GC *before* trying to allocate the next image array
author |
Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com> |
date |
Mon, 05 Feb 2018 23:54:28 -0500 |
parents |
fbdceb03ce0e |
children |
ba8de6322022 |
(in-package :flax.drawing)
;;;; Utils --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *padding* 0.03)
(defparameter *black* (rgb 0 0 0))
(defun convert-coord (value dimension)
(map-range (- *padding*) (1+ *padding*)
0 dimension
(defmacro with-coordinates (image bindings &body body)
(with-gensyms (width height)
`(destructuring-bind (,width ,height) (array-dimensions ,image)
(let* ,(iterate (for (x-symbol y-symbol coord) :in bindings)
(for c = (gensym "coord"))
(list `(,c ,coord)
`(,x-symbol (convert-coord (x ,c) ,width))
`(,y-symbol (convert-coord (y ,c) ,height)))))
;;;; Drawing Protocol ---------------------------------------------------------
(defgeneric draw (image state drawing-object))
(defclass drawable ()
((opacity :type (double-float 0.0d0 1.0d0) :accessor opacity :initarg :opacity)
(color :type color :accessor color :initarg :color)))
;;;; Paths --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass path (drawable)
((points :type list :accessor points :initarg :points)))
(defun path (points &key (opacity 1.0d0) (color *black*))
(make-instance 'path
:points points
:color color
:opacity opacity))
(defun coord-to-string (c)
(format nil "(~A, ~A)" (x c) (y c)))
(defun coord-to-pair (image c)
(with-coordinates image ((x y c))
(cons x y)))
(defmethod print-object ((o path) s)
(print-unreadable-object (o s :type t :identity nil)
(format s "~{~A~^ -> ~}"
(mapcar #'coord-to-string (points o)))))
(defmethod draw (image state (p path))
(-<> (points p)
(mapcar (curry #'coord-to-pair image) <>)
(paths:stroke-path <> 1)
(vectors:update-state state <>)))
;;;; Triangles ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass triangle (drawable)
((a :type coord :accessor a :initarg :a)
(b :type coord :accessor b :initarg :b)
(c :type coord :accessor c :initarg :c)))
(defun triangle (a b c &key (opacity 1.0d0) (color *black*))
(make-instance 'triangle :a a :b b :c c :color color :opacity opacity))
(defmethod print-object ((o triangle) s)
(print-unreadable-object (o s :type t :identity nil)
(format s "(~D, ~D) (~D, ~D) (~D, ~D)"
(x (a o))
(y (a o))
(x (b o))
(y (b o))
(x (c o))
(y (c o)))))
(defmethod draw (image state (tri triangle))
(with-coordinates image
((ax ay (a tri))
(bx by (b tri))
(cx cy (c tri)))
(-<> (list (cons ax ay)
(cons bx by)
(cons cx cy)
(cons ax ay))
(paths:stroke-path <> 1)
(vectors:update-state state <>))))
;;;; Glue ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(deftype image ()
'(simple-array color (* *)))
(deftype prepared-image ()
'(simple-array (simple-array (integer 0 255) (3)) (* *)))
(deftype index ()
`(integer 0 (,array-dimension-limit)))
(defun-inline normalize-alpha (alpha)
(declare (optimize speed)
(type fixnum alpha))
(/ (min 255 (abs alpha)) 255.0d0))
(defun put-pixel (image color opacity x y alpha)
(declare (optimize speed)
(type image image)
(type color color)
(type index x y)
(type (double-float 0.0d0 1.0d0) opacity)
(type fixnum alpha))
(let ((pixel (aref image x y)))
(declare (type color pixel))
(blend! pixel color (* opacity (normalize-alpha alpha)))
(defun-inline prepare-channel (value)
(declare (optimize speed)
(type (double-float 0.0d0 1.0d0) value))
(round (* 255.0d0 value)))
(defun-inline prepare-pixel (pixel)
(declare (optimize speed)
(type color pixel))
(with-color (pixel r g b)
(list (prepare-channel r)
(prepare-channel g)
(prepare-channel b)
(defun make-initialized-array (dimensions function &rest make-array-args)
(let ((result (apply #'make-array dimensions make-array-args)))
(do-array (v result)
(setf v (funcall function)))
(defun make-image (width height)
(make-initialized-array (list width height)
(curry #'rgb 1 1 1)))
(defun write-file (image filename)
(destructuring-bind (width height) (array-dimensions image)
(let ((png (make-instance 'zpng:pixel-streamed-png
:color-type :truecolor-alpha
:width width
:height height)))
(with-open-file (stream filename
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede
:if-does-not-exist :create
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(zpng:start-png png stream)
(dotimes (y height)
(dotimes (x width)
(zpng:write-pixel (prepare-pixel (aref image x y)) png)))
(zpng:finish-png png)))))
(defun blit (image object)
(let ((state (aa:make-state)))
(draw image state object)
(destructuring-bind (width height) (array-dimensions image)
state 0 0 width height
(curry #'put-pixel image (color object) (opacity object))))))
(defun render (image objects)
(map nil (curry #'blit image) objects))
(defmacro with-rendering
((image-symbol filename width height &key (padding 0.03))
&body body)
(sb-ext:gc :full t)
(let ((,image-symbol (make-image ,width ,height))
(*padding* ,padding))
(write-file ,image-symbol ,filename)