src/drawing/api.lisp @ e70271703422

Add SVG support
author Steve Losh <>
date Mon, 05 Mar 2018 14:30:25 -0500
parents (none)
children 148a6a1cc9eb
(in-package :flax.drawing)

;;;; Parameters ---------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *padding* 0.03)
(defparameter *black* (rgb 0 0 0))
(defparameter *white* (rgb 1 1 1))

;;;; Canvas -------------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* (canvas :conc-name "") ()
  (width height))

(define-with-macro (canvas :conc-name "") width height)

(defgeneric make-canvas (type &key &allow-other-keys))

;;;; Utils --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun convert-coord (value dimension)
  (map-range (- *padding*) (1+ *padding*)
             0 dimension

(defmacro with-coordinates (canvas bindings &body body)
  (with-gensyms (width height)
    `(with-canvas (,canvas ,width ,height)
       (let* ,(iterate (for (x-symbol y-symbol coord) :in bindings)
                       (for c = (gensym "coord"))
                         (list `(,c ,coord)
                               `(,x-symbol (convert-coord (x ,c) ,width))
                               `(,y-symbol (convert-coord (y ,c) ,height)))))

(defun coord-to-string (c)
  (format nil "(~A, ~A)" (x c) (y c)))

(defun coord-to-pair (canvas c)
  (with-coordinates canvas ((x y c))
    (cons x y)))

;;;; Drawables ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* (drawable :conc-name "") ()
  ((opacity :type (double-float 0.0d0 1.0d0))
   (color :type color)))

(defgeneric draw (canvas drawing-object))

;;;; Paths --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* (path :conc-name "") (drawable)
  ((points :type list)))

(defun path (points &key (opacity 1.0d0) (color *black*))
  (make-instance 'path
    :points points
    :color color
    :opacity (coerce opacity 'double-float)))

(defmethod print-object ((o path) s)
  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t :identity nil)
    (format s "~{~A~^ -> ~}"
            (mapcar #'coord-to-string (points o)))))

;;;; Triangles ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* (triangle :conc-name "") (drawable)
  ((a :type coord)
   (b :type coord)
   (c :type coord)))

(defun triangle (a b c &key (opacity 1.0d0) (color *black*))
  (make-instance 'triangle :a a :b b :c c
                 :color color
                 :opacity (coerce opacity 'double-float)))

(defmethod print-object ((o triangle) s)
  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t :identity nil)
    (format s "(~D, ~D) (~D, ~D) (~D, ~D)"
            (x (a o))
            (y (a o))
            (x (b o))
            (y (b o))
            (x (c o))
            (y (c o)))))

;;;; Rectangles ---------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* (rectangle :conc-name "") (drawable)
  ((a :type coord)
   (b :type coord)
   (round-corners :type (or null integer))))

(defun rectangle (a b &key (opacity 1.0d0) (color *black*) round-corners)
  (make-instance 'rectangle :a a :b b
    :color color
    :opacity (coerce opacity 'double-float)
    :round-corners round-corners))

(defmethod print-object ((o rectangle) s)
  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t :identity nil)
    (format s "(~D, ~D) (~D, ~D)"
            (x (a o))
            (y (a o))
            (x (b o))
            (y (b o)))))

(defun compute-corner-rounding (canvas rect)
  (if-let ((rounding (round-corners rect)))
    (with-canvas (canvas)
      (* rounding
         (* (- 1.0 *padding* *padding*)
            (min height width))))

;;;; Rendering ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defgeneric render-object (canvas object))

(defun render (canvas objects)
  (map nil (curry #'render-object canvas) objects))

;;;; File Writing -------------------------------------------------------------
(defgeneric write-file (canvas filename))

;;;; Toplevel -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun full-filename (filename canvas-type)
  (format nil "~A.~A" filename (string-downcase (symbol-name canvas-type))))

(defmacro with-rendering
    ((canvas-symbol canvas-type filename width height &key
                    (padding 0.03)
                    (background '(rgb 1 1 1)))
     &body body)
  (once-only (canvas-type)
       #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
       (let ((,canvas-symbol (make-canvas ,canvas-type
                                          :height ,height
                                          :width ,width
                                          :background ,background))
             (*padding* ,padding))
         (prog1 ,@body
           (write-file ,canvas-symbol (full-filename ,filename ,canvas-type)))))))

;;;; Usage --------------------------------------------------------------------

;;;; Implementations ----------------------------------------------------------
;;; To implement a new type of canvas, you'll need to:
;;; * Add a new subclass of canvas.
;;; * Implement make-canvas.
;;; * Implement all the drawing methods for the various shapes.
;;; * Implement render (which should call draw and maybe do other stuff).
;;; * Implement write-file.