src/looms/003-basic-l-systems.lisp @ 3e7390e1f690
Add some trees, and mutate the l-systems sometimes
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Tue, 20 Feb 2018 20:12:23 -0500 |
parents |
2288ce7181a1 |
children |
e70271703422 |
(in-package :flax.looms.003-basic-l-systems)
;;;; L-Systems ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass lsystem ()
((axiom :type list :accessor axiom :initarg :axiom)
(productions :type hash-table :accessor productions :initarg :productions)))
(defun make-lsystem (axiom productions)
(make-instance 'lsystem
:axiom (ensure-list axiom)
:productions (iterate (with result = (make-hash-table))
(for (symbol . word) :in productions)
(setf (gethash symbol result)
(ensure-list word))
(finally (return result)))))
(defun run-lsystem (lsystem axiom iterations mutate callback)
(recursively ((word (or axiom (axiom lsystem)))
(iteration 0))
(when callback
(funcall callback iteration word))
(if (= iterations iteration)
(recur (funcall mutate (mappend (rcurry #'gethash (productions lsystem)) word))
(1+ iteration)))))
(defmacro define-lsystem (name axiom &rest productions)
(let ((var (symb '* name '*)))
(defparameter ,var (make-lsystem ',axiom ',productions))
(defun ,name (iterations &key mutate callback axiom)
(run-lsystem ,var axiom iterations mutate callback)))))
(define-lsystem anabaena-catenula ar
(ar . (al br))
(al . (bl ar))
(br . ar)
(bl . al))
(defun cull (word)
(with chance = (map-range 0 150
0 0.8
(length word)))
(for symbol :in word)
(collect symbol)
(unless (randomp chance #'rand)
(collect symbol)))))
;;;; Drawing ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *cell-unit* 0.007)
(defparameter *aspect-ratio* 9/8)
(defparameter *cell-width* (* *cell-unit* *aspect-ratio*))
(defparameter *cell-height* (* *cell-unit* (/ *aspect-ratio*)))
(defparameter *horizontal-padding* (/ *cell-width* 2))
(defparameter *vertical-padding* (/ *cell-height* 1.5))
(defparameter *brush* (rgb 1.000 0.920 0.850))
(defparameter *background* (rgb 0.337 0.196 0.063))
(defun symbol-width (symbol)
(ecase symbol
((al ar) (* 2 *cell-width*))
((bl br) *cell-width*)))
(defun word-width (word)
(+ (reduce #'+ word :key #'symbol-width)
(* (1- (length word)) *horizontal-padding*)))
(defun convert-symbol (symbol x y)
(coord x y)
(coord (+ x (symbol-width symbol))
(+ y *cell-height*))
:color *brush*
:round-corners (/ *cell-unit* 2)))
(defun convert (word iteration)
(let ((y (* iteration (+ *cell-height* *vertical-padding*)))
(width (word-width word)))
(with x = (- 0.5 (/ width 2)))
(for symbol :in word)
(collect (convert-symbol symbol x y))
(incf x (+ (symbol-width symbol) *horizontal-padding*)))))
(defun maximum-words ()
(truncate 1.0 (+ *cell-height* *vertical-padding*)))
;;;; Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun random-anabaena-catenula-axiom (length)
(gimme length (random-elt '(ar al br bl) #'rand)))
(defun loom-anabaena-catenula (seed filename width height)
(with-seed seed
(image filename width height :background *background*)
(anabaena-catenula (maximum-words)
:axiom (random-anabaena-catenula-axiom
(random-range-inclusive 1 6 #'rand))
:mutate #'cull
:callback (lambda (iteration word)
(flax.drawing:render image (convert word iteration)))))))
;; (time (loom-anabaena-catenula nil "out.png" 2000 2000))