:27 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/looms/005-simple-triangulations.lisp	Fri Mar 23 19:18:28 2018 -0400
@@ -44,26 +44,30 @@
            (collect (funcall generator) 
                     :result-type 'vector)))
-(defun loom (seed points filename filetype width height &key ratio)
-  (losh::clear-gaussian-spare)
+(defun select-generator ()
+  (random-elt '((generate-point-uniform "Uniform")
+                (generate-point-gaussian "Gaussian")
+                (generate-point-gaussian-vertical "Vertical Gaussian")
+                (generate-point-gaussian-horizontal "Horizontal Gaussian"))
+              #'rand))
+(defun loom (seed filename filetype width height &key ratio points)
     (with-seed seed)
     (flax.drawing:with-rendering (canvas filetype filename width height
                                          :background (hsv 0.09 0.05 0.975)))
-    (destructuring-bind (generator generator-name)
-        (random-elt '((generate-point-uniform "Uniform")
-                      (generate-point-gaussian "Gaussian")
-                      (generate-point-gaussian-vertical "Vertical Gaussian")
-                      (generate-point-gaussian-horizontal "Horizontal Gaussian"))
-                    #'rand))
-    (let* ((triangulation-ratio (if (randomp 0.5 #'rand)
-                                  1
-                                  (random-range 0.1 0.3 #'rand)))
-           (triangulation-ratio (or ratio triangulation-ratio))))
+    (destructuring-bind (generator generator-name) (select-generator))
+    (randomly-initialize
+      ((ratio (if (randomp 0.5 #'rand)
+                1
+                (random-range 0.05 0.2 #'rand)))
+       (points (round-to (random-range-inclusive 200 700 #'rand)
+                         10))))
-      (flax.drawing:render canvas (convert (generate generator points)
-                                           triangulation-ratio))
-      (list generator-name triangulation-ratio))))
+      (-<> (generate generator points)
+        (convert <> ratio)
+        (flax.drawing:render canvas <>))
+      (values generator-name points ratio))))
-;; (time (loom 5 400 "out" :svg 800 800 :ratio nil))
+;; (time (loom 55 "out" :svg 800 800 ))
--- a/src/looms/006-tracing-lines.lisp	Mon Mar 19 20:21:27 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/looms/006-tracing-lines.lisp	Fri Mar 23 19:18:28 2018 -0400
@@ -57,13 +57,14 @@
     (with-seed seed)
     (flax.drawing:with-rendering (canvas filetype filename width height
                                          :background (hsv 0 0 0.05)))
-    (let* ((points% (round-to (random-range 100 150 #'rand) 10))
-           (lines% (round-to (random-range 80 140 #'rand) 10))
-           (lines (or lines lines%))
-           (points (or points points%))
-           (*spread-y* (/ 0.15 lines))))
+    (randomly-initialize
+      ((points (round-to (random-range 100 150 #'rand) 10))
+       (lines (round-to (random-range 80 140 #'rand) 10))))
+    (let ((*spread-y* (/ 0.15 lines))))
-      (flax.drawing:render canvas (convert-lines (generate-lines points lines)))
-      (list points lines))))
+      (-<> (generate-lines points lines)
+        convert-lines
+        (flax.drawing:render canvas <>))
+      (values lines points))))
-;; (time (loom nil "out" :svg 800 800 :lines 200 :points 100))
+;; (time (loom 4 "out" :svg 800 800))