src/drawing/png.lisp @ fa5e614ee7f9
default tip
Comment out scratch code
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Thu, 02 Dec 2021 18:48:27 -0500 |
parents |
5341efcdeefe |
children |
(none) |
(in-package :flax.drawing)
;;;; Utils --------------------------------------------------------------------
(deftype image ()
'(simple-array (double-float 0.0d0 1.0d0) (* * 3)))
(deftype index ()
`(integer 0 (,array-dimension-limit)))
(deftype row-buffer ()
'(simple-array (integer 0 255) (*)))
(defun make-image (width height color)
(let ((image (make-array (list height width 3)
:element-type 'double-float
:initial-element 1.0d0)))
(with-color (color r g b)
(dotimes (row height)
(dotimes (col width)
(setf (aref image row col 0) r
(aref image row col 1) g
(aref image row col 2) b))))
(defun-inline normalize-alpha (alpha)
(declare (optimize speed)
(type fixnum alpha))
(/ (min 255 (abs alpha)) 255.0d0))
(defun put-pixel (image color opacity x y alpha)
(declare (optimize speed)
(type image image)
(type color color)
(type index x y)
(type (double-float 0.0d0 1.0d0) opacity)
(type fixnum alpha))
(let ((pixel-alpha (* opacity (normalize-alpha alpha))))
(zapf (aref image y x 0) (lerp % (flax.colors::r color) pixel-alpha)
(aref image y x 1) (lerp % (flax.colors::g color) pixel-alpha)
(aref image y x 2) (lerp % (flax.colors::b color) pixel-alpha))
;;;; Canvas -------------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* png-canvas (canvas)
(image state))
(defmethod make-canvas ((type (eql :png)) &key height width background padding)
(make-instance 'png-canvas
:height height
:width width
:image (make-image width height background)
:padding padding))
;;;; Rectangles ---------------------------------------------------------------
(defmethod draw ((canvas png-canvas) (rect rectangle))
(with-coordinates canvas
((ax ay (a rect))
(bx by (b rect))
(r (round-corners rect)))
(_ (paths:make-rectangle-path ax ay bx by :round r)
(vectors:update-state (state canvas) _))))
;;;; Circles ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defmethod draw ((canvas png-canvas) (circ circle))
(with-coordinates canvas
((x y (center circ))
(r (radius circ)))
(_ (paths:make-circle-path x y r)
(vectors:update-state (state canvas) _))))
;;;; Points -------------------------------------------------------------------
(defmethod draw ((canvas png-canvas) (p point))
(with-coordinates canvas
((x y (location p)))
(_ (paths:make-circle-path x y 2)
(vectors:update-state (state canvas) _))))
;;;; Paths --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun pair-to-vec (pair)
(vec (car pair) (cdr pair)))
(defun vec-to-pair (vec)
(cons (vx vec) (vy vec)))
(defun reflect-control (control loc)
(let* ((l (pair-to-vec loc))
(c (pair-to-vec control))
(cv (v- c l)))
(vec-to-pair (v+ l (v- cv)))))
(defun fill-missing-control-points (points)
;; Unfortunately cl-vectors doesn't seem to have anything like the nice
;; convenient omit-the-starting-control-point-for-a-smooth-curve feature of
;; SVG, so we'll have to implement it ourselves.
(with previous-ctrl2)
(for point :in points)
(for (p ctrl1 ctrl2) = point)
(for previous-p :previous p)
(ctrl2 (collect point))
(ctrl1 (psetf ctrl1 (reflect-control previous-ctrl2 previous-p)
ctrl2 ctrl1)
(collect (list p ctrl1 ctrl2)))
(t (collect point)))
(setf previous-ctrl2 ctrl2)))
(defun convert-point (canvas point)
(destructuring-bind (x . y) (coord-to-pair canvas point)
(paths:make-point x y)))
(defun convert-points (canvas points)
(mapcar-curried #'convert-point canvas points))
(defun make-vector-path (points)
(destructuring-bind (first-point &rest remaining-points) points
(let ((p (paths:create-path :open-polyline)))
(paths:path-reset p (first first-point))
(dolist (next-point remaining-points)
(destructuring-bind (loc &rest control-points) next-point
(paths:path-extend p (paths:make-bezier-curve control-points) loc)))
(defmethod draw ((canvas png-canvas) (p path))
(_ (points p)
(mapcar-curried #'convert-points canvas _)
(paths:stroke-path _ 1)
(vectors:update-state (state canvas) _)))
;;;; Triangles ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defmethod draw ((canvas png-canvas) (tri triangle))
(with-coordinates canvas
((ax ay (a tri))
(bx by (b tri))
(cx cy (c tri)))
(_ (list (cons ax ay)
(cons bx by)
(cons cx cy)
(cons ax ay))
(paths:stroke-path _ 1)
(vectors:update-state (state canvas) _))))
;;;; Rendering ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defmethod render-object ((canvas png-canvas) object)
(setf (state canvas) (aa:make-state))
(draw canvas object)
(state canvas) 0 0 (width canvas) (height canvas)
(curry #'put-pixel (image canvas) (color object) (opacity object))))
;;;; Files --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun-inline prepare-sample (value)
(declare (optimize speed)
(type (double-float 0.0d0 1.0d0) value))
(round (* 255.0d0 value)))
(defun fill-row (image row buffer)
(declare (optimize speed)
(type image image)
(type index row)
(type row-buffer buffer))
(declare (iterate:declare-variables))
(with width = (length buffer))
(for (the fixnum i) :from (* row width))
(for (the fixnum j) :from 0 :below width)
(setf (aref buffer j)
(prepare-sample (row-major-aref image i)))))
(defmethod write-file ((canvas png-canvas) filename)
(let ((width (width canvas))
(height (height canvas))
(image (image canvas)))
(let ((png (make-instance 'zpng:pixel-streamed-png
:color-type :truecolor
:width width
:height height))
(buffer (make-array (* width 3) :element-type '(integer 0 255))))
(with-open-file (stream filename
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede
:if-does-not-exist :create
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(zpng:start-png png stream)
(dotimes (row height)
(fill-row image row buffer)
(zpng:write-row buffer png))
(zpng:finish-png png)))))
;; todo fix this
(defun fade (canvas color alpha)
(declare (optimize speed)
(type color color)
(type (double-float 0.0d0 1.0d0) alpha))
(nest (let ((image (image canvas)))
(declare (type image image)))
(with-color (color r g b))
(dotimes (row (array-dimension image 0)))
(dotimes (col (array-dimension image 1)))
(zapf (aref image row col 0) (lerp % r alpha)
(aref image row col 1) (lerp % g alpha)
(aref image row col 2) (lerp % b alpha))))